The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 625: Massive Construction (Part )

Chapter 625: Massive Construction (Part )

Zhang Ying's gangster skills are undoubtedly very useful when it comes to doing secret things. His professional career of slipping through doors and picking locks almost originated from martial arts.

As the eldest daughter of a true martial arts master, Zhang Ying's martial arts skills are definitely not bad except for her bad luck.

I went on a trip to the western suburbs in the middle of the morning. Before I got off work in the afternoon, I came back with a letter.

Holding the envelope in his hand, Li Shengli was also in a dilemma. He was afraid of encountering someone like this because he was trying to pull someone else and he was unable to pull him.

People look down upon running or escaping, which is why people are hard to pull.

If he really wanted to pull someone alone, as long as he was not in the army camp, it couldn't be easier for Li Shengli.

The guards should be killed, and the people under guard can be sent directly to a more remote village.

But it is impossible for people to accept such a pull. Just get rid of all the guards. This first step is the one that will not work most of the time.

If he really followed that person's instructions to deliver the letter, Zhang Ying's tricks would not work. The leader's office was a no-go zone.

We can only wait for Xie Fei to come back. At this time, even Wang Qianjin, who has the title of 'Third Prince', should not hang around there.

He had another excuse for picking up Du Jiaoyang. At this time, it was very busy over there and it was easy to make mistakes.

As for Pu Lao, it's not that it can't be done, but that it can't be done. When Pu Lao hands over the letter, he will inevitably have to make a trip to the western suburbs. This is a fatal errand.

Putting the envelope in the medicine box, Li Shengli waited for Xie Fei to come back and become the carrier pigeon.

Because it was a preliminary contact, Xie Fei didn't let Li Shengli wait any longer. Within two days, Xie Fei sent the envelope to the leadership office.

During this period, Xie Fei happened to have the opportunity to meet the leader, and the matter was done quietly.

After finishing their respective affairs, Xie Fei, who felt something was wrong, and Wang Qianjin appeared at Li Shengli's free clinic again.

"Lao Li, there are some things that I think you are too involved in. Isn't this unsafe?"

Looking at Li Shengli with his hands and eyes behind the examination table, Xie Fei didn't know where he got such connections.

When Niu Bijian, the big boss of the port city, met him, the first thing he said was not about business, but asked about the health of a twenty-year-old young man, looking like a complete loser.

Moreover, people did not even read the written ideas submitted by the leadership office, and only listened to what Xie Fei brought over.

Li Shengli's words were implemented without any discount by Niu Bijian. As for the plan of the leadership office, he only took a brief look at it and considered it done.

According to Xie Fei's opinion, if Li Shengli has such a connection, he should stay in Hong Kong City.

On the train back, Xie Fei thought more than once about letting Li Chenggong go through Niu Bijian's route and transfer him to Hong Kong City, so that he could live a leisurely life.

Glancing at Mr. Xie, his brother-in-law who was not even considered cheap, Li Shengli sighed softly and said:

"Lao Xie, I have the ability to transfer you to Hong Kong City, but if you go to Hong Kong City, your future will be difficult.

The relationship between the Du family cannot help you. The only thing you can use is the protection of the Xie family after your brother and sister have divided.

Working in the leader's office, you can handle business, external affairs, and government affairs. This is a very good qualification.

If you put a little more effort, you can cooperate with Du Peng in more than ten years. At that time, it was called a strong alliance.

If you really go to Hong Kong City, it's hard to say whether you are qualified to be Du Peng's subordinate in the future.

With me and Lao Wang protecting you, as long as you don't cause trouble, you can still keep your head up and be a good person in the city.

You can only think about this matter yourself. Don't discuss it with your mother or your sister. This errand is actually more suitable for your sister Xie Chan.

There are many things, no need for me to say more, right? "

Mr. Xie is a man who is afraid of easy things and is accustomed to people's emotions. When Xie Fei and Wang Qian came in and made such an opening statement, Li Shengli knew the general idea of ​​​​his thoughts.

Again, even if they are actors, people nowadays lack professional training and good talent. If they want to act to deceive people, it is difficult to escape the eyes of Li Guishou.

Because I have watched too many TV dramas, the current dramas are somewhat stereotyped and superficial.


Lao Xie, you came to me because you wanted to be a deserter!

We, too, are tyrannical men who have been through thick and thin. Not to mention the ruthless guy like Lao Li, our 'third prince' can also travel half the city.

Don't be a coward, your grandson. What Lao Li said is right. Wealth can be found in danger. You don't have the fate to be the third grandson. Just stay in the city!

You can't go wrong with the directions that Lao Li showed you. Don't you see that Lao Wang and Lao Xie at home are just like Ji Ba'er, do you want to listen to his instructions? "

Xie Fei's inner thoughts were not told to Wang Qianjin. When his brother-in-law pointed it out and looked at Xie Fei's expression, Wang Qianjin became annoyed.

Wang Qinjin didn't care much about Xie Fei's future. He didn't even care about his own future, let alone Mr. Xie's.

All he wants is a Faxiao who he can eat, drink and have fun with.

Ever since he started working as a raider and ever since he met his childhood sweetheart, Wang Qianjin knew that apart from his family members, Li Shengli and Xie Fei, he had no friends these days.

Together with his brother-in-law Li Shengli, this vicious guy, even if he brings food from home, he has to lick it to see if it is poisonous before eating it, which is so boring.

And knowing some of the things Li Shengli has done, it is difficult for Wang Qinjin to sit down and chat with him. His brother-in-law is so cruel. He sits opposite him and meets his occasional glances. Wang Qinjin There is always a creepy feeling.

Wang Qianjin has also seen tigers, black bears, leopards, and wild wolves in the zoo. His brother-in-law does not look like these ferocious creatures.

But his gaze was similar to the roar of a tiger, making people tremble at the sight.

Wang Qianjin knew that it was not his gaze that was so intimidating, but some of the things they had done together or by Li Shengli on his own, which made people feel cold all over just thinking about them.

And Xie Fei is the only person who can sit down and drink with the current Wang Qianjin and chat with him.

Loneliness does not depend on whether there is anyone around you, but whether there is someone with whom you can sit and drink slowly.

Brother-in-law Li Shengli is obviously a lonely person, pitiful!

Wang Qianjin didn't want to be such a pitiful person, so he tried his best to stop Xie Fei's idea of ​​going south.

"Lao Li, Lao Wang, I..."

Seeing that both of them spoke in the same tone, and that Li Shengli had exposed his own petty thoughts in advance, Xie Fei was speechless.

"Just do your job honestly, learn more and practice more!

There is no need for you to interfere in the matter between Lao Wang and me. With Niu Bijian as the line, I will ensure that you are in peace.

When we meet again, tell Niu Bijian that I will designate you as his single line of contact. If I change someone casually, I will stop all contact with this place.

Do your job well, Lao Wang and I are helping you now, and you will have to help your brothers in the future, right? "

The weakness in Mr. Xie's heart was shattered. In these years, how many people can truly stand firm in the face of wind and rain?

Don’t you see those who are engaged in literature and art, looking for shortcomings?

Many times, life is more important. To say that it is unfair and difficult to reconcile, what about those who farm and collect grains but cannot even manage to eat enough coarse grains?

Du Jiaoyang, Du Peng, the five tigers of the Ding family, the Xiao family brothers and sisters, including Xie Fei in front of them, are all hardcore people directly related to Li Shengli.

Having many friends and friendships is sometimes useless. Only when there are many hardcore people with life-and-death interests can it really be effective.

As time goes on, the entanglement of interests between them will become deeper and deeper. No matter how selfish they are, they can't escape the word "interest".


Then I won't complain. "

On Xie Fei's side, he can't discuss many matters with Lao Xie because of his predecessor's children. As for his wife, Zou Jin, there is also a sister Xie Chan, so it's not easy to discuss it directly, so Mr. Xie is somewhat missing. Point to the backbone.

This is understandable from Li Shengli's point of view. How long-term can you expect a man of twenty-year-old age to have a long-term vision?

"That's right, Lao Xie, I'm afraid you don't know our cards. I'll show you in two days."

Listening to his brother-in-law's somewhat outrageous words, Li Shengli coughed and said:

"Brother-in-law, it's really a time to glare at us. The matter in the north may not be resolved in a year or two. Don't go out to show off your suspicions or make a mess.

Lao Xie, what did Niu Bijian say? "

After drinking some of Wang Qianjin's reckless thoughts, all parties are now calm. Now he goes to the street to show off, just to make trouble, and not to save face.

Li Shengli didn't know the steps and scale of communicating internal and external matters, so he wanted to understand it from the side.

"Mr. Niu Bijian is preparing a business inspection delegation. According to the foreign trade processing industry in the port city, the garment industry and some processing or OEM industries will be the main ones.

Mr. Niu Bijian felt that it would be better for HSBC to handle the small handicrafts aspect.

As for the deeper ones, people from the old US military in Southeast Asia would like to conduct military cooperation with us.

To put it bluntly, they want us to give them some advice on how to deal with the guerrilla warfare over there. This time, there was no reply from the higher ups. "

After listening to what Xie Fei said, Li Shengli knew that Niu Bijian still had a way of doing things, but that the powerful figure on the American side was more or less idle and wanted to eat shit.

The assistance to the Southeast has been continuous, so there is no reason to set a stumbling block for ourselves.


It's not that we can't talk about this. After you go back, you can work out some flexibility on this matter.

If you want to communicate, you must show some sincerity. We recently got a T62. The north boasts that it is the most advanced tank in the world. It can be transported to the south so that the United States can try their anti-tank weapons, okay? use.

Remember, this is just a hint, don't really ship it over. When talking, we can make the United States more sincere and get some anti-tank missiles and the like for us to try ourselves.

We can provide some experimental data here. If we can take the opportunity to destroy a few more tanks, the north may stop for a while. "

When it comes to cooperation with the military, Li Shengli can only provide a general idea. Nowadays, he is still somewhat honest and honest to the outside world.

In fact, to the outside world, it should be the home of thousands of tricks and deceptions. If you can be deceived, you can be deceived. If you get enough benefits, just change the topic and continue chatting.

But now there are principles in doing things. It is not easy for Li Shengli to make suggestions to avoid being thankless.

"Lao Li, when it comes to the north, can you guess correctly?

I look at the men in Haizi, I'm afraid they want to be beaten for real!

The neighborhood committee issued a notice saying that air-raid shelters need to be dug even for single-family homes. The aunt from the neighborhood committee also said that if I can get guns, I'd better keep a few at home. What the hell do you think this is?

Lao Xie, do you have any news? Let me hear it. "

When talking about the military, Wang Qianjin intervened again, thinking about what Li Shengli said about not being able to fight, and thinking about the hustle and bustle on the streets. It didn't look like they couldn't fight.

"Indeed, there is already a method for purchasing grain and oil for this summer's summer. Basically, we can purchase less, even if it's a little, in order to store grain for the people.

Lao Li, given the supply situation and the need to hide food from the people, I'm afraid there will be a big war!

The situation seems not as easy as you said. "

Speaking of these, Xie Fei has access to a lot of things now. Li Shengli was happy to hear Mr. Xie's method of purchasing summer grain.

Requisitioning is not about public grain, but the purchase of grain other than public grain. For the village brigade, public grain must be completed, and grain purchase is actually the same.

As far as the current supply situation is concerned, there is not enough food. If you encounter unreasonable people, you must buy as much food as you can.

The storm in rural areas often depends on the purchase of grain. Since some time ago, you have to have a ticket to buy sweet potatoes. Many people have also taken the initiative in purchasing grain. There are many kinds of grain purchases. When the need arises, When it comes to flexibility, the guys below are also very flexible.

“The North is fighting strategy rather than tactics.

Strategically, there is no need for the two sides to fight. We are not in a trap, and the other side is not sure of victory.

If we were really sure, they would have sent a plane over there long ago. It would be cowardly not to come over.

Fighting such a national war, my courage trembled first, it would be surprising if I could win! "

When talking about strategy and tactics with these two people, Li Shengli didn't know how to talk about it, and he didn't want to talk about such nonsense with them. The general talk was just to give them some confidence and arguments.

There are no occasions or dinners in Li Shengli's self-training class. Brother-in-law Wang Qinjin still has a lot of bad friends. In this day and age, bragging has to be a bit serious.

"Lao Li, what you said is a bit high level, I believe you!

Let’s talk about digging prevention and control holes. I’ll arrange for people to dig holes at my house, your second brother’s and second sister’s house, Yinghong’s house, and your house.

We only need to dig a bomb shelter big enough for a family. I can also get some cement from the engineering corps, and let Li Huaide get some steel bars. Let's build a permanent fortification? "

The digging of holes that Wang Qianjin talked about has now been fully implemented. Not to mention big holes and small holes, the subway line will be completed and opened to traffic.

Now in terms of construction, it is a unanimous response. Three of the dozen air-raid shelters planned by the self-training class have been built, and the rest have roughly taken shape. It will not happen if it is not done quickly. This is a task that must be completed.

"Okay, let's dig it as a vegetable cellar.

The house I live in Madianji has a nice set of fire dragons. I dug it up along the way. It may last twenty or thirty years.

That thing works better than a heater, and no one needs to watch it. Lao Wang, ask someone in the city to see if anyone knows how to make a fire dragon thing? "

(End of this chapter)

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