Chapter 250

Li Shengli didn't know what the outcome of Zhao Mankui's small meeting was, and he didn't bother to take care of it. In this year and age, he was the only one who could feed the people of three villages.

If no one leads the people in these three villages, they may not starve to death, but they will definitely not have enough to eat all year round.

Except for him, if anyone else wants to move within the rules, they will definitely have to explain themselves within a few seconds.

In these three villages, they can either live in poverty and live happily, or they can live in chaos by themselves. These are the two options.

So to Li Shengli, the result was not important. If something went wrong, he only needed to have a good relationship with the Wali Zhao family.

If other villages dare to repeat, they have to consider whether they can resist hunger. If they leave themselves, their way of survival will be blocked. If they open again, they will have no chance.

After returning to the village headquarters, he called Master Dong directly.

In some special circles, the people who are popular are not necessarily the disciples. When looking for a garden designer, Master Dong and Master Zhu have a very high say.

Anyone who plays with ancient buildings will most likely see traditional Chinese medicine. Don’t ask, it’s about cultural inheritance.

"Lao Zhang, this is for your village. Your village will pay for the phone call yourself."

Before picking up the phone, Li Shengli also said hello to Zhang Lianfu, the accountant who had been trying to catch him.

Seeing Zhang Lianfu nodding, he asked for the phone number of Master Dong's office and explained the general situation. Master Dong, who currently had requests from Li Shengli, had to agree to his request whether it was possible or not.

After all, Li Shengli used the recipe for Baidu Qingfei Yin to treat the disease as a bargaining chip.

Li Shengli trusted Master Dong, but Li Shengli didn't trust Si Li very much.

If someone dares to come down with a hat and insist on a prescription, then Li Shengli will have to use Lao Taishan who has not left yet to ruin his future.

The Eight Methods of Bone-setting and the follow-up, the combined medicine for tuberculosis of the Army General Hospital, and a bowl of ginger soup are all operated by Lao Taishan.

Baidu Qingfei Drink is the follow-up to a bowl of ginger soup. If they dare to interrupt at this time, Old Taishan Du will not let them off lightly.

After finishing the work of inviting people, seeing that Mr. Liu was in good spirits, Li Shengli began to repeat the methods of raising native turtles again.

Mr. Liu, who is over 60 and has become the school boy of his family's successor, is not impatient at all.

During this period, he transcribed the Eight Bone-setting Methods, Detailed Explanations of the Eight Bone-setting Methods, A Clear White Conquers the World, Prescriptions for Tuberculosis, Prescriptions for Maxing Shigan Decoction, and the Advancement of Baidu Qingfei Drink.

After he copied it, he returned to the old village department at night and had to copy it again according to the way of binding the book with thread.

Including the methods of breeding local turtles that are currently transcribed, as well as some things Li Shengli told him.

The old man is also wise. When these things were put together, he gave a book title, called Zhonglun Supplements.

He thought that the library named after him would always have a book of his own. He had not made any achievements in the medical field, so picking up the words of his successor Li Shengli, in his opinion, was the only book he could write.

It's just that I can't tell Li Shengli about these innermost matters. It would be great to give him a big blow in the future.

"Master, you have a photographic memory!"

During the break in writing, Li Shengli was drinking medicinal tea to soothe his throat, while Mr. Liu lit a cigarette to rest his mind. At the same time, he also did not forget to praise his successor in the hope of extracting more things.

His Zhonglun Collected Works must be in three or five volumes. If you have a solitary volume, people will laugh at you later.

"It's nothing like that, I just remember it too many times.

If I really had a photographic memory, I wouldn't have to study books long ago. If nothing else, how many medical books have I read in the past two days?

With a photographic memory, I can now go out to see a doctor with my medicine box on my back. "

Li Shengli laughed at Master Liu's compliment. It would be great if he could never forget him.

Not to mention anything else, if he could memorize the Wang family's annotated version of the Medical Sect's Golden Mirror verbatim, he would basically have no problem dealing with common illnesses.

Thinking of this, he was also a little worried about Wang Zhi's condition.

If Wang Zhi had been given drugs like isoniazid as soon as she entered the Army General Hospital, and a course of treatment lasted three to four days, she would have almost recovered by now.

Isoniazid kills tuberculosis bacteria, and Chinese medicine is supplemented with conditioning. There are no initial or intermediate symptoms of hemoptysis or cavity, and the recovery is very fast.

Thinking of this, Li Shengli couldn't help but secretly hate Lao Zhang of the Army General Academy.

Because these two girls are the target of Brother Tong's mission, and after recovery, they will be rewarded with the basics of traditional Chinese medicine and internal medicine.

After the completion, the inheritance of the Wang family will be continued, and there will be a mysterious grand prize.

I haven't done anything good during this period of time, and I'm afraid Brother Tong doesn't like me very much, so he just works on some medium and long-term tasks.

The same is true in the village on the mountain. Brother Tong not only plagiarized his local turtle breeding method, but also won a treasure map and had to wait for the village to get rid of poverty. Li Shengli had no way to explain.

After a break, the two of them continued, and it took them almost a day to write out the beginning and end of the method of raising native turtles.

Master Dong was also very helpful. In the middle of the morning the next day, he took an old man in his 60s to Wali Village in a car.

The old man looks similar to Mr. Liu, with a gray goatee hanging under his chin, but he wears a pair of brown crystal glasses on the bridge of his nose. As for his clothes, he is the same as Li Shengli, wearing an old-school short dress, but he is different from Xiasanlu, which is a serious western style. Pants and three-jointed leather shoes.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Li Shengli roughly stated his thoughts, and the old man stared at the mountain to start his luck.

Upon seeing this scene, Li Shengli pulled Zhao Mankui aside and asked him to go home and carry fifty pounds of millet.

Traditional Chinese medicine consultations require consultation fees. When the old man comes to help design Wali New Village, he will naturally need to be paid. This is similar to looking at Feng Shui. If there is fodder or there is no fodder, the results will be completely different.

Because the person was brought here by Master Dong, Master Dong did not introduce him after getting off the bus. Obviously, he did not want to leave his name.

Just follow the rules. When Zhao Mankui drove his son Zhao Youfang to bring a bag of millet, the old man put his hand under his chin.

"Old sir, the conditions in the village are average. This is the fifty kilograms of millet I scraped together last night. Please bear with me. I'll come back next time and there's still fifty kilograms left." Boss Zhao arrived, and before he could catch his breath, Li Shengli said Just tell me the reward for the design drawings.

Taking a private job and earning a hundred pounds of millet is not too high based on commodity prices.

But millet, although it is written as coarse grains in the grain book, according to the grain book, you cannot buy millet.

In an environment of tight supply, suet, millet, White Rabbit toffee, milk powder, quotas for educated youth to jump in the queue, return home, etc. are all rife with various relationships.

Regardless of Master Dong's high salary, if he were asked to get a hundred kilograms of millet, he would still have to worry about losing his eyebrows.

Different subordinate circles have different conveniences. Take Master Dong as an example. Let alone ordinary people, I am afraid that ordinary offices cannot invite him.

Only someone like Old Dingtou can make Master Dong available at any time.

When ordinary people come to invite him, he can refuse the vast majority of people in the Four-Nine Cities just by saying that he is no longer working on the front line.

When it comes to his side, Zhang Ying, the Xiao family's sister-in-law, has to follow up on time, and he has to check the pulse of the uncle and uncle easily.

If he was asked to find someone who could design a garden, Master Dong would have to drag the old man to Woli to see the Feng Shui.

At this time, there may be many people with seats who are still waiting to ask him to check their pulse.

But there was no trick. Li Shengli had mastered this convenience, and Master Dong had to help with feng shui and smooth things over.

With fifty pounds of millet to support him, the old gentleman asked Zhao Mankui a few questions.

Li Shengli intervened at the right time and added drainage and sewage systems.

The village is built on the mountain. Although the Wali side is just a ridge, it can still be regarded as a hill.

With the gap, one of the few sewage systems available now can be built. Wali is a rural area.

Although Li Shengli doesn't understand biogas, he can still add the idea of ​​building several septic tanks under the hillside.

"What a good idea. I'm afraid you can't get cement pipes, but you can just use ridge tiles or straight chimneys.

If we can get cement, ridge tiles would be better, but the chimney is too thin and can get clogged easily.

Find an old man who is familiar with the environment and walk around with me. I will bring you the drawings the next time you come. "

The person who knows how to design gardens is still in his 60s and must have seen big events.

Li Shengli also knew that it was not good to make any other requests, so he just added that mountain rocks and city bricks should be used as building materials. The rest was up to the old man's free will.

Zhao Mankui and his son led the old man away, while Li Shengli got involved with Master Dong again.

“Master Dong, the test results of Baidu Qingfei Drink should be almost there, right?
Increase the dosage of plaster, and one dose of the medicine can relieve the evil heat. If the medicine is used in severe cases, if it does not work after one dose, it means the medicine is wrong. "

Glancing at Men Qing's junior uncle Li Shengli, Master Dong shook his head helplessly. This guy is really hard to fool.

I thought he was just offering a prescription, but I never thought that there were many different tricks involved.

His request has been reported to Si Li, and it is certain that the response has been mixed. The ignorant people gritted their teeth and started to criticize, while the knowledgeable people, like Master Dong, could only shake their heads and look at Si Li's results.

The key to treating the epidemic with Baidu Qingfei Decoction lies in the use of medicine for the intermediate symptoms. If the initial symptoms cannot be suppressed, the success or failure of treating the epidemic depends on the intermediate symptoms.

Medication for moderate symptoms requires both gentleness and firmness. Master Dong thought he would not be able to figure out the dosage control without trying the medicine many times.

When treating an epidemic, there was no time to test medicines. There was no doubt that what Li Shengli was holding in his hand was a proven prescription, but Master Dong couldn't figure out where exactly the prescription was researched.

But one thing is certain, this is not a prescription from the south, but a prescription from the north. In Master Dong's impression, there are no medical experts in the Liu family in this field.

Li Shengli said that the combination of drugs for the initial symptoms and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of intermediate symptoms is quite effective. This is the same as the combined use of drugs for tuberculosis. There are hidden dangers in the compatibility of the drugs!

As for who to bomb, whoever dares to take a seat and jump out to shout will be bombed.

The flavored Maxing Shigan Decoction, or the Baidu Qingfei Drink as Li Shengli calls it, although it takes the northern route, the medicine is still suitable for both the north and the south, and there are obvious shadows of the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

It is inappropriate to attribute the origin of the prescription to the ancients. How could there be Western anti-inflammatory drugs at that time?

As for Li Shengli, his foundation was a little weak. With more than a dozen combinations of Baidu Qingfei Drink, this young man should not be able to distinguish the properties of the medicine.

However, the prescription of Baidu Qingfei Yin for the initial symptoms, combined with the Western medicine injection penicillin, can be regarded as miraculous, which seems strange to Master Dong.

"Sheng Li, everything in the department needs to be approved at all levels. Whether it is successful or not, it will take three days to get the result.

According to time, it’s due tomorrow! "

Because the formula was so weird, Master Dong really didn't dare to offend Li Shengli easily without the compatibility of Zhongzheng.

If we want to work out a truly suitable prescription, I'm afraid we won't be able to do it this year. Testing the medicine will not yield results in a short time.

It is possible that this flu will pass before the trial is over. If I forget to memorize the words and combine the medicine with one dose, it is very possible that the trial for ten or eight years will not be successful.

Li Shengli usually doesn't care about the conditions he puts forward. If he has it, he will take it. If he doesn't, he will forget it. It's nothing more than making a living.

"Master Dong, don't worry, I just said it.

If there are really many obstacles, I won't make it difficult for you.

If the prescription is gone, there will still be one, but if the person is gone, it will be difficult to find. "

Knowing that Li Shengli's words had profound meaning, this boy was really not as kind as he seemed when they first met.

It's not bad at all, it's just that when doing things, the method is too simple.

(End of this chapter)

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