Chapter 251

After talking to Master Dong about Baidu Qingfei Drink, the two of them walked to the infirmary just like the first time. Li Shengli asked about the diagnosis and treatment of spleen deficiency, which Master Dong is good at.

Teaching Chinese medicine to apprentices is also a difficult job. Diagnosing the pulse alone is not so easy to teach.

Not to mention the current masters and apprentices, in the future there will be many people who are masters of traditional Chinese medicine who cannot learn to feel the pulse in four or five years.

It is one thing for the teacher to understand in his heart, and he can explain it clearly with a Cun Guan ruler, but for 28 pulse conditions, what the teacher says is very likely to be very different from what the students understand.

Mr. Liu fell into this misunderstanding. No matter how good his father's craftsmanship was, it was normal for him not to be able to teach his son well.

It's just that Mr. Liu was unlucky. Maybe there was too much pressure at home, and pulse diagnosis suddenly became his concern. As a result, he couldn't make any progress in pulse diagnosis for half his life.

Learning to diagnose pulse in a short period of time is basically just like joking. 28 pulse conditions are just one word, and they need to be combined with symptoms. Pulse conditions and symptoms are connected, and that is called pulse diagnosis.

Li Shengli is different from ordinary students and apprentices. He is an expert in orthopedics. Although he is a partial practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, he has his own understanding of traditional Chinese medicine.

Along the way, Master Dong taught Li Shengli, and they understood each other. The two of them interacted with each other, which also allowed Master Dong to experience the joy of teaching disciples.

What he said, Li Shengli could understand and express. What he said was exactly what Li Shengli thought in his heart. If all apprentices were like this, then teaching would be too simple.

Entering the infirmary, Master Dong greeted Mr. Liu. Still not satisfied, he picked up the medical record file made by Li Shengli. After taking a look at it, he was surprised again.

Although Chinese medicine also has medical records, and although it is also establishing medical records based on Western medicine, Li Shengli's medical records are different.

It can be regarded as an effective combination of medical records of traditional Chinese medicine and files of Western medicine.

Starting from Wang Zi Jue, the patient's appearance, pulse, tongue and other symptoms are included, as are the patient's professional experiences, and the treatment plan is also available.

With these, if a patient relapses and sees a doctor with the file, ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners will not misdiagnose the disease.

After asking Li Shengli for his opinion, Master Dong asked Mr. Liu to copy the medical records for him.

And he continued to give lectures to Li Shengli, teaching his disciples happily, which was also a kind of enjoyment for Master Dong.

Seeing that Old Dong was teaching carefully and transcribing medical records, Mr. Liu didn't feel bored at all, so he became a book boy on the side.

The old gentleman over there was optimistic about Feng Shui, so Master Dong sat in the car and left with a still unsatisfied look on his face.

To build Wali New Village, the design using gardening techniques is based on Feng Shui, and it is much more complicated than Feng Shui.

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Shengli waited for the books he wanted. Although they were discounted and there was only a layer of medical books covering the bed of the Liberation Vehicle, there were still hundreds of sets.

After the storm, it will be difficult to find complete sets of these ancient medical books. After decades of waiting, each set will be valuable.

Li Shengli estimated that Liu Zhonglun's library would definitely become a treasure that everyone coveted in the future, which would also give him the opportunity to rip off people in the future.

Whether it was paid by Wang Qianjin and others, given by Master Dong, given by the steel rolling mill, or bought by himself in a trust store, all of them had formal procedures and were stamped with a big red seal.

Moral kidnapping and book donation are just crazy. Liu Zhonglun Library will be the bargaining chip in Li Shengli's hands in the future.

The medicine cabinets that Master Zhu had promised also arrived in a cart, and Minato and Hehe filled the entire cart.

However, the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also doing a good job. The medicine cabinets and bookshelves that came here are all made of mahogany. Obviously, they also buy only high-quality products.

On the third day, the old man who knew Feng Shui took a stack of design drawings and came to Wali again with Master Dong.

After a rough look, Li Shengli asked Zhao Mankui to give him another fifty kilograms of millet, and the deal was considered completed.

Drawings, people say, we need to find a master who really knows how to play with ancient architecture to take charge. Most people can't understand garden drawings.

It is a bit difficult for Li Shengli to find such people, but it is not difficult for villages like Wali and Madianji.

Most of the masters who know how to play with ancient buildings in the city are building dry toilets or doing ordinary mason work.

There is not much business in repairing ancient buildings now. The commune members in Wali and Madianji are now busy demolishing city walls and towers. It is no wonder that the business of those masters is good.

If the business is not good, there will be trouble in the stomach, and a bag of millet will be thrown out. It doesn't matter how many masters are needed, it is still no problem to find ten or eight.

Because no one here in Wali could read and understand the drawings, Li Shengli temporarily saved the drawings.

We have to wait until the beginning of the spring to start groundbreaking. We need to find a master of ancient architecture. Madianji should be more reliable than Wali. After all, the village is big, and they also make a living selling estimated clothes, so they have a wider contact area.

After giving the combination of Baidu Qingfei Yin to Master Dong, the deal with Si Li was completed.

Thinking about the prescription of combined medicine for tuberculosis, Master Dong left with the old man, somewhat frowning.

After a period of combined medication, Shi Lao's speculation was basically confirmed. The prescription given by Li Shengli was not only effective, but also very effective.

Master Dong didn't know how much Li Shengli had hidden in these prescriptions, but he knew clearly that he must have some private goods.

According to Master Dong's estimate, the heir of the Liu family probably got the secrets from some modern Chinese medicine master, otherwise there would not be so many powerful prescriptions.

Thinking of the relationship between the Liu family and the four famous doctors, Master Dong could only rely on the other three.

With Senior Brother Liu's methods, this is really possible.

Master Dong left with a sad look on his face, and Li Shengli got another good news: the first wave of sheep sold in Madianji came back.

Asking Boss Zhao to hitch a carriage and take the three Zhao brothers with him, Li Shengli rushed to the horse shop again.

This is the first transaction, so it needs to be dealt with carefully. The hurdles along the way must be clarified to avoid going wrong in the future.

When they arrived at Madianji, the first thing Li Shengli asked was the number of sheep sold back. It was freezing cold for less than half a month. If there were too many losses on the way, this matter would have to be considered.

Fortunately, those who drove the sheep back from Madianji were all familiar with the old tricks. Although five or six sheep died along the way, they were not wasted.

The old men picked up the sheep when they were wilted on the road. The mutton was frozen on the carriage, and their heads and hooves were soaked in the water to make their dry food.Looking at the more than 400 sheep being gathered in separate pens to replenish fodder, and listening to the general accounts, Li Shengli smiled as happily as the old party secretary Wang Shengting.

Anyone who has more than 400 sheep for less than five yuan must smile so happily.

Wang Shengting has also set the price for the winery. The slaughtered sheep are divided into three grades, large at 45, medium at [-], and small at [-].

The average price of packed sheepskins at the import and export company is about ten yuan regardless of grade.

If you put your head and hoof into the water and sell it in the market, it costs about five yuan. If you make it yourself, you can sell it for at least ten yuan.

If a sheep has more than 50 yuan left, one transaction can earn more than 2 yuan. Not counting food stamps, it is enough to buy food for a year in Madianji. However, including food stamps, it may not be enough.

But there is another advantage of selling sheep to wineries, that is, they can exchange them for various grains from wineries. Although it is impossible to open the supply in quantity, there are many wineries in the suburbs of Beijing that cannot handle it.

Over and over again, even if the price of food doubled, it didn't matter in terms of profit. Madianji saved a lot of money in food stamps.

"Sheng Sheng, thanks to meeting you, our village can have a good year this time."

Looking at the sheep penned together, Wang Shengting burst into tears. When the sheep arrived at the village, his heart was in his stomach.

"Old party secretary, this is just the beginning. Is there any problem with the village cadres?

Also, were there any hurdles that were difficult to pass along the way? "

Unlike the old party secretary who put aside his inner burden, Li Shengli is more concerned about the sustainability of the sheep trade.

If it doesn't last long, you have to find other businesses, but there are not many businesses that can be done now. Selling sheep is really suitable for Madianji.

“This is a familiar road, and all the sheep in the city come here.

The way of driving sheep is also the old way, and the road is familiar.

As for the cadres stationed in the village, I told them that the village had accepted the entrustment of the winery.

They couldn't watch the slaughter of sheep. During this period a year ago, there were sheep from other places that had to be penned in the village.

This sloppy approach is truly amazing.

I have been in the village for decades, why don’t I have such a good vision as you? "

Seeing the old party secretary Wang Shengting's face bursting with tears, Li Shengli shook his head. If he couldn't see the darkness under the lamp, it meant he was not at the end of the road yet.

Now that he's on the road, it's time to start the canteen business.

"Old party secretary, has the straw shed outside been set up?
Quickly kill a group of people and exchange some loose wine and food from the winery. Only wine and meat will make the place lively.

During this time before the year before, let them hurry up, and the cadres stationed in the village asked them to squat in the big canteen.

The haggis left over from the slaughtered sheep is considered a serious source of income for our village. The business is started so that they can eat better.

Only then will you have the strength to apply to the Commerce and Trade Bureau.

Please do it when you need it, and give it away when you need it. I don’t believe that four hundred sheep can’t be exchanged for our village’s sheep sales quota.

The New Year is coming soon, so I will exchange some wine from the winery and use it for social relations.

If you can talk to the old wine head of the winery, please give me some points. The medicinal wine I make there will be useful. One thousand eight hundred kilograms is not too much, just take it from the molecule.

Try not to use cash at the winery, that thing is of little use, just exchange wine for food.

Since the road is familiar and the road is familiar, hurry up and send people to go north. Five yuan will not make eight yuan.

As long as it is profitable, we don't care about the purchase price. This is the first year, so if you suffer any losses, you will suffer some losses. Remember to let people go and keep the price down next year. "

Li Shengli's big pass immediately confused the old party secretary Wang Shengting.

He only thought that the members would have a good year, and he didn't expect what happened next.

"Shengli, what you, the [-]% members, have given me is really worth it.

Don't tell me, I'm old, let's go to the village for a meeting.

You keep telling me one thing after another, and I have been confused for a long time. "

Looking at the excited old party secretary, Li Shengli was also a little confused. He just said it casually, but if he said it again, he would have to think about it again.

After entering the village, he was still at Wang Shengting's home. Listening to Wang Qingping's cry of mercy in the courtyard, Li Shengli held another meeting with the ten captains of Madianji.

Ma Fengxia still served as the secretary, and while arranging the sheep sales, Li Shengli also gave Madianji the task of continuing to demolish city bricks, and most of the demolished city bricks had to be transported to Wali Village.

He didn't count the profits from selling sheep before, and he didn't dare to ask people from Madianji to help Wali. Now he earns [-] yuan at a time, and [-]% of it actually goes to him.

The [-]% of Shancun Village is not an agreement between Madianji and Shancun Village, but an agreement with him.

This first sale a year ago was enough to cover the expenses of Wali New Village. This sale was enough for the three villages to live a prosperous year together.

The commune members of Madianji were unable to stay idle even a year ago. In addition to selling clothing, selling sheep, killing sheep, opening a canteen, demolishing city bricks, digging ice cellars, harvesting ice, and transporting ice, they also had to speed up.

After the New Year, it won’t be long before spring plowing starts again. There is not much time, but there is a lot of work in the village.

Fortunately, these transactions went smoothly a year ago. If we make prototypes this year, it will be even smoother next year.

(End of this chapter)

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