Peerless: Auspicious Beast's Star Revival Plan

Chapter 50 Listening to Rarity's Gossip about the Past

Chapter 50 Listening to Rarity Gossip about the Past
"Still angry?" Wang Rui bumped Huo Yuqing with his shoulder.

At the moment they were walking on a small path. On the side of the road, they could see the finely manicured vegetation and the Star Dou Forest. The plants were growing wantonly, and they looked different freely.

"They are cheating like this!" Huo Yuqing said angrily.

The girl's mood is not very beautiful, but Wang Rui is quite happy.

In Huo Yuqing's eyes, the yearning for Shrek has turned into disappointment, and it's no wonder that Scattered Beast is unhappy.

"I heard a lot of stories from my mother." Huo Yuqing frowned and said, "About the sea god ten thousand years ago, and the various legends left by Shrek on the mainland... I only know that this is a very great school. All students who can successfully graduate from this school will have a very good future, now it seems that Shrek is not what I thought."

"You shouldn't have too high expectations for Shrek Academy." Jiang Nannan shrugged, "Everyone had this kind of thought at the beginning, but... In short, welcome to Shrek, one only depends on your strength and background The place."

While they were talking, a small square appeared at the end of the road, on which were erected ten statues of Shrek Academy.

"Here, in front are the statues of the founder and the original Shrek Seven Monsters."

"Speaking of the founder of Shrek Academy..." Wang Rui thought for a while, and decided not to torture everyone's ears with a series of bloody love triangles, so he said pertinently, "The one in the middle is Flender, he Inaugurated the tradition of Shrek Academy charging high and non-refundable tuition fees. The one next to him is the legendary master Yu Xiaogang, the teacher of Tang San, the sea god, and the representative work of the summary of the top ten common sense in the Wuhun world.

Then on the other side is Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang's cousin and also his wife.Well, their family has basically held the position of dean of Shrek Academy since then, and passed it down from father to son. In short, Shrek Academy is almost their family's property. "

Jiang Nannan strained her ears, listening with gusto.Even if she is studying in the outer courtyard, she doesn't know these specific gossip.

Behind the three founders are the original Shrek Seven Monsters lined up.

A beautiful girl stood at the foot of Ning Rongrong's statue. She had very neat short blond hair, big water blue eyes, long and curled eyelashes, and a few cute little freckles scattered on her cheeks.

Wang Rui glanced at her and didn't pay much attention.

"Ah, behind them are the Shrek Seven Monsters..." he said in a brisk tone, "I'll tell you a secret, although there is a saying in the mainland that only Tang San became the God of the Sea, in fact these seven became gods in the end. "

The girl showed a somewhat surprised expression, and then she nodded towards them with a friendly smile.

"Student, from what you said, you seem to know a lot about the first generation of Shrek Seven Monsters?" The girl asked with a little deliberate curiosity in Wang Rui's opinion.

"Yes, the elder told me." Wang Rui shrugged, he could roughly guess who the girl was.

This girl was also wearing a white school uniform, and her gaze just now was fixed on the statue of Ning Rongrong, which was naturally Ning Tian, ​​the young master of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School.

"Are you a freshman too?" Ning Tian tilted his head and said with a smile, "Actually, I'm also interested in the story of the original Shrek Seven Monsters. If we have time in the future, can we find a chance to chat?"

"no problem."

"Okay, we'll talk again when we have a chance." Ning Tian nodded politely, turned and left.

Wang Rui stared at her back thoughtfully.

It seems that the news of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is very well-informed. During the time between his registration and the end of Huo Yuqing's assessment, Ning Tian should have known that there was a freshman with unknown background who entered the school... It seems that she wanted to create a common topic, and then look for opportunities to win over yourself.

Nine Treasures Glass... Wang Rui squinted his eyes, recalling the way Ning Tian looked at the statue of Ning Rongrong... It seemed that she was not so respectful to the ancestors of her sect.

Suddenly, he felt his sleeve being tugged.

"Wang Rui, I'm from the Star Luo Empire, can you tell me about White Tiger Douluo and Nether Douluo?" Huo Yuqing asked.

Wang Rui vaguely felt that Huo Yuqing seemed a little unhappy, but he couldn't think of the specific reason.

"White Tiger Douluo and Nether Douluo? They have inherited the positions of the God of War and the God of Speed ​​respectively..." He had an expression that didn't seem to be a big deal, "In the legends circulating in the mainland, the White Tiger Douluo is very loyal and has only one wife in his life. But in fact... Hey, there are too many women who have sex with him.

Huo Yuqing's eyes widened.

"You also know that the first White Tiger Douluo was the emperor of Xingluo. In order to make his throne not cheap to others, he and his wife left a descendant before going to the God Realm, but they rushed to the God Realm without much education." A look of confusion appeared on Rui's face.

"But what he doesn't know is that he provoked a lot of women during his studies in Shrek, and naturally there are other blood descendants. This has caused a lot of trouble for his legitimate children...Xing Luo has always had brothers fighting In addition, he left in a hurry when he became a god, and his son didn't grow up. Even if he became a god, the god can't intervene in the human world... His subordinates and the Youming family had their own selfish intentions, and the Xingluo political situation at that time It's a mess."

Xing Dou also took advantage of this opportunity to quietly expand outwards a lot, but that's needless to say.

Wang Rui stared at Huo Yuqing with piercing eyes - don't worship such an incomprehensible old ancestor!At the end of the day, the second-level god scolded the super-first-level god and forced him to change his surname, which is really disgusting.

"It turns out that the white tiger's fickle heart is an old tradition..." Huo Yuqing muttered to herself, staring at Dai Mubai's statue in disgust.

But Wang Rui suddenly looked up at Ma Hongjun's statue as if he had noticed something.

A sharp-tailed swift flew over and squatted on top of the statue of Ma Hongjun.

"Tsk. Fatty, God Realm is so good. It's been 1 years, won't you come down and take a look?" Sharp-tailed Swift murmured, "1 years have passed... The Bai family has long since disappeared, you The Shrek you are thinking about is actually not very good. When you were still in the human world ten thousand years ago, your title was Phoenix Douluo. But now in Shrek's inheritance, your title has been changed to Evil Phoenix Douluo... Humph ! Evil Phoenix Douluo."

"I chose to accept help. My soul and my martial soul merged into one, and I was reincarnated as a soul beast. Maybe in this way we can meet again one day."

"It's just that I don't know what my feelings for you are now. Maybe it's love, but it doesn't seem to be anymore. But this feeling is already what I can grasp now, the only thing that belongs to the past." Jianwei Swift, no, Bai Chenxiang said in a low voice.

"Looking back at the relationship I had when I was young, it seems a little bit unreasonable. But after all, you were really good to me... Sigh, it's really useless to say so much, I just hope Ruishou's promise can be realized. .”

The sharp-tailed swift poured out at the statue, then flapped its wings and left.

 Today's serving is eel short.

(End of this chapter)

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