The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 549 Origin but no origin (Part )

Chapter 549 Origin but no origin (Part )

Li Shengli and Yang Yulian have finalized the matter of childcare. Pu Lao, Shi Lao and Cheng Lao have also finalized the follow-up of the pharmacopoeia. As the deputy director of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is natural for Pu Lao to stand up and produce results. of.

Clarifying the medical theory is only the first step. The subsequent question is how to use it. After finalizing the pharmacopoeia of Hui Materia Medica, Pu Lao and others discovered a very embarrassing problem.

That is, no one has read the ‘Briefly Medical Analysis’ that Cheng Lao and others spent more than half a year compiling.

Nowadays, schools are still closed. Traditional Chinese medicine doctors in various traditional Chinese medicine hospitals are of little use if they don't see the medical analysis. The students in Li Shengli's self-training class are not qualified to see it now.

This is the embarrassment of the suspension of inheritance after the school is closed, and after a group of old men discussed it, the results they came up with are not reassuring.

Even if Li Shengli recruited about 30% of the famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners in the country in advance, plus another 70% or so, as well as front-line personnel, it can be clearly seen that the backbone of the grand inheritance is insufficient.

The backbone of the group who are around 30 years old is not as numerous as the number of famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners in various places.

Of course, this thirty-year-old backbone also has requirements, that is, his skills are almost at the level of famous doctors in the area. If you don't look at the skills, the problem will not be big.

The backbone of the thirty-year-olds is not enough, and the twenty-year-olds are now having trouble finding a job. As for those further down, without the school’s students, all that is left are barefoot doctors.

If Li Shengli’s self-training class does not cultivate the ability of traditional Chinese medicine doctors in a short time, the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance will probably face a gap period of ten to twenty years. Such a problem is placed in front of all doctors. See it clearly , there is a sense of urgency.

That night, after all the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain met, the next morning, the same group of old men from yesterday directly forced Li Shengli to take the center position.

"Sheng Li, you still have the foresight. Let me ask you on behalf of everyone, can the self-training class really cultivate qualified Chinese medicine practitioners?

You are too hasty in terms of time. It is like a crash course. You are given something to go down to practice medicine. I am afraid that no one is watching and they take a detour after going down.

If you develop some problems, you will be able to become a village doctor or a rural doctor in this life. They are not qualified to sit in the hall and receive treatment seriously. "

Pu Lao got straight to the point and pointed out the hidden dangers of self-training classes or barefoot doctors.

In the field of Chinese medicine, there was no very accurate grade classification before. Even in Taiyuan Hospital, official positions were not divided according to the level of medical skills. In the past, medical skills were required, but official skills were also emphasized.

As for other traditional Chinese medicine doctors, village doctors and traveling doctors who make a living, most of them are not recognized by those in the industry. The same is true for some rural Chinese medicine doctors, and a small number of doctors in the city are also not recognized.

As for the reason, to put it simply, it is inheritance, but to put it more complexly, it is: not all those who can cure diseases are traditional Chinese medicine.

In the past, if you want to become a serious Chinese medicine practitioner, you must first have a teacher, and secondly, you must be able to sit in the clinic and be recognized by your peers and patients. If you meet these two points, you can be considered a Chinese medicine practitioner. As for whether to be issued a certificate, that is not considered.

Village doctors or rural doctors can also ignore the first point and just sit down and talk to patients. This is the old saying of breaking into the dock. If you break out, you will be a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. If you can't break out, then continue to do it. Your village doctor, rural doctor, or traveling doctor or wild doctor who makes a living.

The real cause of this type of unrecognized wild medicine is that the medication is not standardized and the syndrome differentiation and treatment are unclear.

Irregular use of medicine is different from the addition, subtraction and flavoring of medicines, but rather the loss of monarchs and ministers before the medicines are combined. Such medicines are not incapable of curing diseases, but simply deviate from medical theory and medicinal properties, so they are not recognized.

Li Shengli also recognized the hidden dangers pointed out by Mr. Pu. Traditional Chinese medicine is people-oriented and is a very subjective profession.

After reading medical books, some people use medicine as they please. It is not impossible that such medicine cannot cure diseases. Some people rely on this habit to become famous doctors in a place.

But this kind of arbitrary use of medicine lacks medical support. Without medical support, if it is cured, it will be no problem. If it is not cured, it will not be a big problem. If it is cured, there is nothing to say.

Even if they are put to death now, it won't be a big problem. Then when the legal system is improved, it won't be the case at all.

“Lao Pu, everyone, that’s why we need correspondence classes, inheritance classes and intensive study classes!

After going to Barefoot Doctor, he will pass the correspondence class and enter the inheritance class. After completing the course, he will almost reach the level of a traditional Chinese medicine doctor.

In the subsequent intensive training courses, after graduation, although you may not be able to become a famous doctor, you still won't have much of a problem after a little practice. "

Li Shengli has a follow-up to all these things. Although the selection of barefoot doctors was a bit of a waste of talent, the general trend is such that in his opinion, this is the best choice.

"The words are true, but this book has been published and no one has read it!

In this way, wouldn’t the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine become an inheritance without origin? "

After Mr. Pu said this, Li Shengli's face darkened. This time, he had fallen into the old man's trap.

“Lao Pu, everyone, there are many things that I am unable to do.

Maintaining the mountain is already exhausting, and it would be bad for you to have any more extravagant expectations.

Everyone, it's not easy to win over people. If you win one, several may die. Even if they don't die, there will be constant disputes.

Mr. Pu, you are well aware of the situation on the streets now. Guns and guns are about to take to the streets. Isn’t it true that this person can’t be pulled? Who will take over the cause and effect in the future?

Before the barefoot doctors went to the countryside, I had the idea of ​​​​medical soldiers. Do you really want to ignore the distinction between medicine and military?

I am quite prepared for this..."

After Li Shengli finished speaking with a sullen face, it was the turn of all the doctors present to have a sullen face. After meeting last night, Mr. Pu and others also discussed the situation on the street in detail.

They didn't expect that Li Shengli was thoughtful and had a back-up plan for matters involving great cause and effect.

Li Shengli has an idea, but the cause and effect of participating in robbing people is the same as what he said. Who will take over is a problem.

At this time, the people who knew Li Shengli best were Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu. If he really took action and created a bloody inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, and turned it into a career that would lead to thousands of bones, it would be really hard to explain to the superiors.

Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu had no doubts about Li Shengli's ability to do things. He even dared to find people who came to Beijing to ask for people, so the guns and guns he brought out were not alarmist. This time it was their turn. The old man is sitting on wax.

But after a brief analysis of medical theory, no one came to learn it. It has its roots but no origin, which is also a disaster of great inheritance. Many things must find a solution.

Seeing a group of old men sitting on wax, Li Shengli coughed lightly and continued:

"Besides talking about martial arts, there is another solution to this matter, and that is for Mr. Pu to take the lead in asking for help.

Take out the medical science and pharmacopoeia, hand them over, and pass the legislation. This is still the beginning of the founding of the country, and the people who founded the country are still around. If it is passed at this time, it will be the law of the founding of the country, and it cannot be changed in the future. "

When Li Shengli said this, it was also a tactic that made the old men look even more ugly.

Now that they have come forward, they are not afraid, but with the protector Li Shengli and the medical soldiers he said are there, the consequences will be even greater.

The people here are not ordinary old men. They are all experienced in the world, and they can see many things clearly within the scope of some mistakes.

This is a retrograde road heading up against the wind. If you don't succeed, you will die. If things don't work out, you won't be afraid of death. I am afraid that things will linger between success and failure. In the current situation, between death and life, many people's lives are directly affected.

"This matter needs to be tried."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mr. Shi still spoke first. He and Mr. Pu were both health doctors. It would be best to test it out. If it really didn't work, I really didn't dare to force it.

According to Li Shengli's style, he is not afraid of life and death for the continuation of the great inheritance.

He is not afraid, but that does not mean that others are not afraid. According to his usual vicious style, Mr. Shi would not agree with him to do this. The cause and effect is too heavy and it will affect the great inheritance.

“Some time ago, I recruited a group of people to join the self-training class, but the number of people was still relatively limited.

Among them, both Chinese and Western medicine are available. Now that there is a brief analysis of the medical theory of aging, it is still necessary to give it a try.

Mr. Pu, when you write a letter to speak out, don't forget the staff shortage in traditional Chinese medicine clinics. Some people can still get some people back if they come forward.

I can open another training class on medicinal material harvesting in the self-training class. This is the reason for the matter. I don’t dare to think about it. "

Li Shengli will spare no effort to pull people in, as long as they are within range and within his ability.

It's just that nowadays there are storms everywhere, and there are too many large and small stocks everywhere. In Sijiu City, Li Shengli can barely manage to get a bamboo pole out and let people claim it.

This is also a dirty business in private, and no one dares to bring it to the table. It is still a sideways way under the spotlight.

If he really pulls whoever he wants with just a flick of his lips and a finger, then Li Shengli shouldn't be a small person. He can directly start and stop the storm, but he can only think about it, and he has no ability to do it.

Li Shengli's main methods were to use his own strength, follow the trend, and use the power of others to pretend that he was powerful. Although some things were a little secretive, they were still within the acceptable range of many people.

If he were to recruit people based on the qualifications of editor Cheng Lao's brief medical analysis, Li Shengli really didn't have that ability. Now he is just a little person hiding in the shadows and playing tricks, not a great big shot.

"This is a fair statement, but I am afraid that I am weak alone. Mr. Shi, please select a few people. For the sake of the great inheritance, we old men will inevitably have to make a trip."

If we really do things according to our ideas, Mr. Pu also feels that he is unable to do anything. For many things, the people above him have no choice but to constantly compromise and give in.

They, these old Chinese doctors who were speechless, could only go up and beg one by one. There is some truth in the saying that people have to bow their heads under the low eaves, even if they are really seventy or eighty years old, they still have to recognize it.

"I don't think it's necessary, I'd better do it now, Mr. Pu.

There are many things that cannot be said, and it is difficult to say them, for fear of unforeseen disasters.

Let’s just follow the old path. We don’t dare to try the new path. The risk is too great. "

After understanding Mr. Pu's purpose, Li Shengli didn't dare to let him bring anyone up. Years and years ago, the matter of overturning the table was clearly in front of him.

For many things, it is not enough to rely on the old and sell the old. If you can't sell well, you will have to deal with the old bones.

Anyone who is qualified to go with Mr. Pu and Mr. Shi is almost a living medical code and living pharmacopoeia in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Instead of letting them run around for something that has no origin, it is better to stay on the mountain to teach and solve their doubts.

What this matter involves is the game of officialdom, and has nothing to do with medical skills or the influence of the medical community. Pu Lao and others have a mission, and they can still say something, so there is no need for Shi Lao and others to show up.

If what happened on the mountain were exposed to others, Li Shengli would be in trouble.

When it was dark under the lamp, he could naturally arrange his troops leisurely. If he was really targeted, he would be beaten to pieces and unable to resist.

Many people don't want others to find out, and they can't hide it, but it's not a good thing if it's in people's eyes.

"The matter of brief medical analysis..."

When it comes to the interruption of the great inheritance, Mr. Pu also attaches great importance to it. If the interruption continues, it will be difficult to resume the inheritance.

Traditional Chinese medicine is said to be empirical medicine, and it is very approximate. Someone will guide you to get started, and with a set of medical books and classics, it may take three to five years of intensive cultivation to produce a famous doctor or a great doctor of a generation.

Of course, this requires talent, but the role of a leader cannot be ignored.

There is no one to guide you, and if you want to explore a little bit, just pulse diagnosis and syndrome differentiation and treatment will take a lot of effort.

Many qualified talents were not famous when they were young, but became famous when they were old. Most of them were exploring cases one by one.

If there is a doctor to guide you during this process, maybe you will be a great doctor in your thirties or forties.

This is the case for many senior doctors. After familiarizing themselves with the classics, a doctor led the way. Through what they learned along the way, they became enlightened and became a great doctor in just a few years. There are countless allusions.

A great lineage needs guardians, but also guides. Mr. Pu knew that many famous doctors and doctors on the mountain may have only a few days left, and it would be a pity not to take this opportunity to preach to others.

The talents in Li Shengli's self-training class may be able to be cultivated, but the speed will still not be able to keep up with the speed at which many doctors are buried. It would be impossible not to mention this section.

We can't just watch these doctors go back to dust, dust to dust, in vain, right?

"Seniors from all over the place, those who have passed down the inheritance and those who have not yet arrived, please compile a list for me.

I will select a group of recently admitted veteran students from the self-training class to see if they can be continued..."

Li Shengli understood what Pu Lao meant, but the difficulty of doing it was not small. Although it was not snatching food from the tiger's mouth, it was still snatching food from the dog's mouth, and he might be chased and bitten by the dog.

But what Mr. Pu is worried about is also a practical problem. We cannot let these famous old Chinese doctors leave lightly, which is not in line with his principle of using people to fulfill their duties.

In addition to crash courses, self-study classes, correspondence classes, inheritance classes, and intensive study classes, a real advanced training class may be added.

This training class is a bit shady, and the selection of personnel must be very careful...

(End of this chapter)

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