Chapter 195 Stretching

Entering the side room with a bowl of base oil that was enough for cooking a dozen times, Li Shengli taught Zhao Caixia how to use vegetable oil to mix foundation.

Use your fingers to dip a little bit of lipstick into it and gently apply it evenly to make your lips appear natural and rosy, and the makeup tutorial is over.

Zhao Caixia's grandmother and mother had to help with the rest, using two threads to help open the girl's face.

Although this method was only used before the marriage, in order to win over Mr. Xie, it had to be done in advance.

Then changing the double twist to one single twist, Li Shengli imagined Zhao Caixia's image, and he could barely pass the test.

For Mr. Xie and others, it should be a bit surprising.

After handing the industrial ticket given by Mr. Xie and a roll of 100 yuan of his own money into Zhao Caixia's hands, Li Shengli was done with the early days of fiber drawing.

"Uncle, my family has money, I can't ask for your money."

Opening her hand, she took the money ticket handed over by Li Shengli. Zhao Caixia refused with some restraint. Unlike Xiao Feng who just took it and put it in her pocket, this girl was still a little awkward.

"The industrial ticket was given by Xie Fei, and the money was given by me. After entering the city, I will buy a pair of better leather shoes to put on.

Ask Xiao Huang from the Xiao family to take you to the bathhouse to take a bath. With the remaining money, you can buy something for your grandparents. If you need tickets, ask Xie Fei for them.

Don't buy things that belong to your parents, and don't buy things that are too eye-catching.

Just keep the things Xie Fei gives you and try not to let him touch them.

I had my face opened at home, and after cleaning up, I put on my military uniform and went to the health center to see me. "

After giving instructions to Zhao Caixia, Li Shengli said nothing more, picked up the medicine box, called Master Liu, and prepared to go to work.

On the way to the infirmary, Mr. Liu asked as he walked.

"Young master, the Xie and Zhao families are not the right family after all. You are so forceful in trying to keep a matchmaker and have sex. It's successful now, but I'm afraid you'll be in trouble in the future!"

There are a lot of jokes about marriages between big families, and Mr. Liu has seen them a lot. Now Li Shengli wants to forcefully push a village girl to the son of a wealthy family.

Once the freshness wears off, I'm afraid Zhao Caixia's life will be difficult.

In Mr. Liu's eyes, someone like Zhao Caixia was not qualified to be a concubine for Li Shengli, let alone Xie Fei, a son of an aristocratic family.

"So I have to support my eldest niece in the future!
If I take charge of the northern medical community in the future, what will happen to Mr. Xie?
If I dare to divorce Zhao Caixia, I will make it difficult for three generations of his family to touch the threshold of traditional Chinese medicine.

So we, the two of you, have to hurry up and make progress..."

After hearing the heroic words of his heir, Mr. Liu scratched his head and thought that this guy was much darker than himself.

Li Shengli may not have experienced what traditional Chinese medicine is, but Mr. Liu knows it very well.

Ordinary people don't care about traditional Chinese and Western medicine, but wealthy people cannot do without traditional Chinese medicine, and they cannot do without traditional Chinese medicine if they want to extend their lives.

Ordinary people are not young or old in their 40s or [-]s, but high-ranking families, as long as they did not die young or were born with diseases.

It is easy to live to be 60 or 80 years old. With good support from traditional Chinese medicine, it is not a big problem to live to be [-] to [-] years old.

Not many emperors can live a long life. Longevity depends on fate. Among civil servants and generals in the past dynasties, most of those who have long life or short life are protected by traditional Chinese medicine.

Without the care of traditional Chinese medicine, a long life would be the end of many wealthy families. With traditional Chinese medicine, a long life can be expected.

Don't think that what Li Shengli said is a lie. It is not a lie but the truth. The number of Chinese medicine practitioners decreases as you go up the ladder. There may only be a few people who can really help high-end families with their health.

For example, the current Mr. Shi is related to the Liu family. If Mr. Liu is willing to be humble, he will come to ask for help to protect the inheritance.

As long as it was not an emergency, Mr. Shi really had to give him face and politely refuse the diagnosis.

The northern medical community that Li Shengli talked about may be just two or three people. With his talent, after ten or twenty years, it should not be too simple to make a stumbling block for a wealthy family.

The higher the status of traditional Chinese medicine, the more likely they are to be united. This was the reason why the four famous doctors cooperated in running the school.

The struggle among Chinese medicine practitioners is a struggle among the bottom for jobs. There are very few doctors in the medical field who are not in contact with each other. After all, Chinese medicine is so vast that it is difficult for one person to be proficient in all aspects of it.

"If this is true, then you have to study hard and strive to improve as soon as possible."

Now that Li Shengli has started, his main task in the near future is to study books. During this period, this guy is too busy to touch the ground. Mr. Liu is somewhat worried, fearing that he will spend all his energy elsewhere.

After getting started with traditional Chinese medicine, you have to study books steadily and learn from the experience of predecessors. This period of time will probably take at least ten years.

After getting started, it is not impossible to practice medicine in three to five years, but it is difficult to become a doctor in this way.

It’s difficult to make progress even if you don’t get started. It’s difficult to make progress while sitting in a clinic. If you don’t cooperate even a little bit, you’ll be stuck in mundane tasks. How can you have time to learn from the experience of your predecessors?
"Master Liu, I've become a little addicted to playing tricks recently. I wanted to go back to Wali to be clean and tidy while in the city.

But when I arrived in Wali, I was thinking about the prosperity of the city. Today, a girl named Du came here. She is popular and powerful in her family. She wanted to marry me, and I temporarily agreed.

During this period of time, please remind me more not to forget my profession.

By the way, this trip to treat Wang Zhiniang and I also used Mr. Shi to kill a person who was hostile to Chinese medicine..."

Li Shengli was also a little wary of his failure to do his job properly and told Mr. Liu to remind him.

Then he talked about Du Jiaoyang. As the heir of the Liu family, the marriage must be discussed in advance.

Because Wang Zhi and his wife had tuberculosis, he provoked a small dispute between Chinese and Western medicine in Sijiucheng, and he did not forget to explain it to Mr. Liu.

"Master, you are really successful!
You've been here for two days and you've done these things?

You are young and have not yet mastered your craft. If you had mastered it, you would have to dig a hole out of it today.As for Miss Du, according to your wishes, you have a much better vision than this old guy like me in this regard.

Don't interfere with the tuberculosis issue. The water in this bay is too deep, so let Lao Shi take the lead.

That's an old guy from the uncle's generation, he's old, and he knows a lot of people on it, so it's easy to block the gun.

Xiaodong follows you for medical treatment, I'm afraid that they, the historian family, will help you to support your appearance. This is a good thing, but it also owes a debt of gratitude.

It is not easy to repay such a debt of favor, but for you, young master, repaying the debt should not be a big problem. "

Li Shengli said everything in great detail, and Mr. Liu was very convinced. The heir of his family really cares about the Liu family, otherwise Miss Du's matter would not be told.

Regarding the dispute between tuberculosis and traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Mr. Liu and Li Shengli had the same idea, letting Mr. Shi take the lead while the Liu family stayed in the pit watching the show.

"Master Liu, there's one more thing. Didn't we figure out the method of transmitting epilepsy medicine before?
I want to bring the Wu clan in too. Now that I have to postpone the medication for tuberculosis, I can send a telegram to the Wu clan. This time we will play a big game, with both the north and the south taking action.

With the Wu clan joining them and half of the southern medical community, Wang Zhi and his wife arrived just in time. "

The two of them entered the infirmary together. The amount of information obtained by Mr. Liu was too great, and it also involved the Wu Clan in the south, so the stakes were high.

After entering the room and sitting down, he carefully touched the strategy of his heir. Master Liu could only sigh, it was so amazing.

These are a bit deep for Master Liu, but for Li Shengli, they are just some poisonous chicken soup, poisonous chicken soup for fooling young people into starting a business.

It starts with the context of an industry, giving you the feeling of looking at the general trend of the world. Don't you know that entering the market is a killing opportunity?

However, these pig-killing plate routines are still extremely novel when used today. Most people have not understood the routines in them for more than ten or twenty years.

With these, Li Shengli can probably grasp the middle part of the strategy, and further up, he will have to slowly hammer it out with hard work.

The path of machination has an end, but the path of traditional Chinese medicine cannot be seen at a glance. In terms of development, traditional Chinese medicine has a long-term future. This is why Li Shengli insists on going on.

"Master, you are awesome, but I can't understand it either. I'll ask Lao Shi when I get home. He can help me figure it out.

If I want to contact Wu Clan, I have to ask Lao Shi to come forward. Otherwise, if I come forward, they may not want to see me. "

After the exchange between the old and the young of the Liu family, Zhao Caixia also entered the infirmary with blush on her face. Looking at the blue short coat she was wearing, Li Shengli knew that she was ready.

After scanning the outside of the house and seeing that Du Jiaoyang and the others had not returned yet, Li Shengli simply told Zhao Caixia some precautions when entering the city.

Zhao Caixia came to the city mainly as a cover for Mr. Xie. Li Shengli was also afraid that she would be dazzled in the city and if she fell in love with Xie Fei, the result would be bad.

Halfway through the details, Du Jiaoyang showed up at the door of the infirmary with a depressed look on his face, apparently wanting Li Shengli to go out and talk.

"Is this Miss Du?
It's really nice, dignified and majestic, like a matron. "

Glancing at Master Liu, who was a bit unfamiliar with people, he saw that Du Jiaoyang could be related to being dignified and dignified, but the old guy's photo was probably something wrong.

After sorting the things on the table and dusting off his clothes, Li Shengli slowly walked out of the infirmary. As soon as he walked out, he was stared at by the female gangster.

"Lao Li, you really can keep your composure. Is it so fun to take care of my unmarried daughter-in-law?

Come on, let's go on a walk. You have to give me some advice on what words to take home. "

Looking at Du Jiaoyang, whose attitude had changed after having a meal at Zhang Lanhan's house, Li Shengli thought for a moment before saying:

"Sister Du, marriage is not a child's play. It cannot be concluded today and divorced tomorrow.

Your marriage with the purpose of divorce and going abroad is somewhat worrying!
Apart from anything else, how will you cope with having a child?Have you ever thought about it?

I'm afraid you won't be able to go out in three to five years. By then, you will have more children. Will you be able to go out with peace of mind?

If you don't have children, you will be criticized here. For you, this marriage will neither advance nor retreat. Otherwise, it will become a shackles for your life.

I am a man. Without you, there are other ladies and girls to choose from. What about you? "

While walking with Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli also told her what was in his heart. There were some things that even the younger generation couldn't do as they pleased.

"Who knows?
I am also very confused now. Let me tell you, I ate another meal of memory-pain rice that is only eaten during the Chinese New Year this morning, and I felt less depressed again.

Let's talk about it. I'll think about it when I go back. Maybe you are really the one I should choose?

Even if my dad talks about me, I don't feel anything at all. Why can you say it into my heart? "

The two of them walked along and said that there was nothing Li Shengli could not bring back to Du Jiaoyang. Instead, he reminded the Du family's father to let them go out together.

Returning to the infirmary, Du Jiaoyang waved to Zhao Caixia and Liu Ye who were being led by Li Shengli, and the two chatted again.

"Old Li, this is a beauty trap for Xie Fei. You are so deep and terrifying.

My dad also said that he had a chance to run away, but the Xie family and the Wang family had no chance. He also said that if the two families were patient, there would be no disaster. "

After hearing Du Jiaoyang's inside story, Li Shengli was noncommittal. It was good luck that the Du family's father could run away. The future of the Wang and Xie families was not something he could predict.

Again, many things must be done step by step.

Watching several people squeeze into the small jeep and watching the jeep go away, Li Shengli didn't know whether the deal with the Du family would be a gain or a loss in the end.

Based on a vague estimate, the prospects should be good. The Du family's father has a long-term vision and the future is promising.

(End of this chapter)

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