Chapter 51
Walk around these statues and go left, across the shady green trees, you can faintly see a wide area of ​​water.

Naturally, it is the legendary artificial Qinghai Lake (crossed out) Poseidon Lake.

Wang Rui opened the Eye of Destiny and looked at the small island in the center of Sea God Lake from a distance.

Jiang Nannan saw that Wang Rui stopped talking, so he took over the conversation and introduced: "There is Sea God Lake built in memory of Tang San, and there is a small island in the center of the lake, which is the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. It is extremely difficult to enter the inner courtyard , the conditions are very harsh. And there has always been such a saying that only the disciples of the inner court can be regarded as real Shrek students, and the Shrek outer court cannot be regarded as a real Shrek at all."

Huo Yuqing looked towards the center of the lake through the dense mist on the water surface.

In the middle of the lake, there are only shadows and shadows, and only a golden tower can be vaguely seen.

However, in Wang Rui's field of vision, above Sea God Island, a dazzling blue-gold beam of light shot straight into the sky, and a golden trident faintly appeared in it.

Shrek Academy, Clear Sky School, and Sea God Island in the outer sea are the places in this world that are most closely connected with the God Realm...and Tang San.

Countless threads of fate representing karma spread out from Sea God Island. These blue-golden threads floated in the air, winding and extending far away, connecting countless people related to Shrek Academy.

These blue-gold threads of destiny are intertwined, like a huge spider web, buckling the entire continent.And the center of the spider web was Sea God Island. The dazzling blue-gold light on the island covered everyone's luck, like a spider entrenched in the middle of the web, trying to devour everything.

It's like the roots of the blue silver grass, firmly rooted in the ground, absorbing every nutrient from the ground, and feeding the sky-penetrating blue-gold vines in the center.

This is exactly what Shrek Academy is doing... devouring the interests of the common people, through the students who have been scattered to various places after graduation, silently devouring the interests of the three empires, just like devouring the flesh and blood of the entire continent.

"Don't treat Shrek as a college, but as a sect that can use all means to survive, and everything will be fully explained." Wang Rui said softly.

The sea god lake is indeed very large. They walked south along the path by the lake for nearly half an hour, and a wide square appeared in their field of vision.

On the other side of the square are tall teaching buildings. The colors of these teaching buildings are different, mainly white, yellow, purple and black.

Looking to the distance to the north of Shrek Square, there seemed to be a gray teaching building over there.

"Shrek has two departments. This is the Martial Soul Department. Different grades are distinguished by the color of the soul ring. The gray building on the other side is the Soul Guidance Department." Jiang Nannan said.

"I understand the truth, but why is the color of the Soul Guidance Department gray?" Huo Yuqing frowned, staring at the gray building.

Her aesthetics has long been taken astray by a certain dung beetle teacher, and she always feels that the representative color of the soul tool should be gold—or at least it should be metallic silver.

But the teaching building of Shrek's soul guidance department is a poor gray color, crowded by different colors of martial soul departments, nestled in a corner aggrievedly.

"Shrek doesn't like soul tools?" Huo Yuqing asked with a frown. "It was the same in the entrance exam before. Soul tools were not allowed, but the hidden weapon was allowed."

"You are right." Jiang Nannan shrugged, "The teaching philosophy of the Shrek Wuhun Department is that a truly powerful soul master will not use a soul tool, and a soul master will do nothing in front of a truly powerful soul master." no."

Huo Yuqing's small face showed great doubts.

The three turned a corner and entered the teaching area of ​​the Wuhun Department.

The registration place for freshmen is on the first floor of the first-year teaching building.

Although it is already at the end of the registration period, there are still people coming and going at the registration office. From time to time, some students in white school uniforms can be seen rushing past. Everyone's face is filled with confident smiles and expectations for the future.

Inexplicably, Wang Rui felt a little like dreaming back to the junior high school campus.

They received dormitory keys, two school uniforms and a white freshman badge at the freshman report office.

Perhaps because of the late registration, Wang Rui and Huo Yuqing were assigned to the No. [-] freshman class, and the dormitory was No. [-] in the freshman dormitory building. No matter what, they were successfully separated from Wang Dong.

Jiang Nannan sent the two of them near the dormitory building, and then left in a hurry to report to her year group.

There is an old man downstairs in the freshman dormitory.

He was wearing a loose white robe, and he looked like the ordinary old man next door who sat downstairs to enjoy the shade.That old face had so many creases that it would kill a fly, but its complexion was not bad, it looked like it could stand up at any time and hit two chicken leg Douluo with one hand.

The old man was leaning on the recliner, with his legs crossed, and a magazine with a colorful cover on his stomach that should never appear in front of minors.A pair of withered hands rested on the cover of the magazine, his eyes were closed, as if he was closing his eyes and resting his mind--if you look closely, you can find that he is actually squinting his eyes and quietly observing the first-year freshmen. Take a second look.

Wang Rui: ...

This is when I was young and pretended to be serious, and when I was old, I completely let myself go.

Seeing Wang Rui standing still, Huo Yuqing glanced at him suspiciously, then tugged at his sleeves: "Let's find the dormitory by ourselves, that old man is asleep."

Wang Rui naturally knew Mu En.

To be precise, his other identity is from the same age as Mu En, so they naturally know each other and can be regarded as old friends.

More than 200 years ago, in the Star Dou Forest, there was a Ginseng King who had reached the threshold of 10 years and was about to transform into a human and rebuild.

However, plants like immortals are born with extremely rich aura, and it is easier to attract aura than ordinary plants, and their cultivation is easier and smoother, without bottlenecks, but as a balance, it is more difficult for them to give birth to intelligence and transform into a human form than ordinary soul beasts There are many, and the catastrophe is countless times harder than ordinary soul beasts.

The king of Shen predicted that he would not be able to survive the catastrophe in 1000 years, and he didn't want to be trapped in the star, so he chose to transform into a form to rebuild.

However, when she shaped the human body, the aura around her body encountered invisible obstacles, and she couldn't compress it into soul power and store it in her body anyway.

This is the only bottleneck in her life, a test brought down by the law, just like a carp jumping a dragon's gate, this process can only be done by herself, and no one else can intervene.

She struggled for half a month, but the huge aura could not be compressed into the human body no matter what, and finally the soul and the aura dissipated together, leaving only a dead embryo without any consciousness.

Wang Rui accepted the embryo.

He added a large amount of life gold to it, activated the vitality of this blank stillbirth, divided part of the soul power and his own blood into it, and then guided by the power of fate, finally refined it into a body controlled by him. A puppet clone that is no different from a human being.

He named this clone Di Feng.

The main body of Rui Beast stayed in Xingdou, while the avatar named Di Feng left the forest, walked on the mainland, and secretly did many things for Beast Sect.

As the pride of the same era, Di Feng naturally knew Mu En, and could be regarded as a friend.

It's just that how much weight this friend's hard to say.

The positions are different, and the final result is nothing more than parting ways.

At this moment, Wang Rui heard a slight cracking sound, and he threw Huo Yuqing aside.

Glass shards scattered, and a figure in a white school uniform fell out of the room.

That person happened to land on the spot where Wang Rui and Huo Yuqing were just now.

I saw him rolling on the spot, with his toes dexterously touching the ground, a pair of gorgeous blue butterfly wings spread out behind his back, with a light flap, the whole person rose into the air.

The surrounding freshmen all raised their heads, stared at him blankly, and exclaimed.

Wang Rui looked at the broken window with a gloomy face that dripped water.

 Today is still short eels!

  Wang Dong is here!applaud! !
(End of this chapter)

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