The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 307 Escape into the Forest

Chapter 307 Escape into the Forest

Because there is no telephone in the mountain village, Li Shengli's sudden arrival caught the women's director Yang Yulian off guard.

Boss Zhao drove a carriage to the drying ground above the mountain village, and Yang Yulian hurriedly caught up with brothers Yang Wenshan and Yang Xiushan.

"Shengli, why are you here?"

Seeing Li Shengli for the first time after the New Year, Yang Yulian couldn't hide her joy, but there was also worry in her tone.

Because Li Shengli was curled up in the carriage, his face covered by a scarf, and he looked a little sick.

"What's the matter?

Not welcome? "

The long-lasting energy that Brother Tong gave in the field hospital is a good reward, but people's spirits will still be exhausted.

Junniao on the mountain has a good look in his eyes. Although Li Shengli slept in the pit, his mental state was not very good.

"Whatever, it would be great if you could come.

People in the village are thinking of you. The mutton white noodles made a few years ago have not been seen in the village for several years.

Victory, are you going to live up there?
You'd better stay at my house. If it's not convenient, I'll go live somewhere else for a few days..."

Although the mountain village can barely be regarded as a village on the outskirts of Beijing, it has neither electric lights nor telephones, and its status in the commune is similar to that of a small transparent village.

Only before and after the public rations are paid every year, do commune cadres come to carry out tasks.

Although Li Shengli came here once a year ago, he did not bring any special changes to the mountain except for medical rounds, Chinese New Year dumplings and ten water pumps.

Although the other courtyards pointed out by Li Shengli have been cleaned up, Yang Yulian really can't come up with new ones for paving and building them.

“I brought my luggage with me when I came here, except for the cauldron, and everything else, so I should be able to stay here.

Your village doesn’t grow much wheat. What have you been busy with lately? "

While he was talking, Li Shengli also got off the carriage, took off his scarf and rubbed his face, and went straight to the topic without getting into more trouble with Yang Yulian on the issue of residence.

Today, the mountain is still very poor. Although there are ten water pumps, they are fixed investments, not money that can be spent as soon as they are available.

The installation of water pumps and the construction of water channels require investment in manpower and money.

As for some of Yang Yulian's thoughts, Li Shengli could only ignore them. Even if he wanted to repay a favor, he had to be kind first, right?
“In the second period of the new year, the main work is to open fields, improve canals, and install water pumps. The hundred acres of wheat in the village have been watered to turn green.

There are few people in the village, so it would be nice to install water pumps and improve water channels before planting melon seedlings. "

Li Shengli doesn't have to worry about the work in the fields here on the mountain. Even if he wants to worry about it, it's not the material.

Growing cash crops for money is the same as growing medicinal materials, growing melons, fruits, pears, peaches, etc. There is also a lack of scale here on the mountain, so there is basically no possibility of implementation.

On the Wali side, with the proliferation of mountains and hills in the village, you can consider planting some fruit trees. After all, the forest area there is relatively large, and the terrain is gentler than the mountains.

As long as a few simple dirt roads are built between the mountains, it will be enough.

"Have you arranged for someone to see the distribution of medicinal herbs on the mountain?"

Even though she was smart and capable, even though she wanted to benefit the village, Yang Yulian, who was full of enthusiasm, still sweated on her forehead after being asked a few words by Li Shengli.

Spring irrigation, land preparation, and manure removal have all used up the strong labor force on the mountain. She has not yet made arrangements for going up the mountain to collect herbs.

The wheat in the mountain villages is grown in the mountain fields, and the land is barren. If you want to ensure the yield, you have to bring manure with you during spring irrigation. Otherwise, during the harvest, there will not be much wheat left in the village except for the seeds for the next season.

Fortunately, the mountain backing has enough fertilizing vegetation, otherwise growing wheat in the mountains would be just asking for trouble.

At a loss for words when asked by Li Shengli, Yang Yulian simply lowered her neck that had been raised.

Seeing that the shrewd little widows in the village lowered their heads, Yang Wenshan, who was so honest and cowardly, naturally did not dare to answer the question.

As for Yang Xiushan, who had been following the two of them all the way, he didn't dare to say anything in front of Li Shengli after seeing the abilities of Xiao Bao and the Madian militiamen.

Selling sheep outside the mouth is not a smooth journey. In the land outside the mouth, those who can drive sheep out to exchange for things are not good people.

The sheep houses along the way were also watched by various people. They sold sheep before the Madian market. From the time of exchange to the time they rushed back to the village, they didn't suffer any loss at all.

This journey is not based on pleasant appearance, it is almost the same if it comes from fighting.

Li Shengli was able to pull off such a deal in just a few days. In Yang Xiushan's eyes, he was not an ordinary ruthless person.

"Unload the things for me first, Yang Xiushan, will you come with me?"

Seeing that Yang Yulian was unprepared, Li Shengli didn't say much. It was like this on the mountain. There was a shortage of labor force, and the manpower was stretched to do even the smallest things.

Boss Zhao was asked to take Yang Yulian and Yang Wenshan to unload the truck. Li Shengli followed Xiao Feng and led Yang Xiushan to the stage on the mountain.

"You've done a good job selling sheep. I have a way to heal your leg.

After the treatment, how about I support your family?
When the children at home grow up, I will give them a formal job to ensure that they have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

On your side, when your legs are ready, go to the horse shop to slaughter the sheep..."

As they walked up, Li Shengli didn't look back and told Yang Xiushan about his future arrangements.

Xiao Hu and Xiao Feng are behind the scenes, but Li Shengli still needs a swordsman. Otherwise, some issues in the city will not be easy to resolve. The reputation of the Mountain God also needs someone to protect it, right?

"to make!

I can trust you to do things.

It doesn't matter to me whether to slaughter sheep or people, it's just to make a living.

If you can arrange jobs for my children, I will make money. "

Yang Xiushan, who had followed Li Shengli all the way, agreed to his conditions without thinking.Along the way of selling sheep, he was treated with good wine and good meat. After a good life, Yang Xiushan couldn't eat anymore when he looked at the dark sweet potato noodles and messy pickle sticks at home.

Years later, he was no longer employed in the Madian market selling sheep, which made Yang Xiushan feel very angry.

Thinking about it now, the young man in front of him wanted to use him to kill people. Yang Xiushan really didn't care about this. He was just scared of being poor and going crazy with hunger.

"This is 1000 yuan as settlement allowance, take it.

You and I both know what we have to do, and our family cannot leave the mountain village.

Once you have done something, don't think about the taboo things. The mountain village will be good in the future. "

He took out a large knife from the inner pocket of his jacket and handed it to Yang Xiushan. He had nothing to say to a man who could still work in the mountains with a broken leg and a splint.

Once you get the money, the deal is finalized.

“This is not about young or old, this is enough.


Doctor Li, can you get some food for the family? My wife and children have eaten dumplings since the Chinese New Year, and they are still thinking about it! "

Yang Xiushan took the money from Li Shengli generously, put it directly into his pocket, and made an additional request.

"Let's take my wife and children to Madianji for a meal. For the sake of our children, it's better not to eat and drink in the village. Next year it will be almost..."

Li Shengli did not agree to Yang Xiushan's additional request. In these days, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy food.

He was reluctant to let Yang Xiushan spend five or six times the price to buy food at Pigeon Market.

Some things have to be explained in an accurate way. It is true that Yang Xiushan wants his family to eat and drink well, but in a mountain village that is not quite right.

After going around in a circle, he sent away the lame Yang Xiushan. As for his lameness, Li Shengli, who had an advanced bone injury, had prescriptions and techniques that could help him adjust the dislocated and healed injuries.

Yang Xiushan's injury was different from his leader's. There was no surgery. The lengths of the bones on both sides were about the same. The technique of breaking and then reconnecting could be done by advanced bone injuries, but the process was relatively painful and the error rate was slightly higher.

If after the connection is continued, the healing surface of the bone injury is still misaligned, then the process can only continue.

Surgical treatment is not impossible, but for Yang Xiushan, it is better to have conservative treatment, heal the dislocation, and then break it again.

There were sequelae from the operation, and he was really lame. It was not good to be a surgeon because the characteristics of a lame person were too obvious.

Pushing open the wrought iron gate of the other courtyard, Li Shengli glanced at the clean courtyard, which was pretty much what he had thought before.

The courtyard is also paved with polished stones, and every corner has a strong Western-style feel.

Entering the main house of the villa, the ground floor was paved with [-]-foot gold bricks. Since they were not that old, they still had a slightly oily sheen after cleaning.

The main room, also known as the main hall, is still the same as before. The paintings, tables, and Eight Immortals table in the middle hall all look like a Chinese hall.

It looks like the furnishings are still the original old furniture. It just looks like this. It’s strange that there were no tricks when the mountain villages divided the fields.

However, more than ten years have passed. According to Yang Wenshan, the person involved died and walked away. It is impossible to find out why these other hospitals were not disposed of.

It's just that the advantage fell into Li Shengli's hands, and he had no time to look up these secrets from previous years.

After walking around the house, I found that just like what I saw outside, the part of the courtyard close to the mountain is really unique.

The stones for building walls and paving the floor were all taken out directly from the mountain behind, leaving a cave of about a hundred square meters, with nothing else in it except some shelves and a large single-board table. According to Li Shengli's guess, it should have been used as a wine cellar.

Compared with the warehouse next to the courtyard, the cave here is somewhat damp. It should be good for storing wine, but it is a bit damp for storing ancient books.

In addition to the living room, there is also a Western-style living room in the main house. All the furniture is there, but the sofa is a bit old. Maybe the people in the mountain village don't know how to clean it, so it looks a bit old.

There are two bedrooms in the main house, one with an old-fashioned canopy bed and the other with a copper-art Western-style bed with a mattress.

The east and west compartments outside have a kitchen on one side and a large store on the other. On the side of the east compartment, there is a small wing that is used as a bathroom. The small wing bathroom is also divided into two rooms, one for master and one for servants.

On top of Fangshan Mountain, there is a large barrel made of copper. It is considered a tap water system made of earth. However, it has not been used for a long time, so the faucets and showerheads have become more patina.

Because there was no real estate allocated when the land was divided, basically all the things that could be used in the villa were retained, so it was possible to move in with your bags after cleaning.

It's just that there is no water in the other courtyard above. Someone will be needed here to carry water and firewood in the future.

Li Shengli was basically satisfied with the living conditions. Thinking about the subsequent troubles at the field hospital, he also wanted to live in the mountain village for a while.

The situation at the field hospital must not be hidden from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During this period, people will probably inquire about him frequently.

When you arrive in a mountain village, you no longer live in the countryside. It can be said that you escape into the mountains and forests. As long as you don't take the initiative to show up, no one should be able to find you in three or two months.

As long as this period of time has passed, Mr. Xie can arrange the follow-up of going to the countryside. Even if he is called a famous doctor, he is still a barefoot doctor going to the countryside.

After looking at the house, Li Shengli didn't talk to Yang Yulian in the main hall or the living room. Instead, he found a few round stools and sat in the yard to talk.

Although everyone who should leave has left, Li Shengli didn't want to have any misunderstanding with the little widow on the mountain on the first day.

"Sit for a while, take a break, and think about how to deal with the public food issue.

There is no problem in paying the debt for a new tractor, but I think it is better to pay for the public grain. "

Today’s grain is really worthless. Eighty thousand kilograms of grain is not as valuable as a brand new Dongfanghong 25 tractor.

This is not a matter of money, but of insufficient supply. If it weren’t for the endorsement from the General Assembly, Madianji’s old party secretary would have had a hard time supporting it.

Of the six tractors originally placed in Madianji, the commune had to remove five.

Regarding the commune's demands, the old branch secretary of Madianji was very adamant. He asked Madianji to receive public grain for ten years and not even keep a single tractor.

It's inevitable, so don't ask for it. If the commune really wants a tractor, it can go to the assembly line and ask for it.

(End of this chapter)

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