The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 548 Origin but no origin (Part )

Chapter 548 Origin but no origin (Part )

Li Shengli's words actually raised a difficult problem for everyone present. Traditional Chinese medicine, like tradition, pays attention to the principle of being harmonious and respectful.

How to do many things is laid out there, and you will do it when you do it. But even if you don't say it like that, it is often very complicated to find out the root cause of very simple things.

Disregarding reason but not emotion is also an attitude of doing business. Pharmacopoeia matters are the official affairs of the traditional Chinese medicine community. It is not very appropriate for Li Shengli to mix personal feelings in it.

This is the time to talk about justice and selfishness. It is wrong and very embarrassing to do big things with highly emotional selfishness.

If it were said in private, Pu Lao, who has always supported Li Shengli unconditionally, would not be so embarrassed.

Because what he said just now involves the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr. Pu, as one of the famous old traditional Chinese medicine doctors, could not be too selfish and agreed with it.

He made the decision, and the people who followed him also followed suit. It was the hundreds of famous old Chinese medicine practitioners from Beijing, China and other places in Shanshan Village who made the decision. This almost represents the entire Chinese medicine community.

If the doctor really threatens to refuse diagnosis, then where is the so-called benevolence of the doctor?

"I think Shengli is right. Traditional Chinese medicine is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. If the medicine is not complete, traditional Chinese medicine will be incomplete.

Distinguishing medicine has been passed down for more than two thousand years. It is ridiculous to point to one generation or several generations and come up with a pharmacopoeia without any mistakes.

This matter depends on time and clinical efficacy. Often, just clarifying a drug requires dozens or hundreds of years of clinical practice.

We have recently found a lot of this kind of medical records and examples when looking through ancient books.

The kings, ministers and assistants of many prescriptions also changed according to the medicine. Some medicinal materials have disappeared during the circulation, and there are countless additions in later generations.

When defining a pharmacopoeia, it must be consistent. According to the current rhetoric, there is no need to talk about dialectics.

Although what I just said is biased, it also represents the fundamental interests of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Compared with discontinuity, the more biased it is, the more biased it is.

I agree! "

Regarding the official business of the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, Li Shengli's words were more selfish than justice. After a long examination, the first person to express his position was Mr. Shi, who was close to the Liu family inheritance.

At this time, he spoke very forcefully, which not only showed his cordiality but also explained the reasons for his support. The meaning of Li Shengli's words just now mainly lies in the flexibility of the pharmacopoeia, and not restricting traditional Chinese medicine with the pharmacopoeia.

The medical theory that adults and adults understand is actually a textbook for systematic training of traditional Chinese medicine. Besides the system, there are also family traditions, and some people specialize in one type of disease, so they cannot be treated as the same.

Similarly, among the eight schools of internal medicine, the dosage of the same prescription is also different, which is medically correct. More importantly, when facing a single patient, it is difficult to find the same prescription to confirm it. dose.

Traditional Chinese medicine is people-centered, which means it is two-way people-centered. It is really difficult to achieve a broad spectrum in conditioning and treatment of some difficult and complicated diseases.

Broad-spectrum medication and dose-range controlled medication are not impossible for traditional Chinese medicine, but they always lack pertinence.

In fact, the same is true for Western medicine. When it comes to accurate medication, the dosage of Western medicine must be different for each person. At the very least, different weights will affect the subtle dosage.

Traditional Chinese medicine cannot explain this truth, and neither can Western medicine. If it is attributed to science, then science is also untenable.

"What Mr. Shi said is true, and I also agree!"

After Mr. Shi finished speaking, Mr. Pu spoke. At this time, he caught up and realized that past medical cases and examples were true. That was a good thing for both public and private matters.

The two leading figures, Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu, spoke in favor, and the rest was naturally passed unanimously. The matter was not over yet. The famous old Chinese medicine doctor on the mountain also had to express his position afterwards, and he needed to sign his signature.

This is almost like a proposal to increase the price of medicinal materials. This is the consensus of the medical community and the code of conduct in the future. If you really want to speak out, those who have signed it cannot be repeated.

If most of the people who signed are present, contrary to what Li Shengli said, they will either repeat it on the spot, or they will have to quit the medical field. Although there are not many people on the mountain, they represent enough of the traditional Chinese medicine field.

"Everyone, with the Pharmacopoeia, the origin of authentic medicinal materials, the categories of various medicinal materials, and the methods of planting and mining must be complete.

With these, the subsequent processing of medicinal materials must also have a complete set of procedures and standards.

Tong Ren Tang has previously published internal preparation books for this preparation method, together with preparation classics. If some medicinal materials are unsatisfactory after processing, they still have to restore the ancient method before finding new preparation methods.

Cheng Lao, there is currently another important matter outside the mountain. You and Pu Lao will handle this matter together.

That is to first sort out a set of corresponding planting, mining, and processing procedures according to the harvest list of the medicinal material company.

At the same time, the origin of wild authentic medicinal materials must also be delineated and applied for protection. The purpose is that destroying the origin of wild medicinal materials is equivalent to destroying cultivated land. "

As Li Shengli said, there are medical books and classics that can be followed to clarify medical principles, but clarifying the properties of medicines really cannot be completed in a short time.

Just a compilation of medicinal materials from Materia Medica may not be completed in three to five years. The current situation will even affect the length of time.

It should be touched and arranged, and it should be protected and protected. As long as the medicinal materials remain unchanged, the properties of the medicine will one day be clarified.

When Li Shengli said this, he was more likeable and professional to Mr. Pu. The shadow of his having just abandoned his official career due to private affairs was also exposed in Mr. Pu's few words of praise.

Li Shengli basically finished what he said, and the rest is still discussion. The words are relatively simple, but in actual practice, just by cooperating with the medicinal materials company to establish the planting, mining, and processing processes, I am afraid it will only take three or two months. Get a rough idea.

The old men began to discuss in detail, but Li Shengli was not very interested. He basically couldn't participate in these matters, and he could only make general remarks. It didn't matter whether he listened or not.

The beginning of the discussion meant that the seminar to clarify medical principles was over. Li Shengli didn't wait long. He stood up, apologized, and left the hospital.

"Mr. Shi, the overlord of the medical field you are looking for is very tough. He will do whatever he says. Let alone outsiders, we old guys have to look at the eyes of this overlord and speak.

You are living happily in the mountains, but you are suffering a lot from us old men. You have to look after him for the superiors, but you also have to follow him, I'm sorry..."

Li Shengli stood up and came out. Mr. Pu immediately changed the subject. Although he cursed, his preference for Li Shengli also spilled out of his words.

"Dean Pu, I still have some restraints on Shengli. I heard that you were at the foot of the mountain and became his listener. This is not good.

For Victory, the road is clear and blameless, but the method of doing things is not appropriate and is too straightforward.

If you don't restrain yourself, others may not be able to do anything to you, but as the old saying goes, there are consequences. "

The status of Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu was obviously higher than that of everyone present. When the two of them were talking, no one could interrupt. There were differences between the two. Although there was a joke in his words, Mr. Shi still wanted Mr. Pu to restrain Li Shengli.

"Mr. Shi, what you said is what an outsider said. Without the young and decisive Li Shengli just now, I'm afraid those here...

Xiaocheng, the people here should thank him the most. Don’t think that no one will pursue you after you come to Sijiu City.

That's because someone is doing the dirty work for you, and they've been blocked.

Mr. Shi, although I don't agree with such a thing, it doesn't matter if I don't agree with it.

Without Xiaocheng, how could there be this table of brief analysis of the eight schools of medicine? This table of textbooks, after the school starts, can it help me to inherit the great tradition of traditional Chinese medicine and train many people who will be successful in the classroom?

As for the so-called retribution, we old guys and those who come after us can all share it.

For the sake of the great inheritance, I waited for my death in a foreign land, so what is the retribution? "

Pu Lao's words are more serious. It is still the same old saying. If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing. Although there is no evidence for some things, you should analyze it from your standpoint and starting point.

Although it cannot be said that Li Shengli was responsible for some headless cases some time ago, there is no direct or indirect relationship with him.

But looking at the purpose of people coming to Beijing, and the fact that some people were in the mountain village, Li Shengli, who brought people to the mountain village, was very suspicious.

Li Shengli did not hear Mr. Pu's words face to face. After hearing this, he must have firmly denied that these things could not be related to him.

It's just that sometimes, in the name of his godmother, Wang Jinjin can go to too many places, and he knows that someone is going to destroy his job. This is just a coincidence. To say that he is related to these or is suspected is just pure. It's slander.

Not to mention anything else, the chain of evidence at the police station can prove his innocence. When he came, he was too arrogant and had a conflict with some local people. If no one can benefit from this, he will be blamed. no?

If we say that the biggest suspects are Cheng Lao, Professor Zhang and others, because the people came to find them, but when they arrived in Sijiu City, they could not be found. Maybe they repented on the way and went wandering...

At this time, Li Shengli, who was ruthless and highly suspicious at the center of Pulaokou, had just sat down in his own courtyard.

Compared with the Wang family's old house, the heating in this villa is more than an order of magnitude worse. Although it is already the beginning of spring, because there is a cave behind the main house and there is a charcoal pot in the house, it makes people feel hot in the front. , it’s cold in the back, still a spooky kind of cold.

The villa occupied by Li Shengli is considered the most unsuitable for living in winter because the house is connected to a cave, so it will be cold in winter, but it is different in summer. There is a cave connected to it, and it is almost like turning on the air conditioner in the house.

In comparison, the Wang family's old residence was a few levels behind this place in terms of summer vacation, but when the Wang family had a summer vacation property in Wali, it was another level.

"Sheng Li, you have gray hair..."

Looking at Yang Yulian in front of her who was wearing a small coat and showing her teeth and claws, Li Shengli shook his head gently.

Even if he has white hair, it is due to natural metabolism and has nothing to do with the excessive worry that Yang Yulian is going to say next.

There is no need for medicine, just the jar of Master Dong's medicinal wine that strengthens the body and strengthens the body will not make his hair gray.

"There's also going to be a baby in April or May over there in Jiaoyang. I'm afraid there will be another one this year. Can you take care of it?

Furthermore, if you show me the child, let alone the party secretary, you can’t be the women’s director.

At that time, you were just a rural woman taking care of your children, which was completely different from what you originally said. "

After spring, Du Jiaoyang will give birth in a month or two, and who will be allowed to see the child is also a problem.

The Siheyuan side will definitely not be able to send it back, at least not within one or two years.

Xu Xiaoya from Madianji can take care of children, as can Aunt Zou next door, but for safety reasons, Yang Yulian here on the mountain is the best choice.

As for him and Du Jiaoyang watching by themselves, don't think about it. There are numerous overt and covert attacks outside. It's not impossible at Madianji, but the staff is too mixed, so I'm afraid there will be other problems.

Yang Xiushan, who has been staying in Madianji, although he cannot be the party secretary of the mountain, can still be used as a militia company commander.

With Zhang Ying following him, Yang Xiushan's role would be smaller. It would be a good choice to stay on the mountain and act as a backhand.

But Yang Yulian is not without follow-up. If she wants to take care of her children, she may not be able to do the job of women's director. After all, she won't have time to show her face in the future.

"Last year, not counting food, allowances, the cost of replacing tractors, and not counting the cost of buying electricity and wires, the families of the commune members on the mountain all received at least one thousand yuan, which is much more than I thought.

The people in the village have already lived a good life. It doesn't matter whether I do this or not as the female director.

Just for the one thousand yuan from last year, if your child lives in a mountain village, if other children want to eat milk, they have to eat yours first. "

Last year, more than 10,000 people came to the mountain. Although more than half of the proceeds from the medicinal materials went into the labor costs of Madianji and Taipingzhuang, they all went to the households. The village in the mountain also changed the situation from gun to gun, and suddenly became rich.

Because of the large output of medicinal materials, the public grain owed in previous years has also been waived. In the future, medicinal companies will also help negotiate for public grain. The matter of using medicinal materials to pay for public grain can be implemented this year.

Last year's spring harvest helped lift poverty out of the mountains. After harvesting in autumn and winter, we can't even talk about becoming well-off on the spot, but we have secured the top spot in the commune's per capita income.

Because of the change of people in the medicinal company, the commune didn't know the per capita income. Here on the mountain, the whole village could be considered to be eating meat secretly.

During the autumn and winter harvests, Li Shengli also worked as a shady drug dealer. Outside the mountain village, the jujube pits that had accumulated in the ravines for many years were ground together with the newly picked ones that year. Powder, just the aspect of jujube core powder has made the mountain village make a lot of money.

There is a one-word difference between wild jujube core powder and wild jujube kernel powder. The only difference is that the unscrupulous drug dealer has a bad heart. Li Shengli’s side is not too bad, and the medicinal effect is still a little bit good.

Because we had communicated with the medicinal company to grind the powder on site, the electricity here on the mountain was also connected. However, the village paid for the wires and labor accounted for more than half.

In general, as long as they can continue to collect and sell medicines, the life of the mountain village will continue to be good.

Because they have established medicinal material harvesting cooperatives like Madianji and Taipingzhuang, and just like Wali used air-raid shelters to enclose land, the forest to which Shanshan Village belongs has already included a large part of the periphery of Huyu.

If it weren't for the lack of merging of villages now, Li Shengli could annex the entire Huyu with just a few operations.

In the prosperous mountain village, the personnel structure is gradually stabilizing. In two years, after some people who had left the village blindly returned, the personnel in the village will also be stabilized.

A small village has the advantage of having a clear staff, which is what Li Shengli likes most.

(End of this chapter)

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