The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 515 Rushing (Part [-])

Chapter 515 Rushing (Part [-])

  After confronting Wang Qingping, Li Shengli made another trip to the used book warehouse located on the second floor of the front room. The business of collecting used books was now considered the most expensive business. Every cart of used books was exchanged for real money.

  Professor Liu, who was already in his seventies, saw a large number of old books and his wife did not want them anymore. He and his son lived near the entrance of the corridor.

  According to Mr. Liu's words, this is a business with immeasurable merits. However, the difficulty is that only Li Shengli knows best. It is hard to say whether this transaction is of immeasurable merits.

  In order to knock out as much gold as possible, Li Shengli didn't know exactly how many people had been filled in the pit. Wang Qianjin and Xiao Hu, who were not able to deal with it, had long been numb and did not know the specific number of people who had dealt with it.

  This can be regarded as a reflection of the unhappy cycle in this world. Books are taken out by those who were extorted and sent to the paper mill, or handed over to the paper mill.

  If he had known this outcome and sent the book directly to Li Shengli, he might not have had to ask the King of Hell to be the middleman.

  After giving him a pulse diagnosis in Professor Liu's dormitory and confirming that the old man's body was still intact, the two started chatting.

  "Mr. Li, I heard that there are several collections of books..."

  As soon as Mr. Liu said this, Li Shengli interrupted him with a big head. Pulling books from the paper mill was probably the easiest job. How did he send them there? How did he get them back from the prefabricated panel factory?

  But the collection of books outside the paper mill, even if the trauma specialist who dared to wander around the city to rip off money, didn't dare to make any decisions, not to mention the irritation, there were a lot of messy things involved, and all of them were big people.

  "Mr. Liu, just sort out and maintain these books..."

  After hastily ending the topic, Li Shengli got up and walked around the warehouse. In an empty room, he saw another acquaintance.

  Because old books were stored after it was built, Li Shengli did not let the village electrify this front house, which was unsafe.

  Picking books by light at night is not allowed. If you want to pick books at night, you can only take them out from the warehouse during the day and pick by light of a lantern in an empty room at night.

  Oil lamps, candles, matches and other things are not allowed to be taken upstairs as they are held by Mr. Liu at the stairs.

  If you want to light a lantern, you can only light it with a lighter at Mr. Liu's place and then carry it to an empty room.

  The person in the empty house was not a serious acquaintance, but Fu Yiqing, the eldest daughter-in-law of the fat old lady Li Xu.

  "Mr. Li..."

  Seeing that it was Li Shengli who entered the door, Fu Yiqing stood up a little cautiously and panicked. It was so late at night that he was facing a man, and it was hard to talk about it.

  "Can you still choose ancient books?"

  Ignoring Fu Yiqing's panic and restraint, Li Shengli asked curiously.

  The old books exchanged for real money have a lot of retribution inside them. If these old books are kept well and then professionally stored in a library, Li Shengli is not afraid of this kind of retribution.

  What he was afraid of was that after getting so many old books back, he would really not be able to afford the consequences of a lot of losses due to poor storage.

  "Both my father-in-law and my husband are good at studying ancient metals and stones. They have learned some from them since they were young, and they can barely get started."

  After hearing this, Li Shengli didn't care whether Fu Yiqing was carrying it or not, and whether he was reserved or not. The reason for getting the old books was not small, and he didn't want to let it go if he had ready-made personnel.

  Although it was previously intended that Fu Yiqing participate in the theoretical compilation of Return to the Origin, the value of this large number of old books is no less than Return to the Origin.

  There are many people under Mr. Liu who are good at classical Chinese. Cheng Lao, who is now leading the return to his roots, has ancient literary attainments passed down from his family. There is no shortage of Fu Yiqing. He is in his thirties, which is considered the right age, and he can just use it to maintain this. Criticize ancient books.

  "Stop guarding, guarding won't produce results. Even if you can find the person, I'm afraid he will have already established a new home.

  Find a like-minded person and keep these old books, it will be more practical..."

  As for the eldest son of the Li family who is living abroad, Li Shengli can clearly explain to Li Xu and Fu Yiqing that the wait for this man is in vain, at least twenty years.

  Maybe my whole life will be spent waiting in vain. Even if I wait, it may actually fulfill the story of meeting that person at the grave.

  "Mr. Li has been very kind to the Li family. The Li family has nothing to repay. If Mr. Li opens his mouth, I will accept it.

  However, the Li family already has an heir, and I cannot have another heir. Mr. Li is a master of the apricot forest and always allows me to go out and meet people.

  Does Mr. Li want to be here? "

  Hearing that Fu Yiqing was mistaken, Li Shengli could only smile bitterly. Although this guy was pretty good-looking, he was so old that he couldn't think of anything good...

  "Hey, you may have misunderstood. I'll tell your mother-in-law about this..."

  The old books were also a chore that Li Shengli took on himself. First, Mr. Liu wanted to collect books in the city, and later, Fu Yiqing misunderstood his kindness.

  Feeling that the old books were a bit too much for him, Li Shengli didn't stay in the front room for too long and turned around to go back.

  Although I feel disgusted with old books, I still have to search for them. The rare books that have been handed down are burned and there is no more.

  Books are different from utensils. They are inheritance. You can only know whether they are useful or not by reading them. If you can’t even see them, who can say whether they are useful or not?

  But this job is really a thankless business. Not only is it burdened with huge consequences along the way, but it will also only involve investment in the future without any financial gains.

  If the gold collected from old books is used to collect utensils, it will be worth hundreds of billions when Li Shengli grows old. There is no problem at all.

  Because most of the objects that Wang Qianjin can handle now have been carefully selected by generations of people. Not to mention the fine quality, they are all the same.

  However, the value of artifacts is different from that of inheritance. Even if it is based on profit, if it can be sold, the value of inheritance is still far greater than that of artifacts.

  In doing this thankless task, Li Shengli believed that justice outweighed personal gain.

  Although the consequences are not small, Li Shengli has nothing to do. There is no right way to do this kind of thing. Even the leadership office is powerless to do this kind of thing.

  Because there were consequences, when Li Shengli did this, he also asked Wang Qianjin to greet the leadership office. As a result, there was no attitude or restrictions, and his helplessness was beyond words.

  Returning to the Wang family's old house, he told Du Jiaoyang about Fu Yiqing's matter as an embarrassment and a joke. He also used the section of the old book to tell her to go to the leader's office tomorrow to ask about the increase in the price of Chinese medicinal materials. Li Shengli was about to sleep, but the female gangster had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

  "Lao Li, compared with what you are doing, I feel that Du Juan, who only wants to go abroad, is a little too selfish and self-centered.

  I want to take Da Fenghuang and Guan Qingyue out. Didn’t you say that they can leave the country only if they keep their children?
  I am also very generous, and I will accept this matter. After a while, I will go to the city to find you someone who is more beautiful than me and can take care of people better.

  That little girl Ding Lan is a famous charming lady in the industry. She is good-looking, but she is not worthy of you.

  In fact, Sister Chan is pretty good, pretty and motivated. It's a pity that you came too late and you have a husband.

  There is someone better than Sister Chan in the circle. I will be a matchmaker for you before I go abroad..." Listening to the female gangster's nonsense talk, Li Shengli lightly kicked her aside and replied angrily. :

  "Is this so obvious to you?

  Do you care about all this nonsense?

  During this period of time, just like the students in the self-training class, you must strictly supervise yourself and follow Aunt Zou and doctors from all over the world to learn how to make money when going out, otherwise I will slap you.

  The old books take up too much gold. According to this spending method, at the end of the year, the big yellow croaker in the other courtyard on the mountain will have to be used.

  When you go to the leader tomorrow, you must explain everything clearly. I will show you how the money is made.

  Earning the price difference is a small business for hard-working people. Only by being the only one who dominates the market can you be full of food. "

  After rejecting the female gangster's unreasonable good intentions, Li Shengli also expressed his worries.

  An individual is still too small compared to the entire city. According to the consumption of collecting old books, the gold he knocked out will soon be used up.

  Thinking of the gold hidden in the mountain village, Li Shengli's eyes also showed a dangerous light. If it didn't work, he could only let the people at the paper mill start to circulate internally, but this was another debt.

  As for women, to be honest, there are many in the city that you can pick and play with at will. As long as he talks to Wang Qianjin, what kind of things can't be done with those who are being ripped off?

  But now, Li Shengli almost sleeps with his eyes open. In the medicine box, in addition to the flower-mouthed gun, more than ten spare magazines, and two American grenades, there are also five-six punches and five-six-half hangings under the canopy bed where he sleeps. Well, I'm already sleeping here, how can I still think about playing with women?

  Now he is thinking about how to protect himself and the people around him. As long as the first one or two years are over, there will be many opportunities to play in the future.

  Furthermore, he was still seriously growing his body. If he played too early and spent too much time, he would hurt his vitality, which was still growing, and his body bones would not grow. He was the one who suffered the loss.

  His eyes were green from hunger when he first arrived, but now he has wine and meat, and no worries about food and clothing. Li Shengli estimates that he has gained less than [-] kilograms, maybe more than a dozen kilograms. The non-stop exercise has also made his muscles stronger. , it has some outline.

  Although his interactions with female gangsters were not very frequent, there were always surprises. He would be foolish to trade his future happy life for the current precarious one.

  As for Du Jiaoyang's next family, it was almost destined to be a girl in the circle. When the female gangster mentioned Ding Lan, Li Shengli said nothing more.

  "Jiaoyang, Ding Lan still needs to ask some questions. Old Dingtou has to carry it hard, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it.

  Besides, I also saved Ding Lan's life. I'll take care of her. If it doesn't work, you can send her to the self-training class..."

  Du Jiaoyang was actually right. Ding Lan was a choice. Although the next successor of the female gangster must be a female younger brother, she couldn't choose one with too high status.

  If it's too high, it's constraining. If it's too low, it doesn't matter. It's just right, neither high nor low. Ding Lan, who came from a military family home, is considered the best. A higher level will be beneficial to him.

  "How did you say this?

  Saying on your mouth, don't, you really remember your little wife.

  Aunt Zou is really right, you stinky men just eat from the bowl and look at the pot. If you don't like what is brought to your mouth, you only like to eat what you steal.

  Isn’t Guan Qingyue prettier than Ding Lan?

  I really don’t know what you are thinking..."

  Li Shengli didn't care when Du Jiaoyang retorted, and he didn't care about many things.

  After the morning exercise the next day, I followed Du Jiaoyang to the self-training class and asked her to go to the leadership office to inquire about the progress of the price increase.

  If you miss this year's autumn harvest of medicinal materials, the price of Chinese medicinal materials will increase significantly, which will cause trouble.

  Traditional Chinese medicine is a basically complete circle, from planting, harvesting, processing, preparation, to sales and use. It can be regarded as a mature circle that has been honed and tempered for a long time.

  Although there are some deficiencies in medicinal properties and pharmacology, just like Angong Niuhuang Pills and the island country's Heart-protecting Pills, they are effective when used. After generations of traditional Chinese medicine doctors have checked and filled in the gaps, this circle is basically complete.

  Li Shengli's efforts to clarify the medical theory and medicinal properties are more about internal self-improvement and do not affect external sales and use.

  If we have to have relations with the outside world, it is to prepare for the future industrialization of Chinese medicinal materials and large-scale export dumping of Chinese patent medicines.

  It is not nonsense to say that it is dumping. This is because Chinese medicinal materials lack the advantage of broad spectrum.

  The lack of broad spectrum has advantages, and it is a cross-dimensional advantage. Modern antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs are very effective and have absolute advantages in broad spectrum. However, when it comes to syndrome differentiation and treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs are inferior to traditional Chinese medicine. Not a dimension.

  In the three thousand years of Chinese medicine, most of the diseases that can be seen at home and abroad are covered in classics. Even if there are no diseases, they may not be unrecorded.

  Although traditional Chinese medicine cannot cure all diseases, its ability to treat based on syndrome differentiation is something that even current Western medicine does not dare to surpass.

  Western medicine only talks about colds. In Chinese medicine, wind-cold and wind-heat are just the beginning. There are too many superficial symptoms such as the presence or absence of sweating, aversion to cold, the color of phlegm, and the coating of the tongue.

  The abuse of antibiotics in the future is not without a foundation, and the foundation comes from traditional Chinese medicine.

  This is the same as the idea that some people in later generations plan to use computer consultation to replace traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine can teach people to treat their own diseases. Although there is a misunderstanding here, when it comes to sales, it is a sales method.

  List the symptoms on the medicine box and let the patients buy and take medicine according to the symptoms. This is true at home and abroad. It is similar in the past and in the future. The crux of the problem is that the medical system is incomplete, or it cannot take care of everyone.

  Compared with the domestic market, foreign markets are easier to break through. The so-called free medical care and public medical care are still mostly gimmicks in the final analysis. When it comes to medical treatment, there are also poor diseases that cannot be cured abroad.

  Regarding common illnesses, the so-called cold will be cured in seven days and just drink more hot water. This is not a rhetoric created by China, but by medical capital.

  Not to mention other medicines, cold medicine alone can replace hot water if used properly during a flu epidemic in Hong Kong.

  Cardiovascular drugs, high blood pressure drugs, and diabetes drugs are not on the same level as sales of cold medicines.

  In later generations of Chinese people, who doesn’t save some cold medicine and the like and distribute it equally to each family? It’s a bit nonsense to talk about pounds, but it’s okay to talk about pounds.

  Not to mention that cold medicines can squeeze out pharmaceutical companies. As long as they give up part of the profits when the time comes, and give away the profits from prescriptions and factory construction, it will be just an authentic medicinal material market, which will be enough to eat and drink.

  It is basically impossible for foreigners to understand Chinese medicinal materials. The word "authentic" is a thing that has been used for at least three thousand years. The word "authentic" is scientific, and it guarantees that the medicine you can make will not work. .

  If Li Shengli gets bad, let's mislead him. After purifying and extracting the substitute medicinal materials, eating dead people is just a way of life for the emperor and his ministers.

  If you want to play this game, the next influenza pandemic in Hong Kong City will be a key node. Banning the name of raw herbal medicine sellers, which obviously has colonial attributes, is the first step for Chinese medicinal materials to go abroad.

  (End of this chapter)

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