The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 728: Drug Trial Plan (Part )

Chapter 728: Drug Trial Plan (Part )

After hearing the sorrow of his heir, Mr. Liu grinned and smashed the bar twice, looking at a loss for words.

According to what Li Shengli said, the old man also has a cheap father-in-law who is younger than him!
Wang Weihong has lived in the courtyard for a long time, and many things come up as they say.

Although she doesn't have a child yet, Wang Weihong is also paying the price she should pay.


Every family has its cupboard! "

Thinking of Widow Wali Zhang's marriage renewal, Mr. Liu's face felt warm and uncomfortable.

The old man couldn't help but lament that he had done something wrong even though he was still doing such a mess.

Mr. Liu felt that he was being dishonest, but for the Liu family, the Eighth Hutongs back then were also a business involving money and goods.

The old man still felt a little sorry for Wang Weihong, who was almost like an ordinary person.

Severe hemorrhagic gonorrhea is almost a syndrome of damp-heat deficiency. For this type of disease, the medication is complicated, so you still need to be cautious. "

If used before the onset of illness, it will definitely be effective.

When he talked about his illness with Mr. Pu and others, Mr. Liu sometimes listened, so he knew some of the context.

Have you not been back to Madianji recently? "

Although Li Shengli didn't tell Liu Ye clearly about his leader's illness, he didn't keep it a secret either.

When Mr. Liu tells his heir old stories, they are not gossiping, but they are broadening his mind!
"Master Liu, you really have to try your luck this time.

This is not to say that traditional Chinese medicine is not easy to use, but it depends on when to use it.

Once it reaches the mid-to-late stage, it is very difficult to recover with surgery and medicine.

For the bladder cancer you and Lao Pu and others received, it would be fine if they were treated as usual.

"Master, when is this?

Speaking of cancer, Mr. Liu started selling it here. In his early years, I heard allusions from his hometown.

Moreover, the disease develops faster in the middle and later stages.

In medical books, there are also ready-made formulas for Ruyan and Shenyan. Ruyan prescriptions use gugong, borneol and Trichosanthes melon.

This disease was also recorded in the Song Dynasty. At that time, it was called "Yan", Yantongyan. In medical books, there have long been records of breast rock, kidney rock and tongue rock.

This is considered normal in this month. In the city, there are also many people who live in factories all year round.

The cancer in children earlier was called rock syndrome according to traditional Chinese medicine.

Between hemorrhage and bladder cancer, there is a broad and narrow definition, mild and severe.

Things at home are no longer a problem.

But the ruthlessness of his heir is also obvious. If the old man refuses to accept Wang Weihong, her family may have an unpredictable outcome.

The perceptual factor is not taken seriously, which also proves the saying that when you are full and warm, you think about lust.

He really had no idea how to face the old Dingtou couple.

This matter is difficult..."

Bloody discharge is not considered an emergency according to traditional Chinese medicine.

Some things are one thing when you do them, but another thing when you actually face them.

The reasons are nothing more than a positive attitude, being a little far from home, or insufficient living conditions at home.

For Shenyan prescription, use Sanzhuangguijian Decoction, Longdan Xiegan Decoction, Zhibai Dihuang Decoction, etc.

Li Shengli also frowned when talking about the leadership's medication plan.

This is the benefit of descendants of doctors. When senior doctors chat, occasionally listening to a few words is the so-called family inheritance and influence.

The word cancer originated from the little devils on the island. During the Republic of China, it came to our area and there were specific cases.

When it comes to the parents of his daughter-in-law Ding Lan, Li Shengli feels no less melancholy than Mr. Liu.

As a result, most of the prescriptions contained in medical books cannot be used.

Being a royal doctor is a job that has hidden dangers.

Adjusting and changing the internal circulation, Chinese medicine is not only good at it but also professional.

This is not because the symptoms are not obvious, but because before the onset of the disease, what needs to be adjusted is nothing more than the balance of the human body.

Hematocrit is not difficult to treat according to traditional Chinese medicine, but bladder cancer is difficult to treat.

To cure this disease, not only that it will be cured immediately after turning over the bowl, but also within three to two months.

Ever since Du Jiaoyang went abroad, he seemed to be abandoning his family and career.

I estimate that most of the prescriptions tried in the front yard in the next period of time will be ineffective, or have little effect.

If the tumor loses its survival environment, it will naturally become less likely to develop.

Bladder cancer is a specific form of hemorrhagic leukemia, and it is much more serious than hemorrhagic leukemia.

But bladder cancer is an emergency.

After the onset of the disease, although it is important to improve the water vapor transportation environment in the body, it is not as important as killing and dispersing the tumor.

When it comes to killing and dispersing tumors, normal Chinese medicine prescriptions are slightly less effective.

Li Shengli also recognized the lithiasis that Mr. Liu mentioned, but it was hard to say how effective the prescriptions in the medical books would be.

Through experience, this type of medicine may have a clear effect on initial symptoms, or it may have little effect.

Most of what is contained in medical books are individual cases and cannot be relied upon.

This involves the issue of main narrative or self-narration in the process of practicing Chinese medicine.

There are no examination instruments and no anatomical methods. There are too many unclear and unexplained things in traditional Chinese medicine classics or theories.

Not only laymen will question this matter, but also Li Shengli, Shi Lao, Pu Lao and others.

What can finally be discussed are actual cases, but it is difficult to explain the problem with a few individual cases.

For difficult and complicated diseases such as lithoid syndrome or cancer, it is difficult to make clinical comparisons based on the conditions that existed in traditional Chinese medicine.

Without clinical comparison, cancer treatment and tumor treatment, for Chinese medicine, no matter how many treatments there are, it can only be an exception.

In addition to the lack of comparative cases, in the face of cancer and tumors, traditional Chinese medicine has another weakness compared with surgery.

For example, if the leader has bladder cancer, forced dispersion of knots and swelling will worsen the water and gas transportation in the body.

Moreover, the identities of the leaders are different, which makes the following medication plan a little too risky.

"Master, are the circumcision sects over there in Xiaozhu unable to do anything about this disease?
Although Xiao Zhu can't say it out loud, you created the new partition sect with your own hands.

Is it possible to let the four brothers of the Wu family use the methods of the partition faction? "

When it comes to specific symptoms, Mr. Liu is a bit at a loss for words.

I can only give my own heirs a sneak peek.

"Master Liu, Chinese medicine, Western medicine, Chinese and Western medicine, and their medical theories are also different.

Traditional Chinese medicine can be combined with Western medicine, but in terms of medical theory, Western medicine theory is not enough to support the whole system of Chinese medicine, so I came up with a new circumcision school.

This can be said to be traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

For the same reason, Western medicine cannot fully accept the theories of Chinese medicine.

I mentioned the neo-circumcision sect before, without mentioning Chinese and Western medicine. In fact, I just left a gap for them!
Western medicine also requires traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but it is still different from the neo-circumcision school in terms of medical theory.

The path that Chinese medicine and Western medicine will take in the future will most likely be different from that of Western medicine.

As far as bladder cancer is concerned, the current approach is the neo-circumcision approach, which is based on traditional Chinese medicine. Although the reason is clear, the surgery really cannot be performed by Zhu Shi and others because they cannot afford this kind of cause and effect.

Your suggestion has given me some ideas. It seems that I still have to meet the four heroes of the Wu family..."

In order to inherit and develop traditional Chinese medicine, it is also the only way to learn from Western medicine or improve it with modern medicine.

But improved Chinese medicine is still Chinese medicine, and medical theory cannot be confused.

There are too many things that Western medicine or modern medicine needs to learn from Chinese medicine.

In this way, there must be a transitional zone between the two, and that is Chinese and Western medicine.

The term Chinese and Western medicine also requires a distinction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

It is a more objective statement to call it Chinese and Western medicine and Western traditional Chinese medicine.

After giving Mr. Liu a rough description of the different streams of Chinese and Western medicine, Li Shengli scanned the wall outside the clinic.

The results of the drug test in the front yard and the symptom description of traditional Chinese medicine alone are definitely not enough.

Coupled with Western medical pathological examination, the results may be available faster.

In the previous meeting with the four heroes of the Wu family, the two parties could not discuss this level of depth.

From the current point of view, it is not a bad thing for the new separatists who are in the self-training class to be stumbled.

Now the traditional Chinese and Western medicine that Li Shengli calls, that is, the neo-circulatory system, still lacks capable personnel compared to the Western and Chinese medicine he talks about.

From about five years ago to the present, training classes at Zhongzhong West have always existed.

There are also many capable TCM doctors who have switched from TCM to Western medicine.

In just twenty years, the foundation of Chinese and Western medicine for later generations was almost in place.

And the traditional Chinese and Western medicine of later generations is what Li Shengli calls traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Li Shengli doesn't know how many capable Chinese medicine practitioners there are in hospitals in various places.

Through the relocation of the processing plant and the admission of bladder cancer patients.

It is not a bad thing to search for the elites who are proficient in both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in Western medicine hospitals in various places.

But whether this can be done depends on the opinion of the medical team. It is difficult for Li Shengli to predict the outcome this time.

"Master, it has to be you!
This is very clear. "

After accepting Mr. Liu's flattery, Li Shengli stood up and left the clinic. Naturally, his destination was the consultation room of the ward where Mr. Pu and others were.

From the clinic to the second-floor facade, Li Shengli also roughly sorted out his thoughts.

To recruit the capable personnel of Zhongzhongxi, we still have to go through the so-called Chinese Medicinal Materials Processing Research Institute to gain a foothold.

Interrupting the prescription debate between Pu Lao, Yue Lao and others in the consultation room, Li Shengli briefly talked about the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

At the same time, it also briefly touched on the topic of improving traditional Chinese medicine.

The improvement of traditional Chinese medicine is acceptable to Mr. Pu in front of him and Mr. Shi in the mountain village.

Many patent medicines and Chinese patent medicines can be classified as improved.

Even the Angong Niuhuang Pills with changed medicinal materials and the current Antipyretic Pills can be considered an improvement.

This kind of improvement is necessary and there is nothing difficult to accept.

What really worries Pu Lao and others is the bladder cancer in front of them.

According to Liu Ye, the theory of Chinese medicine that there is no cancer is not absolute. It is also true that lithiasis is cancer or tumor.

According to Mr. Liu, it was recorded in the Song Dynasty that the cancer was a disease that lasted for more than a thousand years.

Although there are prescriptions related to rock syndrome in medical books, whether they are effective or not still needs to be verified.

"Shengli, we old guys have considered the leader's medication plan over and over again, but we still can't come up with a practical and effective plan.

Ordinary prescriptions for removing dampness and diluting water may not be effective.

If you use strong medicine, you are afraid of worsening the transportation of water vapor.

We discussed it for several days, but couldn't come up with a suitable plan.

There is no plan. Even if patients with bladder cancer come down below, the medication we use here is still out of scope. "

Pu Lao talked about the difficulty of taking the medicine, which was similar to Li Shengli's.

In this regard, Li Shengli can draw on the experience of later generations.

"Pulao, which one do you think should be ranked first, conditioning and improvement or reducing swelling and dissipating knots?"

As soon as Li Shengli's question came out, Pu Lao and others also frowned.

According to medical theory, the priority is to support the Yang and strengthen the body.

However, according to the recent understanding of bladder cancer, strengthening the Yang and strengthening the body is still lacking in timeliness.

Cancer and tumors are just like the evil heat used to treat radiation sickness.

After being exposed to radiation, the evil heat in the body has a foundation. The foundation will not be destroyed and the evil heat will be difficult to get rid of.

This is similar to the reason why tumors in the body will worsen. If the speed of healing cannot keep up with the speed of deterioration, no matter how much medicine is used, it will be in vain.

According to the method of the Vulcan Sect, a large amount of Aconite is used to support Yang, which is very fast, but the burden of transportation is also heavy.

Whether the human body can withstand it is unknown without clinical trials.

As for reducing swelling and dissipating stagnation, we must use medicinal materials for diarrhea and elimination, and the burden of transportation and transformation is not easy.

The same is true for some poisonous insecticides.

When it comes to argumentation, there is no disease that cannot be prescribed.

But when it comes time to actually use the medicine, you have to consider whether the patient can withstand the force of the medicine.

The tumor disappears and the person dies from taking the medicine, no matter how good the prescription is, it cannot be used.

Not to mention the medicine that kills people, even the medicine that seriously damages the vitality cannot be used.

When the prescription comes to the leader, his age and physical condition, as well as his work and rest patterns, must also be considered.

When the disease is combined with the actual situation, it is difficult to find a suitable prescription.

“Didn’t you put this truth in front of us old men?

Surgery comes first, doesn’t it mean reducing swelling and dissolving knots first?
Victory, in this way, two or three doses of prescriptions must include the effects of dispersing, strengthening, tonifying, and harmonizing.

According to the method of fear of return, many medicines are in conflict with each other. We can come up with such prescriptions for increasing or decreasing.

But the monarch and ministers between the prescriptions are gone. If several prescriptions are combined, what may come out is evil prescriptions and poisons, which you dare not use..."

Mr. Pu cannot answer Li Shengli's question directly, but he can answer it indirectly based on the current plan.

The first priority is to reduce swelling and dissipate knots. When used, this medicine is really a weapon that avoids rats.

As long as it is not supplemented, the harm of the prescription may be greater than the surgery in terms of the leader's age and health.

"Pu Lao, this is simple.

The bladder cancer patient below will be coming up soon.

All we have left is testing the medicine on people.

After the person arrives, first look for someone with similar symptoms to the leader's pulse syndrome.

People like this should try drugs violently..."

(End of this chapter)

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