The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 516 Rushing (Part [-])

Chapter 516 Rushing (Part [-])

  When Li Shengli came up with the idea, he started to draw up the road for Chinese medicinal materials to go abroad. Du Jiaoyang was watching the embarrassment in the leadership office.

  Previously, Li Shengli stood up and wrote a proposal to increase the price of Chinese medicinal materials by [-] times. In the eyes of many people, looking at the magnitude of the price increase, this proposal should be thrown into the trash.

  But with the intervention of Wang Qianjin's godmother, the proposal had to be read. After reading it, except that the [-]-fold increase was still ridiculous, the arguments in the proposal were still verifiable.

  Li Shengli's price increase is indeed a fabrication. If the weight of the patent medicine is returned to the raw material itself, the price difference of a patent medicine is several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times higher than that of the raw material.

  But when it comes to the output, production, sales, and use of medicinal materials, that's not the case.

  A dose of commonly used cheap Chinese medicine costs only [-] cents per pound. The dosage of medicinal materials is measured in grams and money, not in pounds. The purchase price of ordinary medicinal materials is also [-] cents per pound.

  Compared with potions, the difference in weight of a kilogram of medicinal materials is at least five to ten times, and some are even larger.

  But there is no huge profit for current Chinese medicinal materials. Some medicinal materials may even cost money. This is determined by the general environment.

  The price difference of loss-making medicinal materials is at least five times. When it comes to profitable medicinal materials such as Huxin Pills, which are imported with foreign exchange, the price difference is [-] times. This is only calculated by Guo Shihuai in a daze.

  According to what he said when he gave the multiple, based on the pellets of Liushen Pill, the price difference is about a thousand times, which is really unscientific.

  Li Shengli's choice of [-] times was just a gimmick. Without such a large multiple, how could it shock people? How can people fundamentally change their attitudes?

  From a market perspective, an increase of ten to twenty times is normal and is also a normal fluctuation in the medicinal materials market.

  More than two hundred times, it’s funny no matter how you say it. However, according to the rhetoric of the proposal, this multiple still has a realistic basis. When doing arithmetic problems between medicinal materials and drugs, the figure of two hundred and seventy-nine times is almost the same. precise.

  This means talking about science rather than reason, and directly increasing the price by [-] times, we still have to talk about the impact.

  Similar to Li Shengli, Wang Qianjin's godmother also saw the figure of two hundred and seventy-nine times, which was inspiring.

  Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, as long as this multiple is logical, it can be pursued and fought hard.

  Proposal letter, proposal letter from famous experts from all over the country, proposal letter from famous experts from Beijing and Central China, joint proposal letter from local experts and famous experts from Beijing and Central China, and proposal letter from free clinic intern doctors.

  In order to achieve his goal, Li Shengli was not idle during this period. He handed in one proposal after another, which also put a lot of pressure on the leadership office.

  This is also the reason why Li Shengli was previously reprimanded not to exert additional pressure. Although these proposals cannot represent the will of the people, they cannot be ignored.

  In addition, Wang Qianjin's godmother has been chasing after him, and the sales of medicinal materials this year have been in vain.

  According to two hundred and seventy-nine times, that is really ridiculous. If not according to this multiple, one proposal after another will be troublesome.

  Now many things depend on the situation, so we have no choice but to let Hong Kong City try to make contact.

  If the price is increased by [-] times, what good negotiation results can be achieved? The initial negotiation was nothing more than a slap in the face.

  But it’s similar to what Li Shengli said. For the country, the export of medicinal materials is just taking things to exchange for money, or in exchange for things.

  But for people who have a need for Chinese medicinal materials, they are really buying the medicinal materials in exchange for their lives. The valve at the outlet of the medicinal materials is closed, and there is a lack of medicinal materials, or a lack of authentic medicinal materials. People who don’t understand Chinese medicinal materials can also They panicked, and the longer the time dragged on, the more panicked they became.

  It is not that there are no substitutes, but traditional Chinese medicine cannot lack authentic medicinal materials. The main medicine is stuck. No matter how many substitutes there are, the prescription cannot be made.

  In the export market of Chinese herbal medicines, the previous situation was like this: due to pressure and situation, the country had to close its warehouse doors. Without a clear explanation, it did not dare to sell even a tael of medicinal materials.

  The foreigners originally thought of using defense instead of attack, but after the negotiation here, there was no news. Those whose lives were stuck were naturally anxious, but it was useless for them to be anxious. The domestic situation was like this. Who would dare to do it under the premise of a clear multiplier? , randomly changing the prices of medicinal materials?
  The scene of both parties sitting on wax continued until around the autumn harvest, and the party with demand for Chinese medicinal materials really couldn't sit still. Combined with the situation here, rumors that Chinese medicinal materials would be discontinued began to spread.

  With such an increase of [-] times, it is not the island country that is directly affected, but the port city.

  The price of Chinese herbal medicines has skyrocketed, and they have begun to hesitate to sell. The results are similar in Hong Kong City. This kind of increase negotiation is useless, and it can only depend on the decisions made above.

  If the upper level does not move, the number of [-] times cannot be moved. This directly leads to the increase of more than [-] times of the original price of Hong Kong City's Chinese medicinal materials.

  In the future, there will be no authentic medicinal materials available, which is just an excuse for price increases. Moreover, the medicinal materials whose prices have been increased will also be expensive but not marketable, and the reluctance to sell them is particularly serious.

  With this blow, the traditional Chinese medicine market in Hong Kong City has basically come to a standstill. This is also the underlying reason why the leadership office wants to reprimand Li Shengli, which has delayed people's livelihood.

  But it’s really hard to change the price increase at will, because Wang Qianjin’s godmother is watching. Once this matter is confirmed, the people who deal with the medicinal materials will not lose.

  Compared with the entire big plate, Chinese herbal medicine is just a small item. Since it is sitting on the wax, it can only be shelved.

  But if we put it aside, we can only put it aside until around the autumn harvest. Regarding this year’s medicinal materials, both domestic and foreign countries are now at a loss.

  If the sellers are afraid to sell, it is the buyer's turn to be anxious. In recent days, someone has actually placed an order at a price [-] times higher.

  As a result, the leadership office is somewhat embarrassed. Whether it facilitates it or not, there is still such a saying as influence.

  An increase of two hundred and seventy-nine times is undoubtedly a sign of robbery, but now there are really people who buy it, and it is really hard to tell. Is it not embarrassing?
  When Du Jiaoyang arrived, the telegram from Hong Kong City also arrived, followed by the total weight and total amount of dozens of orders.

  The total weight is small compared to the portion of medicinal materials, but the total amount is surprising.

  Not to mention this year's autumn harvest, just a part of the medicinal materials previously stored, if sold at this price, will catch up with last year's transaction volume.

  This is even more embarrassing...

  Because of the fuss caused by the telegram, Du Jiaoyang was also left in the courtyard. Listening to the arguments in the room and thinking about Li Shengli's prediction, the bastard also had a sneer on her face. Is this really true? There is no room for reasoning.

  It’s okay to say that you don’t dare to buy when the price goes up, but it’s really embarrassing when the price goes up to the point where you don’t dare to sell...

  Although Du Jiaoyang has never been to the leader's office, Father Du often came here before, and the Du family's female gangster was left alone in the courtyard, which can be regarded as a reflection of the close relationship.

  When the argument in the room stopped, Du Jiaoyang was called into the room. The female bastard who had made great progress recently did not have stage fright.

  It was just that Li Shengli explained to him the key points in detail, and he was just taking advantage of the current situation, the asymmetry of information, and the sense of oppression caused by the shortage of Chinese medicinal materials to harvest in reverse. As for the traditional Chinese medicine market in Hong Kong City, Li Shengli also made it clear that he must let it go. After all, it is not the same market as the domestic market. It's enough for the market demand there.

  For small things, there may be a lot of details, but for big things, it mainly depends on direction and aiming at the target. Under inertia, details have no effect, and the difference is nothing more than a statement.

  In Du Jiaoyang's words, Li Shengli used the situation to speak and spoke openly. When speaking to the outside world, he naturally had to be flexible.

  Sometimes small talk at home cannot be used as a basis for table negotiations, but it is enough to form a closed loop. Alternative explanations are just a matter of opening one's mouth.

  The thing was done, and Li Shengli didn't get any praise from his side. This is the disadvantage of the unfair reputation.

  In the long run, this is a good thing, but in terms of the current environment, Li Shengli's approach is still a bit bad.

  The result Li Shengli brought about was terrible, but the Du family daughter who had been promoting this matter received praise. With these praises, even if the credit goes to Father Du, this is unreasonable.

  There was no praise or reprimand. All parties, both internal and external, pinched their noses and recognized this good thing. This can be regarded as a benefit of the blockade.

  You can't do things like this in normal interactions. Using blockades and uniqueness to do reverse harvesting in exchange for technology and materials is not Li Shengli's first initiative. This is based on future experience and doing what you are doing now. Generally speaking, the results are good. of.

  "Old Li, the leader is very unhappy..."

  Listening to the female bastard's worried words, Li Shengli was neither worried nor anxious, but replied calmly:
  “It’s weird to be happy when something bad like this happens.

  There is no problem with my approach to making profits, but it is inconsistent with the leader's overall view. As the old saying goes, suffering is blessing, and it is not unreasonable.

  You are so stupid that you don't understand anything, so people dare to come in with confidence. You are so clever that flies and mosquitoes fly over and you have to get a good piece of meat. Who dares to cooperate with you?
  Leaders are trapped in the status quo!

  After you leave, in addition to making money, you use capital to steal technology and give it back to the country as compensation for doing this.

  Don’t you understand this again?
  What did we say? "

  Listening to his man's analysis, Du Jiaoyang finally understood the difficulties faced by the leader's uncle. Many words were just spoken, but it was not easy to understand without touching on the deeper thoughts.

  "I wish I could sleep with you!
  Don't talk nonsense. Isn't it okay to let you do whatever you want?
  Tell me what to do quickly. You don’t know how busy you are over there. You are working so hard that it makes people feel miserable..."

  After seeing the intensity of work in the leader's office and comparing it to Lao Du, Du Jiaoyang, who like Wang Qianjin regarded the leader as his idol, also wanted to do something.

  Now she doesn't dare to go out to do work, but she is still full of hope for doing work abroad.

  "It's simple, it's nothing more than pinching its source.

  The development of many technologies has nodes. A small grassroots team abroad may be the source of many high technologies.

  What you have to do is, after you make money, buy these grass-roots teams.

  Of course, being people-oriented is useful everywhere. The original technical staff, or the founder, you have to give people the best scent.

  You bear the risk, they can spend the money as they wish, and share more of the money they earn with them. We are so sincere, so they have to ask for instructions early and report later, right?
  At the same time, he said that after careful consideration of his own mental journey, he concluded that this thing is more powerful than technology. It is innovative thinking.

  Let them submit these things in writing together with the progress of technology. For the sake of money, you can get them free sex and pleasure. Those who play with technology will not be allowed to mention that they wet the bed when they were three years old. Son is also written on it.

  Once you have the people and the technology, all that's left is to use money to make a whip, beat them as hard as you can, and continue to innovate technology for you.

  Have you seen the donkey pulling the mill?
  Just treat them like big animals. If you have enough money, you have to work hard for them.

  A month's work has to be compressed into ten days, and ten days' work has to be compressed into one day. It is nothing more than giving money in exchange for their lives.

  When the technology research is almost complete, their people will almost collapse, and there will be great terror between life and death. Then give them a sum of money to support their lives in exchange for their lifelong technology.

  When the time comes, you can introduce these products to me that have no skills and only money left, and their lives will be short-lived. I will take care of them and get back the money I gave them before.

  In this way, the money is in our pockets, and the technology is also in our pockets. As for them, they bring with them all their experience and live in poverty.

  How do you think this mom-and-pop shop is doing? "

  After listening to Li Shengli's method of seizing technology, Du Jiaoyang couldn't help but shudder. This was really not something a human would do, but it sounded very reasonable.

  "It's really scary. Is that so?"

  Of course, Du Jiaoyang was not without doubts. Although the business of Lao Shizi's husband and wife shop sounded good, it would not lead to death.

  "Of course!

  Just wait and see, there will definitely be a rush to buy after the price increase of Chinese medicinal materials. In addition to the rush to buy medicinal materials, medical books in Hong Kong City will also be snapped up. Medical books are the technology of traditional Chinese medicine.

  You can talk about this over there after the rush for Chinese medicinal materials begins.

  We are walking too slowly. If my power radiates to the port city, a blockade will be set up this time. None of the Chinese medicine practitioners who dare to leave with their skills will be able to land alive. Who knows how many things they bring with them?

  But in this matter, the leadership office will not support me, and I can’t contact Hong Kong City. I hope the medical colleagues in Hong Kong City can hold on, otherwise there will be no inheritance in the future, which will also be a big loss to the traditional Chinese medicine community. . "

  Hearing Li Shengli talk about traditional Chinese medicine again, Du Jiaoyang frowned and said:

  "Let's talk about technology first..."

  “Oh, technology!
  Just as I don't want traditional Chinese medicine technology to leak out, foreigners are also chasing us to acquire technology.

  In foreign countries, even if your company's technical personnel and technology bear your name, they are still other people's technical personnel and technology, and it is not easy to bring them out.

  If we want to stand shoulder to shoulder with others, the first step is to chase them, and the second step is to block them. Our approach is to chase and block them both..."

  (End of this chapter)

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