The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 624: Stalemate (Part )

Chapter 624: Stalemate (Part )

"What's wrong with you baby?

Radiation sickness is something we all make decisions and take responsibility for, and we naturally have to advance and retreat together. "

Looking at Li Shengli who looked a little indifferent in front of him, this was why Mr. Pu always supported him.

As long as it comes to the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, this kid will retaliate against others and change his face. He suddenly becomes a good person again, and his tolerance for many things is almost limitless.

Not to mention anything else, last time the famous old Chinese medicine doctor on the mountain selected nearly 800 disciples in the self-training class. When these 800 people arrived on the mountain, this baby carried all the food rations.

In the self-training class, there are also materials allocated from above. Although it is insufficient, it is compensated.

Once on the mountain, the food, clothing, housing and transportation of these people all belong to Li Shengli.

Not to mention the famous old Chinese doctors who are old and frail and have no appetite, there are already thousands of young people living in mountain villages after only two apprenticeships.

Different from the self-training classes, the students or apprentices in the mountain villages only eat a lot of noodles and steamed buns, and they have to eat meat two or three times a week.

Building a house, getting food, preparing bedding, and preparing meat, not to mention one or two thousand people, can even feed a family, and now it can still be difficult for people to die.

But the famous old Chinese medicine doctors chose people, and Li Shengli accepted them all without giving a shit. With 800 young people in charge, who can afford it now?

"Please save yourself!

I told you that I am a thieves and I am very tough!

If I was really so restless, how could I still sit here in the self-training class? "

Seeing that Li Shengli had made up his mind, Mr. Pu calmed down and said:

"Shengli, we have also treated the patient's symptoms. If he can withstand the treatment of Yuquan Pill and Yunujian.

We old men decided that it would be better to treat it according to the symptoms of yellowing or the internalization of evil poisons.

I am more inclined to the latter. When the time comes, I will use Qingying Decoction and Huanglian Jiedu Decoction, supplemented by Angong Niuhuang Pills or Zixue Powder.

If the syndrome of spleen and kidney yang is weak, use Fuzi Lizhong Decoction; if the syndrome is yin damage and stomach failure, use Yiwei Decoction. "

Listening to Pu Lao's addition, Li Shengli showed another unattractive smile and replied:

"Mr. Pu, what I'm afraid of now is that the patients won't be able to withstand being manipulated. Do we still have the cortisone we got in the south?

If I don't handle it properly this time, I'm afraid it will be said that I was using medicine indiscriminately. "

Radiation disease is symptomatic with febrile disease and evil heat, and is also somewhat symptomatic with diabetes mellitus. However, how to use the medicine is somewhat difficult to figure out even for experts in traditional Chinese medicine.

The difficulty of traditional Chinese medicine is also here. Radiation disease can be caused by evil heat, evil poison invagination or yellowing. Comparing it with diabetes, there are also symptoms.

How to use medicine is very important. In this regard, Li Shengli would also like to thank the person who gave him small shoes if he was suffering from the initial symptoms of radiation sickness.

The argument between him and Mr. Pu will take a long time. Now that he is facing a moderate to severe illness, he cannot use potions casually.

When the human body is too weak, cathartic drugs must be used with caution. For example, as Pu Lao said, Coptis Coptidis Jiedu Decoction must be used with caution.

The use of medication is restricted for moderate to severe cases. Not only does medication need to be used with caution, but the scope of medication is also restricted.

As long as it is effective for moderate to severe disease, the understanding of initial symptoms will be deeper. At this time, we can only give full play to the characteristics of empirical traditional Chinese medicine and consider medication based on pulse conditions and superficial symptoms.

When taking the medicine, it is similar to what Li Shengli thought. Not to mention the advice given by Pu Lao, Yunujian cannot be used, and Yuquan pills must be added or subtracted before using it. Otherwise, the patient will directly suffer from diarrhea and diarrhea.

According to the different personnel, Li Shengli added Liuwei Dihuang Pills and Zhibai Dihuang Pills. They used clearing and tonic medicines, but the effect would be slow.

While observing the efficacy, Li Shengli did not forget to report the radiation sickness to Wang Qianjin's godmother.

This report was also divided into two parts. For Wang Qianjin’s godmother, the main report was to conduct clinical trials on patients suffering from radiation sickness in order to prepare for minor surgeries that may occur in the future.

In the same way, in this way, the hand on the other side can also be stretched to the northwest. This way of reporting can be regarded as a matter of honor to Wang Jinjin's godmother.

"Old Li, Xie Fei has taken a temporary job and gone south.

My godmother is also working on some cases with that family, so let’s not cause any trouble. "

Xie Fei made a report there, and the natural result was to take a temporary job and go south to have face-to-face contact with Niu Bijian.

Regardless of the outcome, with this experience of going south, Mr. Xie's career path has been broadened a lot. Even if he goes to work outside, he has gained experience.


You have also seen it. If they are not chaotic, then our self-training class should be chaotic. I think they are not chaotic enough!

Brother-in-law, do you know what case your godmother is working on?

I think it is better to be less contaminated. What we are mentioning is also serious matter and should be paid more attention to.

At this time, it is time for the storm to swirl again. It is inevitable that some people will misjudge the situation and think of attacking us. It is not good to fight back, so we can only play this game to achieve results.

Do you dare to contact the people involved in the case?

When I was researching radiation sickness recently, I found a lot of patent medicines that were symptomatic! "

Listening to his brother-in-law's words, Wang Qianjin's mind was buzzing. To be bold and cruel, he would definitely admire his brother-in-law Li Shengli. No matter what happened, as long as it had something to do with him, he would not dare to get involved. And, those who dare not take action.

"I say grandson, please stop meddling in adults' matters!

If you worry too much, it will easily fail to grow.

I do know where it is, but I don't dare to go there. There is a bungalow courtyard near the villa in the western suburbs. I heard people say it is a dark room. There should be something hanging on the door and windows to make it easier to identify.

You bring the medicine, and I'll see if I can find someone to hand it in. "

After persuading Li Shengli, Wang Qianjin, who was not in vain as the third prince, also revealed a relatively secret place.

For this kind of place, his godmother and the others thought it was well hidden, but as long as there were people below involved, many things would no longer be secrets to Wang Qianjin.

There are too many people who want to please this 'Third Prince'. Those who really treat him as Wang Erluozi are the real fools. After plundering the formation for so long, they should know that this Erluozi will never be a little confused.

After hearing what Wang Qianjin said, Li Shengli made eye contact with Zhang Ying in the room. After seeing her nodding slightly, he stood up and picked up a few brown glass medicine bottles.

“Glibenclamide, metformin, sulfa tablets, sulfamethoxazole?

Grandson, don’t you practice Chinese medicine?

Is this all Western medicine? "

Looking at the four medicine bottles on the table, Wang Qianjin felt dizzy again. He knew that his brother-in-law had not held in his fart well, and someone would be in trouble if he was given such Western medicine.

"Also, this is Lao Mei's nitroglycerin, a little devil's heart-protecting pill, so don't worry about the affairs in the western suburbs.

This is for Mr. Lu and Lao Wang. You can borrow some time to secretly give this medicine to him. He will know who it should be used for. "It is not that there are no medicines for diabetes now. Natural insulin is also available. However, in China, this type of medicine is not available to ordinary people.

In Sijiucheng, this kind of medicine is not something that can be easily obtained. The ones Li Shengli had were obtained by Yihe together with cortisone when he went south.

These medicines were all packed in suitcases by the famous old Chinese medicine doctors who came back with him. They were of the type that cannot be traced, so they were considered dark under the lamp.

As for the news about Mr. Lu, two days ago, the guard of the patient with a broken leg stopped him when he got off work and told him.

Li Shengli didn't dare to touch Mr. Lu's patients easily. Even the vice president, Lao Wang, Li Shengli hadn't seen in nearly a year.

Lao Wang accepted his advice, endured the humiliation and turned to the other side. Today he is still serving as President Lu. The former CEO's guard was the one who gave him the advice, so he stopped people halfway to ask for help.

Today, Mr. Lu, all kinds of special medicines are also strictly controlled items. Some people are not qualified to use them even if they are in urgent need. After all, they are no longer in office and should not enjoy special treatment.

Asking for help, Lao Wang and that person are also out of public interest. The patients who need treatment are in charge of the armored soldiers. In the current situation, without Li Shengli's later experience, it would really be a war.

Even if it was clear strategically that nothing would happen to the north, who would dare to say it categorically?

“Grandson, why the hell are you hiding something from me again.

I have no control over matters in the western suburbs, and I don’t dare to go there. You can figure it out yourself.

But you have to tell me something about Mr. Lu, right? "

After looking at the two imported medicines in his hand, Wang Qianjin, who often helped Li Shengli take medicines, now had some knowledge.

As for heart disease drugs, Guo Shihuai's specific drugs are better than Huxin Pills. Although Wang Qianjin has not participated in the demonstration, he knows the results because this is a recent matter and is partly due to the self-training class.

During this period, Wang Qianjin also took Guo Shihuai and Lao Zhu to report work to his godmother, so he knew a lot about many things.

"The man named Xu told Lao Wang that he should keep taking the Heart-protecting Pills.

If only I could get a clear nose...

Forget it, go find Guo Shihuai on the way and ask him to mix some Musk Baoxin Pills for you, make them look like military uniform buttons, and send them directly to Lao Wang.

You have to be careful about this. Only you and Guo Shihuai know, and the medicine cannot be made by others.

Although the current situation has suppressed things on the street, without the clutter, your godmother and the others can focus more on their work.

We can't let them focus on their work. It's better to keep the water a little muddy, otherwise the pressure will be on us directly.

Even if you are not in the self-training class, you should also pay attention to the situation in the city to see which groups have greater conflicts and ask others to provoke them.

It’s still the old way of knocking on the sap..."

Li Shengli didn't care about what Pu Lao said about the third branch going to the self-training class. Even if he did come down, the people in the third branch would definitely be the ones he likes.

When this kind of person comes to the self-training class, he is also a listener, and it is impossible to have any accidents in this kind of thing.

Just like the current stalemate with the north, the pressure on the self-training class comes from the fact that it can affect most of the barefoot doctors. Even if it is not affected now, the future is close at hand.

The location of the self-training class determines that some people will covet it, just like the north does not want to see any one school stand out. Many things are determined by location and geography. If you want to be harmonious, others may not want to be harmonious with you.

The pressure from the north is coming, and the situation has eased. Some people will inevitably misjudge the situation. Those who go down want to come up, and those who have stabilized want to go further.

I made a rough estimate and found that most of the people were from the health clinic. They might be people from the ministry, and they had no experience in the army.

Anyone who comes out of the army and goes through the self-training class in the special agent camp will know that this place is not allowed to be touched.

If the Commander-in-Chief of Traditional Chinese Medicine had been standing opposite, someone would have already handed over the certificate, because it is taboo for special agents to camp in the self-training class. In these days, which of the generals has the ability to send troops to Beijing?

Although the defense area of ​​the special agent camp is in Gyeonggi Province, the self-training class stationed outside the city is far away from its own defense area, so its nature is different.

The other person didn't understand this, so Li Shengli had no choice but to change the situation. Even though it was just a few bottles of medicine, it touched the most sensitive nerves.

When there is a stalemate, Li Shengli will not bother to focus on a certain person. The dispute over position is the cleanest thing.


This is the Big Buddha!

I happened to have a sore throat recently due to internal heat, so I went to see Lao Wang for some anti-inflammatory medicine.

Do you have anything to say to Mr. Lu’s Lao Wang? "

He glanced at his brother-in-law complicatedly. Wang Qianjin couldn't understand such a chess move. He could only ask Lao Wang to go home and explain it to him.

"Yes, do you know why I put sulfonamide tablets, sulfamethoxazole, and special medicines for diabetes together?

Tell Lao Wang that glyburide is derived from sulfa. Eating too much sulfa can also cause hypoglycemia, but the sequelae will be greater.

To adapt to many things, we need to start from the professional field. Making do with medication may not be the right symptom, nor may it not cure the disease.

When I was treating the epidemic in Hong Kong City, I only used a single dose of gypsum as medicine. The white tiger was the master of killing. When facing the influenza in Hong Kong City, that dose of gypsum tea was of great use.

The person who gave you the location in the western suburbs has been in contact less recently. "

As far as Li Shengli is concerned, Mr. Lu's affairs are beyond his control. He can come up with an idea. If he really wants to send Chinese medicine, the trouble may be directly reported to the self-training class.

After seeing off Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli pondered for a while and then said to Zhang Ying:

"The four bottles of medicine on the table were delivered to Wang Qianjin's address just now, and no one was allowed to show his face along the way.

If anyone sees you around the yard, even if it is just a shadow, they cannot keep it.

When you go there, get a few balls of clay, mix them and wrap them in plastic sheets. Only the roof of a bungalow can hide such small things.

If a couple asks for directions, just tell the truth and say that I did what the leadership office said.

Tell them that taking glyburide and metformin can easily cause hypoglycemia, and they can ask someone to order some sugar to try.

If someone gives it to someone, it means they have murderous intentions. Sulfonamide tablets and sulfamethoxazole are the alternatives to glyburide. Taking two more tablets will also be effective.

Tell them to try not to take traditional Chinese medicine as it is too easy for someone to manipulate them. "

After making careful arrangements, Li Shengli frowned as he watched Zhang Ying leave the free clinic. Someone misjudged the situation, which brought him risks.

But Mr. Pu didn't say who he was. He probably was someone who didn't know much about Zhengfang and didn't have much vision. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with because he doesn't understand anything. Who knows what else he could do?

(End of this chapter)

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