The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 678: Crowds of people (Part )

Chapter 678: Crowds of people (Part )

"Master, your words are extremely hurtful."

Zhou Yan and his wife thought a lot last night about things that would help Li Shengli.

But I didn't expect that Li Shengli would hurt people to the extreme when he opened his mouth.

For a moment, Zhou Yan wished she could die in front of this hurtful master.


If you don't have that condition, don't think about it.

Think carefully about your future.

Practicing medicine is also a hard job in life. You relieve the pain of others, but you have to face the pain all year round.

From becoming a teacher to becoming an artist, you have to constantly endorse, often go to the countryside, and have to be stuck in the clinic for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a physical and mental journey.

Li Shengli, who was performing acupuncture, was helpless when he heard this. When this person spoke, he really didn't care about the situation.

Thinking about Feng Qian who has a relationship with Du Peng in the factory, and then thinking about Zheng Peilan just now.

It's just that Li Huaide and Zheng Peilan were present, so it was hard for the old man to quarrel with him.

Here, Li Shengli led Li Huaide into the main room of the Li family and said straight to the point:

Calculating the time, even if Associate Researcher Zheng has a little moisture, it will definitely not be too much.

In school, studying literature is relatively easy, but if you want to get good grades in school, it is also hard work. Your mother must have understood this deeply.

"I just persuaded someone this morning, so I'll tell you this as well.

"Master Liu, please give me Aifu Nuangong Tang. Let Zhou Yan and Feng Xia learn how to take the medicine.

Looking at Mr. Liu's appearance, Li Shengli was still somewhat unscrupulous, and the old man looked somewhat ugly.

The function of Shengli Clinic on the street is to fight injustices for the workers.

"Director, workers in the factory, it's best to come in batches at different times. Don't make me no one during the day and make noise at night. Then the neighbors will have some ideas."

"Doctor Li, I'm sorry, we two think so badly of you."

When he was just boiling the medicine, he heard his daughter relay some deeply hurtful words. Only then did the coy Associate Researcher Zheng finally understand what they meant.

Li Huaide also felt emotional in his heart.

The mutual aid medical center is nothing more than free medical treatment with some union functions added.

The children in the courtyard are good at playing, and even playing with a woman has to be linked to their career. There are no two uncles in the Du family.

Director Li and I still have something to discuss..."

In this day and age, professional titles and ranks are often not linked. Maybe Zheng Peilan's associate researcher was rated by the unit.

Zhou Yan was not considered Li Shengli's disciple now, so she explained in detail the choice given to him before.

Hanging around on the street is completely different from being in a self-training class. In addition to having a famous name, there are also many people surrounding the clinic.

Sitting in the Shengli Clinic, Li Shengli is almost like a figure on the street putting up flags and standing sticks.

"Okay, about the engine, should I ask Du Peng to come over again?"

Everyone has a love for beauty. Given the choice, Li Shengli didn't want an ugly old pharmacist like Mr. Liu.

Li Shengli's support for her only goes so far now, and the future can only be discussed in the future.

After stroking Zhou Yan again, Li Huaide and Zheng Peilan quickly reached an agreement in the hospital. After entering the clinic, Lao Li spoke first.

"Shengli, you really saved my life. Associate Researcher Zheng used to specialize in marine engines. He is exactly the talent the steel rolling mill lacks."

After negotiating with Li Huaide, Li Shengli entered the room and continued to acupuncture Zheng Peilan.

A serious deputy senior professional title is not something that ordinary people can get. Judging from his age, Zheng Peilan can only have the professional title of engineer.

Seeing Li Shengli and Li Huaide go out, Mr. Liu cleared his throat and said:

"You two, the master just now loves to be clean and beautiful.

Hearing the title of associate researcher, Li Shengli knew how powerful Zheng Peilan was. This was a deputy senior title.

Li Shengli didn't have to deal with the messy people. The workers in the steel rolling mill and related companies could clean them up and they would be rich enough.

After talking about the functions of the mutual aid medical point, Li Shengli also put forward his own requirements.

Didn’t you see the look in his eyes when he told me to take the medicine?

It was because he thought I was ugly and was afraid that it would affect his medicinal properties. You bastard...

To get medicine, without Xiao Feng and Wang Zhi, I had no choice but to turn to Mr. Liu for help.

Either study medicine or science, this is the most convenient road to success for you Zhou Yan.

Although it was uncertain whether Zheng Peilan's associate researcher was a professional title within the unit or a formal professional title, Li Shengli was not concerned about this, but the technology she had mastered.

They had just seen how difficult Li Shengli was.

Seeing Li Shengli's eyes, if he didn't take a shower just now, how could Master Liu not know what he was thinking.

My master can help you when you study medicine, and your mother will naturally help you along the way when you study medicine. "

After Mr. Liu said this, the three remaining people in the room started to tidy up their clothes.

You two, from now on in the clinic, you don't have to do anything serious, but you must clean up neatly. "

You have to live your life, if you don't succeed, you can still have children after I take care of you. "

One sentence made Zheng Peilan continue to squirm.

Li Shengli didn't want to flirt with these people who had nothing to offer and could only give themselves.

There is no shortage of women in his family, and when he sees one after another, it is better to do what his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin said and go to the half-open door.

At least, the money and goods are collected cleanly, and doing such troubles will be full of trouble in the future.

After dealing with the injustice at hand, Mr. Liu was asked to go out and watch the transportation team and loading and unloading team of the steel rolling mill, placing the furniture on the second floor.

In the afternoon, the contact person from the steel rolling mill union also came to the Shengli Clinic.

The person who came was not an outsider, but Xu Damao, who had just moved out of the courtyard.

"Shengli, Director Li asked me to come. If you need anything, just give me orders. I'm good at running errands."

After glancing at Xu Damao, Li Shengli didn't get up. This grandson was not among the good ones.

The more you give him face, the more he presses his nose into his face, and the more indifferent he is, the easier it will be for him.

"I have nothing else to do at the moment. I just have arranged for orthopedic patients from the factory and related units, and some difficult and complicated patients can also come.

In the factory, Director Li will arrange for those related units. You can ask Director Li to arrange a row of shifts. Based on three shifts a day, try not to exceed 100 people.

There are really people who can’t wait, and if there are more people than there is no problem.

This matter is urgent. You should go back and discuss it with Director Li first. "

Li Shengli sent Xu Damao away without asking him to investigate the specific situation.

He was not very clear about many situations in the factory and courtyard, so he had no idea of ​​replacing people.

Xu Damao is also happy to have a buffer space. Judging from the wishes of Director Li in the factory, the boss of the Li family in Siheyuan is also a powerful person. After Xu Damao truly had his own small courtyard, he did not immediately thank Li Shengli after moving, but went to Li Huaide's place.

Because he and Li Shengli were neighbors who lived in the same hospital, Li Huaide conveniently sent this acquaintance to Shengli Clinic.

After exiting Shengli Clinic, Xu Damao stopped by and asked around on the street.

This inquiry really allowed him to find out something about Director Sun from Beixinqiao and the young people who wanted to make things difficult for his neighbor Zhou Yan some time ago, but the results were quite miserable.

After hearing the news, Xu Damao immediately slipped back to the steel rolling mill. He still had to report the situation to Director Li.

Xu Damao's matter aside, after meeting with Li Huaide, Shengli Clinic is really going to get busy.

Because after Xu Damao, his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin dragged Mr. Pu to the clinic.

Seeing the two figures, Li Shengli waved his hand to Master Liu and asked Master Liu to take Feng Xia and Zhou Yan to the screen gate courtyard at the back.

"Your little one is good at hiding out. People from the northwest are coming. What the office means is to try not to stay in the self-training class.

Victory, what do you have that you don’t have? "

Seeing Mr. Pu, an old man in the world, playing tricks on him, Li Shengli smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Pu, if you want to place the person with me, you should just let me know. I don't believe that my brother-in-law didn't tell you about the situation at the clinic when he returned.

I can take over, but do you and Mr. Yue want to visit the place where Yuye Shu is produced? "

After Li Shengli said this, Mr. Pu's expression changed.

After taking a look at Wang Qianjin, who was sitting idle and smoking next to him, and seeing Li Shengli nodding, the old man asked cautiously:

"Are you trying to make trouble with us old men?"

Mr. Pu's question made Li Shengli nodded and shook his head. He did not answer Mr. Pu, but asked his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin:

"Lao Wang, is your godmother trying to break up with the leadership office recently?"

Regardless of the two people whose faces changed drastically, Li Shengli stood up from behind the consultation table, walked around the clinic, and then stood in front of the consultation table.

Just now Mr. Pu spoke first, and he arranged for Mr. Liu here, so he didn't have time to get up.

Facing senior doctors and masters of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Shengli has no one on his side, so he still needs to show the respect he deserves.

Taking the opportunity to look at the situation outside, he also adjusted his position slightly. There was no way he could sit behind the consulting table and talk to Mr. Pu without a patient.

"Isn't this normal?

You just finish singing and I will come on stage. According to that girl Wang Yu, everyone has his own role.

Now that you're on the field, you shouldn't get too close to the leader's office. It doesn't meet the requirements above, doesn't it? "

Because of some trivial matters of his own recently, Wang Qianjin was also very angry with his second sister Wang Yu.

He already has two children, and he always eats big mouths when he comes home, all because of the talkative woman.

"I'm afraid we're talking about a game of chess at this time, right?

Is it that easy to resume production?

Leaders have to do many things themselves. They are literati who kill without using a knife!

Mr. Pu, I've almost finished the matter of American ginseng and deer blood. Deer blood is frozen and can be dissolved in wine. I put the things over with Guo Shihuai.

At the same time, there is also a batch of frozen fresh velvet antlers, the kind with blood. These are thermal tonics. You need to go and do a serious pulse diagnosis.

Lao Wang, don't get involved in these things, and don't go to the leadership office. If you have something to do, let Xie Fei take care of it.

You can't meet Lao Xie in the self-training class, but in Madianji. But when you go to Madianji, you can only bring acquaintances or no one, so don't cause trouble for me. "

These things were out of Wang Qianjin's sight again. He frowned and glanced at his brother-in-law. Wang Qianjin, the brother-in-law, was helpless. The more he got involved, the harder it became to get along with him.

"Old Li..."

Seeing that Wang Qianjin wanted to get to the bottom of things, Li Shengli stretched out his hand to stop him and said:

“Let’s first understand the radiation sickness in the northwest.

There are some things that we cannot understand even if we explain them clearly. Without people like Lao Du in charge, we would not dare to get involved in these things.

Shazhu has been setting up the kitchen for the past two days, so it will be appropriate to have a day or two, and then we can have a hot pot feast together.

Mr. Pu, the reason for going to the office is to dispatch medicine for radiation sickness to me. "

Because it was still in the delivery period, Li Shengli made it clear and did not leave the two of them waiting for longer.

Before leaving, he also reminded Wang Qianjin to try not to leave the self-training class for too long to avoid being taken advantage of.

Next, Li Shengli was not idle. People from the northwest were coming. In addition to furniture and kitchens, the clinic also had to stock up on food and choose bedding and clothing.

People living in the house of Shengli Clinic need to ask Li Huaide if they want to wear military uniforms.

If asked, the steel rolling mill would have to prepare a batch of recycled cloth work clothes. This was also Li Shengli's method of searching for supplies.

After Xu Damao returned to the steel rolling mill, Shengli Clinic also added a night shift until nine o'clock in the evening.

It's easy to save up for a drinking party like last night, because the people who came that night were serious patients.

In units like steel rolling mills, musculoskeletal disease can be considered an occupational disease, and there are not a few people with serious occupational musculoskeletal diseases, and the situation is similar in related units.

For these diseases and patients, Li Shengli's main focus is improvement.

Because the job is there, even if it can be cured by surgery, it will still relapse if you start working later.

The word "中" in Chinese medicine means that for this type of occupational disease, the treatment plan should be considered the most comfortable.

Due to the limitation of the number of people, the time for Li Shengli's diagnosis and treatment can only be relatively extended.

He also conducted field experiments on how long it takes for serious Chinese medicine to diagnose a patient.

Three to five minutes, that is pure nonsense, and the pulse is not clear.

This is not a first aid. The diagnosis can only be confirmed by a few glances, and the doctor must be of that level. Even Pu Lao and Shi Lao don't dare to vouch for this.

Spleen deficiency, bone injuries, and lung diseases are the three common diseases that Li Shengli is familiar with and are also common.

Compared with spleen deficiency and bone injuries, treating the lungs is also a serious challenge.

If the protection is not in place, it will cause damage to the lungs. Over time, lesions will form, which is basically irreversible.

Lung diseases should be prevented rather than treated, but now neither the basic conditions nor the concept of protection are in place.

I still need to mention the methods for preventing and controlling occupational diseases. This has nothing to do with Lao Du, but is Li Huaide's specialty.

Du Peng, who was in the steel rolling mill, couldn't eat this dish either, so it was only appropriate for Lao Li to propose it.

After taking over a night shift, the Shengli Clinic changed its situation of being empty, and patients began to come to the door from early in the morning.

Workers in the factory do not go alone to see a doctor. In addition, the main purpose of Shengli Clinic is a free clinic, so it has become a routine for them to bring their families with them.

The number of people that Li Shengli and Xu Damao had agreed upon before was around 100. After being counted by Feng Xia and Zhou Yan that day, there were almost 400 people.

With this volume of consultations, it is difficult for Li Shengli to determine the time for diagnosis and treatment, with an average of one patient every two minutes.

Fortunately, some patients who were just asking about their conditions were diverted by Mr. Liu, otherwise Li Shengli would not be able to see so many patients here.

There was a huge flow of people during the consultation. It was not like Li Shengli's free trauma clinic or his appointment in Xingzhou, where he started diagnosis and treatment right away. A simple look at the pulse and tongue would also take time.

Of course, this kind of heavy flow of people will not last all year round. After the initial peak period, the number of people will be fixed, and the number of patients will not be so large in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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