The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 308 Escape into the Forest

Chapter 308 Escape into the Forest

"Isn't it good if you can't pay back Victory?"

The tractors in the three villages were used intensively before the autumn harvest. Yang Yulian had no objection. After all, she didn't know where they came from.

Moreover, tractors were not needed for the autumn harvest in the mountain village. She went to Madianji after the New Year and negotiated with Wang Shengting, the old party secretary, to exchange tractors for donkeys, horses and oxen.

The exchange is just a change of use, and it does not mean that the tractor is given to Madianji. After all, only large animals can enter the mountain fields to carry grain.

It's not impossible for Yamada to buy big tractors, but road construction is also a problem for the mountain villages.

Yang Yulian, the little widow on the mountain, has a strong personality, and strong people have high self-esteem, so they don't want to bear the name of owing public food.

Li Shengli had the completely opposite opinion on this. Returning the tractor would have settled the matter, but the resentment in the hearts of the village members on the mountain was also accumulated.

Where does the suffering come from? The members of the commune have no clues. If they had paid off the debt without knowing it, the suffering of more than ten years would have been in vain.

Without the burden, his mind becomes more active, and resentment will come naturally. Such a result is not what Li Shengli wants.

The public grain supply in the mountain villages is different from that in Madianji. It is considered a legacy problem. The commune and the grain office are aware of it and will not press too hard.

It's different over at Madianji.

"If you say drag it on, just drag it on.

Victory, are you sick? "

After saying a few words and getting rid of the sweat and heat on her body, Yang Yulian asked worriedly again.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired from the past few days and haven't had much rest. Let's go and see the village."

Seeing Yang Yulian playing around and asking for help, Li Shengli stood up decisively and led a few people out of the courtyard and walked on the stone road in the village.

Glancing around the surrounding courtyards and forests, Li Shengli was also thinking about whether a spring harvest could help the mountain villages escape poverty.

Brother Tong also responded with a treasure map. The other courtyard in the mountain village has not been allocated, and maybe he can get a fortune.

After going through medical rounds and field hospitals, Li Shengli had hundreds of thousands in cash, which was not all he could spend. A disaster relief operation would require at least tens to 20 yuan of medicinal materials, which was half of his net worth.

Although the accounts were passed to the Army General Academy, Li Shengli also knew his short-sightedness. A few hundred thousand was really not much if he was going to run into trouble.

"Shengli, there are not many people in the village who can go up the mountain who are familiar with the mountains and forests. There are some old people who are familiar with it. Unfortunately, my legs and feet are not good, so I can't go up even if I want to."

Seeing Li Shengli constantly scanning the surrounding mountains and forests, Yang Yulian also expressed the embarrassment of the village.

In the village near the mountain, no one is familiar with the mountains and forests, which is also a joke.

It’s not that there were no people in the village who knew how to mine mountains. It’s just that all those capable people ran away in the past few years. These people went to the Northeast to eat in the mountains and old forests. They lived a very prosperous life. Only fools would return to this bitter kiln!

"I will. After dinner, I will take a look first. Prepare hemp rope and bamboo basket for me."

To identify herbs, Li Shengli also had the hunting experience rewarded by Brother Tong. Although he might not be able to recognize all the herbs, he still knew the ones such as Polygonatum odoratum, Polygonatum odoratum, and Cao Wu.

Going up the mountain, the time was not right, so Li Shengli decided to have lunch and walk around the ravines around the mountain village first.

"No, it's dangerous to go up the mountain and down the ditch. I'll ask someone from the village to follow..."

Although Yang Yulian has never been to the mountains, her family used to harvest mountains. Her father and her father-in-law are both good at it, and they can get injured in the mountains.

His man was also a dexterous man who could dig mountains. But what happened? A ravine of more than ten meters would kill him.

Although the mountain village is an old village that has been around for hundreds of years, the mountains and ravines have basically maintained their original appearance. The original people in the mountain village did not live by collecting mountains, but were vassals of the big families in other courtyards. They have been for hundreds of years. It came down like this.

"Is there anyone in your village?
I'm doing something, so Young Master can just interrupt and listen.

I came in a hurry and didn’t bring any ready-made food, so I ate at your house for lunch.

Do you have enough food at home? "

He originally wanted to scold Yang Yulian and put some distance between her, but after the scolding was over, when the little widow showed a submissive expression, Li Shengli knew that something was wrong.

"If there is food, I will cook for you."

After following the obedient little widow to his home, Li Shengli found Yang Wenshan again, whether it was into the mountains or down into the ravine.

Li Shengli was a little timid when he didn't have anything to do. Not to mention encountering a bear, even if he encountered a wild boar, the Toca Black Star might not be effective.

In the semi-primitive mountain forest, who knows what you will encounter after going down.

When Yang Wenshan entered Yang Yulian's yard, Li Shengli was not polite to him and asked directly:

"Lao Yang, are there guns in the village?

Get me one, preferably five or six and a half. "

Before going to Xingzhou, the Toka Big Black Star was thrown to Xiao Hu. When they were separated in the city, Xiao Hu returned it.

But if he has no hunting experience, Li Shengli is not afraid of using a pistol to deal with black bears and wild boars that he may encounter.

With hunting experience, you will definitely not do such a stupid thing. Although the big black star is very powerful, there is no guarantee that it can kill a black bear or wild boar with eight bullets.

If we really encounter it, it’s hard to tell whether we can finish all eight bullets. I just can’t think of using a pistol against such a rough-skinned wild animal.

Even a rifle may not be useful at close range. The best thing to use is a shotgun loaded with buckshot. If it hits a tiger, it will be finished.

"Brother Shengli, there are no five or six, only three or eight.

There are also five short rifles that use the same bullets. I heard from those who have fought in the village that they are Type [-] carbines, which are easier to use than the Type [-] rifles.

The Ministry of Armed Forces has no account for these five carbines. Can I bring them to you to take a look at?

Do you want grenades?

The grenades in the village have been stored for a long time, seven or eight years, right? "

When talking about the militia equipment in the village, Yang Wenshan was still a little embarrassed. The accounts of the mountain village in the Ministry of Armed Forces were recorded incorrectly, and there was no one to take care of it because the village was too poor.

Although Wali is also a small village, although there are no crooked guns there, there are also rotary guns, which are Bobosha submachine guns.

In the past few years when Yang Wenshan was the cadre secretary, the Ministry of Armed Forces did not supply ammunition to the militiamen in the mountain villages, and he had the shamelessness to ask.The answer given there was simple. It was hard to find [-]-sized bullets and they were out of stock. Then they gave me a box of old grenades, which would be considered as ammunition supplies.

"Okay, You Fang, go over with your Uncle Yang and get those five carbines.

Lao Yang, can the rifles in the village be maintained on time? "

Seeing that Yang Wenshan's expression was not very good, Li Shengli was also afraid that the militia training on the mountain was neglected. If it was an old gun that had not been used for many years, and he was unlucky, he would be happy if it exploded.

"It has to be shot twice a year and maintained six times, once every two months. It should be fine."

Li Shengli didn't know much about firearms, so he could only let the two of them take a look.

"Uncle, it's just down a ravine. Do you need to bring a gun?"

Seeing Li Shengli leisurely leaning against the south wall to bask in the sun, Xiao Feng, a female soldier, asked with some disdain.

“If you encounter a wild boar, can you kill it with your bare hands?
I can't do it anyway.

I'm Li Guishou with a broken bone. If I let a wild boar pick a bad guy in a ravine, I won't have the shame to go out and meet people.

That’s how I am, timid!
Just like giving money to Yang Xiushan, some things can be done without, and some people can be done without, but I have to make preparations.

Remember, if you encounter people like me when you go out in the future, stay away. Because I am timid, I am used to killing people. For me, dead people are the safest.

Do you think your skills are useless?
I won't give you a chance to hit me. No matter how powerful you are, can you still be stronger than a gun?

Your uncle is a lesson learned from the past. He was paralyzed at home and acted like a ghost. Have you forgotten?

If I wasn't good at playing with grenades, and the grenades in the mountain village were older, I would have brought the grenades. "

I gave some advice to the female soldier of the Xiao family who prided herself on her skills. In this day and age, good skills are of little use. Most of the time, they can only be used for self-defense when walking at night.

If the Xiao family really beat anyone to death in the street, it would be a mess that they couldn't clean up.

No matter how powerful Xiao Feng's gossip is, it is not as good as Xiao Changgong's. If he encounters a group fight, he will be useless.

Even if Xiao Changgong encounters dozens of young men with troubles, what can he do if it means life or death?
It's far better to give him a five-six punch and plenty of ammunition.

"Uncle, having my second brother is actually enough. He has good marksmanship."

Seeing that Yang Yulian was still busy on the cooking pot, Xiao Feng quietly gave her uncle Li Shengli some advice.

"Yes or no, some things are too dirty and I don't want you to get involved.

Although I asked you to slaughter the sheep, you have to remember that people are not sheep, but sometimes a family is not as good as a few sheep.

There are some things that I can't explain to you, so take your time and read..."

Li Shengli directly refused Xiao Feng's reminder. If he really wanted to do something secret like Mr. Liu, he would definitely leave no one behind.

That's what Li Shengli said just now. He is timid and is used to making deadly moves. He also hopes to get things done in one go without leaving anything behind.

Mr. Liu said in Wali, kill everyone who can complain, and the beginning and the end will be gone.

While Yang Yulian was cooking and Li Shengli was chatting with Xiao Feng, Yang Wenshan took Boss Zhao and carried five carbines to the courtyard.

Picking up a Type [-] carbine with an original leather strap, Li Shengli fell in love with it at first sight.

The folded spear spur is only one meter long. Although the color of the butt is a bit dark, there are almost no scratches on it. The five spears all look the same. They have obviously never been on the battlefield seriously.

This can also be seen from the gun spines. The folded gun spines of the five-bar gun are all shiny and smooth, and there are no traces of corrosion after being stained with blood.

Pulling the bolt open, I looked at the rifling pattern backwards against the sunlight. It was also neat and tidy, without much wear and tear. These five guns could basically be considered to be [-]% to [-]% new.

Seeing Yang Wenshan take out a full set of maintenance equipment and start cleaning the gun, Li Shengli was even more sure, because these were all original goods.

As for why these guns are basically useless, it is not a question that Li Shengli should consider.

The gun is a good gun, but the bullets are not very friendly. Looking at the obviously old original bullets, Li Shengli felt a little confused, because it would not fire when he used it again.

"Lao Yang, can you try the gun?"

Li Shengli decided to give it a try. If it really didn't work, he would have to find someone to find the bullet first.

"Okay, I'll finish wiping it right away."

Apart from anything else, Yang Wenshan, the village party secretary and militia company commander on the mountain, still has a good way of maintaining guns, at least his movements are clean and neat.

After trying the gun before the meal, Li Shengli felt relieved. He had a sweet meal of Heiwowo at Yang Yulian's house and brought some more as dry food.

Li Shengli then went back to the other courtyard to change clothes, put on his backpack, took the engineer shovel, and led Xiao Feng and Boss Zhao down to the ravine closest to the village on the mountain.

Even close to the village, the landscape in the ravine is semi-primitive. Except for the erosion of rain, no one has touched every plant or tree here for hundreds of years.

Because there are dense jujube trees above the ditch, the way the three of them go down to the ditch depends on Boss Zhao to chop and break them first, otherwise they will be hung up by these thorny thorns, making them unable to advance or retreat.

Preserving these wild jujube trees may not necessarily mean that people in mountain villages do not want to pick wild jujube trees. It may also have a role in preventing theft.

After all, there is only one road into the mountain village. If the ravine is full of thorns, this road will be more useful.

Ziziphus seeds are also a good medicine. They could be sold for money in the past and now. There is probably a reason for keeping the treasure mountain empty.

It's just that picking above the ditch is a bit difficult. When he went down to the bottom of the ditch and looked at the jujube trees that were almost filling the valley, Li Shengli could only sigh again. The people in the mountain village were empty guarding the treasure mountain.

Because under his feet were like gravel, jujube cores washed away by rain over the years.

Only some of these jujube cores are stuck in the mountains, and most of them are eaten by animals or washed down by rain. Over time, no one picks them up, and they can only wait to rot at the bottom of the ditch.

Because of the wind and rain, there were not many fallen leaves in the ravine. There were only jujube cores underfoot that would break when stepped on.

Looking up at the slope of the gully, I realized that it would be quite difficult to pick jujubes manually.

In the unmaintained ravines, almost all the places where roots can take root are occupied by wild jujubes. There are not many withered yellow plants and trees left after last autumn.

In such a ravine, there are not many medicinal materials that can grow, so we can only leave the jujube trees to collect jujube and prepare jujube kernels.

(End of this chapter)

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