The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 731 Processing Station (Part )

Chapter 731 Processing Station (Part )

After meeting with the Wu brothers and reaching an agreement, Mr. Lu's Lao Wang came again.

Lao Wang came here with people from the general affairs department of the hospital.

The medical equipment and modification plan have been roughly finalized.

Li Shengli did not allow General Manager Lu's personnel to participate in the transformation of the processing plant. He still used personnel from the engineering department of the steel rolling mill.

At the Shengli Clinic, there is still a staff mutual aid medical center.

If you have something to do, contact the steel rolling mill, which is both the right thing to do and the right thing to do.

Moreover, with Li Huaide covering the steel rolling mill, it was much safer than Mr. Lu's.

The renovation of the house has just begun, and bladder cancer patients from all over the country have also arrived.

Including family members, more than 20 people moved directly into the courtyard, which was still being renovated.

I think this matter still needs to be reported. "

Just like I didn't hide the Wu brothers, it was my idea for the Liu family's heirs to sweep from north to south.

Li Shengli could imagine that selfishness was involved.

“Lao Pu, there is also a problem with the origins of these people.

There are some things that cannot be said, but there are some things that can be done without speaking.

As I said before, serious diseases require strong medicine.

One thing was beyond Li Shengli's expectation. The people who expected to come up were all people who had no way to seek medical treatment.

The patients who come here are all patients in the middle and late stages, and for us, the lessons are even greater.

According to the diagnosis certificates, these patients are all in the middle and late stages of bladder cancer.

Furthermore, with the medical team on the sidelines, our treatment plan may not be feasible.

Wang Jinjin's godmother's medical team's handling methods were not as expected by Li Shengli, and their starting point was not high.

The leadership is busy with mundane affairs, and the treatment may not go as planned. We can only prepare for the worst.

Now, the small actions of the medical team have saved him from future troubles, which is something Li Shengli likes to see.

If you want to catch me and cure me, a few words are not enough.

There are some things that I think there is no need to hide.

I would like to ask, in this day and age, who can still wear the uniforms of generals, colonels, nuns, and new military uniforms to Beijing?

The benevolence of doctors is ultimately about people, and people have their own joys and angers.

But he didn't expect that these patients would be a group of stakeholders.

Treating diseases and testing medicines are still a bit of a psychological burden for him.

In Western medicine, this is called family opinion or critical illness notification. "

In front of everyone, Mr. Pu only mentioned the critical illness notice, which was also a reminder to Li Shengli.

Looking at the hospital diagnosis in front of him and the medical records issued by his side, Mr. Pu was also filled with resentment.

Li Shengli treats patients just like he treats students in self-training classes. If he can do his best, he must do his best.

"Shengli, the medical team acted like this because they probably didn't pay attention to the leader's condition!

I said it and I admitted it, but it’s not evidence.

This was also a habit developed by Li Guishou after practicing medicine for a long time.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all, but judging from the clothes of the patients and their families, most of these people are either the victims of the storm or the families of the beneficiaries.

“Lao Pu, everyone!

Today's cancer is not something that you can just find a hospital and dare to operate on someone.

When people come, Pu Lao and others will naturally need to consult.

Critical illness notice, this is what Western medicine calls it. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners rarely encounter this kind of situation.

Judging from the clothes and faces of these patients, as well as their pulse conditions, it seems that they have not suffered much in the past five or six years.

In the main room of the processing plant, Mr. Pu frowned and complained.

Nowadays, all the people who come are the beneficiaries or their family members, and there is almost no burden left in his heart.

After reading the hospital diagnosis brought by the patient, and then referring to the pulse condition.

Even if it happens, there is no need to issue a critical illness notice or the like. As long as the consent of the patient is obtained, the medicine can be used.

After taking up what Pu Lao said, Li Shengli did not hide his malice.

"Shengli, we are not qualified to issue critical illness notifications!"

Testing medicine is a bit cruel, but when they came, it made me feel a lot better.

And they all come from large and medium-sized cities, and their family conditions seem to be pretty good nowadays.

But before taking the medicine, the life and death certificate still needs to be signed.

Don’t forget, I still have a good husband!
This trial of medicine is related to both our traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

There are also the neo-circulatory school of Chinese medicine and Western medicine on the other side.

These two branches will be the two branches of Chinese and Western medicine in the future.

This is the beginning of the game, and to be honest, I still have to be at the forefront.

Since it is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, the critical illness notification is naturally issued by Western medicine.

Everyone, let’s discuss the specific medication first!

Now that we have symptoms of the disease, we have to come up with prescriptions to avoid being criticized in the future. "

Pu Lao and others have demonstrated many formulas for bladder cancer medication.

After putting everything together, Mr. Pu’s conclusion is that it would be better to ask Li Shengli to come up with the recipe early in the morning!
Because these old men came up with their own prescriptions, and finally summarized them, they can only come to the conclusion that they lead to the same goal through different paths.

Li Shengli had already expected this.

Although internal medicine is divided into eight schools, counting up to the Han Dynasty, the medical theory was based on typhoid fever, and counting further up, it is the four classics of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although the changes in medical theory are different, the fundamentals are the same.

Bladder cancer is a symptom of bloody stranguria in traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment is dampness and heat in the triple burner. The methods used are nothing more than dispelling dampness, releasing heat, and relieving stagnation.

Even though the formula is different, the general effect is similar.

Li Shengli once again emphasized the use of strong medicines to treat serious diseases, so the range of prescriptions to choose was extremely narrow.

Leaving Pu Lao and others behind to discuss the medication in front of the medical records, Li Shengli got up and went out, went to the paging phone booth, and called Mr. Lu and Lao Wang directly.

After the patient arrives, there is still a formal diagnosis process to go through before the drug is tested at the processing station.

To put it bluntly, who knows how the following medical certificate was issued?
According to what some people question, the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine is unscientific. Since it is unscientific, it cannot be used as evidence.

When it comes to doing things seriously, Li Shengli is also impenetrable.

At the entrance of the processing station, I watched the newly arrived patients get on the three convenience minibuses sent by Mr. Lu.

Listening to the "chugging" sound of the engine, Li Shengli was also distinguishing the models of the convenience cars in front of him.

After several years of development, the three vehicles of the rolling mill have been put into production one after another, although they still cannot escape the embarrassing situation of putting together the vehicles.

But the chassis and suspension structure are slowly forming a system.

The best is naturally the imitation Volkswagen model, the second is the imitation Nisha model, and the most common is the simple model.

If you include Zheng Peilan and others who are studying imitation Mercedes-Benz engines. Li Shengli estimates that in the future, Volkswagen models will be fixed models under the Convenience brand.

In terms of technology, Japanese car-making technology is actually more suitable for steel rolling mills.

Just because Li Huaide led people to boycott during the negotiation, the research and imitation of Japanese car-making technology has not yet been included in the line of sight.

Building cars is a long-lasting life for Li Huaide and Zheng Peilan, as well as for the steel rolling mill.

For Du Peng, the chief designer of the three cars, this is a gilded stage in life.

Thinking of his brother-in-law whom he had not seen for a long time, and looking at the patients in the convenience car, Li Shengli shook his head.

Sitting in a clinic at Shengli Clinic is different from attending a self-training class.

In the self-training class, he didn't have to worry about mundane matters; when he arrived at the clinic, he had actual patients to deal with, and there were more mundane matters.

Such as preparing for a rainy day now.

"Shengli, after checking and confirming the diagnosis, would it be a little impersonal to give people a critical illness notification?"

It was arranged for the people on the convenience car to go to Mr. Lu for diagnosis, so Mr. Lu and Mr. Wang, who came with them, did not go back with the car.

Thinking about the arrangements Li Shengli made before, as a doctor, Lao Wang also put forward his opinions.

"Can you change the way?

It is also possible to make a notification of illness.

You can't live without this thing. After all, there is a medical team watching over you!
If we don't do these things in advance, if anyone dies on my side, it will be difficult for me to explain, and it will be difficult for you to explain as well.

Furthermore, these patients are not ordinary people.

Dr. Wu and I estimated that there is basically no hope of curing bladder cancer in its mid-to-late stages.

Instead of giving them unrealistic hopes, make it clear.

They all come with their family members, and even if it is inconvenient for them to tell them, the patient's family members still have the right to know.

This must be done carefully.

In addition to signing, family members also need to take fingerprints.

This treatment is also a mission for us. "

Although he knew that the development of cancer was closely related to his mentality, Li Shengli still made a cruel decision.

The medical team above is watching, and the families of the patients below are still relevant stakeholders.

The most important thing is that there is no hope of curing bladder cancer in the later stages.

In this day and age, although there are very few restrictions on traditional Chinese medicine, Li Shengli has only heard of successful cases of traditional Chinese medicine in treating cancer, but has never seen any successful cases.

Of course, although there is a cruel side to drug testing, it also has the most humane side.

Even if they cannot be cured, Li Shengli can ensure that these people can go away calmly and not die too miserable.

"I got it wrong.

Victory, there is something that I can’t easily say, but I have to say it.

Here is a list of medications. See if you can get someone to help with it.

They are all special medicines from abroad..."

After picking up the conversation, Lao Wang handed over a list without any embarrassment.

Li Shengli took a rough look and found that most of them were some special Western medicines.

Lao Wang personally handed over this list, which made it clear that this kind of medicine was only for relationship use.

If you ever need something like this in the future, just come to me.

After all, it was my suggestion that you stay with Mr. Lu.

In the wind and rain, it is difficult to stand still, let alone work.

I told the Wu brothers before that I need Western medicine to treat me here, and I need experts.

I asked Dr. Wu and others to bring you a message, and I will tell you again today.

Naturally, the candidates are still those who went down. As for those who have jobs now, there is no need.

For this matter, just give the Wu family a list of brothers. Don't go looking for someone yourself. Someone above is watching.

It’s done, these busy people have too many eyesight, so I won’t treat you as a guest..."

After giving Lao Wang face-to-face advice, Li Shengli did not let him enter the hospital.

Lao Wang will continue to contribute to President Lu, and the price he will pay will be in the future. In the eyes of some people, this kind of contribution can only be regarded as speculation.

But justice is in the heart of the people. Some people may ignore the price Lao Wang paid, or regard it as speculation, but for some people, it is a life-saving grace.

Some of your efforts may be let down, but some of your efforts are just like the students in the self-training class who devote all their energy to reciting the exercises. As long as you put your heart into it, you are destined not to be let down.

Contact Xie Fei and ask him to send a message to Hong Kong City to prepare medical equipment and medicines.

Li Shengli also did not forget his brother-in-law Du Peng, who was in the steel rolling mill, who helped import several prototype cars.

For the medicinal materials company, it is not a difficult task. After all, the car model currently being studied by the steel rolling mill is called the No. 2 car, and it has its own reputation in the storm.

Patients who came from out of town were diagnosed again after Mr. Lu and received a disease notification.

The mood of the patients was naturally a little gloomy.

But there is nothing we can do about it. If it were the Taiping Festival, even if such a thing happened, it would not happen to these people.

It is not all bad for them to use their connections to go to Beijing to seek this glimmer of hope.

At the very least, the top forces of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in China are currently serving them, right?

After sending the illness notification and the treatment plan of traditional Chinese and Western medicine to the medical team through the hands of his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli, Pu Lao and others waited for the medical team's reply.

Regarding the choice of treatment plan, the medical team's responses were still unprofessional.

Use Chinese medicine to observe it first, and that’s the answer over there.

Compared with the surgical treatment, which was the preferred option reported by Li Shengli, this was undoubtedly much more conservative.

Looking at the very formal notice from the medical team, Li Shengli understood.

The medical team is not conservative, but depends on the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Shengli had predicted before that if the traditional Chinese medicine was effective, the medical team would basically recommend surgery.

This is why Li Shengli insisted on using strong medicine from the beginning.

After receiving the notice, Li Shengli, along with Mr. Pu and others, started using traditional Chinese medicine without saying a word.

Facing patients with mid-to-late stage bladder cancer and facing patients as relevant stakeholders.

The final medication plan was also determined by Li Shengli as a combination of tonic, beneficial and neutralizing.

According to the old saying, using medicine is like using military force. It is tonify, benefit and eliminate the three elements, combining the methods of defense, sparseness, attack and supplementation in the art of war.

Depending on the symptoms of superficial pulse symptoms, each patient may have different prescriptions for combining tonic and tonic medicines.

The prescription for reducing swelling and dissipating knots is the same. It not only uses insecticides such as dung beetles, but also poisonous medicinal materials such as aconite.

Although the medicine was mainly used for defense and supplemented by offense, the initial sparse-character formula also made the processing station feel gloomy and gloomy.

The insect medicine dung beetle has the effect of breaking blood stasis and promoting urination and defecation. In addition, most of the patients are in the middle stage and are physically weak.

The initial dissipation was so sparse that almost all the patients had hematuria and blood in their stools, which also caused the patients to call the medical team directly...

(End of this chapter)

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