The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 729: Drug Trial Plan (Part )

Chapter 729: Drug Trial Plan (Part )

Hearing Li Shengliyi's fierce words, Mr. Pu frowned even deeper.

Even if people are divided into three, six or nine grades in terms of medication, it is not a popular topic at the moment.

"Victory, this method is unkind!"

Use people to test medicine, just talk about it and it will work.

When it comes time to use it, it will go against the influence Mr. Pu has received since childhood.

Medical heirs are similar to Confucian heirs. Ordinary benevolence, righteousness and morality may not be explained clearly.

But the benevolence, justice and morality we talk about must still be made clear.

This is passed down by the cultural context. Regardless of whether the words of benevolence, justice and morality are useful or not, it is difficult to escape from this circle.

"Pu Lao, what is benevolence?

Because of the presence of the medical team, the drug testing process in the front yard is destined to not be easy.

Moreover, most of the houses under the supply and marketing system are very good. In rural areas, supply and marketing cooperatives will become landmark buildings in the next twenty years.

Looking back at the second-floor facade, he also sighed lightly.

It may be said that it is a trial of medicine, or it may be said that it is an internal agreement.

After reaching an agreement with Mr. Pu and others on the drug test issue that cannot be discussed in detail, Li Shengli got up and went downstairs.

These contents, which even Pu Lao and others cannot tell, are the guarantee that the leaders have the opportunity to use traditional Chinese medicine.

It is definitely necessary to test the medicine on other patients.

He went to Old Man Ding's paging phone booth and called Dr. Wu, the boss of the Wu family. Li Shengli continued to return to the clinic for consultation.

Trying medicine on leaders will definitely not work.

Instead, he walked all the way to the courtyard in front of the clinic.

Without it, it will be difficult to get accurate medicinal effects.

Benevolence and virtue should not be put before clinical trials.

Clinical trials of western medicine medicines all involve excessive doses, and the powerful medicines of traditional Chinese medicine are not so easy to tolerate.

This may have a certain impact on patients, but this can only be done on a temporary basis..."

According to Western medicine, this is called scientific research.

In this regard, Pu Lao's reply was simple. A long sigh was his final attitude.

The road to medical treatment is inherently difficult and there are some shackles, so let’s not put them on future generations at will..."

Just like patients suffering from radiation sickness, someone has to try the medicine.

It is impossible for people who don’t understand the reaction of Chinese medicine to understand the reaction of lower class drugs.

One thing Mr. Pu and the great doctors here know very well is that the outcome is unknown, but the process will definitely be cruel.

Mr. Pu glanced around and reached an agreement with the colleagues in the room, and nodded in approval of Li Shengli's next drug testing regulations.

Western medicine is kind and virtuous. It knows how to use mice to test medicines, but can the medicines given to mice be used on humans? Is it virtuous?
Mr. Pu, our benevolence lies not in testing medicine, but in saving lives and healing the wounded.

It is not the kind of test medicine that traditional Chinese medicine uses to test qi, or try two or three doses first.

What this medical overlord was talking to him about was testing drugs in a literal sense.

To test the medicine, Pu Lao knew it when Li Shengli said that strong medicine should be used.

I still need to check with Dr. Wu on how to do the pathological examination.

Patients who always have to deal with vomiting and diarrhea, blood in the stool and urine, and listlessness can just get through with the medical team.

Even if there are relatively safe medicines, they will not be used.

During this meeting, the matters to be discussed were a bit deep. After the people arrived, Li Shengli neither led the four Wu family members to the consultation room on the second floor nor took them into the courtyard.

"Try to think about the patients as much as possible..."

Is it benevolent to have a disease for which there is no cure?
If you are sick and have no money for treatment, who lacks benevolence?
Bladder cancer is not only a problem for us, but also for Dr. Wu.

With the previous meeting and after Li Shengli's phone call, the four Wu brothers arrived very quickly.

But pathological examination by Western medicine is also necessary.


The courtyard in front of me should have been used as a warehouse before. The original courtyard structure has been demolished to pieces.

Now that I have looked around the country several times, the supply and marketing cooperative system is probably the largest landowner.

"Pu Lao, this time the medicine trial should be based on our traditional Chinese medicine.

"Mr. Pu, then I will contact the Wu brothers..."

The yard in front of the clinic was also the property of Nanluo Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

Li Shengli's words were words of comfort between him and Mr. Pu.

The matter is right in front of you. Whether you are virtuous or not, you can only convince yourself.

The subsequent addition of houses made the huge yard look a bit like a staff dormitory, which saved the trouble of subsequent additions.

Because everyone had something on their mind, the five of them had nothing to talk about except the initial pleasantries.

After entering the courtyard, Li Shengli waited for a while. When he saw the personnel from the warehouse along the corridor appearing at the entrance of the courtyard, he pointed around and arranged the security.

Only then did he take the four heroes of the Wu family to the main room of the courtyard. The main room here is similar to the consultation room on the second floor of the facade room, and it has also been transformed into a conference room.

A huge conference table made up of twelve Eight Immortal tables, plus neatly arranged official hat chairs and grand master chairs. Although the regulations are wrong, it has a good momentum.

"Dr. Wu, this is still a topic between us. Dr. Wu and others are just going through the motions.

Although it is a process, we still need to ask a few people to follow up on some matters in hospitals in various places.

Doctor Wu, should we talk about the leader's condition first, or should we talk about the things I asked Dr. Wu to do first? "

After entering the main room, Li Shengli still sat in the middle. He also moved the two original Taishi chairs and sat alone on the main seat.

Although the leader's treatment plan is not disclosed by all parties, there is a clear idea, which is what the old man said, take medicine first and recuperate.

Taking medicine and recuperating has nothing to do with Western medicine. This is the business of traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, the treatment plan should be based on traditional Chinese medicine. Sitting in the main seat, Li Shengli wants to take the lead.

Otherwise, the four heroes of the Wu family would not be easy to convince.

"Doctor Li, let's talk about the leader's condition first.

After preliminary discussions, the surgical plan has been decided.

I have also read some foreign information in the past two days. Can some chemotherapy drugs be added during the operation to inhibit the recurrence of the tumor after surgery? "

Dr. Wu, like Li Shengli, was deeply worried about the leader's condition.

What Dr. Wu is afraid of is the recurrence and metastasis of the tumor, while what Li Shengli is afraid of is the uncertainty of fate.

Regarding the early stage of bladder cancer, neither of them was too worried, not to mention Dr. Wu, a master of Western medicine who specializes in oncology and endocrinology.

Even Li Shengli, who is a senior in internal medicine, is not too afraid of early-stage bladder cancer.

Even if it is diagnosed now, there are ready-made traditional Chinese medicine preparations that can inhibit the progression of the disease.

The upcoming trial is aimed at curing bladder cancer.

There is a huge difference between delaying and suppressing the disease and curing it.

Dr. Wu's concerns were accurate, but the leader back then did not schedule the surgery at this time. By the time the surgery actually came, the bladder cancer was already in the middle and late stages.

In Li Shengli's understanding, as long as surgery can be performed on early-stage bladder cancer, the curative effect will be immediate.

Although I can’t guarantee a cure, after removing the original lesions, the problem can basically be regarded as solved.

Bladder cancer has two advantages: first, it can be detected early, and second, it is not easy to spread.

Although the recurrence that Dr. Wu is worried about is a problem, as long as it is treated with traditional Chinese medicine, the probability of recurrence is still very low.

Whether they are cancer cells or tumor cells, they always have a need for a living environment.

The chemotherapy Dr. Wu mentioned is to destroy the living environment of these cells.

In Li Shengli's view, compared with traditional Chinese medicine, chemotherapy lacks targeted effects.

A long period of chemotherapy drugs is also unbearable for the leader's body.

Li Shengli also admires the surgical methods of Western medicine, but in his opinion, chemotherapy methods are just that.

It’s not that it’s difficult or impossible to use, but it has too many side effects on the human body. Before the human body recovers, the chemotherapy drugs may be taken away from the person.

"Dr. Wu, let me tell you something you don't like to hear.

The chemotherapy you mentioned not only has more side effects than traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) drugs, but its efficacy is also unclear.

There is no need to argue between us on this matter.

The upcoming clinical trials of traditional Chinese medicine dispersing drugs will explain everything.

In this drug trial plan, I strongly advocate the use of strong drugs.

In addition to looking at the curative effect, we also need to give the medical team an illusion that the currently available traditional Chinese medicine preparations are very harmful to the human body!

You can no longer mention the chemotherapy plan. If it is used, our early efforts will really be in vain.

Doctor Wu, do you know what I mean? "

Just like the upcoming clinical trials, the leader's medication plan or treatment plan is not a pure medical process at all. It contains too many things that should not be included.

If there were nothing else involved, Li Shengli would have forced the leadership office to accept his recuperation plan.

By using American ginseng and deer antler blood, he could delay the onset of the disease for at least a year.

"I understand, I understand!

Just Dr. Li, are you sure you want to conduct this form of clinical trial?

I am afraid that the leadership will never approve of this kind of drug testing method. "

As a master of Western medicine, Dr. Wu is very clear about the process of testing medicine.

Experimentation, for doctors, means exploration.

For patients, the results can be harsh.

Because the final result of drug testing is to find out the safe range of drug use, overdose of drugs is also a common practice in clinical drug testing.

Although there are no professional drug testing institutions now, as a doctor studying in the United States, Dr. Wu also systematically experienced the pharmaceutical industry on the other side of the ocean when he was studying abroad.

Clinical trials are undoubtedly the most effective way to demonstrate drug efficacy, but this method of drug testing is not popular in China.

Dr. Gu, who came with the eldest brother of the Wu family, had no choice but to test the medicine himself for the purpose of polio vaccine research.

This is a scene that would not exist on the other side of the ocean. Lao Gu, a ruthless man, not only tested the medicine on himself, but also on his own infant child.

There is both kindness and helplessness in this.

Dr. Wu pointed out the shortcomings of the drug test, and also urged Li Shengli to pay attention to the impact.

This is also the reason why the four heroes of the Wu family can survive the wind and rain safely.

Most of the time, personal cognition comes from family education.

The elder of the Wu family saw through the officialdom of the late Qing Dynasty. After resigning, he joined the industry and witnessed the shopping malls of the Republic of China.

The experience and lessons here, if passed down a little, are enough for many people to use them up.

The four heroes of the Wu family all studied medicine under the arrangement of their hometown, and they were successful in their studies.

It may just be Dr. Wu's habit of confirming his position before testing the medicine, but in Li Shengli's opinion, it is the value of tutoring.

“Dr. Wu, bladder cancer is more difficult to cure in the later stages.

There is even no hope of cure.

I shouldn't have said this, but I thought you were trustworthy, so I said it.

I feel that the best treatment for bladder cancer is to surgically remove the lesions after discovery, followed by traditional Chinese medicine to improve the balance of movement and metabolism in the body.

Dr. Wu studied oncology and endocrinology abroad. You should still be able to understand what he said about improving the balance of transportation and metabolism in the body, right?

When the next patient with bladder cancer comes, Dr. Wu will understand many things.

The medical team probably won't find any early-stage patients for us either.

Most of the patients are in the middle and late stages. This is their reason! "

Li Shengli did not explain to Dr. Wu whether the trial medicine was appropriate or not, but talked about bladder cancer and the upcoming bladder cancer patients.

These were words that all the four heroes of the Wu family could understand, especially the word 'trustworthy', which made the four brothers frown tightly.

"Dr. Li, why do you say there is no hope of cure for bladder cancer after it reaches the mid-to-late stage?"

While the other three brothers of the Wu family were still deep in thought, Dr. Wu also caught the flaw in Li Shengli's words.

Bladder cancer, or cancer treatment, is also a high-end medical field abroad.

The distinction between cancers is not very rigorous and clear at present.

Li Shengli said that bladder cancer is almost difficult to cure in the middle and late stages, which is also the result of extensive statistics in later generations.

Now for such a conclusion, it is very important for Dr. Wu where the evidence comes from.

“This is very simple if you talk about it in medical terms.

But scientifically speaking, I can’t explain it either.

I told Dr. Wu about this before in the leadership office.

From a medical perspective, the bladder is the boundary for transporting waste water in the body, and the tumors produced are most likely to be malignant.

I don’t need to explain the pathological spread of malignant tumors to Dr. Wu, right?

Since the bladder is where water vapor is transported and transformed, it can naturally communicate with various organs in the body.

I don’t need to explain to Dr. Wu the cure rate after the malignant tumor spreads, right? "

Dr. Wu's brows knitted together when he heard that Li Shengli was still talking about medical theory rather than science.

Perhaps Li Shengli would only be scorned if he talked to other Western doctors about treating cancer.

But as Li Shengli said before, Dr. Wu is studying tumor endocrinology.

He quite agrees with some of the rhetoric of traditional Chinese medicine, but his cognition is just a little vague.

"Doctor Li, then I agree with the plan of testing the medicine.

Can you let me see the specific prescription you used? "

After approving Li Shengli's drug trial plan, Dr. Wu was not without conditions.

The conditions seemed simple to him, and he could always take a look at the prescription...

(End of this chapter)

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