The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 732 Processing Station (Part )

Chapter 732 Processing Station (Part )

After answering the call from the patient, the medical team was somewhat reserved although they said they didn't have access to the market.

Instead of asking about the situation immediately, he sent the somewhat confused Dr. Wu to the processing station.

Because most of the patients who come are related to the relevant stakeholders below, the people on the medical team are doing their best.

In addition to sending Dr. Wu, he also reported the situation of the trial medicine to the office.

Originally, the office didn't know the basics of this matter, but the medical team reported it.

When asked by the leader, Dr. Wu did not help Li Shengli remain silent, and almost truthfully reported the purpose and ideas of the drug trial.

So in addition to Dr. Wu, there was also the dark-faced Father Du who came to the processing station.

Coincidentally, Lao Du was already working hard. He had just come back from below when he encountered something bad related to his family's virtuous son-in-law.

Before coming here, I helped my son-in-law and had a meal in the office.


Although Li Shengli has some knowledge of Western medicine, most of it is half-baked, so the examination results of Western medicine are of little use to him.

Li Shengli got up in a hurry, not knowing that Dr. Wu had sold him out in the office.

I knew that Father Du had something to say, and he couldn't do it in front of Dr. Wu.

This virtuous son-in-law of my own is also a very capable person in treating illnesses and using medicine.

Father Du was naturally reserved in his position, so he didn't say anything after entering the hospital.

Doctor Wu is here, just in time to check. "

Lao Du's cold snort sounded to Li Shengli's dissatisfaction with his method of testing the medicine.

Li Shengli's rhetorical question made Dr. Wu a little embarrassed. It's not that he had never said it before, but he didn't mention it again when the leader asked.

I thought that the announcement from the medical team was exaggerated. After arriving in the yard of the processing plant, Lao Du knew it when he smelled the fishy smell that was still lingering in the yard.

Lao Du is very satisfied with this good son-in-law, knowing that this good son-in-law will not make fun of his career.

Testing medicine under the guise of treating a leader's illness will have a bad impact. "

Father Du may not be nervous when facing the leader. Dr. Wu can't argue with reason. It's not that he can't accept it, but it just makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Didn't Dr. Wu tell the leader that all the patients sent to us by the medical team were in the middle and late stages of bladder cancer?
Didn’t he say that in the middle and late stages of bladder cancer, there is basically no hope of cure? "

The purpose of his son-in-law's trial of medicine is completely acceptable to Mr. Du, but a collaborator like Dr. Wu is not very good.

Taking a look at Lianhuozao, which was still filled with medicinal gas in the late autumn, Lao Du didn't know how a dozen or so patients could produce such a strong stench.

Faced with the question of a good son-in-law, Father Du didn't say anything. He just hummed to express his dissatisfaction.

The dark face was just to cooperate with the rebuke brought by Dr. Wu.

But the person who really let Lao Du vent his dissatisfaction was Dr. Wu, who worked with his virtuous son-in-law.

Seeing that Dr. Wu was at a loss for words, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly. Everyone has nervousness, it depends on who he is facing.

Based on his understanding of the leader's temper, the angry leader would not listen to these explanations.


Li Shengli was a little surprised when he saw the dark-faced Father Du.

The backyard of the field hospital almost smells like this.

"Doctor Li, the medical team reported the situation here to the office.

Pu Lao and others still looked at the pulse and superficial symptoms.

"Whether you are testing medicine or conducting experiments, you must have a valid reason.

Dr. Wu could also hear this, so he explained the problem and implicitly expressed the leader's dissatisfaction.

When Dr. Wu came, he had called in advance. He was already an acquaintance, so Li Shengli didn't go to the door to wait for anyone.

Li Shengli simply left the job of checking urine samples to Dr. Wu who couldn't argue with reason.

The patient's urine samples within three days are stored here at the processing station.

For hematuria and the like, visual inspection is enough.

Lao Du was familiar with this fishy smell before, but he hadn't smelled it again for many years.

After Dr. Wu, Mr. Pu and others in the room wisely left the main room, Mr. Du gently reminded his virtuous son-in-law.

"Dad, it's not good for Dr. Wu and I to talk in circles like this.

To be more rigorous, it is just a matter of going through a microscope. Mr. Lu also lent one to the processing center. The specific results are of little reference to Chinese medicine.

Although there are some inspection methods today, there are really not many types.

“It just so happens that, for us, the first phase of medication is over for these patients.

The leader was very unhappy and said we were not allowed to do this. "

When asked by the leader, I answered truthfully the question about the drug test.

A quick look at the patient's urine samples revealed that the condition of several patients was not optimistic. There were obvious tumor cell-like impurities in the urine samples.

These patients can be regarded as leading the progression of the disease.

If the office does not finalize the surgical plan as soon as possible, once the tumor transitions from the early stage to the middle stage, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine may not be able to save the day. "

Now that Father Du is here, Li Shengli has no intention of leaving his father idle.

At present, Father Du's advice is still stronger than that of doctors like them.

"Don't you even bother to explain it to me?

We spare no effort in persuading what needs to be done and supplementing what needs to be done.

Let me tell you, Du Peng's father-in-law came back two days ago and is now familiar with his work in the office.

But the operation may be difficult to carry out recently. Sufficient people have been sent from the southwest, and they are pestering the leaders for assistance every day!

The Wang family's godmother is also happy that these people consume leadership energy.

I have to meet with those debt collectors every day, and those people are also frantically waging a war of attrition with the leaders.

People in the office, let alone hints, have done everything explicitly, but those people are still the same.

According to what you said, these people are really ignorant white-eyed wolves..."

Regarding the leader's surgery, Father Du was also very helpless.

Advice, from staff to family members, they have tried it all.

But the leader also had reasons why he couldn't perform surgery.

The most infuriating people are the people from the southwest. I don’t know who gave them advice. They have been spending most of their time in the office recently.

Because of the issue of reciprocity, leaders have to face the challenges of those people every day.

In this regard, Mr. Du was both helpless and indignant, and wanted to do it for him. One reason was unfair, and the other was an old friend, which was the reason given by the leader.


Dad, according to this situation, it can take up to half a year. If it drags on for half a year, I'm afraid it will be the mid-term.

In many words, our TCM pulse diagnosis and superficial symptoms are still not trustworthy enough.

Let’s take a look at Dr. Wu’s examination results first…”

When Du Lao mentioned these upsetting things, Li Shengli was helpless.

Li Shengli also gave this account to someone from Southwest and wrote it down in a small notebook. The time for settling accounts is not far away, and when the time comes, Prince Ding and Xie's family must be given some desperate measures.

From experience, the results obtained by the Southwest are not enough to report these, nor are they enough to report the assistance that the Chinese people have been frugal in these years, and it is not enough to report what is happening today without hitting them for generations.

“After I entered the hospital, I noticed a very strong fishy smell.

How could a dozen patients create such a strong smell? "

Although the fishy stench in the courtyard does not resemble corpse odor, Father Du is still a little worried.

Now that the leaders are paying attention to this matter, it is difficult for the wise son-in-law Li Shengli to cause a fatal drug testing accident.

Once someone dies, the leader will definitely terminate the trial.

"Dad, that's a cover for the medical team.

I buried some bloody feces in several flower beds in the courtyard. There are some things that are believed by my ears but not by my eyes.

If the Chinese medicine preparations are not made more bluffing, I am afraid that the medical team will not agree to the use of Chinese medicine. "

Listening to the convoluted words from the wise son-in-law, Father Du felt relieved.

The virtuous son-in-law's vigilance has not diminished, and he will naturally have an explanation for what is happening in the office.

As long as the explanation is reasonable, even if the leader disagrees, as long as there are no deaths among patients, as long as the medical team agrees.

There was no suitable excuse from the leader for terminating the trial.

If the patient's condition can improve after taking the medicine, that would be the best thing.

“Just understand the truth.

The name of the Processing Factory can be used to scare people.

You think too deeply at a young age. Please pay attention to the balance between work and rest in your daily work.

You should have work notes, right?

Take it out and let me take a look..."

Father Du is no amateur when it comes to inspection work.

After instructing the wise son-in-law, the medical records came. He sat down calmly and slowly started to read through them, and occasionally asked questions.

Weng and son-in-law didn't sit across from each other for a long time, and Doctor Wu opened the door with a heavy look on his face.

"Dr. Li, Mr. Pu said that you are the one who finalizes the medication plan for the patients. Can you give me the general idea?
Among the fourteen urine samples at the processing station, a considerable amount of blood clots and tumorous carrion were visible to the naked eye.

According to their previous cases and Mr. Lu's examination results, more than half of them will not have blood clots or rotten flesh in their current urine samples.

It is not accurate to say that it is rotten flesh. According to the explanation of Pu Lao and others, it may be more appropriate to say that it is a traditional Chinese medicine that disperses the tumor tissue that has been attacked.

Because through microscopic observation, the tumor tissue was not all necrotic, which should be the result of the drug's attack. "

Listening to the vocabulary organized by Dr. Wu on the spot, Li Shengli raised his eyebrows.

I thought the test results were useless before, but now it seems that they are not useless.

At least Dr. Wu recognized the offensive role of traditional Chinese medicine in advance.

Li Shengli had no interest in explaining the medication ideas Dr. Wu wanted to ask about. Such theoretical rhetoric was irrelevant now.

Doctors, no matter what time, must rely on results to speak for themselves.

When it comes to theory, if someone gives you an example, you'll be able to make a fool of yourself.

It’s similar to how some people question traditional Chinese medicine. When you talk about medical theory, he talks about science to you. When you talk about curative effects, he talks about isolated cases and it’s difficult to prove it.

When it was his turn to use Chinese medicine, he said, please do your best.

"Dr. Wu, the idea of ​​medication is still what we mentioned before.

It's nothing more than an increase in dosage of Litong dissipating drugs.

There is no need to talk more about such issues between us. There will be plenty of time to study them in the future.

For the medical team, how to report the results, and for the leadership, how to establish a treatment plan is the key.

As far as leadership work is concerned, there are indeed difficulties in not being able to perform surgery.

But the difficulties come from the difficulties. It is everyone's regret that a disease that can be effectively cured in the early stage becomes incurable in the middle and late stages.

As far as the patient's current pulse condition is concerned, I can support it for half a year.

However, it is estimated that after March, six months will be the limit for some severely ill patients without surgery.

Even if the surgery is performed, it is unknown how long it can be delayed.

Regarding the survival rate after surgery, my concept is not very clear, and Dr. Wu needs to come up with a corresponding report.

Pu Lao and others estimated that the time period for the leadership to transition from the early stage to the mid-term would be three months at the minimum and half a year at the maximum.

If the surgery plan cannot be finalized within a month or two, it will be difficult to say what will happen in the future. "

Without addressing Dr. Wu's exploration of the medical field, Li Shengli fixed the topic on the leader's illness.

Many things are helpless, but you still have to try your best.

"Doctor Li, we have tried our best to do these things.

The leader did not make a decision, there were instructions from above, and the medical team pretended to delay.

The chores at work also come one after another.

We are clear about their purpose, and the leaders are also clear about it, but they just can't break it.

Dr. Li, is it possible to use the traditional Chinese medicine preparations currently being tried? "

After listening to Dr. Wu’s thoughts, Li Shengli shook his head and said:
"It's not impossible!
But the outcome is unknown.

For the middle and late stages, when there is no hope of cure, we naturally use medicine without any scruples.

It is impossible to be unscrupulous about this initial symptom of leadership.

The medicine is too light and will not help.

If the medicine is too heavy, it will be counterproductive.

Can Dr. Wu understand our helplessness?

Cancer treatment, whether it is domestic or foreign, traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, is a problem of the century.

Furthermore, given the leader's age, even if surgery is available, can his body withstand it?

For many things, the processing station is taking precautions.

None of us want the worst outcome, but things are moving towards the worst outcome.

Just like Dr. Wu cannot perform surgery on leaders directly in the office, Chinese medicine preparations cannot be used casually without the consent of the medical team. "

In the processing station, Li Shengli expressed his helplessness. At this time, Father Du and Doctor Wu present had bleak faces.

Many things are like this, but they cannot be done.

The medical team is a barrier, and the leaders themselves are also a barrier. The feeling of throwing a rat into a trap and beating a wolf with a weak stick arises in everyone's heart.

"Shengli, I'll report this matter.

The medical team's evaluation of the trial medicine was also too biased.

Dr. Wu, is there really no hope of cure for bladder cancer in the middle and late stages?
If this is indeed the case, then you have to report it to the old man.

When you two confront each other, you must come up with reliable arguments! "

In the end, it was Mr. Du who appointed the boss at the processing plant. Everyone has their own shackles on many things. The old man also needs leadership to help maintain...

(End of this chapter)

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