The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 723 Testing Medicine (Part )

Chapter 723 Testing Medicine (Part )

Rejecting his brother-in-law's murderous kindness, Wang Qianjin went over the details with Li Shengli.

I got out of the middle jeep, got on the jeep waiting behind me, and returned the same way.

Watching the two jeeps drive away, Li Shengli didn't stay nearby for long, and drove back to the Shengli Clinic in the courtyard.

When it comes to major matters related to interests, everyone's response is quick. At noon, Wang Qianjin drove a brand new 212 back.

Uncle Lang and Uncle looked at each other inside and outside the clinic door. After Li Shengli made an explanation, he led Wang Qian into the main room in the front yard.

"Lao Li, just as you thought, the medical team is also willing to support the leader in operating as soon as possible.

Bladder cancer patients from all over the world can travel to Beijing in five days at most. How about your place?
Don't kill people and let the medical team change their mind. "

Hearing Wang Qianjin's distrust, Li Shengli sneered and replied:

“When people come to me and get cured, they may not be cured.

When it comes to treating cancer, neither traditional Chinese medicine nor Western medicine is very effective.

Lao Li, you have to be somewhat confident in doing this.

Your grandson, you have to bring out the steel fire. Whoever put these shoes on for us, you just strangle him to death with your shoelaces!

After saying that, Wang Qianjin stood up and left. Looking at the new jeep that flew away, Li Shengli shook his head.

There is a house over there, but it must be in your name.

But the scope that Li Shengli can take into account is ultimately limited. It's okay in the city, but outside the city, many things are really difficult to handle.

But Lao Li, the house matter has not been completed. According to the medical team, the bladder cancer drug trial must be carried out secretly.

Although there are famous old Chinese doctors on the mountain, Zhu Shi's new sect has also brought in many Western doctors.

The real estate is managed by the office, and we raise the funds ourselves.

The medical team can provide funding, but it cannot be related to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing. "

In addition to a large courtyard, there are several nearby courtyards, with a total cost of around 30,000 yuan.

I can send it out here if you order it, and it will be easy to use if you go over and stamp it.

"You don't need to say this, the medical team has also thought of it.

Don't say anything to them. Even the one who took the condom and the one who watched it have to die in the condom before the result can be seen clearly. "

However, many things involving Wang Qianjin and his godmother will have to be explained in the future.

Wind and rain also have an impact on traditional Chinese medicine, but in general it is not significant; it has a great impact on Western medicine treatments in various places.

Western medicine and Chinese medicine, when faced with patients who have begun to spread in the middle and late stages, the general direction is to prolong the survival time, but the process of Western medicine is relatively difficult, while the process of Chinese medicine is relatively easy.

After all, you belong to the third prince, and you have been tricked like this.

Don't run around these two days, people may stare at you.

I'll go home and discuss it with Lao Wang. After dinner, I have to go back in the afternoon. "

Although the barefoot doctor who passed behind gathered the scattered personnel on the Western medicine side, many of the information was not accessible to the boss of the Wu family.

But it is not easy to die even if the leader does not perform the surgery.

Let the medical team make it clear to the office that we want to test the medicine.

"There's nothing to say. Whoever tries to trick us on this matter will be taken back by us.

Now is a very critical moment, both for the leader's condition and for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Shengli, a famous veteran Chinese doctor in the field of Chinese medicine, can protect most of them, but it is difficult for Western medicine to take care of them.

In the next sixty years, cancer will not be something that can be easily cured. Serious explanations can only prolong survival time.

There are still many Chinese and Western doctors who are in poor circumstances, and they have gathered in the city to fill up the staff of the new partition sect. "

Even if a person has only one breath left, I will let him live.

Many attending doctors from various hospitals may now be helping in the barefoot doctor training classes below. These are things that Li Shengli cannot take care of at the same time.

Regarding the house, Li Shengli also had a vivid mind and immediately said:
“You still have to make suggestions about this matter.

When it comes to the difficulties in his heart, Li Shengli's heart is also particularly hard-hearted.

This is one of the reasons why Dr. Wu, the boss of the Wu family, had a bad look after meeting him.

However, what if the grandson below was really a patient with only one breath left?

This is what Li Shengli likes to hear. Hiding it will only make him gain in vain.

In addition to real estate, I also need to redeploy the staff of Chinese and Western medicine.

In the early stage, it was easy to say, but in the middle and late stages, it began to spread, and it was basically an incurable disease.

When he first started working, there was still a gap between Chinese and Western medicine. Before the self-training class was established, his ability was limited.

When it comes to speaking, Li Shengli doesn't just talk about the house.

For him, the courtyard of the Paipai is not as good as this kind of hidden and tricked courtyard.

People have also said that personnel should be restricted and don't make a big show of it.

The medical team also simplifies the profession of doctor. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, at a certain level, talent can determine victory or defeat.

Although Western medicine is simpler in cultivating talents, it is not a matter of skill and ethics.

Western doctors trained through industrialization, especially surgical talents, should reach a critical point around the age of fifty.

But truly gifted Western medicine practitioners can perform surgeries even when they are eighty or ninety years old. At such an age, if they can still be active on the operating table, their skills are close to the Tao.

The understanding of human tissue has reached a certain level, and Western medicine and Chinese medicine are actually related.

It's just that in traditional Chinese medicine, the basics are medical theory or numerology, while Western medicine can only systematically connect the relationships between various parts of the human body when it reaches the intermediate to advanced stage.

But it is very rare for Western medicine to reach this level. The reason is simple, four words: professional field!
As for traditional Chinese medicine, what we talk about from the beginning is the principle of treating and eliminating diseases. This is a summary of experience. It is completely opposite to Western medicine starting from the technique.

But whether it is from Tao to technique or from technique to Tao, the principles behind the shortcut approach are the same. They are nothing more than what causes the disease and how to cure it.

Turning back to the ward building, Li Shengli found Mr. Pu and others in the consultation room on the second floor. Looking at the room full of old men, Li Shengli sighed softly before speaking.

"Lao Pu, I have caused trouble for you again.

Within three to five days, the office should be looking for you, and similarly, a group of bladder cancer patients from all over the country will also arrive at the clinic.

The medication given to the leader within half a month should be mainly tonic. No matter what the bloody symptoms are, the first thing is to make the leader look full of energy. According to medical books, the vitality will be exposed to the outside.

For the bladder cancer patients below, the first plan is to relieve stagnation and dissipate stagnation. Use heavy medicines if you can, and use strong medicines if you can.

Within half a month, our goal is to make some people's symptoms significantly improve and be able to withstand the examination of Western medicine. "

Li Shengli told the direction of the test medicine, and Mr. Pu and the other old men all frowned.

Two different medication plans are obviously unfair, unfair to the leaders, and equally unfair to the patients below. "Shengli, when you were talking to Erwu Xiaogu before, you also said that you should restrain the heavy and powerful medicines used by traditional Chinese medicine.

Now that we have repeated it, we know the truth, and maybe you are right.

But the medication in the office is wrong.

The bloody root is above the damp heat of the lower triple burner, and you can use tonic drugs that make people feel refreshed.

According to what I said before, doesn’t this increase the burden on transportation?
After using this kind of tonic, it is inevitable that the condition will be aggravated.

It’s better to make it worse. Once tonic medicines promote the spread of evil diseases, we will be sinners..."

Mr. Pu's worries are also Li Shengli's worries, and there is also the issue of cooperation from the office.

However, worries are worries. As Li Shengli said, he currently cannot come up with an effective drug for malignant tumors.

Even if there are patent medicines, people are different, the lesions are also different, and it is unknown whether they will be effective.

In the early stages of bladder cancer, it is not considered a serious tumor in later life. Although most of the tumors are malignant, malignant tumors of the bladder will not spread easily in the early to middle stages.

If there is no recurrence after removal of the lesion or bladder, it is considered one of the cancers that can be cured.

But bladder cancer, in addition to the advantage of timely detection, also has a disadvantage, that is, it is very easy to relapse.

If differentiated by treatment stage, bladder cancer or other early-stage cancers can be cured.

But when it comes to the issue of recurrence and cure, it is not so easy to say.

As for the reason, it is simpler. Resection only removes the lesion. The growth environment of the tumor has not changed. Recurrence can only be said to be a matter of time.

If we want to curb the recurrence of tumors, surgical resection by Western medicine has no effect. We can't just cut out whatever is bad, right?
Furthermore, some places cannot be removed casually.

At this time, traditional Chinese medicine can speak for itself. Traditional Chinese medicine's regulation of the human body can change the environment in which tumors grow.

Although this is not very scientific, it still makes sense.

"Pu Lao, traditional Chinese medicine currently has no effective drugs for malignant tumors, which is our biggest shortcoming.

If a leader wants surgery, preoperative care is still required. In addition to tonic medicines, medicines to remove dampness and heat from the body are also needed.

Next, our burden will be very heavy.

In addition to formulating the medication plan for the leaders, the surgical and medication plans for the bladder cancer patients who follow will also be formulated.

This time I plan to let Western medicine perform surgery for bladder cancer under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine.

To us, the leader is just a sample case, and you should all keep in mind the common sense of doctors.

My attitude is the same for the bladder cancer patients coming below.

For initial symptoms, follow the medication prescribed by the leader.

I'm afraid there is no cure for middle-to-late-stage diseases, and the effect of surgery will not be very good.

Our traditional Chinese medicine is a business that looks forward and backward, once the leader's condition worsens.

The medication results of patients in the middle and late stages are the reference for our subsequent medication plans.

As for the irregularities in medication, just treat them as clinical medication experiments..."

Although Li Shengli is not a professional in bladder cancer, his hearsay experience is enough for him to be far more forward-looking than Pu Lao and other famous traditional Chinese medicine doctors.

As for Dr. Wu over there in the office, I'm afraid he is not as forward-looking.

Western medicine or modern medicine, the next stage of technological progress will also be earth-shaking.

"That's all I can say. Do you need to inform Er Wu and Xiao Gu?"

After listening to Li Shengli's explanation, Mr. Pu could only nod helplessly.

For those of you here, there are not only no cured cases of hematoma, but also very few cases.

Even if many patients encounter it, they will not aim for cure as they do now.

For everyone here, or for Chinese medicine practitioners, trying to improve as much as possible is the principle during normal consultations.

In addition, there is also the patient’s acceptance and financial ability. Since ancient times, the cost of treating serious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine has not been affordable by ordinary people.

Colds, epidemics, etc. most often rely on the body's own immunity.

For ordinary people, when it comes to cost, Chinese and Western medicine are actually the same, and more people will be turned away by the cost.

"It's not urgent. We have to wait until Dr. Wu over there in the office gets involved before we can notify them.

Nowadays, in addition to the medical team in the office, there is also a medical team that has the final say. Even the leaders must follow their treatment plans.

The application of tonic medicines is a cover-up for them.

My plan is: if surgery is possible, surgery should be done as soon as possible, and post-operative care should be supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine.

If surgery is not possible, the results of our drug trials are very important.

Once the condition worsens, our medication plan must be practical and effective.

Another point is that none of these patients from the local area can die within three months!
Even if it means hanging on one's life, it must be done after the leader's surgery is completed and the postoperative medication shows results. "

When it comes to hanging one's life, Li Shengli's request is a bit too much.

But Pu Lao and others can be regarded as old Jianghu, and their expressions changed when they heard the blind words.

This is a situation that imperial doctors have often faced since ancient times. It is not that some people cannot be treated, but they dare not treat them and refuse to be treated.

"Victory, they are too courageous..."

Pu Lao had no choice but to speak, and Li Shengli's response was to shake his head gently. These words should not be said by anyone, no matter who.

After scanning around, Li Shengli narrowed his eyes and said:
"I treat you seniors with all my heart.

This matter not only involves my own safety, but is also important to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Some words that come out of my mouth are still needed by your ears.

I shouldn't have said this, but the matter is serious. If this matter is leaked, we will still have to pursue three generations of people.

I am honest between us, and I will be honest when doing things.

I shouldn’t say this, but I have to say it. Seniors, please forgive me for being rude..."

Glancing at the old men in the room, Li Shengli also had threatening words coming out of his mouth.

It is impossible for anyone to listen outside. If today's topic is leaked, it will only be the fault of the people in the room.

Li Shengli couldn't carry this pot, and neither could the Chinese medicine practitioners. What he said was just a reminder.

In addition to the reminder, everyone is monitoring each other. In addition, there will not be many strangers in the clinic these two days...

(End of this chapter)

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