The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 196 Immediate Results

Chapter 196 Immediate Results

After sending Du Jiaoyang and his party away, Li Shengli was not idle either. He first arranged for Sister Ma Fenglan to report to the commune.

Normally, Ma Fenglan would have to report to the commune three days later, but with the combination of daily newspaper, flu, and ginger soup, there was no problem in letting her report to the commune three days in advance.

Many people and many things today do not look at procedures and rules, but at awareness and attitudes.

For example, Wang Qingping from Madianji, although the village members wanted to kill him, he had a good reputation among the commune and the grain station.

Not to mention that the house is full of certificates from the commune and food station, Wang Qingping felt at ease with the certificates and bicycles given by a village party secretary who led the commune members to take the initiative to pay more public food.

Attitude is related to the standpoint. Branch secretaries like Wang Qingping are also ordinary members of many brigade branch secretaries. Although Wang Qingping is selfish, he is not selfish. There are also many branch secretaries who lead the members to pay more public food.

It's just that Madianji's situation is special. It is located in the suburbs of Beijing, and there is no room for expansion of arable land. Pointing to the impossible increase of one-third of an acre of land, the members of the commune will be hungry if they pay more public food.

If Wang Qingping had innovated in farming methods and paid more public grain on the premise of increasing grain production, there might have been a different outcome.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to increase food production these days.

Fertilizers are very expensive; farm machinery is not something you can just get if you want it; manure is also a means of production that is competed for by eight villages in the surrounding areas; dense planting and intensive farming also involve mobilizing the enthusiasm of the members.

Wang Qingping, who was worried, immediately dampened the members' enthusiasm, which was most suitable for intensive farming in Madianji, and lost their subjective basis.

Party Secretary Wang Qingping's worrying behavior may not be able to stop the Madianji community for five or six years.

If you don't put forward the starting point, most of the time the fruits of reckless and unrestrained efforts are bitter. Wang Qingping can become the party secretary of Madianji. The old party secretary Wang Shengting has a lot of face, so he himself should be remarkable.

Today's commune members are not blind or stupid. People who are obviously not suitable to be village party secretaries will be difficult to be elected by the commune members.

Wang Qingping is aware enough but lacks ability, but Ma Fenglan's work is much easier.

She is only the deputy director, and the original team of the commune is still there. All she has to do is to give the current women director an idea and participate in its execution.

Although Madianji does not belong to the same commune as Wali, it is a large village with more than a thousand households and has some reputation in various nearby communes.

Sisters Ma Fenglan and Ma Fengxia went to the commune to find the women's director to promote the bowl of ginger soup. A simple combination, but the result was not simple.

Even if Ma Fenglan can continue to implement what she talks about alone, it will not be enough for a day or two to make a living.

With Wali, the two reporters Fu Shan and Chen Jing, and Madianji who was about to drink ginger soup, the commune was either catching up or falling behind.

This is the so-called skill of doing things, the means of being an official, consciously standing on the side of righteousness, baring his teeth and saying this is good, that is good, and it is not as good as a little trick.

According to the procedure, this bowl of ginger soup has to be pushed down. It will not be called out of the procedure for three to five days. It is not impossible to delay it for ten or eight days or until the end of the year.

After finishing the chores, Li Shengli returned to his job and administered ginger decoction. He still had to take another look at some patients with fever and cough.

If it's just a cold caused by wind and cold, which is what Chinese medicine calls wind and cold, then the matter is simple. Ginger soup is just the right solution.

Whether it's wind-cold or wind-cold, these are the traditional Chinese medicine's explanations. In the eyes of Western medicine, there are only colds and flus. Wind-cold and wind-heat are not Western medicine's explanations.

In the face of symptoms, Li Shengli did not distinguish between Western and Chinese medicine. Those with fevers were given large white tablets, and those with coughs were further observed.

Colds and colds are not troublesome, but influenza is troublesome. Once it is confirmed that it is influenza, the elderly and children in the village need to be taken good care of.

Influenza is inevitably accompanied by high fever and pneumonia. The elderly are afraid of pneumonia, and children are afraid of high fever.

Li Shengli also has ready-made prescriptions for influenza. During the great influenza epidemic in the 90s, more than half of the people in the city were infected. This was a bloody lesson and a shining moment for traditional Chinese medicine.

Maxing Shigan Decoction plays a decisive role in the prevention and treatment of influenza.

Guizhi Decoction, Mahuang Decoction, Daxiaoqinglong Decoction, and Maxing Shigan Decoction are five types of external medicine that have their own uses. Guizhi Decoction has taboos, which is one of the reasons why Li Shengli said that colds are difficult to cure.

Guizhi Decoction requires sweating, while Maxing Shigan Decoction requires no sweating. If the two medicines are used incorrectly, there may be no harm in taking Maxing Shigan Decoction by mistake, but if Guizhi Decoction is not effective, it will easily trap evil spirits and make people terminally ill. .

This is also the purpose of Li Shengli's understanding of the method of transmitting traditional Chinese medicine. When faced with a simple cold, Chinese medicine practitioners will make mistakes in diagnosing the pulse and differentiating symptoms.

Not to mention the barefoot doctors who go to the countryside. If they are fifteen, sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years old, it would be really funny if you ask them to diagnose the pulse and diagnose the disease and treat it accurately.

It is a good choice to simply distinguish the medication for superficial symptoms. You can always tell whether you are sweating or not, right?You will know if you feel pain or not.

Using proven prescriptions for the symptoms is the simplest way to spread the Dharma. As for whether it is in-depth or not, it depends on whether the person who uses the medicine is motivated.

The magic weapon of Barefoot Doctor, acupuncture, was promoted in this way back then. It was a simple set of acupuncture needles. After identifying the acupuncture points, he would then give some acupuncture methods corresponding to the disease.

Acupuncture played a big role in retaining a large surplus from medical insurance that year.

After clarifying the context in his heart, Li Shengli also reminded the old men and women in Wali that if someone has a fever at night, they should go to the old village department to find him. Children at home should pay special attention to it.

After explaining this, Li Shengli took out the medical book and herbal medicine and gave them to his sister and Xiao Feng respectively.

Letting my sister come to Wali is to let her experience life in the countryside in advance.

Going to work in the countryside at the age of sixteen or seventeen may not do much to the boy, but it is just a different place to play.

But for girls, it is a nightmare. Once the place to go to the countryside is a remote area, no matter how much you are a home-loving child, nightmare is not enough to describe it.

It takes ten years to cultivate a person, but it can also destroy a person in ten years. Looking at his innocent sister, Li Shengli made arrangements for her future. Going to Wali or Madianji would be the benefit of Li Yinghong having an older brother.After reading in the infirmary until Wali got off work, Li Shengli took his younger sister and Xiao Feng to the Zhao Family Courtyard for dinner.

Tonight, he will stay in the old village. With Xiao Feng here, he is not afraid of meeting any strong people.

If you are so downcast that you can't be a powerful thing if you touch the door in the village, besides, in this day and age, there are no bandits and strongmen. The old village people living in Wali should have no problem with safety.

Before eating, Li Shengli said he was going to stay in the old village tonight. Hai Ye didn't say anything about this, but asked Boss Zhao to prepare a lantern and a flashlight. There were no wires there, so it was a bit inconvenient at night.

Seeing his sister eating steamed buns with steamed noodles and rabbit meat stewed with cabbage sweetly, Li Shengli also put away his chopsticks. Just as he was about to get up, Zhao Mankui opened his mouth.

"Shengli, because of the air-raid shelter issue, the district gave a quota for demolition of the city wall. The courtyard at the old village headquarters is missing a lot of bricks and stones.

It just so happens that people in the village are idle every year, why don't you pay two dollars and let the members of the commune bring you some bricks back.

The brigade can provide five carriages, and the cost for a day with one person and one carriage is about 15 yuan.

Do you think this will work? "

The demolition of city walls has been started in the past five years or so. The city walls are not demolished casually. If you occasionally sneak in two carts of bricks, there is no problem.

It's not right to pick up the city wall every day. This is also stealing public property. If you pick up the city wall casually, that will happen next year.

After listening to Zhao Mankui's words, Li Shengli estimated the transportation capacity. A carriage can make four round trips a day. The weight of city bricks varies, but most of them are more than [-] kilograms.

A cart of 2000 bricks costs about [-] yuan per day. It takes three to five days to cover a house, so the efficiency is somewhat slow.

"Brother, if I pay thirty, I can pull bricks until spring plowing.

I want to encircle the old village with houses, and I have to estimate the number of old tiles and beams in the city.

If there is too much to pull, the old village department will be expanded to the back, and another house will be built.

Brother, in the name of running a study class, can you put the old village department under my name, with a house deed. "

What Zhao Mankui mentioned was in line with Li Shengli's wishes. There were bricks here in Wali, but he didn't want to use them.

Most of those bricks were tomb bricks, and he didn't dare to use bricks that had no origin. They were not tomb bricks, and they might be bricks taken out of the demolished temple.

Whether it's people who eat offerings or people who eat incense, Li Shengli can't afford to provoke them, only the bricks of the city can make people feel at ease.

Moreover, the quality of the city bricks is also good. In later generations, there will be more than 100 bricks each. The more of this thing, the better.

"That's it, I know what you mean. You don't want to be thirty anymore. We don't have any money anyway, so let's do whatever we can!

The tractor is also used, so it's okay to earn 6000 to [-] yuan a day, but it can't be over [-] yuan.

I had to ask the commune about the house deed, and I happened to be asking about the wiring. "

Zhao Mankui knew very well about Li Shengli's family background. He had no problem at all in the clothing sales and appraisal business with Madianji, which cost him thousands of dollars.

This can be regarded as a way for the members who do not have voluntary work to earn some money for the New Year. If they work for one month before the new year and another one and a half months after the new year, they will have enough bricks to build ten old village headquarters.

As for the house deed, this is easy, as long as the commune is willing to stamp it, but pulling the wires is more difficult.

Electric wires are not cheap. It is at least two miles from the village to the old village headquarters. I wonder if the commune electrician is willing to pull such a long wire?
After a brief conversation, the few of them took their flashlights and lanterns and headed to the old village headquarters in Wali. Boss Zhao was accompanying Li Shengli tonight because he was afraid that there would be few people on Li Shengli's side and something might happen to him.

When they arrived at the old village, they sent their sister and Xiao Feng into the house first. Li Shengli lived in the main house, and his luggage was placed in this house by Boss Zhao.

Looking at Zhao Youfang waiting in the room, Li Shengli frowned. Are you going to sleep with him?

"Youfang, you can go home and sleep, I don't want to sleep with you.

Go back and ask your father if he knows how to make a bed. The room here is big and a bit cold. "

It’s not that you can’t do any brick work in the winter, but it’s relatively expensive. To make a kang in the house, you need to light a charcoal basin for several days. If you don’t burn firewood, it will make the house dirty.

After testing the temperature in the room, Li Shengli decisively chose the Kang bed, otherwise his nose would not be able to bear it.

"Uncle, I can go to another room for just one night!"

Boss Zhao didn't dare to go home. Since his uncle didn't want to sleep with him, he found a compromise.


If you want to stay here, bring your luggage here tomorrow. There are only two beds here.

You have a cold, and you still have to waste my medicine.

Be more careful about the hot kang. We can’t live in Wali for more than a month. Next spring, how many days can we sleep on the hot kang? "

After driving away Boss Zhao, Li Chenggong stood under the spacious eaves and looked at the lake covered with a thin layer of ice in front of the old village. The Wang family really knew how to choose a place back then, with a complete landscape.

Looking at the moonlight and stars reflected vaguely on the ice, everyone felt refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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