The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 679: Communication inside and outside (Part )

Chapter 679: Communication inside and outside (Part )

The busy flow of people at Shengli Clinic only lasted for three days, because in the middle of the afternoon on the third day, patients with radiation sickness from the northwest came.

After communicating with Xu Damao, Li Shengli decided to stop the clinic for three days to specifically consult with Pu Lao and his team on patients with radiation sickness from the northwest.

Although the pressure from the north is still there, the situation in the northwest in the wind and rain is not very good. I don’t know whether it is because there is no arrangement or there is a disconnect.

These people who came with Mr. Pu were unguarded.

There are no guards, which means these people are not front-line personnel now.

But to say that people are unimportant is nonsense.

When people arrived and got off the car, a middle-aged man immediately walked up to Li Shengli. After asking who was the real owner, he bowed to the end.

This person is the radiation sickness patient that Li Shengli really wants to treat, and the others are just accompanying him.

In Li Shengli's opinion, such a person should be accompanied by at least a guard platoon, let alone a guard. This is a real important weapon of the country.

"Thank you for taking care of our teacher, thank you for finding us a teacher.

“Don’t worry, we’re not here to arrest anyone.

Lao Fei, from now on you will listen to Comrade Li Shengli...

Li Shengli couldn't answer this, so he could only calmly say, "The old gentleman is open-minded and the disciples are sensible."

No matter who dares to collide with these people, my suggestion is to shoot them directly.

"Old Wang, who is in the car?"

All I ask for is protection!

But the prerequisite for protection is to dare to shoot.

Although the self-training class does not involve his basic base, it is also related to his basic base.

This is considered a temporary guard class. The substitute captains, Fei and Fei Qijin, are thirty-two years old this year and their abilities are unknown. They were originally Lao Huang's personal guards.

Implication is also a method of doing things that has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

Your suggestion was timely, and I saved the person.

"The guard squad soldier charges seven pounds, report!"

Although people in the academic world are more concerned with results, Li Shengli's process is indeed not very clean. If someone can bow and thank him, he is obviously a sensible person.

After hearing this, I was still angry, but this person was also with the wrong person.

People say that an individual will support you until death, but it means a group of people will support you until death.

This matter was a bit embarrassing, but for Li Shengli, the result was still good.

Seeing that Wang Qian got out of the jeep, but the dozen or so soldiers in the truck did not get off, Li Shengli stepped forward and asked with questions.

Li Shengli has little tolerance for some things.

Without Lao Du's status, if the people who came down really didn't know how to count, Li Shengli would still dare to take action.

According to those people, they are tough-talking and do not cooperate with work, and their attitude is somewhat bad.

We will take care of your future junior brothers, and we have no say in the academic world, but we, the disciples of the teacher, will support your career in traditional Chinese medicine until death. "

Seeing his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin come and go in a hurry, Li Shengli was not worried that he would be ignored in the self-training class. The Zhang Ying brothers and sisters were still there.

Staring at the smoke and dust left by Wang Qianjin's middle Jeep, he thought about something. Before he could think clearly, Li Shengli's thoughts were interrupted by Lao Fei.

This is something neither you nor I can decide.

After leaving the self-training class, he was not afraid of causing trouble, because Wang Qinjin was there to support him, so he was not afraid of being implicated.

Pu Lao and his entourage were taken by Mr. Liu to choose a room at the front door. Wang Qianjin arrived belatedly with a truck.

Think about it for yourself, if you were faced with a collision of 180 people, would you dare to shoot?

If you don’t dare, just leave!

How dare I..."

The person is saved according to your wishes. If you go to Ding Laosan's place, he is over the age limit and he is not willing to go there. You can make arrangements.

As for saying that the academic community supports traditional Chinese medicine, it’s just nonsense.

It just so happened that the people coming from the northwest didn't have any guards, and someone asked to take care of them, so these people were sent to you.

If someone really has ulterior motives, Li Shengli will not care where the person comes from.

These dozen or so people in their late twenties and early thirties were not willing to go there despite their age.

That's all. I'm going back to the self-training class first. My godmother is going to send someone down today to take a look, and I don't know what kind of object is coming down..."

He can call in militiamen, and as he said, they all dare to shoot.

Death by choking on drinking water or death by falling while walking are nothing more than things without evidence.

The person you are protecting this time is from the northwest. I don’t need to explain the importance to you, right?

I don't have the authority to give orders to your security team, but I still have to say something.

This is the scrap left behind by your advice, the guards of those people.

“It’s no use being angry!

Originally, I wanted to take off my military uniform.

There is only one request. Even if all the men in your group are dead, they cannot be harmed at all.

After screening the people several times, it was similar to what you said. They were all usable but afraid to use them. Among them, the young ones were all sent to Ding Laosan.

Li Shengli didn't need to find someone from the army to guard people from the northwest.

Criticize the words of gratitude they just expressed and the contribution they made.

Li Shengli's requirements for the guard squad are very simple. If anyone collides with them, kill them.

"Shoot, will you take responsibility?"

Lao Fei is no longer a passionate young man.

Knowing what Li Shengli meant, he could also foresee some collision scenes.

But to shoot directly is a bit irresponsible.

"What does it have to do with me?

All I ask is that they don't get bumped.

If you don’t dare, of course someone will.

Look at my mouth shape, if anyone comes to attack me, I will shoot immediately! "

Despite the storm, Li Shengli has never been a responsible person.

Over there in the self-training class, there is a big head like Wang Qianjin.

When he arrived at Shengli Clinic, he was just a Chinese medicine practitioner sitting in the clinic.

But there are people who really come to collide, and there are people who really know how to shoot.

After all, he was not the one who gave the order because he did not have the authority.

"it is good!

I can do it, and so can they. "

Lao Fei carefully scanned Li Shengli and knew that what he said was not a lie.

If there were more decisive people during the storm, his old boss would not be in jail.

"it is good!

From now on, the small street beyond the second-floor facade will be blocked at both ends.

Forget about people, even dogs are mouthy when they come in.

No matter whether it is a three-year-old child or an eighty-year-old man, no one is allowed to pass.

Don't listen to advice and talk loudly.

If you dare to break in, you'll get a gun butt in the face.

As for the people who live in the building, they can go wherever they like.

As long as you have people following you, if there aren't enough people, just ask them to wait.

Don't say anything against discipline to me. I have the final say in this three-acre land. "

There are people living in the front room, and the rules here at Li Shengli are almost the same as those in a self-training class.

On the small street Li Shengli mentioned, only the front houses have exits, and if they are sealed, they won't delay other people's travels.

As for what he said about beating old people and children, that also has a premise, that is, they don't listen to advice.

This is the rule of the self-training class. It doesn't matter if you listen to advice.

If you don't listen to the advice and cross the line, you are entering the tiger's den and the wolf's den, where life or death is not up to you.

Li Shengli has done a lot of fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of opportunities to make things happen. He can't help but blame the public and attack the old, weak, women and children.

If something happens to someone from the northwest, he can carry the cause and effect, but the guilt cannot be erased.

Li Shengli didn't want to encounter the method of detection.

But when they do encounter each other, the result is to chase after them by squeezing the thread, and to kill everyone.

After glancing at Fei Qijin, who had a perfunctory attitude, Li Shengli had to give him the bottom line for what he should do.

"Old Fei, it's easier to cut off some things when they sprout than to deal with them when something goes wrong. I'll bring trouble to my wife, children, and children.

Don't take my words lightly. In my eyes, these people are much more valuable than some people.

The current supply is so tight, a few more deaths can produce a few more rations.

This is my attitude towards those who make trouble. Don't think that they are human beings when they stand on two legs. If they cross my line, they are worse than pigs and dogs. "

Li Shengli saw a lot and did a lot.

That’s it for Fei Qijin’s reminder.

Looking at Lao Fei with an ugly expression, Li Shengli didn't care what his principles were.

I really can't do what I told him well. The 561 in the clinic are not just for free.

The original Dodge Jeep at the entrance of the clinic is not a decoration, it is a field truck equipped with a heavy machine gun.

After saying that, Li Shengli strolled to the front room, and another man about the same age as Lao Fei jumped out of the car.

"Old Fei, you don't sound like a good person when you hear such cowardly words..."

"Old Liu, just do as you are told. This man is really not a good person. He does whatever he says without regard to the consequences.

Furthermore, the scientific and technological personnel in the northwest are worth risking our lives for.

In this day and age, only the coward like before can protect people.

We people, according to the parlance in the city, are Tingheer and Xibaer.

Didn't see the jeep under the cover, just put it at the shooting angle?

I estimate that most of the ones on the shelves are M2s with bullet belts attached. The doctor's behavior just now looked a bit scary. "

Lao Liu, who was talking to Lao Fei, went over and lifted up the car cover with some disbelief. After just one glance, his expression changed drastically.

"Old Fei, they are all armor-piercing bullets. Please report them..."

"Old Liu, reporting it is useless!

The place I came to before was the one where the doctor had the final say just now. Didn't you see that the firing angle of the cannon over there was aimed at the weak points of the camp?

His backing is strong.

If something happens, we'd better suppress it, otherwise he'll really dare to shoot people with a heavy machine gun. "

Not mentioning the exchange between Lao Fei and Lao Liu, Li Shengli arrived at the front and sat down with Mr. Pu and others in the first reception room above.

"Shengli, I didn't do what you asked me to do well. I sent the American ginseng slices, but the deer blood side just pushed them away.

In this way, after American ginseng subdues the deficiency of yin and the excess of fire, it will no longer have the flavor of supporting yang. "

Everyone here is an old acquaintance and has done dialectics before.

Li Shengli's method is good, but if people don't follow the doctor's advice, the matter will be difficult to handle.

"Pu Lao, a blind eye counts as a blind eye. The American ginseng tablets from Guo Shihuai are all good products. As long as they are taken regularly, they can still provide some relief.

I'm afraid that the things over there are collected but discarded!

If the doctor doesn't knock on the door, we are not so responsible for what the office must clarify and force medication.

All we can do is do our best. Please contact Mr. Lu's Lao Wang later and continue looking for the patient. "

Pu Lao's failure in taking the medicine was also under Li Shengli's consideration. In many cases, most of the time he could only do his best and obey fate.

"it is good!

Victory, why does the pulse condition take a sudden turn for the worse? "

Pu Lao also went to the office for a pulse diagnosis before, but the pulse condition at that time was far better than now.

“Everything is waiting to be done, and I do everything myself, working day and night.

It’s amazing that your body is in good health, so you should use American ginseng to replenish your energy.

Mr. Pu, from the northwest, what's the diagnosis? "

Li Shengli was really helpless about matters in the leadership office.

Many times, good intentions may not necessarily result in good deeds.

The conditioning matter is done with great fanfare, but it is easy for others to take advantage of it.

“It’s okay for everyone else.

The one you just talked to has a raging and endless evil heat. Looking at his pulse, he is afraid that he will have a lot of blood in his stool if he takes the medicine to relieve the heat.

Fortunately, he is young and strong. Can the deer blood and velvet antler provided by Xiao Guo be used for future supplements? "

Although Pu Lao's pick-up was good and he could use the deer blood and velvet antlers that Li Shengli had saved at Guo Shihuai's place, the medicinal properties had to be differentiated.

Deer blood and velvet antler are rare medicines. Pu Lao and others have almost never used them, and their understanding of the properties of the medicine is still somewhat vague.

"Pulao, deer blood is hot, which will promote evil heat in the body.

Deer antler blood is warm in nature. I had someone make more than ten kilograms of deer antler blood wine for me. Let’s give it a try.

You might as well take some antler blood wine and go to the office and ask if it can be used by people in the northwest. It should be no problem to taste it.

At this time, I can make up for it a little bit. "

Li Shengli also saved a lot of good things from the Northeast in the Wang family's old house in Madianji.

This was all obtained by Li Huaide through his connections when he was exchanging supplies with the Northeast.

Afraid of being deceived, Brother Tong gave me a high-level medicine. It was initially used on bear bile, tiger bones, tiger penis, deer penis, deer antlers, deer fetuses, and various blood wines.

It has to be said that apart from the fact that Tiger Blood Wine is somewhat unworthy of its name, people nowadays are still very particular about being practical and don't deceive others when they buy genuine products.

The frozen deer blood and antlers at Guo Shihuai are even more particular. They are all live deer shipped in by train and killed by themselves.

To really settle the score, several sets of tiger bones that were not allowed to be beaten were not worth as much as a live deer.

Because sika deer are not yet bred, live deer are captured in the wild and collected at a high price.

Therefore, deer antler blood wine is also the one with the smallest quantity in Li Shengli's inventory.

It really only weighed more than ten kilograms, so he spent a lot of money on this one.

"Sheng Li, it is said that this deer antler blood is a holy nourishing product. Is the medicinal property really as described in the book, warm in nature and producing sperm?"

If this is the case, is it feasible to replace Wuzi Yanzong Pill? "

Pu Lao's thoughts were once again interrupted by Li Shengli.

Today's deer products are all genuine, and there are really not many wild products caught in the mountains.

"Pu Lao, he only killed more than ten kilograms in two years.

In fact, deer antler blood wine has similar functions to deer antler, so I'll just use deer antler. "

Put an end to Pu Lao's unrealistic thoughts, if there is a deer park now, these are all things that don't matter.

But the reality is that wild deer antler blood is more precious than old ginseng, so it is really difficult to get.

"Oh well!

I still follow the same path as before. I think the weather is getting cooler and the temperature in the house is slightly lower, so I still need to prepare some fur mattresses. "

What Mr. Pu said is also the doctor's advice.

If the evil heat is not released, none of these people from the northwest are afraid of the cold, but once the evil heat is released, they have to pay attention to keeping warm.

If one move is not careful, another cold evil will invade, and the cold and heat will attack internally and externally, and that will be fun.

"The stove and other household items for heating will be arranged immediately. I'm afraid fur mattresses may not be all available, so I'll hurry up and take care of them."

Compared with treating diseases, daily trivial matters are more worrying.

Put the sheepskin mattress at the self-training class or Madianji, and Li Shengli can just say a word.

Nowadays, northwest personnel go through the channels of steel rolling mills. It is difficult to explain the things from self-training classes here in large numbers.

There aren't many differences here, it's just a matter of explanation, but it's this explanation that can really kill people now.

After getting along with Mr. Pu, Li Shengli had to prepare firewood for decoction.

People have returned to life, and all their foresight and whimsical ideas will be crushed to pieces in the face of life and the slightest hardship...

(End of this chapter)

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