The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 656: The edge of the sword is sharpened (Part )

Chapter 656: The edge of the sword is sharpened (Part )

"Lao Du, what did your virtuous son-in-law just say?

When he and Du Juan divorced, did our family take advantage? "

Although Li Shengli's mother-in-law, Sister Fu, was a bit unclear, the words left by her former son-in-law were definitely thought-provoking and unmistakable.

"Sister Fu, do you know why I asked you to treat him well?

If Du Juan goes out and Shengli stays in the country, the Du family will become more powerful, and King Ding and the Xie family will not cooperate with me.

Without the support of King Ding and Xie Sanjia, facing the siege that Shengli just mentioned, I wouldn't have any backhand power.

Shengli married the daughter of the Ding family, who was not clear with the daughter of the Xie family. He asked Wang's son to marry his sister, and Xiao Long of the Xiao family married the second daughter of the Wang family. He told me all this.

The purpose is also very simple, to win over the three companies to support me.

Now, under his arrangement, Du Peng has climbed to the top of the political commissar's family. Du Ding and Wang Xie will be his family's helpers in the future. With the help of victory, our group has become the backbone of the future.

Without the link of victory, Dudin Wangxie is destined to break up.

And some of these can be inherited according to Victory's expectations, and Du Peng is such a successor.

So, Sister Fu, aren't these reasons enough for you to treat this good son-in-law favorably?

According to his vision, there is no need to marry a Ding family daughter. He married a Ding family daughter. In fact, he married a Ding family daughter for the sake of our family.

Lao Ding and Wang Xie have different personalities, which can be regarded as a check on Wang Xie, so that I can better cooperate with them.

This city is so awesome..."

Facing the unreasonable elder sister Fu at home, Lao Du had no other options besides sweet talk. If some things were not broken up and crushed, his son-in-law might not be able to pass the test of being a mother-in-law.

This hurdle is also a hurdle for Prince Du Ding to thank the four families. I don't understand, letting the ex-mother-in-law hate her son-in-law is just delaying the business.

Sister Fu was also forced by Lao Du to change her attitude towards her former son-in-law Li Shengli. Now she has heard most of the reasons, but she still doesn't understand.

"What's wrong?

He found the younger and more beautiful Ding Lan. I have to thank him, right?

According to your opinion, if Lao Ding and his wife are away, do I still have to help Ding Lan take care of the child?

Du Juan just went out alone. It's good for him here. There's a little Ding Lan in front of him and Xie Chan in secret. Xie Chan is also prettier than Jiao Yang. I think he is just doing this in the name of helping the Du family. He has three wives and four wives. Where is my concubine! "

It would have been better not to mention some things, but when she did, Sister Fu couldn't suppress her resentment. Thinking of her ex-son-in-law who had three wives and four concubines, and her daughter Du Juan who was alone outside, she wiped away tears again.


Do you know where the name Nianjia came from?

Your daughter Du Juan misses not our family, but your ex-son-in-law’s landlord’s courtyard, the landlord’s courtyard where he had three wives and four concubines!

Lao Wang told me that your daughter Du Juan takes care of most of the things in the yard.

Pulling Xiechan and finding Ding Lan were all handled by your lonely daughter. Not to mention victory, it was just to save your face!

Wang Jiazi has worked hard with Shengli all the way, what doesn't he know?

Although Shengli's actions are biased, he still has a good reason in his heart. If Dujuan wants to cause chaos and wants to come back and continue to live in her landlord's courtyard, your former son-in-law will let her do whatever she wants.

Take a look, what kind of daughters and sons have your doting taught you?

The daughter helped the man seduce women and set up a landlord's house with three wives and four concubines in the village; the son had already made two women pregnant before marriage, one of whom was a college student studying in the Soviet Union and the other was a top science student.

This matter has to be postponed for a long time. I have to send him to justice.

The sons and daughters you have taught have good accents, but they are extremely dirty!

Do you still have the nerve to wipe away your tears? "

Father Du didn't cover up, but Sister Fu felt a little embarrassed. It sounded like she was also dirty.

"Didn't Li Shengli plan these things?

Why did it become Du Juan and Du Peng's responsibility?

I don’t approve of you helping him shirk responsibility like this! "

Hearing that Sister Fu was still retorting, Father Du sneered and said:

"You still need to be tough when you are forging iron. Don't you know what your daughter or son is like?

The miserable winds and rains of the past few years have tempered Li Shengli. How has your daughter Du Jiaoyang improved?

What progress has your son Du Peng made?

Daughters seek favors from men, and sons seek credit from brothers-in-law.

Do you want me to be more detailed?

From now on, you should not interfere with Du Juan, but you must strictly restrain Du Peng. After returning home, you must strictly require him to walk, sit, and lie down.

If your son doesn't sharpen himself, he will be nothing but mud that can't stand up to a wall in the future.

Don't forget who his future father-in-law is. Without Li Shengli's help, do you think what happened at the train station was really just an act?

Taking advantage of others' danger is not without cost..."

Father Du made it clear at once, and Sister Fu wiped away her tears symbolically. Li Shengli's position as a good son-in-law was considered unanimously approved by the Du family.

For Li Shengli, this was just a smooth family matter. After returning to Madianji, he answered Master Liu's call, and there was another inappropriate noise from the self-training class.

There are thousands of kinds of people, and simplicity is just one of them. A large number of students come to the correspondence class. After the initial suppression, as the memorization skills improve, the suppression in the self-training class gradually becomes unbearable for some people. .

This is normal in self-training classes, but the correspondence class recruits too many people. Excluding the apprentices who were selected to go to the mountain villages, the number of students in the correspondence class is still around 6,000.

The old students and the patrol team are a little unable to suppress so many people. Now there are just clues. Mr. Liu estimates that in another ten and a half days, someone will cause trouble again.

Early the next morning, when he arrived at the self-training class, Li Shengli didn't go to see Liu Ye immediately. Instead, he attended the morning class with Pu Lao and others.

The leader's care still needs Mr. Pu to take action, but before taking action, he still needs to go through dialectics.

"Sheng Li, what is the basis for your prediction of hematocrit?

Your dialectic is bloody, and you also say that the pulse and superficial symptoms are not obvious. Isn't this making fun of the old men?

Regardless of Chinese or Western medicine, there must be a cause and evidence. You must not rely on guessing. You must not ask someone to squat? "

After the morning class, Li Shengli raised the topic of bladder cancer among the leaders. Of course, what he was talking about to Mr. Pu and the others was not bladder cancer, but hematoma in traditional Chinese medicine.

After Li Shengli finished speaking, Mr. Pu's doubts arose. Although many diseases can be diagnosed by physical examination, it was obviously extremely hasty for Li Shengli to diagnose the symptoms for the leader based only on physical examination or other people's retellings. .

“Ecchymosis on the leader’s face is a superficial symptom.

As for the cause, it comes from living habits. Because he has to attend activities frequently, the leader has a very bad habit of holding in his urine.

This disease is actually caused by holding back urine, and drinking strong tea all year round to refresh yourself is also one of the causes.

Although it is said that illnesses come all at once, if you check, the lesions on the leader's side must already be there.

Pu Lao, what we want to talk about is not how to dialectic, but how to take care of the disease. Now that the symptoms are not obvious, it is still too early to take medicine. Recuperation or dispersing the knots is what we should think about. "

Li Shengli did not talk about medication but recuperation, which was helpless. Although in Chinese medicine, there are sayings that the upper doctor is not sick, the traditional Chinese medicine is to treat the disease, and the lower doctor is already sick, but the early use of medicine for cancers that did not exist before in the traditional Chinese medicine field, or the early use of medicine for the lesions, also belong to this category. Category of new diseases.

Testing medicine is definitely the best way, but leaders cannot use it to test medicine. Now Li Shengli, who is a senior in internal medicine, is not enough to provide theoretical support when it comes to medication or nursing care. Without theoretical support, we can only take the path of nursing care first and medication second. Whether the nursing care can be passed in the office is still a matter of course!

"The truth is clear, but your recuperation medicine, American ginseng and deer antler blood, I'm afraid it won't work.

It won't be allowed over there.

You don't let me talk, but I have to say that since there are signs, we doctors can't stand still. "

Listening to Mr. Pu's contradictory words, Li Shengli also shook his head. Leadership is a hurdle that is difficult to overcome.

"Pu Lao, doctors have a normal mind.

Even if you have to say it this time, you can't say it.

Having said that, I can't take care of the matter of recuperation.

I have arranged for people to go to the Northeast to hunt deer. If you want to do your best, I will also do my best to make things impossible. Then it will be us who are in trouble.

American ginseng will come a little slower, so you have to leave enough time for me.

There is still no news about the radiation sickness patients in the northwest, so just use the pretext of asking for reports and give it a try.

It would be best if we could detect the disease before it occurs. If it fails, we will continue to look for similar cases and conduct human clinical drug trials. "

When it comes to the overall situation, although the sacrifice Li Shengli said is unfair, it is not unfair. Presumably those who come to clinical trials will be willing to do so.





What are you doing?

But if it is true as you said, I cannot shirk my old man's responsibility. A lifetime of studying medicine is not as sharp as a child's sharp eyes.

You kid, you've stabbed knives into the hearts of old men.

Xiaoyue, if this is the result, you and I will be ashamed of the medical community and ashamed to meet our colleagues in the medical community! "

After sighing, Mr. Pu turned his attention to Mr. Yue. Both of them had interacted with the leader and had undergone pulse diagnosis.

As Li Shengli said, if there is hematoma lurking in the leadership, then both of them have completely failed in their duties.

"Mr. Pu, what are you waiting for? Let's go together.

We have all seen the bad habits that Shengli mentioned before. Just after hearing this, I felt like burning inside. If it is true, how can I say this..."

Mr. Yue is similar to Mr. Pu, and he is just as bitter in his heart. If he really wants to let the young man lose his craftsmanship in front of him, it will be a small matter of embarrassment, but a big matter of dereliction of duty.

If dialectics really turns out to be bloody, he and Pu Lao may spend the rest of their lives in regret.

"Mr. Yue, don't be impatient. The more impatient you are, the easier it is to misdiagnose. Doctors should keep an open mind.

Cover it up, you must cover it up. If it is exposed, the blood of American ginseng and deer antler cannot enter, and it will make you two regretful for life! "

After seeing Pu Lao and Yue Lao calm down, Li Shengli left their office. Some things can be traced as long as they are said. Even if there is no chance of survival, people can avoid suffering.

Li Shengli was not qualified to talk about this matter if it was too early, and if it was too late, he would not be able to take care of it. Although the time was late, it was still timely, and he might be able to earn a glimmer of hope.

The leader entrusted it to Mr. Pu. Li Shengli found Mr. Liu in a not-so-good mood. The matter of the students in the correspondence class still needed to be resolved.

"Young master, please relax. You have been so sullen this morning. That's not good!"

After meeting his own heir who was facing a lawsuit, Mr. Liu believed that people were more important than matters. The students in the correspondence class were dishonest and could just be dismissed. They were not even medical apprentices. They also looked down upon themselves.

According to what my young master said, there are a lot of people below who want to enter the correspondence class. If they don’t lack these, it’s really impossible. Just quit them all and start over again. If they don’t eat after being fed, they will starve to death.

"It all makes these ignorant grandsons feel bad. Since they don't know what is good, let's screen them out!

Two thousand people who were honest and reliable were screened out to dig air-raid shelters in the mountains, and another thousand or five thousand who were relatively honest were screened out to dig holes in the courtyard outside the self-training class.

For the remaining ones, I will take the veteran students and the patrol team to give them a special training to prepare the martial arts inheritance class in the camp.

This time, let them practice their back skills while squatting on horseback. Mr. Liu, please replace the patrol members with long sticks. If you really go too far, beat those troublemakers to death.

Baojianfeng comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

Is it really grandpa’s self-training class that is considered a place for elderly care? "

Seeing that his heir was angry, Mr. Liu just sneered and dismissed it.

This group of people is just like me back then, completely unaware of my young master’s good intentions.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Liu has been practicing medicine for half his life, relying on the knowledge of medical books that he memorized with sticks from his hometown before he was fifteen years old. If he can pass a pulse diagnosis.

Mr. Liu felt that half of the old Chinese doctors on the mountain were not as good as him in terms of background.

At that time, any medical family that could enter Beijing and be established was a famous family in the medical field. The Liu family's medical family could become famous in the Republic of China just based on the life extension passed down from their ancestors, and it was not the first in the medical field. Waste snacks.

What do these rely on?

Neither medical books nor secret techniques passed down from family!

It depends on the descendants of the Medical Pulse, who can memorize the volumes of medical books and the experiences of their predecessors.

In Mr. Liu's view, practicing medicine does not require pulse diagnosis, but it must be done without memorization. At the very least, you must know what diseases can be cured and what diseases cannot be cured.

If he cannot be cured, he must be treated by force. Such a doctor would not be unjustly beaten to death.

When a doctor becomes famous, there are countless patients who need to be cured; when a doctor fails, he only needs to cure one patient. The difference between countless and one is not medical ethics, but the most basic medical ethics. Without ethics, no matter how high the medical skills are, He is also a quack.

The heirs of his own family bear all the burdens of the self-training class on their own, and constantly forcing these people to improve their memorizing skills is superfluous in Master Liu's opinion.

There are a lot of people below. If you don't succeed, choose another group. The colorful world in Beijing is fascinating. People who want to come are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are not less than these 18,000 people who don't know how to promote.

"Master, I think you are too redundant.

Just use memorization skills to screen people, keep those who are qualified, and get out of those who are unqualified.

Your leisure and comfort are greater than these unappreciated futures.

I think there is no need for people to dig holes. After the 3,500 people have been sifted, the rest will be cleared away. The food you worked so hard to get is not good for raising white-eyed wolves..."

(End of this chapter)

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