The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 776 Assessment (Part )

Chapter 776 Assessment (Part )

Let Wang Zhi take advantage of Ding Lan's absence to be the hostess of the Wang family's old house for a few days, and Li Shengli also got the secret book inherited by the Wang family as he wished.

Unlike Li Shengli's imagination, the secret book was obtained by Wang Zhidong.

The secret book of inheritance given to him by Wang Zhi was still an ancient medical book passed down from generation to generation.

After comparing it with the annotated version of the Medical Zong Jinjian in her hand, Wang Zhi was not lying, but she was also not good at reading.

I only saw the skeleton inside, but not the depth of my family’s inheritance.

According to Wang Zhi, these inherited classics and notes have been buried outside the courtyard together with the hidden gold over the years.

Hiding gold in the courtyard is the means for the survival of the Wang family; hiding the classics outside the courtyard is the basis for the survival of the Wang family.

Generations of the Wang family have tried their best to inherit their family.

If Li Shengli had ignored Wang Zhi and his wife in Wali, he would have been able to keep the treasure, but it would have been difficult for the collection of books to be passed on.

Because the secret book inherited by the Wang family in Li Shengli's hand is already in a state of decay. In another ten to twenty years, what he will dig out may be nothing more than a puddle of black mud.

Li Shengli felt a little at ease after removing the inherited secret books hidden in several places by the Wang family and sending them to Professor Liu for copying and protection.

If it weren't for Wang Zhi's constant obsession, if it weren't for his whim assessment, I'm afraid that in a few years, these inheritance secret books would not be able to be opened.

After Wang Zhi was cleaned up, Wang Qianjin and Li Huaide also made an appointment with Li Shengli to have a drink and talk at the big canteen outside Madianji Village.

Li Shengli strolled over from the village and was a little ahead of schedule.

After walking around the large cafeteria, which was full of laughter and laughter, the atmosphere in the wind and rain was incomparable to what it was now.

The laughter and laughter that occasionally passed through my ears were also mixed with a lot of words of resentment. After the skin was slippery, the people's hearts were unpredictable.

Today, when Li Shengli served wine, he also used the rice wine bought from the supply and marketing cooperative. While the weather was still refreshing, he tasted the taste of warming wine and eating meat, but he didn't know how it tasted.


Victory, rice wine?

This wine is suitable for drinking when it snows in winter. When it comes to drinking low-alcohol wine, rice wine from the south is better.

It is sweet and soft in the mouth and full of stamina, which can not only satisfy the appetite but also satisfy the smoky feeling after drinking.

It's just that this rice wine is only suitable for brewing in the south. New wine is sweet and soft, while old wine is mellow.

Most of the stuff from the supply and marketing cooperatives is made from yellow rice, which is plain and bitter. Without jujube and longan, even if it is hot drink, the bitter taste cannot be concealed.

Do you know why?

The yield of yellow rice is much greater than that of old glutinous rice.

Nowadays, it’s hard to find good wine from serious old Nuomi..."

Listening to Li Huaide talking about old wine in the wine shop, Li Shengli looked at the rice wine on the table, which was full of alcohol, and lost interest in drinking it.

Li Huaide's words were true, but he didn't have the conditions now, so he was simply disappointed.

“Then I’ll leave this matter to you, the factory director.

I not only want old wine, but also wineries and rice fields.

The factory director helped me to clear up the relationship along the way.

In the future, Lao Wang and I will buy a winery, rent a wine cellar, plant a few fields, and make wine for ourselves..."

When he usually drinks, Li Shengli probably doesn't drink Maotai or other Maotai wines because they don't suit his taste.

Nowadays, wines like Erguotou taste very good as long as they are old enough.

Chrysanthemum white and the like are the wines that Li Shengli often drinks.

"Shengli, what do you mean by your words? Do you want to go it alone?"

When Li Huaide talks about wine, he just talks about wine. When Li Shengli talks about wine, there are a lot of fragments in his words, and Lao Li is the one who can tie up these fragments.

"Can you just say it?

If it works, I will teach the soldiers how to make dangerous moves.

If it doesn’t work, then we will just drink and save the game. "

The words whetted Li Huaide's appetite. Li Shengli led the two of them to sit down, stopped talking nonsense, and tried to drink a glass of warm rice wine.

As Li Huaide said, even if there are jujubes and longans, they cannot suppress the bitter taste in the wine.

But compared to white wine, warm rice wine is more comfortable in the mouth.

Medicinal wine is sometimes a very simple thing. For example, the rice wine with ginger and longan on the table is a kind of medicinal wine.

For a guy like Li Huaide who has lost money, no matter how much he drinks, it will be of no use.

He glanced at Wang Qianjin, who had a bit of a bad mouth. After drinking this meal today, Wang Er was going to toss and turn when he went back in the evening...

"Sheng Li, don't be too tight-lipped, how dangerous is this move?
It’s not like you don’t know that there are many people in the city today who are waiting to settle accounts with me and Qian Qian!

At this time, I was jumping around randomly, fearing that I would be on the edge of the knife, and all the wind and rain would come over me.

It would be somewhat unjust to receive this knife again at the end of the day..."

Li Huaide's side is still the same as before, naughty and timid, but not avoiding trouble.

Wang Qianjin's affair with his mother and the others is still somewhat secretive.

Although many people know about it, some things will not be revealed until this year's meeting.

At this time, as Li Huaide said, it is really easy to hit the edge of a knife if you are not careful. Now, at this time, you will definitely die if you hit it.

“The trick is simple, it’s just to evaluate the workers in the steel rolling mill and fire some of the tough ones.

For example, sports music that hinders production, it is best to have some seniority in the factory. "

When he heard the word "dismissed", Li Huaide frowned at first, and then relaxed. Just as he was about to speak, Wang Qianjin, who was sipping rice wine and pouting at the side, said:

"Old Li, your grandson no longer regards Old Li as a human being.

Things are still simmering on the fire, and your grandson is doing this again.

Isn’t this just treating Lao Li like a pancake?

What's the matter? It's not enough to bake this side, you need to cook both sides thoroughly? "

Wang Qianjin's words also have the element of vindicating himself.

In line with Li Shengli's usual behavior, he went to the wine table, fearing that someone would get involved.

As Li Huaide said, at this time, we really can't jump around.

Lao Wang in the family has also been criticized recently, and some people even want to push Lao Wang to his godmother's side.

There are also some people who Wang Qianjin had helped before, so people's hearts are like this.

Wang Qianjin delayed the invitation to Li Huaide for several days, which may not be due to his depression.

“Although there is an old saying that shoots the first bird.

But there is an old saying that the first to get the moon is the one who is near the water and the tower.

Didn’t you say before that you won’t gain fans if you’re not ruthless?

In these days, if you want to make progress, you can't do it without some real ability and a little ruthlessness.

Since someone doesn't want to see it, then hit his eyes and let him see it!

what's going on?

As a large factory with thousands of people in the city, the steel rolling mill only has this little steel fire? "

Hearing Li Shengli's confidence, Li Huaide's eyes lit up again, and this time he spoke before Wang Qianjin could interrupt.

"Shengli, did your court Liu Zhonghai offend you?

I have to explain it to you during this time, and I’m just thinking about it!

It was Lao Liu who instigated the shutdown of several workshops in the steel rolling mill.

Lao Liu is also a typical seventh-level worker in the factory. In this way, the same goes for Xu Damao from the Publicity Department.

He has little influence in the factory, but people in eight villages within ten miles of the city still recognize him as a projectionist.

Before, he had been jumping around a lot, and he had to take part in settling accounts. "

Following Li Shengli's wishes, Li Huaide not only made supplements, but also listed two acquaintances from the courtyard.

Li Shengli didn't care about this. He frowned and took a sip of rice wine and said:
“If there is a punishment, there must be a reward, so that rewards and punishments can be considered clear.

Since everyone is from our hospital, let me mention that the old man in the hospital, Yi Zhonghai, is an honest and reliable worker.

We also try our best to maintain the relationship between workers.

Raise his salary by one level, or reward him for leaving the yard, which is like a horse's bones.

The salary increase is not easy to handle and needs to be reported, so just give it a reward as soon as you get out of the yard.

Doesn’t our factory also have a machine-made brick factory?

Let's not increase the scarcity of the already tight housing supply. Let's find a few homestead sites where we can build our own houses. Let's build a new yard as a reward, right?

Factory director, do you think this can be done? "

Listening to Li Shengli's knowing questions, Li Huaide also shook his head.

These words spoke from his heart, Lao Li.

What I did was also done to the pain of many people.

The award given by this yard must have been based on the needs of many workers.

"Victory, you have to have a beginning and an end to what you say. You just talk about rewards and punishments. It won't work without details.

My old guy's vision is so bad that I really can't keep up with young people like you. "

Li Huaide's words were also heartfelt.

If I had known that Xiao Li was so powerful, I should have talked to him more during the storm before.

It is ridiculous to say that workers should be fired through assessment. As long as the workers do not break the law, the factory has no qualifications to fire workers.

But Li Shengli said that the past was the cause and production stagnation was the result.

It can not only calm the resentment in some people's hearts, but also find a reason to block the discord in production.

With these two points, Li Huaide opened Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao without any hidden dangers.

If these two dare to cause trouble, the old and new accounts will be settled together. At the very least, they will be sent to a labor camp.

This also provides strong support for the subsequent assessment and expulsion.

Since the wind and rain stopped, Li Huaide has received countless requests to enter the factory.

But today's factory is a carrot and a pit. Without very special reasons, it is difficult for him, the director, to provide more than ten positions.

The steel rolling mill is a large factory with ten thousand people, and there are many things that are slack. With Li Shengli's method, it can not only warn the whole factory, but also free up at least dozens of jobs.

Although Li Huaide is not a good person, he still has many tricks in doing things. He can do things smoothly by trying to please both sides.

Seeing that Old Li's eyes were like rolling balls, Li Shengli probably knew what he was thinking. The jobs he had vacated could not be used for relationships.

“When it comes to details, it’s simple, it’s just one position and one responsibility.

Together, it is called the job responsibility system.

This one is not enough.

There are only positions and responsibilities. What if there is no work to do, or the time to work conflicts with the time to go to work?
This second one is called the target performance system.

Positions have goals, assessments have performance, and responsibilities have rewards and punishments. This is almost enough for a while.

As far as jobs are concerned, the first thing to do is to assess the enthusiasm and initiative of workers.

Workers serve production and construction, and they just have to keep their heads down and do things. If they are busy doing things here and there, causing production to stagnate, they are not suitable for this position.

In addition to dismissals, the related industries of the steel rolling mill must be integrated.

Personnel who are not suitable for the existing positions will be transferred.

From the front-line workshop, to the second-line service department, to the field farm.

If there are no farms, you can contract some farms in the northeast, northwest, and southwest.

At the same time, personnel exchanges can also be carried out with factories and mines.

Workers who are not highly motivated and motivated at work are transferred out of the city and sent to farms.

Those who perform well on the farm will also be transferred to the front lines of the city factory.

After the job transfer, if there is still no enthusiasm and initiative, you will be warned and prepared to be fired.

Before doing something, you can't punish without teaching. The first batch of employees, because of some past events, were not transferred to other positions and were directly fired to set an example.

As for performance…

Director, do you remember what I just said? "

Li Shengli was about to talk about his performance, but Li Huaide might not be able to remember his long speech.

My own words came out without any drafting. If Lao Li couldn't remember it, if he said it again, it might be a different way of saying it.

"You said, just remember it!
I have also been the backbone of many meetings, and I remember the speed of your speech clearly! "

As the saying goes, experts can tell if something is wrong as soon as they make a move. As soon as Li Shengli's job responsibilities and target performance were mentioned, Li Huaide knew that this was also a trick.

To put it bluntly, these eight words mean asking for economic benefits from the factory.

It’s hard to say this openly, so we can only speak in terms of target performance.

If the target performance cannot be achieved, it must be assessed through job responsibilities. The method of promoting the capable and the mediocre is not a new method.

Someone has mentioned this before, but not as tactfully as Li Shengli.

"Also, isn't it a little unreasonable for Shengli to simply assess workers?

If we are too strict, we are afraid that the workers will be dissatisfied! "

Li Huaide continued to express his worries. He was also afraid that Li Shengli's job responsibilities and target performance methods would arouse the resentment of the workers.

“The purpose of evaluating workers is not to fire them, but to evaluate their performance.

Since you brought it up, I will assess this and explain it to you in detail.

The purpose of evaluating workers is not to fire them, but to increase efficiency.

What the factory really needs to assess is the middle and senior management. Compared with the workers, it is the inaction of the management that determines the life or death of a factory.

As the saying goes, the speed of a train depends entirely on the headband; whether the team is strong or not depends on the leader.

It is enough if the basic quality of the workers is in place, but the assessment of the middle and senior management in the factory must be strictly regulated.

If you don't succeed, go ahead and eat shit. If you succeed, go on stage and speak.

This is my idea.

Specific to assessment, it is also determined based on job responsibilities and target performance.

The factory sets a target of 50 million a year. If the target cannot be met, don't blame the workers.

The problem lies with the workers. Workers produce according to the plan. If they fail to meet production capacity, that is their responsibility.

If the set production capacity is too high and workers cannot complete it, then it is the responsibility of the middle management.

The production capacity is there, but the profit margin of the product is not enough and the market is not there. It is the responsibility of the factory director.

The key points of job responsibilities are here. Whoever bears the responsibility is responsible for whoever causes the losses.

Arrange production indiscriminately, resulting in production losses. The factory director must not only be held responsible for his position, but also held legally responsible..."

(End of this chapter)

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