The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 724 Economics Class (Part )

Chapter 724 Economics Class (Part )
“Everyone, what Shengli said is also what I, an old man, want to say.

Right and wrong, we should be able to see clearly when we live to this age.

I can do things at will, but when Shengli does things, I will also watch from the sidelines. "

Li Shengli said harshly, but Mr. Pu still supported him.

At this time of year, it is really necessary to say that this is a big deal.

Today's traditional Chinese medicine has not shed its old habits and rules, so it is natural to explain them.

It's not that I don't trust you, but everyone here must know the rules of doing things.

Whether it is the leader's illness or the subsequent bladder cancer patient, in Pu Lao's view, it is also a major event involving the rise and fall of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is an area that Mr. Pu has devoted his life to. When it comes time to put his life to use, the old man will not hesitate to do his best.

"Everyone, I am a junior. I have spoken out if I offend others. Seniors, you can only bear with me.

If Li Shengli really loses the prescription, the ideas of the old men in the room will be restricted.

This is also where TCM treatment is said to be unscientific, as there is no fixed correspondence.

This is the ecology that has been circulating in the traditional Chinese medicine community for a long time.

Regarding radiation sickness, although the results have been announced, Pu Lao and his party were still very passive. In the early days, if they did not follow Li Shengli's theory of febrile diseases releasing heat.

Li Shengli is already the king of the medical field, and if he tries any more, he will resort to febrile means, which will make it difficult for other factions to deal with him.

In the medical field, everything depends on the outcome.

But whether it is useful or not depends on what people say and the results.

Traditional Chinese medicine was first born out of the witch doctor, which was one of the ancient official positions; later it was born out of the literati. Although they were all unsuccessful candidates, the world of medicine was still similar to the official career.

In this process, you can even teach the family's profit methods, and even establish a marriage relationship.

Li Shengli came up with a ready-made recipe, but was interrupted by Pu Lao.

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, for the same disease and the same patient, different doctors may give very different prescriptions.

For example, in the case of hemorrhagic stranguria, strengthening the body and nourishing the yang is the way, dispelling dampness and releasing heat is also the way, clearing away heat and detoxifying is still the way, and treating stranguria and stopping bleeding may not be impossible.

But after looking at every recipe prepared by Li Shengli, Mr. Pu was amazed, let alone others.

Women's diseases and children's diseases must be treated regardless of whether they are rich or poor. If children's diseases are not treated, children will die prematurely. If gynecological diseases are not treated, life will not be easy for the family without a sweeper.

Mr. Pu doesn't want to follow Li Shengli's idea all the time, because bladder cancer is also a new disease.

Li Shengli was born in the Liu family with a febrile disease in central Beijing. This status was neither good nor bad.

Because patients with influenza and spleen deficiency are mostly adults, they must endure it!
The so-called maternal and child skin and bones refers to the departments of gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology and orthopedics.

According to the treatment of pornography, there are many prescriptions that can be used. Now in this small two-story building with a facade, Mr. Pu and a group of old men are also changing the potions that were explored in the self-training class.

Until now, anti-inflammatory drugs are not available to ordinary people.

The middle and lower reaches nourish the skin and bones of women and children, and the middle and upper reaches nourish the internal organs.

If Li Shengli's level is average, Mr. Pu will let him come up with prescriptions.

If we follow the previous path of radiation sickness, once we are restricted by Li Shengli’s prescription, many good ideas will no longer be used.

Because working in the dock to earn a living in the field of Chinese medicine has not been an easy job since ancient times.

Li Shengli has done this a lot before. The profession of traditional Chinese medicine requires not only experience, but also preconceptions.

Instead, he will assimilate. The meaning of assimilation is also very simple, which is to help the wandering doctor who broke into the dock to sit in court.

Pu Lao was helpless when he blocked Li Shengli.

No matter how clear the truth is, no matter how scientific the plan is, if people cannot protect it, then it is unreasonable and unscientific.

Traditional Chinese medicine talks about medical theory, that is, it talks about principles. Once you are convinced by others on the principles, it will be difficult to follow the path you are familiar with to differentiate syndromes and treat the disease.

Slowly let Guo Jiang Qianglong become a member of the local medical community, and many things will become easier to talk about in the future.

I have a few ideas here, we still need to discuss them..."

Maybe the treatment methods that everyone has come up with are all effective; or maybe the treatment methods that everyone has come up with are not easy to use.

The medical world has its rules and regulations, as well as its world.

When encountering a master who breaks into the dock, colleagues in the medical field will not be like those in the martial arts field, either lying down or running away.

It would be better if Li Shengli came from the original sect of typhoid fever, but it is somewhat inappropriate to have a febrile disease.

After being reminded, Li Shengli also showed his own attitude.

"Sheng Li, don't rush out the prescription. When the patient comes, come up with a plan after each diagnosis, and then consult together, the result will be the best!"

If radiation sickness is really attributed to evil heat and yellowing, there will be more medicines available in traditional Chinese medicine classics.

It’s not just febrile disease that can treat radiation sickness…

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is also a syndrome of bloody stranguria. If you follow the path of syndrome, there are many treatments.

All things considered, in the medical field, ultimately, efficacy will speak for itself.

If you want to survive in the medical field, you must first treat epidemics and regulate the spleen and stomach, or treat influenza and regulate the spleen and stomach. Then the business of sitting in the clinic will be ruined.

As for dermatology and orthopedics, scabies, boils, broken bones and tendons are also diseases that have to be treated.

Therefore, when ordinary doctors rush to the dock to seek food, they must start with the skin and bones of women and children, otherwise they will not be able to eat.

Of course, famous doctors can be exceptions.

When talking about famous doctors, we must talk about the patients whom famous doctors treat, wealthy people.

When you get to a wealthy family, you can really make money by choosing medicines that relieve symptoms and tonic medicines.

But without certain skills and the reputation of a famous doctor, it is also delusional to prescribe this kind of prescription.

For doctors, there is a gap between what they learn and what they practice.

If you can't stand this gap, you can only indulge in the business of caring for women and children.

If you can withstand this gap, you can still make further progress. You can start from a famous doctor in one place, move towards a doctor, a great doctor, and finally go to Beijing to spread your business.

The febrile disease school follows this path. In the middle and lower reaches, it is proficient in the three departments of women and children, and in the upper reaches, it is good at nursing. That is why the febrile disease branch has spread in Beijing.

In terms of basics, febrile disease is not stronger than other schools, but its approach is stronger than other schools.

Once Li Shengli applies his approach to treating febrile diseases to the medical community, it will be of no benefit to the inheritance and development of other medical schools.

Regarding the division of sects in the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr. Pu cannot unconditionally support Li Shengli.

Li Shengli may not be aware of this problem yet, but as a veteran in the medical field, he has had ideas since he was treated for radiation sickness.

Two flowers bloom, each represents one branch, and it still needs to be implemented in each sect. Otherwise, if only Li Shengli, a person with a febrile disease, speaks, the result may not be good.

It is impossible to synchronize what Pu Lao thinks and what Li Shengli thinks.

Li Shengli's eight high-ranking sects are also difficult to explain. They can only show their proficiency in treating febrile diseases and taking care of all the sects.

Just follow what Pu Lao said.

It's just that this job is urgent, so I hope all the seniors will try their best. The Shi Lao and Cheng Lao on the mountain can also contact us. If not, famous doctors from various schools will be selected to make suggestions together. "

Li Shengli didn't understand Mr. Pu's meaning, but it didn't stop him from thinking about the overall situation.

This time Wang Qianjin proposed to recruit people from below, and the famous old Chinese doctors on the mountain side also had to set an example for the newcomers.

Although Li Shengli no longer has to manage the self-training class, he still has a lot of things on hand, and he won't have to recruit famous doctors to convince him one by one like before.

"This is what you need!
Victory, you go ahead and do the rest. We old guys will take care of the rest. "

Although he didn't understand Mr. Pu's deep meaning, Li Shengli's actions were in line with Mr. Pu's thoughts.

Coming down from the small building on the second floor of the facade, Li Shengli first glanced around, and then followed the small street on the side of the facade to the paging phone booth.

After calling Xiao Hu in Madianji, Li Shengli walked around the alley near the courtyard several times.

Although Sijiucheng is now a must-visit city when traveling, there are still only a few people who can come to Sijiucheng.

When I usually go to work, Sijiucheng in the alley is almost deserted.

Aunts and sisters-in-law who stay at home will also start busy with lunch at this time.

Getting up early, washing, sewing, and cooking will take up most of their time.

For those who are more lucky and those who are more diligent, there are temporary jobs distributed by the neighborhood committee to supplement their family income.

Just having fun when you have nothing to do does not exist on the street. Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite, right?
Even trivial things like quarrels and quarrels have to be exploited. In Li Shengli's view, such trivial things are just a way to vent emotions.

Take a look around and prepare for the next consultation.

The most fatal thing is when misfortune causes a weak wall or turns into an elbow or armpit. Even if Mr. Pu and others are worthy of trust, Li Shengli will take no less precautions.

There are still more than three years left until the wind and rain stop, and it becomes serious!
At this time, Wang Qianjin's godmother was offended because of the leader's affairs. Three years was enough time for others to rip off his skin and cramps.

Therefore, in addition to the seven-pound guard squad, during this period, Li Shengli also had to mobilize manpower from the streets to seal the area around the courtyard or Shengli Clinic.

If anyone dares to give him eye drops at this critical moment, Li Shengli will have no choice but to put incense on his grave next year.

After walking around and returning to the courtyard, half way through lunch, Xiao Hu knocked on the outer door of the clinic.

"have you eaten?"

"Uncle, I ate on the way."

"Okay then, come into the courtyard and talk to me."

After a few questions and answers, and after finishing the food in front of him, Li Shengli pushed the bowls and chopsticks away, got up and took Xiao Hu into the courtyard.

Silhouette cooked the meals, Feng Xia and Zhou Yan washed the rice bowls, and washed and dried the clothes and bedding.

Without the trivial matters of life, Li Shengli has more time to concentrate.

Don't underestimate these trivial matters in life. In this day and age, food, clothing, housing and transportation can take up most of a person's energy, which is much more tiring than going to work.

Retirement is also a part of the growth of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also very important.

A person who doesn't care about life has different energy and concentration than a person who is obsessed with the trivial matters of life.

Li Shengli also frowned as he thought about the barefoot doctor who was slowly filling up his penis, and when he thought about the dishes and chopsticks.

"How have you been studying with your wife recently?
If Luo Yun comes to complain again, be careful I slap you on the ribs..."

Thinking that his earlier Chinese medicine apprenticeship was also a part-time study, Li Shengli became interested in the economics class in Madianji.

When the wind and rain subside, the self-training classes are not far away. How to continue the correspondence classes is also a problem for Li Shengli.

It's not that he doesn't have the ability to run private schools, but he has plenty of it, but after the storm stops, the higher ups won't allow such a school to appear.

For a period of time after the wind and rain stop, how to maintain self-study classes and correspondence classes is not only a problem, but also a difficult problem.

Li Shengli would like to upgrade the correspondence course to a school such as the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the superiors will not allow it.

Three million barefoot doctors, one in ten would require three hundred thousand correspondence students, and one in ten would have to be about 30,000 students. The higher-ups cannot afford to run a school of this scale.

Moreover, in Li Shengli's opinion, the number of people who need correspondence education is not just one percent of the 30,000 people.

Excluding those who return to the city, correspondence education covers all barefoot doctors, and correspondence education covers half or 30% of those who go to the city. That is a scale of less than a million people.

Moreover, this kind of correspondence education needs to be sustainable, and a fixed number of 200,000 to 300,000 people is still needed every year.

If you want people to leave their jobs and study medicine, in addition to providing food and housing, they must also be given certain subsidies. This is similar to the treatment you get now when you go to college.

The number of two to three hundred thousand people, even two to three hundred thousand off-the-job workers, cannot carry such a burden.

"Uncle, will you let me go again?

I really can't learn anymore. It's really hard for me to recite arithmetic every day. "

When his uncle Li Shengli talked about the economics class, Xiao Hu also had a sad look on his face.

Not only him, but the students in the economics class are almost the same unruly men as him. Studying is really torture for them.

“It seems I still don’t pay enough attention to you.

You've been chatting with Luo Yun a lot lately, right?
Got it!

I've figured it out, and I'll let your mother teach in the economics class another day.

You two haven't seen each other for a while, right?

You and Luo Yun's child should still be shown to her. "

Glancing at his inhumane uncle, Xiao Hu was also filled with bitterness.

If my mother goes to the economics class, people like them will not live anymore.

"Uncle, I kneel down and kowtow to you.

My mother, whom I have visited frequently recently, has also seen the child.

Can you please let my uncle watch it? "

When his brother-in-law Li Shengli mentioned that his mother should be a teacher in the economics class, it would be surprising if Xiao Hu was not afraid.

If you don't learn well in the self-training class, you'll get beaten. His mother went to the economics class, and if she doesn't learn well, she'll go crazy.

The martial arts methods of conditioning people are much more powerful than torture, and the rib splitting mentioned by my uncle Li Shengli is just a trivial one among them.

If I really give you some strength and strength, I guarantee that within half a month you won’t be able to eat well or sleep well, and your heart will feel like a hundred claws scratching your heart.

"There's no need to talk about it. I have a lot of business here, but I'm just short of people.

You can fight and kill on the street, and you must do the same when doing business.

Since you have been given the opportunity to not learn, I will urge you.

That’s it, let’s not talk about this for now.

You ask Da Liu and Ma Xiaobao to send a group of suitable manpower over within the next six months.

Even if a fly lands in front of my clinic, I still need to know the male and female.

Nanluo's patrol team, you also need to create another team. If anyone is spying on me at night, drag them to Houhai to feed the fish..."

(End of this chapter)

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