The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 542 The Vast World (Part )

Chapter 542 The Vast World (Part )

I walked around with Du Peng outside and discussed how to deal with Feng Qian, even though this older female engineer has some imperfections.

But the technology she mastered was quite advanced and systematic. The three trucks of industrial garbage in the steel rolling mill did not exist for the purpose of actually producing garbage.

It is Li Shengli’s own summary of the future automobile industry. Of course, it is only in terms of functional cars. It is not difficult to do this. If you want to do this well and enjoy the dividends of these three cars for a lifetime, you have to take them. We use the most cutting-edge technology to carry out the most important tasks.

If we really follow Li Huaide's path, it will just be a waste of industrial waste, which is useless.

Ten years to build three cars is too long in terms of piecing together industrial waste.

According to what I told Feng Qian before, summing up experience, changing cores along the way, and building an engine production line for the steel rolling mill at the same time, those ten years are too short.

Even with Big Brother's American technology as a reference, it is too difficult to improve the engine, and many things are not as simple as copying a cat or a gourd.

Shouqi's annual output of four to five thousand vehicles is different from the annual output of hundreds of thousands of vehicles in the United States. This is not a generational difference in technology, but a generational difference in a series of projects.

This is just like outsiders not being able to understand traditional Chinese medicine. Some things really stem from cultural differences. This needs time to make up for, and these three cars are lacking exactly this kind of time now.

Although car building has little to do with Li Shengli, it has a deep relationship with the Du family. Father Du will have the final say in the future, and if it fails, it will have to fall on these three cars.

After giving Du Peng a brief overview of the future, and accepting his brother-in-law's insincere flattery, the two of them walked back to the house.


Is this a new skin?

Don't be embarrassed. Why weren't you so embarrassed when you had no vision?

The fish died and the net was broken?

How dare you say it!

Do you really feel that you are well-informed just because you have returned from studying abroad?

There are some things out there that are useful and some that are not. When it comes to playing with people, the ones passed down from our ancestors are more useful. Aren’t you going to get pissed off now?

Go back and summarize the relationship between these three cars and the current objective conditions based on what you have learned.

This is not over yet.

If you don't summarize well, it proves that you are useless. Why should I care about your family if you are useless?

Du Peng, take her away.

Either come up with a summary that convinces me, or bring the child, otherwise there will be no bowl for her to eat.

Feng Qian, if you don’t want to be a toy, you have to practice in the factory and integrate what you have learned along the way.

Although there is an automobile industry in China, compared with foreign countries, it is not even close to one or two.

Isn't such a vast world worth your while to use it calmly?

You have to play mental tricks that you are not good at. What I said before is not just to scare you. Some people who are half-way foreigners who have drank foreign ink still want to play.

My refuge, the interest is more than you can afford.

Either I will be a human toy to pay off my debts from now on, or I will do something in your wonderful world. These are the only two choices..."

Seeing the lost Feng Qian being dragged out of the yard by her younger brother Du Peng, Du Jiaoyang finally said with some unbearability:

"She is a woman, you have to save some face for her. Just now you scared her to death, so you shouldn't expose her shortcomings in front of her. If word gets out, how will she survive?"

Listening to Du Jiaoyang's empathy, Li Shengli snorted coldly and said:

“She doesn’t know what she has learned unless she presses hard.

Contributions must be made when it is time to make contributions, and production cannot be stopped, as mentioned above.

She thinks about all sorts of things throughout the day, and how much of her mind is focused on work?

Now that the skin is clean, she has no worries anymore, and it will be easier for the two of them to have a child. Once they have a child, she will be more confident, and the two elders in her family will have someone to rely on.

It may not always be smooth sailing for Du Peng in the steel rolling mill. For some things, you should prepare for the worst..."

What happens next will be different from before. Li Shengli can stand on his own with his strength on the street.

The competition before was about who had the most, but now the competition was about who was truly ruthless and daring.

The principle of shooting men first and horses couldn't be clearer. Li Shengli didn't have the ability to catch thieves, so he had to shoot horses first. This was why he wanted to use Yang Xiushan before, but now he wanted to use Zhang Ying.

There are some things that ordinary elite soldiers and generals can't do. Xiao Changgong is a good player, but he is not allowed to use it, and he has no tricks.

"Some actions are always good. I will remind Du Peng to pay attention."

The female bastard's words were quite reasonable. Li Shengli looked at her in surprise and asked:

“The level is pretty good!

Aunt Zou is teaching now? "

It is not something that ordinary people can do. Most people put private before public. Du Jiaoyang's words just now are considered to be fully awakened.


Today, I thank Chan, the stubborn girl, for teaching me.

I said you asked me to force her back.

What do you think your sister Chan said?

She said she admired you very much for thinking about going to the countryside early and achieving something.

She also praised the self-training classes of Barefoot Doctors.

Her man is still here, and she is thinking about my man. She originally wanted to give it to her, but now, it can’t be done..."

Du Jiaoyang was also full of anger when mentioning Xie Chan who said today that she was ignorant and had only found a good man.

I wanted to give Xie Chan a hand with good intentions, okay? Instead of educating her as a good person, I compared her to Li Shengli and said she was a silverfish and that she should go and get an education.

If it weren't for the fact that he had learned a lot from Aunt Zou recently, Du Jiaoyang felt that he would have been made angry by the stubborn girl from the Xie family today.

Thinking of Xie Chan's vicious comments, if she really had to go by what Xie Chan said, she would be in a miserable state now. Thinking of these, Du Jiaoyang felt that the fetus in her belly was moving, helping her complain.

As for helping Li Shengli find a home, it is not something that should be kept in this house. According to Du Jiaoyang, none of the women who have come into contact with her and Li Shengli can even think about running away. If they don't have some relationship with their own men, what will happen in the future? Keep it secret?

Only the Xie family's mother, Zou Jin, was smart and lived next door, otherwise Du Jiaoyang would not have let her teacher go. According to the teacher, Aunt Zou, and Li Shengli's behavior tonight, they were a weapon against women.

Don’t look at it. Did Feng Qian get frightened to death after just a few words today?

"You have a big belly, but there is nothing you can't hold. Are you threatening Xie Chan?

Some of the things I do are inherently dark, so please come up with more positive things and stop thinking about these conspiracies and calculations every day.

You see, the barefoot doctors we have worked hard to train have gone to the countryside to open up their own new world. Du Peng and Feng Qian also went to work on their three cars. In addition to conspiracy calculations, there is also the overall domestic situation. You must understand it before you can contribute! "

As early as Du Jiaoyang's conversation went wrong, Li Shengli shooed away the people in the main hall, and Zhang Ying also went to the door to watch.

What Li Shengli said was not just nonsense. According to what he told Aunt Zou, he was also doing his best in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although some of his actions seem to be a bit disregardful of the overall situation, that is the overall situation now, not in the future. The traditional Chinese medicine inheritance he is working hard for is in line with the interests of the vast majority of people in the future.

In this land, according to the old man, this kind of interest is also right, so Li Shengli is now preparing for future games.

Three hundred barefoot doctors going to the countryside was just the beginning for him. They went to their vast world, and Li Shengli also had his own vast world.

The woman in Du Jiaoyang's words is just an adjustment in life for Li Shengli now. A real career and truly directional efforts are a man's real perpetual motion machine. A career that can be fought for until death is a career that can accompany him. A man's life.

It is a pity that this kind of career will not be available to most men or most people in future generations, but it is available in this day and age.

Even if you are just a manure collector, many people can admire and learn from you.

Rather than the social beasts that can be seen everywhere in the future...

"You didn't teach me?

Xie Chan is indeed right, you are born for your career, only I am the most superficial, born for the prosperity outside.

Look at your Sister Chan, she already has the same goals as you before I even meet you. I think you should go to her side, what a perfect match! "

She glanced at her man with some jealousy, thinking about some of the uncles she had contacted recently. Although Du Jiaoyang said something tough, she was accepting Xie Chan's criticism of her in her heart.

According to Xie Chan, it was precisely because she didn't understand her man that she always felt that he was an insidious person, a conspirator hiding in the dark.

If we look seriously at what our man Li Shengli has done, as Xie Chan said, he has accomplished a lot.

"Xie Chan?

She failed because her views were too upright and what I did was too dark.

If I sleep with her, I'm afraid she will strangle me to death at night. "

Li Shengli still has some self-awareness. In the eyes of people like Xie Chan, he is a greedy person. He will not feel safe when he is with someone like Xie Chan, because people like Xie Chan are really that kind of people. A woman who is so upright that she can report her husband and family even though she knows the consequences.

"Are you sure my big belly can accommodate these messy things?

I think what you said is wrong. Do you know what Aunt Zou is worried about?

She was afraid that Xie Chan's temperament would change drastically because of this. She was tough, but there was always a limit.

I originally thought about stretching her, but now it seems that I can't stretch her anymore.

You go ahead, Aunt Zou said. She was afraid that Xie Chan would resent her in the future and couldn't pull her out decisively. "

After listening to Du Jiaoyang's somewhat anticlimactic words, Li Shengli shook his head slightly, but still backed down when the situation came to a head. His nature of being strong on the outside but stubborn on the inside has not changed, but he has made great progress compared to before.

"I'm afraid it's too late, so you and Aunt Zou don't go. There are some things that we can only watch again..."

Having said this, Li Shengli was helpless. The table had been put down, the short period of calm had passed, and the new year had truly begun.

Li Shengli's words made Du Jiaoyang's face darken. Although she couldn't explain many things clearly, she had already learned to judge the situation by looking at a man's expression. A wry smile meant seriousness.

One night later, Li Shengli and his wife saw the result and the news sent by the old branch secretary.

At dawn this morning, the old party secretary Wang Shengting took someone to the commerce and trade bureau to wait for the quotation, but before he even got to work, he got it back with his official seal in a daze.

Seeing Li Shengli take the pure copper official seal on the table, Du Jiaoyang felt a little short of breath. To her, this was almost like a joke.

"Okay, don't go out for the next two days. Watch out for Aunt Zou and never let her go out."

After being told by Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli didn't say much. He rolled up the red silk cloth on the table, put the brass official seal in his pocket, put on his purple lambskin coat and headed out.

"Old Li, put on your military coat..."

Seeing Li Shengli raising his feet to leave, Du Jiaoyang reminded him that it was safer to wear military uniform at this time.

"No need, this is the only way I can suppress those who want to take aim at me."

Li Shengli's words showed his confidence in treating trauma. He picked up the dog beating stick leaning against the flower stand in the main hall. It seemed that many new customers were familiar with this scam.

When leaving Madianji, Li Shengli returned the official seal to the old party secretary. Years before and after were a good time to sell sheep, but he needed to bring more militiamen on the way back and forth.

When they arrived at the gate of the self-training class, Wang Qianjin, who had frost on his velvet hat, was already waiting there. When he saw his brother-in-law Li Shengli coming with a dog beating stick, he swallowed the words he had been holding back all morning.

My brother-in-law, Li Shengli, has not carried this bone staff for a while. Seeing that his legs and feet are not lame, if he takes it out today, he is afraid that something big will happen.

"Lao Li, you also know?"

Looking at the bone staff in his brother-in-law's hand with fear, Wang Qinjin forcefully forced a smile on his face that was almost like crying.

"Where's the Mountain God?"

After lightly pausing the bamboo stick in his hand, Li Shengli didn't answer Wang Qianjin's question, but asked why Xiao Hu didn't come.

"I've been wandering around the city all morning. I'm afraid something might happen to the people down there."

The brother-in-law opened his mouth to ask the mountain god. Wang Qianjin knew that he was afraid that something was going to happen again...

“Not bad, but that’s no use.

This time there are new customers and old customers. Let Ma Xiaobao hold the hold today, and give it to Liu Wenguang tomorrow, and let the new customers and old customers in the city reach a consensus among themselves.

Those in the east of the city will pay their membership fees to Ma Xiaobao, and those in the west of the city will pay their membership fees to Liu Wenguang.

Tell them that this time I will not use minions as leaders. I will go find whoever is unable to restrain his subordinates.

There is no need for you and the mountain god to take action this time, someone will tell them ghost stories..."

After Li Shengli finished speaking, he gave Wang Qianjin the dog-beating stick in his hand. He was a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, not someone with a certain name. It would be nice to have something that people on the street could recognize.

As for those who don't know him or pretend not to know him, just change him to someone else. He is for doing things, not for reputation. Street reputation is of no use now.

After entering the infirmary, Li Shengli began to get busy. The instruments of the circumcision faction needed to be disinfected before use, and a medical bed also needed to be added to the rest room in the room.

Li Shengli was busy, but Wang Qianjin outside the door took off his velvet hat, billowing white air lingered on his head, but he felt that he lacked confidence in his heart.

There are too many people moving this time. No matter whether the brother-in-law is really being aggressive or pretending to be aggressive, he can't move too early or he will be easily besieged.

According to the news coming from the south, the secret trick that his brother-in-law gave him before was to use the warehouse of the Ministry of Armed Forces. The south started to use it last year. Maybe his brother-in-law Li Shengli is right. If he wants to avoid being besieged, he can only do what everyone is afraid of. That one, but this time Wang Qianjin didn’t know how to break it...

(End of this chapter)

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