The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 757 Building a Factory (Part )

Chapter 757 Building a Factory (Part )

When it came to helping the Ministry of Armed Forces destock, Li Shengli answered questions casually, without any deep thought in what he said.

But when the matter comes to Father Du, even if he does it privately through Lao Xie, he must think clearly.

At this time, if you are not careful, you will lose everything, and the risk is not just a risk you talk about.

If something really happened, killing Ma Su with tears would be the normal way to deal with it.

"Dad, there are risks in doing things.

Although this attempt is a pilot, there is still more selfishness involved.

Just say hello, and I'll let them test it out slowly. "

Selling and appraising clothes is considered a well-established business for Li Shengli.

At worst, it will be just like the one in Madianji. It will not be a traveling businessman or a businessman, but a temporary guest wholesaler.

Things have taken shape, I'll ask Xie Jiazi to inform you.

“Someone has to do things.

Don't worry, these young people can still do their jobs.

There is one word difference between going down and going to the countryside, but the real difference is misery and suffering.

"Old Du, Shengli is right. If you don't succeed, don't go there..."

Li Shengli comes every day, but Lao Du can't bear it no matter how young and powerful he is.

But when it comes to sparring based on squads, the Secret Service Battalion has considerable advantages.

Although the reputation of the secret service battalion is not very good, its combat effectiveness still has a certain reputation among the military. "

Day and night, his energy is really not enough, and there is only one leader. Father Du feels that he is incomparable.

Li Shengli's reminder made Father Du look solemn, and made his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, a little worried.

What Xiao Hu and others want to do now is not specific to any one transaction.

“Try to play it safe.

"Dad, the leader is ill, and Wang Qianjin's godmother is arrogant. Please be careful when you go down, to prevent some people from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

This good son-in-law of my own is also a good son-in-law, but he is a bit unreasonable. Many things in the early stage have not been properly digested by Father Du.

Although today's special agent battalion still bears the temporary name of the special agent brigade, the real number of personnel has exceeded that of some regiment-level units.

When talking about the secret service camp that was preparing to break camp and head south, Father Du was also generous in his praise.

In a single sparring session, the special agent battalion may not necessarily have an advantage. There are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the military everywhere.

Maybe you can cheat during class sparring.

In Li Shengli's opinion, Father Du's entourage was just that, while the manpower of Ding Yong's special agent camp could equal ten.

This is also a very real issue. The deeper you get involved in some things, the more dangerous they become.

But without exception, they all come with good fortune and return with bad luck.

Since the "young and vigorous" banner was issued in the south, many people from all over the country have come to Beijing to challenge the secret service camp in recent years.

Since your son-in-law has warned me, I will ask Lao Xie for help.

They were a good couple. Not to mention others, they were like Lao Ding and his wife. Sister Fu thought she couldn't bear it if they went down for a walk.

The Wang family's godmother has recently moved him towards Du Peng's father-in-law. Obviously, Lao Du is someone who needs to be eliminated now.

Before leaving, Li Shengli also reminded Du Lao that the more things come to light, the more careful they need to be.

But when it comes to sparring at platoon level and above, the Secret Service Battalion is almost invincible, and this is also true.

Li Shengli discovered that his father-in-law, Lao Dingtou, went south just to solve the problem of the spy camp.

Today's special agent battalions are not only registered in the military, but also in the office.

If the risk is high, pass the risk on.

It's just passing the risk to the distributors. It's true that some people are criticizing it, but they can get away with it without punishing the public.

There's been a lot going on lately, so don't come here often. I may have to go down again recently. "

Things came to light. Father Du took a sip of the American ginseng tea and began to see off the guests without any ceremony.

Xiao Hu and others could not complete the pilot report, but the local government could still do it.

Father Du is not a pedantic person, and he will not turn a deaf ear to the reminder from his virtuous son-in-law and master.

This is nothing more than preparation beforehand, running connections and traveling.

Hearing the reminder from his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, Father Du only looked solemn and didn't say much.

With such a group of forces entrenched in the suburbs of Beijing, it can easily become a worry for many people.

Almost everyone in the secret service camp is said to be good at martial arts. In terms of bare-handed fighting, everyone may not be at the top, but the average level is definitely the highest in the army.

When contacting Uncle Xie, let's recruit a few people from the Ding family's eldest brother, Ding Yong, to go with him to avoid any mistakes..."

This time going south, the Ding family's father-son soldiers expanded the secret service camp. Perhaps the future secret service camp should be called the secret service brigade.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable these days, and it's really hard to say whether some people have a bottom line or not.

The reason for the existence of the secret service camp is to serve as a security guard. If Father Du uses it, it can be regarded as the correct answer.

Du Lao's side was very kind, and the next morning, Li Shengli also encountered Wang Qingping's request.

After stretching his muscles in the morning, Li Shengli wanted to go back and continue his morning exercises, but Wang Qingping stopped him.

"Shengli, come to the village headquarters after dinner. I have something I want to talk about."

Seeing Wang Qingping's hopeful look on his face and his open mouth in front of the members of the Madian Commune, Li Shengli nodded.

After morning exercises, meals, and changing clothes, we went directly to Madianji Village Headquarters. Party Secretary Wang Qingping was already waiting in the room.

When the members of the morning shift saw Li Shengli coming, Wang Qingping's prestige in the village naturally increased.

Although Captain Ma was able to convince him and Li Shengli supported him, his eyes were sharp.

Wang Qingping is a person with a criminal record. Although the old party secretary has repeatedly redeemed himself before, this new party secretary is still a figure whose credibility has been shattered in the eyes of the members.

“Victory, smoke.

I have this idea to open a machinery factory in the village to produce agricultural machinery.

You see, our slaughterhouse, sheepskin factory, and prefabricated panel factory are all doing well.

When I went to the commune for a meeting, I heard party secretaries from other villages say that the most profitable thing to do now is to run a machinery factory.

Didn’t that first village have a black factory?
We have a good relationship with the steel rolling mill here, and I think building a machinery factory is also a way to make money. "

Seeing Li Shengli coming as promised, Wang Qingping hurriedly handed over the reception door.

After giving Li Shengli a thumbs up, he talked about his plan to build a factory.

Li Shengli frowned when he heard that it was a business.

Nowadays, not everyone has to cut off their tails, collective enterprises still exist in some places.

The black factories and black workshops that Wang Qingping mentioned are also a kind of alternative means. Nowadays, there are even private companies below, and they are just an affiliate.

These can be considered attempts, but they just can’t be put on the table. Building a machinery factory, as Wang Qingping said, can make money, and with the steel rolling mill as its back, you won't have to worry about sales.

But Li Shengli still had to ask about Wang Qingping's purpose.

Just as the members of Madianji thought, in Li Shengli's eyes, Wang Qingping also belonged to the kind of person whose credit was bankrupt.

It's not that he can't trust him, but he's afraid that his grandson will be deceived and make trouble. If someone catches him, Li Shengli will no longer be able to stay in Madianji village.

"Repeat it to me what you said.

Don't let it be another bad idea given to you by the commune cadres, right? "

Li Shengli's contempt made Wang Qingping smile a little.

He knows his own family affairs, and Wang Qingping also knows that if he hadn't had an old party secretary, there would be no place for his family in Madianji today.

Not to mention Li Shengli, most of the village members looked down upon him as the party secretary.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Qingping wants to restore his collapsed credibility by doing things.

After experiencing the bad things in the grassland, he has actually changed a lot.

But some things are done once they are done, and the impact cannot be eliminated overnight.

Li Shengli's distrust was a normal sign for Wang Qingping. If he agreed immediately, he would be playing a trick on him.

I heard that over there in West China, the output value is one million, the deposit is one million, and there is still three years of grain storage.

I think if they can make it, we can make it too if we have such good conditions.

I was also inspired by you when it came to agricultural machinery. We asked the steel rolling mill to make the harvester, and we have been improving it in the past two years.

I learned it from the machine repair team in my village and sold a few units. The profit was still very good.

Calculating materials and labor, there is still double the profit. "

Wang Qingping first flatly rejected someone's bad idea, and then talked about the existing business in the village.

Li Shengli also asked Li Huaide to run the harvester in order to free up manpower for Madianji and Taipingzhuang to go to the mountains to help collect herbs during the wheat harvest season.

It's just that he really didn't know about the harvesters being sold in Madianji.

Listening to Wang Qingping's words about the business, Li Shengli shook his head. It was not that the profits were not successful, but that the foundation of Madianji was not successful.

Don't underestimate the harvester hanging in front of the tractor. It is also a high-tech product now.

Chains, gears, cutter heads, bearings, and belts may seem like simple structures, but they require industrial foundation to support them.

In this day and age, building a harvester is not much easier than building a car. In addition to not using an engine, this thing requires almost all the technology and equipment needed to build a car.

Wang Qingping opened his mouth to join a large comprehensive factory, and Li Shengli also believed him.

The steel rolling mill is a ministry-affiliated enterprise, not a village-affiliated enterprise in Madianji.

Madianji was going to be a large comprehensive factory producing harvesters, and Li Shengli felt that Wang Qingping was also worried about spending money.

Not to mention Madianji, it was Li Huaide, the steel rolling mill that Wang Qingping relied on. He was just trying to order spare parts every day. Why didn't he just call everywhere for help like his third grandson?
Not to mention anything else, the pure copper oil pipes, rubber air pipes, and rubber tires needed for the three vehicles in the steel rolling mill almost killed Lao Li.

Every time he begged for a truck, he would bring back a few special products from the steel rolling mill, which were pieces of industrial waste pieced together.

As for the engine, you couldn't get it for free. Li Huaide had to take three cars and exchange it from various units.

Li Huaide, the director of a subordinate company, was scratching his head over these accessories.

Wang Qingping's desire to manufacture machine tools for harvesters was purely a daydream.

Although many of today's machine tools can be produced in-house, a considerable number of them need to be imported.

As long as there is one imported equipment on the entire production line, Wang Qingping's idea can only be a fantasy. Foreign exchange funds are expensive, how can Madianji be qualified to spend it?

"That's a really good idea of ​​yours.

Tell me, where do your parts come from? "

Glancing at Wang Qingping with resentment, Li Shengli asked in a somewhat nonchalant manner.

"There are many steel rolling mills, right?"

Listening to Wang Qingping's confident answer, Li Shengli also laughed angrily at this guy's ignorance.

There are many things in the steel rolling mill, hundreds or even thousands for a young girl, but this grandson is thinking of good things.

Let Li Huaide beg his grandpa and grandma for the pulling parts in front, and go to an assembly factory here in Madianji to earn double the labor costs.

The idea is really beautiful, but after saying this, Li Huaide is afraid that he will spit phlegm all over Wang Qingping's face.

Not to mention anything else, the chain and bearing components needed by the harvester cannot be supplied in sufficient quantities by the steel rolling mill.

The three cars in the steel rolling mill are short of pipe fittings, tires, and engines, and they are also short of bearings.

Li Shengli raised his eyebrows when he thought of bearings. This thing was one of the projects available in Madianji.


It's a good idea, I think I can try it.

Then you can represent the village and connect with the steel rolling mill..."

Although Li Shengli had a charter in mind, he did not give it to Wang Qingping.

Instead, with a smile, he motioned for this guy to go find Lao Li and give it a try. Maybe if the two of them meet, this thing can really happen!

"Then I called?"

Looking at the smiling Li Shengli, Wang Qingping, who was a little nervous just now, also had a smile on his face. He stood up and was about to call Director Li of the steel rolling mill.

“This is a big deal, you’d better go to the steel rolling mill and talk about it face to face.

You didn't understand what you said on the phone, and your attitude wasn't correct, right? "

Looking at Wang Qingping as if he was daydreaming, Li Shengli still gave him ideas with a smile on his face.

Although Madianji, the party secretary, is over thirty years old, he still has a little experience. It may be that the previous old party secretary was too protective and he lacked experience.

Today's Wang Qingping has the ability to manipulate village members, but his thinking is still a bit simple.

"Shengli, you are right, then I will go for a run?"

The beaming Wang Qingping completely ignored the teasing smile on Li Shengli's face, thinking that he was also happy.

In the past two years, Wang Qingping has often dealt with Li Huaide because of the sheep trade in the village.

There are few things in the village that cannot be solved by asking Director Li.

Li Shengli also nodded in agreement, and Wang Qingping became more confident.

Seeing his expression of eagerness to go to the steel rolling mill, Li Shengli didn't stay at the village headquarters for long. He said a perfunctory word and turned around and left the village headquarters.

Li Shengli walked around outside the village headquarters, and when he saw Wang Qingping leaving in a hurry, he returned to the village headquarters.

After driving the other village staff out, he picked up the phone and called the steel rolling mill.

Although he knew that there was a high probability that Wang Qingping's matter would not be accomplished, Li Shengli was also afraid that Li Huaide's fellow would not be able to count, and thought that he had instructed him to do this.

If you agree to Wang Qingping without raising your head or opening your eyes, then this matter will be called trouble...

(End of this chapter)

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