The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 756 The long road (Part )

Chapter 756 The long road (Part )

Zhang Ying's attitude and performance, to Li Shengli, were just something he could manipulate at will. Although the relationship was not easy to handle, it was just like that. He could only watch as he walked.

From now on, Zhang Ying will not be unable to use his methods, and the Jianghu methods will not only involve fighting and killing.

Standing at the window on the second floor, I watched Wang Qianjin’s jeep leave Madianji, and watched Xiao Hu get on a truck and leave the village.

Li Shengli then took Zhang Ying down the second floor and continued walking around Madianji Village.

"Shengli, Mingyue and the Guan brothers are almost done with their craft. Should we call them back too?"

Guan Mingyue, Guan Shan, Guan Hai, and Guan Yue in Zhang Ying's mouth are the real disciples of the Zhang family.

In the past few years, in the self-training classes, they not only received the true inheritance from Zhang Ying's family, but also the masters who taught in the true inheritance classes from various places also taught them many true inheritance techniques from other sects.

The Guan family brothers and sisters have basically learned all the tricks and rules of the world.

In Zhang Ying's view, a person like Li Shengli who has debts and blood debts must always be protected by a few close people.

Guan Mingyue has a perverse personality, which is incomparable to her sister Guan Qingyue.

Good apprentices are hard to find. Martial arts has this difficulty, and Chinese medicine is the same.

This type of disciples can pass on a whole sect, but the number is no more than a hundred. In the eyes of Li Shengli and a group of veteran Chinese doctors, this is a very high ratio.

At such an old age, it is also a head-scratching thing to think of someone other than Lao Xiao.

Just give it to others.

Guan Mingyue, a female bastard, is considered talented in the boxing business.

Let her follow you, not only to be a close person, but also to protect the integrity of my family's inheritance.

Just cultivating such a true disciple cannot be accomplished in three to five years.

When it comes to true inheritance, the martial arts world is similar to the medical world. They only look at craftsmanship and not closeness.

Li Shengli still scratched his head when he heard that part of the cause and effect would fall on him.

Dana Guan of Taipingzhuang wants to make a match, and you, the eldest lady, also want to make a match.

My old brother Xiao Changgong has been targeted recently, not by an enemy but by a woman. What do you say? "

Xiao Laogang and I came to an end when my elder brother was injured and on the verge of death.

I'm not someone who can't move my legs when I look at my mother. Don't let her get her involved. She's just a right and wrong mother-in-law, and I don't want to mess with her. "

“Let’s talk about this matter again, now is not the time.

When it comes to trivial matters at home, it is not easy for Li Shengli to cover up the affairs between Xiao Changgong and Qin Mei.

The expenses here are huge, and Li Shengli cannot afford such expenses now.

Ten years to eight years at least. If not, it will have to be passed on for twenty or thirty years before you can watch your disciples become famous and start a family.

"She is also a womanizer, and there are women you can't handle?

Compared with the Xiao brothers and sisters and the Guan brothers, Zhang Ying is also very arrogant and indulgent towards Guan Mingyue, much better than he treats his own children.

The inheritance classes in Madianji, the inheritance classes in Wali, the intensive training classes and the apprenticeship classes in the mountains, among the thousands of people, the number that can truly be regarded as true disciples may not be more than a hundred.

"So much the better.

He is also a die-hard who is willing to be killed, since they are both dead-set on each other.

"Look at it and talk about it.

No matter how many such disciples you want, it is not too difficult now. There are at least three million barefoot doctors. There can always be tens of thousands of such disciples.

Xiao Changgong didn't have any special feelings for Qin Mei, but Qin Mei, who was single now, had her eye on Xiao Changgong.

That is, compared with the city, there are fewer trash cans, garbage stations and other living facilities in the village.

After leading Zhang Ying around Madianji Village, Li Shengli also discovered some shortcomings.

In addition to her nostalgia for the world, what Zhang Ying pays most attention to is the inheritance of her family.

If these one hundred and eighty people go well in life, they will become great doctors like Pu Lao and Shi Lao in the future.

Qin Mei is a member of the secret network, following Du Jiaoyang. She is not only the retired supporter, but also the personal informant who stays with Du Jiaoyang in the office.

If the child hadn't been involved, I would have killed him back then.

Because they are inheriting the inheritance of a family, in the world, sect inheritance is often more important than blood inheritance.

Du Jiaoyang asked Xie Fei to report this matter back specifically to seek Li Shengli's opinion.

I knew I shouldn't talk about this, but I couldn't help but say it. Instead of being frozen like this, the two of them might as well let go. This can be regarded as a beginning and an end, right?

This is the status of true disciples in the martial arts and medical circles. Sometimes, they are really higher than their legitimate sons and grandsons.

On this matter, it was difficult for Li Shengli to express any opinions. He could only rely on Zhang Ying's decision.

Some things are rooted deep in the blood, and as you walk, they will naturally become habits engraved in your bones.

This way, if I follow you, I will feel at ease..."

It’s so difficult to find a true disciple who can learn all the skills now! "

Although there are many methods in the world, they are not as dangerous as the human heart. Unexpected things will always happen.

In this day and age, talking about this in rural areas can be considered a bit of a waste, but when the conditions for Madianji are met, the necessary things still need to be set up.

Zhang Ying is familiar with the Wang family's old house, and is also familiar with Ding Lan, so he came back as soon as he came back.

When he arrived at home, Li Shengli didn't have to scratch his head. Everything was familiar to him.

There was no need to arrange anything, and Zhang Ying was left at the Wang family's old house. Li Shengli went to the health center where Wang Zhi was treating again.

When Li Shengli was in the clinic, the health center was the infirmary. In Wang Zhi's hands, it was still the Madianji Health Center.

After taking a brief look at Wang Zhi's consultation process, the Wang family's inheritance is not just as simple as careful medication.

Taking the pulse and inspecting the patient are also extremely meticulous.

Different from his own three to five minutes, Wang Zhi's treatment would take about half an hour even for simple symptoms.

Although this kind of consultation speed is a little slow, it is still considered a normal speed.

One minute, two minutes, for Chinese medicine, it is somewhat nonsense.

Perhaps for great doctors like Pu Lao and Shi Lao, they have seen so much that many diseases can be understood at a glance.

But not all Chinese medicine practitioners are great doctors. Starting from the consultation, when Chinese medicine doctors treat patients, they must constantly read the medical books in their minds.

In other words, we build a diagnostic model based on the patient's symptoms. This is the syndrome differentiation and treatment that we talk about, and this is where the difficulty of traditional Chinese medicine lies.

Syndrome differentiation and treatment can be regarded as the last hurdle for Chinese medicine to enter the clinic.

No matter how long the consultation lasts, as long as you can understand syndrome differentiation and treatment, you will be considered a real Chinese medicine practitioner. As for the difference, it only depends on the depth of your skills.

After watching Wang Zhi's consultation, and then going to the fields to look at farm work, Li Shengli returned to the Wang family's old house to read medical books for a while with a leisurely atmosphere.

Towards evening, I ate something to pacify my stomach and drove to Xiaowangzhuang.

When we arrived at Xiaowangzhuang this time, Father Du still hadn't come back, but the mother-in-law, Sister Fu, didn't ask any questions like yesterday.

This was obviously told by Father Du, otherwise the mother-in-law would not be like this.

After chatting with his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, about things in the city and the country, Father Du walked in from outside the hospital with a heavy sense of fatigue. "You pressed hard.

Look, I'm just your little one's best friend.

Every time I have a heart-to-heart talk with you, I can't sleep at night for several days and I can't eat anything I want. "

Seeing his virtuous son-in-law, Father Du was also a little frightened.

Yesterday, Li Shengli returned to Madianji with peace of mind, but Father Du stayed up all night thinking about the ins and outs of the matter.

Early in the morning, I had to organize my language and report to the office. After the report, I checked information, made phone calls, and sent telegrams.

Last night's topic hasn't even come to fruition yet, and my virtuous son-in-law is here again.

Although he was too tired to bear it and rested for a while in the car, the rest time of less than half an hour was still too little for Mr. Du.

You have to continue your work during the day when you get home. If you talk to your virtuous son-in-law, Father Du is really afraid that he will be too tired to work.

After complaining, Father Du was not idle. He found the thicker bamboo tube given by Li Shengli, took a few slices of American ginseng, and handed it to Sister Fu.

Although my virtuous son-in-law is really tiring, the ginseng slices and ginseng whiskers he gave me are also really useful.

“Dad, there is no limit to the American ginseng slices, but the ginseng needs to be limited.

You already have a strong liver fire, so eating too much ginseng is not good! "

Li Shengli had good eyesight. Ever since Father Du entered the house, he could see bloodshot eyes.

In the office, working around the clock is the norm. Who wants to have a leader who works around the clock?

But most people really can't stand such training. If a young man in his twenties did this, he would be half useless in a few months.

The leader's energy is boundless, and almost all of it is supported by overdraft and perseverance.

If the leader can work normally, Li Shengli feels that although longevity is difficult to achieve, middle life is still no problem.

"I know, too much is not enough!

Don't worry about me making insinuations, the leader also knows what his problem is.

But if there is no choice but the leader cannot bear it, the next step will be disaster.

I gave a general report on what you said last night, and the leader also paid great attention to it.

In the next two days, we will listen to the feedback from the following factories and enterprises.

The problem definitely exists, but how to solve it still needs to be considered.

Directly breaking through the ticket and supply, a small amount is okay, but if the quantity is large, it is afraid of affecting the current plan.

You also know the principle of what goes up and what goes down, and many things are not so easy to talk about..."

When it comes to Li Shengli's destocking, Mr. Du is also scratching his head.

It’s not that there aren’t big problems, it’s that there are a lot of them, including slow sales and inventory.

Although the feedback below has not come up yet, the office has checked the reports over the years.

Some figures that have remained unchanged for many years clearly indicate inventory and backlog. After verification, although the following statement is not true, the figures placed in front of us cannot be denied.

“Dad, don’t mention factories, enterprises, or the military.

There is a considerable amount of useless materials in stock in the warehouse of the Ministry of Armed Forces.

Instead of letting the materials get moldy in the warehouse, it is better to release some of them and give it a try. "

Although Li Shengli cannot explain the inventory below clearly, he has experience and there is no need to prove these things. They exist objectively.

A yield of more than 100 kilograms per acre may sound like a joke now, but it does exist.

After taking away the seeds, fertilizers, manpower, and the yield of more than 100 kilograms per mu, I don’t know what is left after a year of hard work.

The land cannot feed people. At this time, in many places, it is an objective reality that can be confirmed.

This has nothing to do with enthusiasm. It is a matter of chemical fertilizers, water conservancy, and soil fertility.

Although land reclamation can solve some problems, it cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

It was not easy for Li Shengli to explain these words to Father Du in detail. Even if he talked about it, he couldn't solve it. Solving these problems requires time and investment.

We have plenty of time now, but not much investment. Apart from manpower, the local government really has no money to invest. We have to wait for this situation!

Reserve system?
Are you talking about military uniforms captured and retired from previous wars?
This is considered a separate system, but you can give it a try.

But for this kind of materials, do we also need to have a destocking standard? "

Father Du didn't know anything about the warehouses of the armed forces in various places.

Because he was also in the army before and was considered a semi-supervisor of the Ministry of Armed Forces, Father Du was still somewhat impressed by the types of supplies in the warehouse.

Similar to what was said before, the hole should not be opened easily from top to bottom.

Such openings can be made below, but opening them in the office really requires careful consideration.

Once there is a flaw in the plan, it is not a hole that is opened but a dam that breaks.

"Divide it by time.

If it really doesn't work, you can try it with just one finger.

Uncle Xie's place is close to Hebei Province, so you can try it nearby. "

Li Shengli almost knew what the difficulty was with Father Du or the office. It was just that he was afraid of looking out of shape.

But this problem also exists in reality. There must be a reason for the groundless rumors, which is almost the truth.


Lao Xie?

You can adapt.

In this way, you can give it a try, but the risk may be higher for those who are just doing things.

After all, we will not support it publicly..."

When Li Shengli mentioned Lao Xie's side, Du Lao knew what he meant.

It's just a matter of saying hello to Lao Xie in the office. If things are done well, even if the pilot is successful, you can try to open an opening.

If things are not done well, the people below will resell military supplies, and the consequences will naturally be serious.

A lot of these situations and things like this have been discovered during the Qing Dynasty, and many people have been dealt with, but they are still banned.

Father Du knew the problem very well, because when he was not in the city, he mostly dealt with this kind of people.

Including the inventory and backlog of goods of various factories and enterprises, the same situation exists.

If you want to accomplish this and do it well, it will be a long road.

Father Du could clearly see the attempts of his virtuous son-in-law. Selfishness outweighed justice, so there was no need to examine it carefully.

But what Li Shengli said is right. This kind of attempt should be made sooner rather than later. When the coffin is finalized, many things will become a routine. If you want to change it in the future, there will be great resistance...

(End of this chapter)

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