The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 543 The Vast World (Part )

Chapter 543 The Vast World (Part )

For Li Shengli, as long as he sits down at the free clinic, what happens outside the clinic or the free clinic has nothing to do with him.

Whether it was things on the street or in the self-training class, he rarely participated in them. He went to the street because he wanted a free clinic, and he stayed at the self-training class because his free clinic was here.

In the first few days when the blackmail was delivered, the effect was indeed not very satisfactory. After he took Ma Xiaobao's people back to Madianji when he was in trouble, the legend of the hanged ghost and the water ghost began to spread in the city, and the consensus gradually began to grow. Once it is achieved, those who reach out must pay their share, and the fault lies in not reaching out.

During this time, new and old customers from nearby schools also sent several cars over. Li Shengli’s free clinic was not an inpatient department. Some injuries had to be treated and they still needed to be sent to the hospital or to rest at home.

After cleaning up a few bone injuries in the morning, Li Shengli sat down and just started sorting out the medical records. Zhang Ying, who likes to guard the trash cans at free clinics like a cat, handed him a stack of opened letters.

Glancing at Zhang Ying who was quietly retreating into the distance, Li Shengli sniffed and opened the drawer on the consultation table. After the smell, he began to record the medical records just now.

Contrary to Li Shengli's imagination, Zhang Ying liked to go out at night and smell the smell of blood in the trash can in the treatment room. Reluctantly, Li Shengli asked Li Huaide to cut an oil barrel to use as a trash can in the infirmary.

For the sake of safety, so much medical waste will not be kept in the newly renovated disposal room. It can only be placed in the clinic and sent to the self-training class to be burned in the kitchen every night. This is basically the condition now.

He placed the trash can converted from an oil drum in the house. The scent of the medicine in the medicine cabinet could not cover up the fishy smell, so he had no choice but to mix a simple anti-epidemic powder with patchouli, peppermint, kaempferia and atractylodes. Put it on the examination table to cover up the smell.

This was considered a tacit understanding between the two, but Li Shengli also vaguely felt that something was wrong. He was afraid that Zhang Ying would get deeper and deeper out of control. The arena in the dark night was only a deterrent and could not become the norm.

Zhang Ying went out very efficiently. Although he was wary, Li Shengli had to use it, otherwise the fire would burn to the door of the self-training class, and it would be even worse at that time.

In the past few days, the reputation of specializing in trauma treatment has become increasingly weak. This is how the world is. A good reputation must have a deterrent effect. Once the deterrent effect is insufficient and attracts flies and mosquitoes, no matter how powerful you are, it will be of no use. What a good tiger. Can't stand a pack of wolves.

Specializing in trauma treatment is no longer very useful, so Li Shengli has to use his own tactics to make matters worse. What he wants is not deterrence, but a fearful name that everyone is afraid of. In this matter, he would rather do it than let it go.

There are too many people involved behind him. It is better for others to cry than to cry for yourself. Even if he is afraid of Zhang Ying, it is an internal matter. For the cat-like martial arts lady, he at least has other means to suppress it, and the people on the street, Once one person comes, there will be a group behind them. If they cannot be suppressed, they must be suppressed at all costs.

Without thinking much about his relationship with Zhang Ying, after recording the medical records, Li Shengli began to read the first batch of letters sent back by the barefoot doctors.

Before going to the countryside, Li Shengli gave them reminders and explanations, both in words and deeds, and in communication through letters. In addition to the excerpts of selected articles in the letters, the rest were only study issues and summaries of the local medical conditions. There can be no unnecessary nonsense.

Not to mention criticizing Fang Qiu and provoking words. Before the barefoot doctors left, Li Shengli also made it clear that anyone who dared to comment in the letter would have their barefoot doctor certificate revoked.

After looking at the envelope, I saw that most of the letters came from the neighboring Hebei Province, where people went to the countryside, so the letters came so quickly.

I took a rough look at the contents of the letter and found that it was basically a summary of the local medical situation.

Although they had been reminded not to include personal thoughts in letters, after Li Shengli read a few letters, there was no description without personal feelings.

There's nothing we can do about it, as long as we don't comment, if the correspondence class correspondence really becomes a forum, it won't be far away from closure.

The most common word in the letter was poverty. This did not describe the village where people were sent to the countryside, but the local medical conditions.

Many things in rural areas are basically still the same as they have been handed down. Although they have been rectified several times, changing the appearance requires huge investment, and there is indeed no such condition now.

Normally, most of the local doctors who have been handed down from their families are mainly engaged in making a living. Once they become a family doctor, their family conditions are generally not too bad. After passing down the family for several generations, the land and houses will be saved.

Because of these external factors, after going through it several times, even if most of the native doctors are still there, most of them will not go to cure the disease. Even if they want to cure the disease, they will not be allowed. The ingredients are not good. Good is just a hurdle.

It is similar to the martial virtues mentioned by martial arts practitioners. Most of them are just words, such as hanging a pot to help the world. Traveling to the doctor and sitting in the hall are basically nothing more than rice.

It’s not that there are no people who can really help the world by hanging pots, but they are just a few, because the profession of traditional Chinese medicine is linked to medicinal materials, and this is especially true for the so-called native doctors in the countryside. They are almost like Li Shengli today. They have to guard the medicine cabinet by themselves, not only seeing a doctor but also Take medicine.

I don’t have any financial resources, I’m not a rich family, I don’t have a roof above my head, I don’t have a place to stand below, I can’t even afford medicinal materials. How can I talk about free clinics, giving medicines, and hanging pots to help the world?

If local doctors of traditional Chinese medicine are not successful, it will be difficult for the medical and health conditions in the villages below to improve.

Western medical students who have graduated from serious medical colleges will not go to the villages. Before last year, these students were still assigned to the village. This was not the case in a large village like Madianji with a population of seven to eight thousand or tens of thousands. Otherwise, in an ordinary village or It's a brigade, and if you want to be assigned a serious medical student, you can only think about it.

The villages below are similar to the previous Wali. People with minor illnesses or calamities have to endure it or go to the Wenpo Goddess in the village. If the illness becomes serious, go to the township-level health center or joint clinic.

Places with joint clinics may be better. After all, the original clinics were renovated during the public-private partnership period, and most of these clinics are traditional Chinese medicine clinics. Most of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors who can treat patients are of a certain standard.

As for health centers in towns and villages, it’s really hard to say. Those closer to the city will definitely be better, but those farther away may not be better.

After reading the letters in my hand one by one, I found that there were not many people asking questions, but they were all questions forced on me, and there was almost no need to answer them.

Letters had to come and go, and it was enough to pick out a dozen or so words out of dozens of letters. Li Shengli picked up the brush on the table and wrote down some of his first experiences in Wali.

After the Chinese New Year, spring is not far away. Where conditions permit, concentrated application of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is a relatively fruitful task. As long as the aversion to cold is eliminated, you will understand it as soon as you ask and explain it. Symptoms, there is basically no problem.

Apply Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, prevent spring influenza, and assess the health status of village members. Places with mountains and forests must prepare for spring harvest in advance, and places without mountains and forests must also prepare for spring medicinal harvest this year.

Then there are measures to improve the sanitary conditions in the village.

After roughly finishing writing these, Li Shengli took a reply letter of more than ten pages and went to find Mr. Pu. One person calculated the shortcomings and the other two calculated the strengths. The old men were full of experience, and their suggestions were still very important.

Seeing Li Shengli coming and looking at the envelope in his hand, Mr. Pu knew why he was here.

"Victory, the time is still too short. A few of us discussed it and decided that the fastest we have to do is study in the self-training class for one and a half years. It can't be any shorter.

Simple pulse diagnosis and simple identification of symptoms, using ready-made prescriptions or local prescriptions, rather than adding, subtracting or adding flavors to the classic prescriptions, may be useful to students after they go to the hospital. ” ˆ ˆ Li Shengli also agreed with Pu Lao’s statement, but within a year and a half, the higher-ups would definitely not agree with it. This is a good thing with no results.

"Pu Lao, we can't afford to support you.

Look at the reply I wrote. The students did not perform well for the first time and it is the self-training class’s responsibility.

If they don't perform well, we have to make up for it. Otherwise, it won't be good if people say that those who go to the self-training class are just useless snacks. "

It is not impossible to vaguely pass Pu Lao's minimum time limit of one and a half years. The rotation between going to the countryside, correspondence classes and self-study classes is actually increasing the learning time of the students.

It just adds a screening process to it, which is more conducive to the development of barefoot doctors.

After receiving the notice to go to the countryside, it was okay to waste two or three months studying. If I stayed for a year and a half, if someone said I was avoiding going to the countryside, who could take the blame?

"You kid, if you do this again, where will the dignity of the old men go?

The large-scale use of Buzhong Yiqi decoction and anti-influenza medicinal materials may seem opportunistic, but it is still a good way to break the current deadlock.

From now on, you kid, don’t come to ask us anymore, just say whatever you have to say. Old men are too old to withstand such surprises from you. "

After reading it roughly, Mr. Pu handed Li Shengli's reply to a group of old men for circulation. It was really hard to make any suggestions this time. Li Shengli had already said everything that needed to be said.

Even if you add a few more doses of medicine that can be applied in a wide range, it will just be the end of the dog.

"Pu Lao, what I mean is to send a unified reply to the barefoot doctors who go to the countryside, and then wait for feedback from them and the local brigade headquarters.

If it is feasible, we will compile a standard for barefoot doctors to go to the countryside.

From village sanitation to seasonal diseases and epidemic prevention and control, to the details of the health census of members.

As for the follow-up letters, after sorting and summarizing, practical disease atlases such as the Barefoot Doctor's Handbook and diagrams of various acupuncture techniques will be published.

If this reply is correct, I will find someone to report it. I would like to trouble Mr. Pu to check with Mr. Shi and Mr. Cheng to prepare the follow-up Barefoot Doctor Manual, practical disease atlas, and acupuncture diagrams. good. "

After listening to what Li Shengli said, Pu Lao also admired Li Shengli's organization and steps. Before the students went to the countryside, he had arranged a correspondence class. After they went to the countryside, there were regulations and manuals in addition to the correspondence classes. This progress is similar to the dialectical practice. The treatment is the same and complies with the laws of traditional Chinese medicine.

"You boy, you must be stunned. Take one step at a time and see three steps at a time. Such a barefoot doctor session is probably the foundation for the prosperity of the great inheritance."

Listening to Pu Lao's words, Li Shengli didn't tell him that he would cut off the profession of barefoot doctors in the future.

"Lao Pu, today's rural medical industry is almost blank. This time is an opportunity for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. In such a vast world, if our barefoot doctors don't do anything, it would be a shame for our inheritance. ?

What I mean is that after I report it, you can go to the leadership office and figure out the structure of the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

The current barefoot doctors in rural areas are definitely not enough, so TCM clinics will be built at the township level in the future.

There must be traditional Chinese medicine hospitals at the county level. You have also seen the situation on the streets now. Many doctors are unemployed. These people cannot be idle. Those with formal medical certificates should first go to the towns to establish traditional Chinese medicine clinics, and then the county towns.

Remember, this is a Chinese medicine clinic, not a clinic.

In my reply, I also made it clear that I would let barefoot doctors map out the distribution of local herbal medicines and cooperate with medicinal companies to carry out spring, summer, autumn and winter harvesting of Chinese herbal medicines.

The county level does not count, but the township level must provide guidance. This is another function of traditional Chinese medicine clinics.

Remember, this is a Chinese medicine clinic! "

What Li Shengli finally said about the three-level structure of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine clinics, and barefoot doctors shocked more than ten old men.

Unlike Mr. Shi, they did not see Li Shengli using the means of crushing the general trend. They only felt that Li Shengli linked the export and harvest of medicinal materials with traditional Chinese medicine clinics, which was a bit wonderful. At the same time, they also smelled a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Mr. Lu's Xiao Wang said that you are good at fighting. The old man thought that he was wrong before and that you are good at fighting. But now it seems that you are really good at fighting.

You have a vast world, and so does the vast world of barefoot doctors, from villages to towns to counties, plus the original four major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, as well as the structure of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in various places,

If you succeed in becoming a barefoot doctor, your world will be vast.

Where is the vast world of Western medicine?

Or is Western medicine going to be replaced by your neo-circumcision sect? "

Pu Laobizhi is young and young. He has just lost his job now and his mind is still very active. After listening to Li Shengli's words, he knew that the new Chinese medicine sect with only a few members was lurking in the self-training class. It is the ultimate move in the chess game.

However, Western medicine has its own merits and is worthy of promotion. Once the elites trained in the self-training classes join the new faction.

Pu Lao shuddered at what role the neo-circulatory sect, which almost copied most of Western medicine, could play. Western medicine still cannot be outlawed.

“Nature is a vast world, coexisting with each other.

Mr. Pu, I am not like those orthodox enemies of the traditional Chinese medicine tradition. I know the role of western medicine and the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine.

Even as you might imagine, it is difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to compete with Western medicine. The two of us are completely different in terms of inheritance.

Western medicine deals with pathology, while the end point of our traditional Chinese medicine lies in numerology, broad-spectrum and range-based treatment of diseases, but we ultimately fall short on ‘people’…”

(End of this chapter)

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