The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 657: The edge of the sword is sharpened (Part )

Chapter 657: The edge of the sword is sharpened (Part )

"Master Liu, you shouldn't say this. Since we have said that we want to protect the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, we must do our best.

Screening out people who are not suitable, but opportunities must be given to them, and only those who are really unlucky can be removed.

It is still necessary for doctors to be benevolent and teach without discrimination. Since we are safeguarding the great inheritance, we have to pretend to have the corresponding broadmindedness.

Furthermore, if we have more kindness, they will have one more opportunity. It doesn't matter if they misunderstand me now. I hope they can remember this kindness and pass it on to their disciples in the future. "

Li Shengli said this with great awe, and it was also a summary of his experience, but Mr. Liu didn't catch a cold very much. If you expect a young man who takes medicine as fiercely as a tiger to talk about kindness to you, you are overthinking it.

"Master, we two have no need to hide each other!

You can obviously say it, otherwise I wouldn’t have any rules here..."

Knowing that Li Shengli's words were about screening and selection, rather than kindness, Mr. Liu, who didn't quite understand the meaning of his words, didn't hide it, and just asked whatever he had.

As the inheritor of his family, as he experienced more and more things, Mr. Liu could no longer see clearly. Many words he said could not be understood without thinking carefully.


It's nothing more than the old allusion of a rich man's bones. Compared with the young people below, these batches of correspondence course students are definitely not considered talented and beautiful.

Many people are still waiting and watching. If a person comes up and then goes down, it is one section; if he comes up and fails to go down, it is another section. Only when the people below can see the benefits, the number of good talents and qualities in the correspondence class will increase.

Mr. Liu, whether it is a self-training class, a correspondence class, or a barefoot doctor, we are not what we want. What we want is Chinese medicine practitioners who can support the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

The inheritance classes in the mountains, Wali, and Madianji are our foundation. The self-training classes and barefoot doctors are just a cover.

You can't tell the difference between these? "

After Li Shengli finished speaking, Mr. Liu also slapped his forehead. Since the heir of his family took up the self-training class, the old man also regarded the self-training class as his property.

Before the famous old Chinese medicine doctor on the mountain chose an apprentice, the students in the self-training class had to go through two inheritance classes in Madianji and Wali before they could enter the inheritance class in the village on the mountain.

Because of the apprentices on the mountain, the extension of the inheritance class to the intensive training class has been put on hold for the time being. However, the line from Madianji to Wali, and then from Wali to the mountain, the line of the inheritance class, has always been there. of.

Once students enter the inheritance class in Madianji, correspondence courses and other programs will be separated from them. The inheritance class is an inheritance class, and the self-training class is a self-training class. Li Shengli's distinction is very clear.

If you want to get to the mountain villages through the self-training class, there are two buffer areas outside Madianji and Wali. If you really have to follow the clues, you will be almost there when you get to Wali. It is not easy to get to the mountains.

"Master, are you saying that the two thousand people who went to the mountain village won't come down?

Once we enter the mountains, we will have more food, and it’s all ours..."

Thinking of the extension of the inheritance class, according to the previous practice of selecting students from the mountains to go directly to the countryside, Master Liu felt that the students who went to dig air-raid shelters in the mountains would be left behind.

Two thousand people are treated differently in the self-training class than in the mountain village. In the mountain village, there are two thousand people, but in the self-training class, they can support almost four thousand.

"Over the mountain, I asked Professor Liu, who was in charge of old books, to build a large yard. The amount of work was huge and there was a lot of manpower shortage. They were lucky this time.

In the big courtyard over there, there will be two buildings, one is the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance building, and the other is the Liu Zhonglun library that I promised you before. When you have free time, you can always go and take a look.

These two buildings are built on top of air-raid shelters. There is no serious design yet. If you always have ideas, you can put them forward directly.

What I mean is: these two buildings must be big, and they must directly cover the two hills pointed out by Professor Liu in the building.

There were many people when we went to see the mountain topography, so I didn’t discuss it in detail with Professor Liu. After you meet him, tell me what you want to say. I will prepare some materials in the past year or two.

Tell the digger over there that a large amount of cement will be stored in the hole and it must be ventilated and dry. It is said to be used to reinforce the air raid shelter. "

Many things were only known to Li Shengli, the planner. He would not disclose specific ideas to Professor Liu or the technicians in the army who were guiding the digging of holes. Some things needed to be advanced slowly.

"I understand, sir, thank you!"

Hearing that his heir was still flawless, Mr. Liu favored others over himself, thinking that if he had acquired such an inheritance, he might not be as calm as his young master.

Being calm and calm when doing things is the best evaluation for the heirs of the family, so that they can go further.

"We don't need to say thank you.

Mr. Liu, are you a master of Xingyi?

Give me your unique skills? "

After roughly talking about the self-training class, Li Shengli took aim at the Xingyi True Transmission in Master Liu's hand.

In the self-training class, in addition to the barefoot doctor's training class, there are also the physics classes of Master Yang and the old man, Zou Jin's integrated circuit laboratory, and some true teaching classes of the martial arts veterans.

Although Li Shengli forced him several times and the veterans of the martial arts industry also came up with some authentic skills, it still didn't make sense to say that they would teach them everything they had.

In his spare time, Li Shengli also learned some skills from the True Tradition Class, but compared to his own Bagua advanced level, the True Tradition Class taught a little less, so he knew that those martial arts practitioners were not very effective at teaching disciples.

"Master, you can see that there are many things that people have to keep in mind.

I also told them that if you want to learn, they must teach you everything you have. If you hide some skills, I will clear them out. "

Li Shengli said simply this time, but Mr. Liu misunderstood what he meant. As for the discord among the self-training classes, apart from the students, it was the martial arts training classes.

In martial arts true inheritance, in addition to keeping secrets between father and son, it is also customary to keep a secret secret between master and disciple. What's more, this kind of true inheritance class is almost like herding sheep?

Although Mr. Liu is neither a famous doctor nor a master of martial arts, just like the inheritance of medicine, the old man also learned a lot of true martial arts in the past. Now, an old man in his sixties is not something that a few young people can handle.

In the noisy fake fight, Master Liu was no match for the young man, but in a real fight with a fatal blow, Master Liu thought that he still had some remaining skills.

Therefore, the old man can also see the moisture of the martial arts inheritance in the self-training class at a glance. "Okay, as you say.

The students in the correspondence course also need to be supervised by them. Now we are the only big stock in the city. If something goes wrong, we will not be able to explain it to the superiors.

I've been staying at the self-training class for the past two days. "

After the basic showdown between Xiaowangzhuang and Father Du, Father Du was responsible for external matters, and the situation faced by Li Shengli was completely different from before.

In the past, Li Shengli had to devote a lot of energy to watching the situation outside the self-training class. Now, students in the correspondence class have a quota assigned by the office.

A large amount of chemical fertilizers are stored in Madianji, Taipingzhuang, Wali and the mountains. Within three to five years, Li Shengli will not have to face a food gap. As long as there is no shortage of food and Wang Qianjin's godmother is his backer, With Father Du taking care of him, there is no need to pay attention to the situation in the self-training class.

For Li Shengli, participating in the storm is not a pleasant thing. What should be fished out has already been caught. The next step is to hide the things carefully to avoid being taken out.

The restrictions from Father Du were the best reason for Li Shengli to slack off.

It is much more pleasant to practice boxing and read medical books in the self-training class than to participate in the storm.

In the next period of time, Li Shengli was just like when he was at the free clinic. During the day, he read books and practiced boxing in the self-training class, and took care of the unconvinced correspondence class students. At night, he returned to the Wang family's old house in Madianji.

Li Shengli's life here is very comfortable, but the students in the correspondence class have suffered.

Li Shengli is also experienced in class training. According to later generations' theory, moderate exercise can increase the oxygen content in the blood, which is beneficial to the training of back skills.

In the past, the students' exercise mainly relied on militia training, but now it is all about digging holes.

After Li Shengli returned to the self-training class, he added a stance step, which immediately made the students in the correspondence class miserable.

In the self-training class, I have to get up before dawn and start memorizing the familiar content in the dark. When it gets bright, I have morning class. After breakfast, it is almost a whole morning of memorization training.

At noon, there was an hour of militia training before and after meals. In the afternoon, my mind was not clear, and I mainly made a living by digging holes and lifting soil. Digging holes was my task, and I had to dig until around dinner.

After dinner, I had to continue memorizing by daylight until I could no longer see the handwriting. In the evening, I had to go over what I had memorized that day and what I had memorized before.

From time to time, famous old Chinese doctors are invited to explain to them how to put the memorized medical books into practice.

Before going to bed, students have to check each other's homework. Those who cannot memorize it well will be beaten before going to bed. If they fail to memorize the homework two or three times in a row, they will starve.

After checking their homework, they go to bed and get up early to continue the work of the previous day. On such days, plus the proportion of most people who will be beaten, the students can barely endure it for one and a half months. After a little longer, many people They won't be able to bear it.

But if the practice continues for a period of time, students' tolerance will increase. Veteran students know that memorizing exercises is a cyclical process. If you can endure it, everything will get better.

If you can't help it, it's a cycle of being beaten, hungry, beaten, and sent to the countryside.

After going to the countryside from the self-training class, the students who came back, except for those arranged by Li Shengli to go and experience, are very few who can actually come back. The reason is also very simple. There are many people below who want to squeeze into the correspondence class. No, there is no chance of coming back.

However, just like Li Shengli's high-pressure tactics, the words of experience from these veteran students were not accepted by the new students.

The storm has made many young people become arrogant. There is no shortage of students in self-training classes and correspondence classes who feel that they are important figures.

But from beginning to end, whether it was the previous self-training class or the current correspondence class, the students' escape rate has always been zero, and this is the benefit of the continuous sitting system.

If one of them escapes, not only the patrol teams on the outside will be cleared out, but also the new and old students who share the same dormitory, and even the new and old students in the adjacent dormitories will be cleared out.

Many students who want to escape cannot get out of the dormitory, and will be beaten to death by a group of new and old students. After that, they will be watched endlessly.

The students in the self-training class are the worst off once they put their thoughts of escape into action. After taking action once, not only will they be beaten every day, but when they encounter those unreasonable students who sleep with them, sleeping will become a nightmare. Extravagant hope.

They can't sleep and are beaten every day. Once they break down, they will be kicked out to the countryside. Those who are kicked out of the self-training classes are not issued barefoot doctor certificates. If this continues, life will not be easy.

But after surviving the torture after being unable to escape, this type of students also have the highest success rate. As long as they can survive, this type of students can basically be selected into the inheritance class in Madianji to continue their studies.

Li Shengli also understands this situation, but he just doesn't dare to popularize this kind of extremely high pressure in self-training classes. If it really becomes popular, the patrol team will have to be expanded. The number must be at least equal to that of the students in order to suppress so many people who are on the verge of collapse. people.

In short, the self-training class is a sharpening stone for students who are as sharp as swords. The degree of sharpening is quite high.

And Li Shengli added horse riding training in the morning and evening, which undoubtedly increased the psychological burden on the students.

Although troubles continue to occur, the pressure of the veteran students and the patrol team is still enough.

After Li Shengli really focused on the self-training class and the correspondence class, the students' lives were quite miserable. The name "Li Yanwang" also began to spread among the students in the correspondence class.

Relatively stable days always pass quickly. Since Li Shengli started reading books and practicing boxing in the self-training class, the rotation speed of the students in the correspondence class has been shortened by more than a month.

From the beginning of winter to the Chinese New Year, the end of the new year and the beginning of spring, and then the beginning of summer, there is a constant flow of personnel in the new and old camps of the self-training class, and the two mountain air raid shelters in the mountain village have also taken shape.

The students who went to the correspondence course have really become a sharp sword in the community of barefoot doctors. After training in the correspondence course, many students can be regarded as preliminary.

They were quite good at dealing with some simple illnesses. Barefoot Doctors began to use traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, and it was also slowly spread among the students who came from the correspondence class.

After the personnel transfer of the correspondence class was on track, the external situation was quietly changing. There were many mistakes and omissions under pressure, and the brutal methods of doing things made some people really unable to hide their ambitions.

After Li Shengli successively obtained the true inheritance of Stab the Foot, Pigua, Baji, and Xingyi, Du Du, who had been working as a helper in the leadership office and had not been in contact with Li Shengli for more than half a year, sent Wang Qianjin, who had also not been seen for a long time, to When we get to the self-training class, we need to invite Li Shengli, a good son-in-law, to Xiaowangzhuang for an interview...

(End of this chapter)

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