The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 562 Asking for trouble (Part )

Chapter 562 Asking for trouble (Part )

After Du Jiaoyang went to work informally in the leadership office, Wang Qianjin also started working in the idle military camp.

In the morning and afternoon, he took over Du Jiaoyang's tasks. Li Shengli attended the consultation, and Wang Qianjin was busy delivering things.

Looking at the increasing number of elderly patients, Li Shengli sighed softly. In less than half a year, many people's bodies have begun to collapse.

Unlike those who persevered, many were afraid they would never come again.

Many things become more dangerous the closer they are to the aftermath. Li Shengli is really powerless to deal with those in danger.

During lunch, Wang Qianjin quietly took a bottle of chrysanthemum white from the medicine cabinet last year. Li Shengli did not say that he would not drink alcohol during the consultation.

Uncle Lang and Uncle Lang sat across from each other and started to have a drink with a plate of steamed pickles in meat oil.

"Lao Li, you are right. Many times, I am pretending to be stupid and don't want to face it.

Now after reading it, I realize that we were too light on the extortionists at that time, and we should have beaten them to the bone and sucked out the marrow as the book said.

Those characters are capable but not capable, and brave but not courageous. How can they be so unscrupulous?

If you are really capable, try it against us. I promise to make them hate their parents for giving them fewer legs. "

Although Wang Qianjin had heard about it before, it was better to face it directly at the free clinic so that he could see it more clearly.

Today, he met Lao Wang's comrades-in-arms and his mother's colleagues at home. Thinking of the elders who greeted him with smiles and called uncle and aunt, Wang Qianjin also held a breath in his heart.


Don't look at these things these days. Take care of yourself and be honest.

Don't brag, you have really stood in their position, and you are the one who accepts the situation and is unstoppable in the face of the general trend!

You thought this was the end?

There will be a price for doing things. Many people have already formed grudges after going down, even if they can come back.

The same goes for us. Some people’s fate in this world is us, and there will be more opportunities in the future..."

Glancing at his somewhat stagnant brother-in-law, Li Shengli didn't want to talk to him in depth about these matters. He didn't want to face them. It was his brother-in-law who asked Xiao Hu to find someone to help him face many things.

There are too many sinister and cruel things in it. Li Shengli also only wants good results and does not want the bad process. If he goes through it all, then he will have too much anger in his heart.

Some things cannot be done without doing them, but doing too much is too much. Li Shengli did many things in the name of the Du family or his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin. I hope the benefits will fall on them and the consequences will also fall on them. superior.

If you don't do many things, you'll just be on your own and you'll be clean; if you do them, you'll be asking for trouble and asking for cause and effect, and there's no way to explain it.

"I think those people should not be recruited into self-training classes or correspondence classes."

Hearing that his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin was threatening to ruin his future by opening his mouth, Li Shengli replied:

"Then there is no need for us to accept the requests from our disciples.

Many things are as dark as crows in the world.

Again, as long as they correct their attitude and make progress in the self-training class, what they do outside has nothing to do with us.

If you have done it, you still dare to take self-training classes or correspondence classes. If you don't study hard to get an advantage, your relief list can come in handy.

By crucifying these people in these most difficult places, we can have a steady flow of barefoot doctors.

And they are the negative examples of barefoot doctors. If you don't make progress, you will be crucified with them.

In this way, we not only help others select places to go to the countryside, but also give them a place to change their ways. If we are stubborn, we will prevent them from coming back.

Sometimes, the lack of information is helpless..."

Wang Qianjin had never been to the countryside seriously. His impression of going to the countryside was nothing more than the suburbs of the city. He didn't understand Li Shengli's ruthlessness and just kept drinking.

After three drinks, Li Shengli put down his wine glass and ate the vegetable nest made of sweet potato sprouts and stick noodles. It was still fresh to eat once in a while.

If you eat too much, it is not a happy thing, but for most students in the camp, being fed is already a very good treatment.

The above mentioned the need to economize during the storm. In Sijiu City, the supply during this period is extremely tight. Li Shengli estimated that the family's ration may only be able to reach the average level.

Because of the tight supply, the stubborn ones in the camp were not given enough treatment. Today’s meal should be melon rice soup with salt, two bowls per person. After eating this food for three days, the hungry eyes will glow green. .

Because it is closely related to the stomach, most people in the camp can memorize the exercises and have an acceptable attitude. In this way, the melon rice soup is the vegetable soup of Shuncai Wowo, not the staple food.

In the middle of the afternoon, the old patients went back to report one after another, and Du Jiaoyang led Ding Lan, who was wearing simple clothes, into the infirmary.

Seeing Ding Lan, Wang Qianjin glared. Li Shengli, his grandson, really doesn't shy away from others. The older one leads the younger one here, not to beat him...

"Ding Lan, your legs are white and smooth, so nice!"

Wang Qianjin, who was in the room, and Du Jiaoyang and Ding Lan who had just entered, did not expect Li Shengli to greet them like this.

Du Jiaoyang twisted her nose in anger. Wang Qianjin's pair of bull's-eyes almost fell to the ground. Ding Lan, who was already a little embarrassed, started to pinch the corners of his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Li Shengli sighed softly. The naive little girl knew how to endure the humiliation. It seemed that her life was really unsatisfactory some time ago.

"Don't be polite when you get here, just like at home, tell Du Jiaoyang what you want and what you want to eat, just like when you are at home.

You guys should go home first and let Xu Xiaoya prepare some good dishes..."

The old and sick people would come back after reporting for duty, and they were acquaintances of these two. Therefore, Li Shengli didn't keep the two of them, and sent them back to Madianji after saying a few words that they shouldn't have said.

"Grandson, you are awesome, how dare you have three wives and four concubines?

When the five Ding family members come back and know that you are playing with their little sister, I would be surprised if they don’t smash her!

Your grandson should stay away from me then, lest they beat me together. Even if they don't beat me, it wouldn't look good if I was covered in blood, wouldn't it?

Well, this is your uncle. If you are cruel enough, I will watch you beat them up.

Grandson, it’s one thing to say something, but if you actually do it, you’re asking for trouble. "

Thinking about his miserable little sweetheart, and looking at his brother-in-law who had three wives and four concubines in front of him, Wang Qianjin was furious.

This grandson was also blessed with good fortune. The eldest wife led the younger wife, thinking about his little sweetheart who almost drove him to death. Wang Qian was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot.

"Grandson, don't curse here.

Wasn't it your grandson who told me that I took off Ding Lan's pants? How dare you just open your mouth to spread a rumor? Now that I am in the circle, am I not a typical example of being fast and fussy?

Having said that, because of your rumors, Ding Lan may have suffered a lot during this period. Now that the five tigers of the Ding family are back, it’s uncertain whether they will beat me or you..."

When Li Shengli went to Ding Lan, he had something serious to do. Men are all the same. Even if they don't sell their sons and daughters for a future, what about something important with a sense of justice?

In terms of matters, both public and private, Li Shengli managed to kill the five tigers of the Ding family, but now it is Xie Chan of the Xie family who is in trouble.

As for the bickering with Wang Qianjin, they were just relaxing. When the elderly patients nearby returned from reporting, the two men stopped bickering.

Wang Qianjin glanced at his brother-in-law with envy, thought about his little sweetheart who almost beat him to death, and thought about Lao Wang's threesome at home, and decisively gave up the idea of ​​continuing to flirt with each other. Not only was it painful, but it would also hurt his life. He basically couldn't do the job anymore.

After the free clinic, I returned to the Wang family's old house in Madianji. Although I was angry with my dead man in the middle of the afternoon, when I met Li Shengli, his legs were white and slippery. Du Jiaoyang, who had a dark belly, said Although he was very polite and kind to Ding Lan.

But that's not the case in terms of movements. When taking a bath, all the women in the courtyard went to help. After taking a bath, the clothes she changed into were also Xu Xiaoya's.

Compared to Xu Xiaoya, who is petite and has a good living condition, Ding Lan's clothes are a bit tight for her.

Du Jiaoyang's reason for Ding Lan was also simple. A girl should wear girl's clothes, but today's female gangsters are wearing old military uniforms. There is no distinction between girls and women.

This time, the somewhat naive Ding Lan really believed it.

Since Lao Ding and his wife moved away, Ding Lan really has no one to rely on. At first, she could live on some of the money she brought with her when she moved, but in a daze, her money was quickly gone, and her temporary residence was also being watched. I don’t dare to go back and live there anymore.

If it weren't for Sister Feng of the Ding family who had a wide network of people and knew many people in the city, plus Wang Qianjin and Du Jiaoyang's care, Ding Lan might not have enough to eat.

Even with someone taking care of her, Ding Lan's life was very unsatisfactory during this period. Ever since she refused Du Jiaoyang's invitation to enter the self-training class, her life had become difficult.

She often had trouble eating, and flies kept harassing her. This is why at the free clinic today, Li Shengli said her thighs were white and slippery, and Ding Lan left without turning around.

Not to mention going to the countryside, Ding Lan, who was somewhat naive, was almost crushed to death just because she lost the care of her parents.

After Li Shengli returned home, Ding Lan was also tortured. Although the embarrassment was torture, it was not as torture as the smell of food coming from the kitchen.

She watched eagerly as Li Shengli slowly changed her clothes. After eating, a mouthful of soft tendons calmed her stomach, which had been tormenting her for a while.

The little girl couldn't help but shed tears from her cheeks. This was the most sumptuous meal she had ever eaten since her parents left.

Compared with the various meat dishes on the table, the red slanted lapel that almost strangled the body and the wolf-like eyes of the little old man Li Shengli were not that important.

Looking at Ding Lan who was devouring food at the dinner table, and thinking of the little girl who couldn't eat fried noodles because of roundworms that day, Li Shengli shook his head, glanced at Du Jiaoyang, and saw the female gangster nodded slightly.

You know that suffering is not an experience but a torment for the little girl Ding Lan. The same is true for most girls about her age. In other words, suffering is not an experience for most women.

Seeing that Ding Lan had almost eaten, Li Shengli spoke slowly.

"Just live at home from now on and tell me what you want to eat."

Ding Lan, who had just filled her stomach until she was not hungry, was silent for a moment after hearing Li Shengli's words, but in the end she nodded and ate the sumptuous dinner on the table.

But tears couldn't stop falling from her cheeks, some falling on her clothes and some falling on the table.

After finishing the meal, Xu Xiaoya took Ding Lan down to rest, while Li Shengli and his wife sat down facing each other.

"Lao Li, your grandson is really nothing.

I am following your words. From now on, this silly girl will never be able to hold her head up in front of you. "

Even the sinister Du Jiaoyang couldn't bear to treat Ding Lan. If it weren't for the man in front of her, Li Shengli, maybe she would have had such an experience.

Little girls like Ding Lan are not an exception in the city, but many people choose not to say it, or are indifferent.

"That's almost it. Putting someone into a military uniform is really a bit much.

I said that I wanted to suppress her squeamishness, but you shouldn't go too far. If you suppress her too hard, you might lose her true nature. "

Li Shengli also knew that he was not a good match for Ding Lan, and Ding Lan was not considered a good match for him, but with Lao Dingtou and the five Ding family tigers around, Ding Lan was a very good link.

With the Du family and Ding family around, whether it's official or private matters, Li Shengli's future will not be so easy to control.

"Be good and be good for what you get. When you let her take a bath this afternoon, I asked Sister Yang to scare her just as you asked Sister Yang to scare me on the mountain.

Didn't you listen? This girl cried miserably at that time. After crying, she passed the test, but I was almost like an old madam.

But talk is talk and deed is done. If Ding Lan's brother doesn't come, you can't yell at her.

Lao Li, Aunt Zou also said today that it's okay now, but in the future, the Du family's relationship with the three families may not be of much use.

I guess that as a teacher, I still have some ideas about Xie Chan’s fate.

Sister Chan is a widow..."

After explaining the general situation, Du Jiaoyang also apologized and told Xie Chan about the results. There were many things that the female bastard had never thought of before.

"Perhaps if Xie Chan came back earlier, there would still be a glimmer of hope there, but who would have thought of some things?

Whether you should say this or not depends on Xie Chan's mental state. If you force her too much, it can easily backfire. "

Hearing Li Shengli say that Xie Chan was widowed because of her own reasons, Du Jiaoyang raised her head and looked at her man with some confusion, wanting to find out the reason.

"Why do you say that?"

Looking at the female bastard who still needs to learn the details, Li Shengli said:

“If I had bowed my head earlier, there would have been no future.

The only problem with some things is your strength. You can block a wave with your strength, but there are always people who are not afraid of your strength.

If Xie Chan takes a step back, the person on the other side will not come forward.

The tougher Xie Chan is, the tougher her opponent will be.

Although some things can be predicted in advance, when doing things, someone must cooperate.

It's a pity that Xie Chan failed to seize the opportunity time and time again. Maybe she was right, or maybe we were right, but once the matter has come to an end, it would be pointless to find out who was right or wrong.

Now, for Xie Chan, whether she can face it head-on is more important. The matter is far from over, so it is still not advisable to ask for trouble. "

(End of this chapter)

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