Chapter 400 Rebellion

"Jiang Ran has arrived at Buli Village!

“And, never left.

"Every entrance and exit of Buli Village is guarded by someone. If he makes the slightest move, we will detect it immediately."

Still in the same tea room.

The voice sounded a little urgent:

“This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there will never be a second chance!

"What are you hesitating about?"

"Whenever there is calm in big events, just be patient and don't be impatient."

The person holding the teacup in his hand took a sip and frowned slightly:

"There seems to be something wrong with today's tea..."

"You know how to act like a ghost all day long, but you still want to have a good cup of tea?

"I replaced all your tea leaves with grass leaves! Doesn't it taste sweet?"

The person opposite spoke angrily.


The tea drinker sighed and put down his teacup:

"I'm waiting for Lord Cicada's order."

These six words were like a immobilizing spell, completely immobilizing the person opposite him in an instant.

He frowned:

"When did you report this matter to Lord Cicada?"

"Just last night."

"...You and I are both silver cicadas, and among the blood cicadas, we are inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

“But even you and I don’t know who the Cicada Lord is.

"Even if you report, you and I should report at the same time, so that we can report this news to Lord Cicada...

"You are breaking the rules by reporting in private now."

"That was the old rule."

The man drinking tea said softly:

“The Golden Cicada has been established for as many years as the Blood Cicada.

“In recent decades, Blood Cicada has undergone earth-shaking changes.

“The Cicada Master lives in seclusion behind the scenes, and even you and I don’t know his true identity.

"Every matter in the Blood Cicada is handed over to you and me. Apart from that matter, Lord Cicada has nothing to ask of you and me.

"This also makes you more and more perverse!"

"Who do you think has developed a perverse attitude?"

The person on the other side was unconvinced.

The tea drinker said softly:

"This is a conspiracy...a visible conspiracy.

"Jiang Ran's departure from Beijing must be a lie.

"He has been wandering around the world and walking until now. Who doesn't know that this person is extremely intelligent?

"From the moment Xue Chan made his first move, he knew what we wanted to do.

"A gentleman can be deceived. He has indeed left the capital.

“We may seem to succeed, but in fact we will let down our guard against him!

"You said that there are people guarding all the entrances and exits of Buli Village... But you have to know that that person is Jiang Ran!

"He has at least a hundred ways to never leave the village without anyone noticing, but our people can't even smell his farts!"

The man opposite was still unconvinced, but he couldn't refute these words.

"What happens after that?"

The tea drinker said coldly:

"Jiang Ran left the capital, and the eldest princess went to ask for the emperor's order.

"The Holy One directly agreed to escort the eldest princess to Buli Village.

"This is the meat that makes you greedy... Don't think I don't know, what are you thinking?

"Even if he gets what he wants, so what? How many days can he sit still?

"Don't forget, there is Cicada Lord above this!

“Are you planning to turn your back on the Lord and seek glory?”

"Nonsense! How could I have planned this?"

When the person opposite heard this, he finally couldn't help it anymore:

"Okay, I know I have selfish motives, but...but isn't this a huge opportunity for you and me?"


The man drinking tea breathed out softly:

“It is indeed a good opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"But if I have to exchange my inheritance and my life for it... I don't intend to exchange it."

"You think too highly of them..."

“A sword has no life, a sword has no life!

"Dao Yizong Dao Que Zhenren!

"Shan Hai will be the first to submit a petition to Tu Lie!

"Baizhen will be the first to look at Yan Wushuang!

"There is also the Blood Sword Hall led by Jiang Ran's cheap disciple, Xuanyuan Yida.

"Even if the next three are not worth do you know that Duandongliu didn't have any arrangements in the capital back then?

" you still remember who Jiang Ran is?

"Does Tang Tianyuan really trust that a young master like him, who has not completely controlled the Demon Sect, will come to such a dangerous place like the capital?

"Shan Yuchan got involved with him and worked together in an affair. It can be said that they were an adulterer and an adulterous couple.

"Jiang Ran went to Buli Village first, how many demon sect masters will accompany Shan Yuchan?

"Have you ever calculated it?

“Not only that, Shen Tulie’s master is not an ordinary person either.

"I fought with him thirty years ago... Although his martial arts skills were weak at the time, he practiced boy's skills.

“The internal strength accumulated over the years must be extremely profound.

“Even though he is not a threat to you and me, he is still a strong opponent and should not be underestimated.

"Looking at the blood cicada, how many people can defeat this person? It's less than a palm!!"

When the person opposite heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched:

"Why is he wallowing in the rivers and lakes instead of pretending to be a peerless master in the palace?

"If that doesn't work, I'll just kill him right now."

"Killing him alone will not help."

The man drinking tea shook his head slightly:

"The most important thing is that Jiang Ran will definitely come on that day.

“How will you and I respond then?

"Are you confident facing him?"

"...Could it be that you are thinking too much?"

The man opposite frowned:

"What if...what if this was Jiang Ran's plan?

"I knew you would be timid before fighting, so you deliberately staged an empty city strategy to protect the eldest princess and allow her to reunite with him safely... You have to know that if we don't take advantage of this opportunity now.

"I'm afraid I'll never have another chance!"

"You want to use all of our lives and fortunes to bet that this is an empty city?"


The man opposite was speechless for a moment.

The man drinking tea sighed:

"That's why I said that Jiang Ran was using conspiracy.

“If we don’t take action within the capital, we can only do it outside the city.

"There is only one eldest princess in the city, but outside the city, she can even take down the emperor.

"But once these two opportunities are missed...then we might as well just send them to Qing Country."

"So what are your plans?"

"Kill the eldest princess directly in the city."

"But Jian Wusheng..."

"I will take action myself."


The man opposite was stunned, but he knew that this old friend had not made a move for many years.

But... facing Jian Wusheng...

He thought for a moment and said:

"Are you sure?"

"At least 60%."

The man drinking tea said:

"But there is another way to be 100% sure about this matter."

"what's up?"

"You come with me."


The person opposite suddenly realized that the so-called 60% certainty was actually achieved by killing Jian Wusheng and then killing the eldest princess.

In this way, there is a 60% certainty.

And if you include yourself, one of them will deal with Jian Wusheng, and the other will kill the eldest princess, no matter what, the result will be 100%.

He rolled his eyes for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth:

"Okay! Let's go now!"

"Don't be impatient."

"……What are you waiting for?"

"Order of Lord Cicada."

The tea drinker turned the cup in his hand:

“You and I are both silver cicadas, and every move we make must be reported to the Cicada Master.

"Princess Tomorrow and the others have just set off. Now, we still have time."

When the person opposite heard this, he felt bad.

He closed his eyes, his face changing from time to time, sometimes frowning, sometimes sighing...

In this way, I don't know how long passed, but the man drinking tea suddenly opened his eyes.

The window was suddenly pushed open by a strong wind.

Immediately after a trembling sound, something whizzed and was nailed to the wall.

That's a flag.

There is a vivid cicada on it.

The cicada's body was stained with blood and turned red.


The man drinking tea suddenly showed his figure, came directly to the flag, and took it down.

On the back is the content of Cicada Lord's order.

After he glanced at it, his expression paused slightly, and then he looked at his old friend.


The man saw something strange in his expression and quickly asked. After hesitating for a long time, the tea drinker slowly returned to the table and sat down. He placed the Cicada Lord's order on the table and said softly:

"Master Cicada forbids you and me to kill the eldest princess privately."


The man opposite was stunned.

Then I heard the man continue to say:

"In addition, Lord Cicada asked us to gather manpower...

"Set an ambush thirty-five miles away from the city.

"Kill the eldest princess first, then Shan Yuqi!"


The man opposite suddenly jumped up:

"What did I say? That's how it should be!!!"

Dancing with excitement for a moment.

However, after getting excited, he remembered what the old man said just now, and couldn't help but look at him:

"But what you said makes sense, so what should Jiang Ran do?"

“… Lord Cicada made it clear in his order that he has his own opinion on this matter and does not need to pay attention to it.

"We... can do as we are told!!"

The tea drinker reached out and placed the tea cup directly on the table:

“That being the case, there is nothing to hesitate about.

"Pass the order!!!"

"it is good!"

The man jumped up, turned around and came to the wall. He knocked on the wall a few times, and the secret door on the wall suddenly opened.

He went down the stairs and soon came to a room.

If Jiang Ran and Yan Wushuang were here, they would be able to recognize at a glance that the shape and layout of this room are exactly the same as the secret room where Changsun Wuji held Yan Wushuang under house arrest at that time!

The man came directly to the wall with a 'cicada'-shaped mark.

He took out a blood cicada from his arms and placed it squarely in it.

The next moment, the mechanism started to operate and the wall rose little by little.

A passage appeared!

And such passages and such rooms can be found throughout the capital.

This is the secret of the Blood Cicada and also their stronghold.

With the most central point as the core, it almost spreads throughout the capital.

When needed, all the passages will be opened, allowing blood cicada masters to pour out and appear in every street and alley of the capital as quickly as possible.



It would be February when Jiang Ran and others arrived in the capital.

Now a month has passed in a blink of an eye, it is warm spring in March, and the sheep are happy and the grass is growing.

Although the weather is still cold, everything has begun to recover.

In the early morning, this huge city gradually woke up. People walked out of their homes as usual, but they did not do things as usual.

Instead, they started talking in twos and threes on the street.

The eldest princess is about to go on a mission to Qingguo!

This news spread half a month ago, but the real time was confirmed yesterday.

This trip is for the peace of Qingguo and Jinchan.

Therefore, people naturally care.

At this time, the carriage of the eldest princess was also slowly moving forward.

The emperor is in front, the princess is behind, and the common people are in the way.

The grand occasion cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it is also a rare lively scene in the capital.

Some people were excited, some were worried, and some were pointing fingers at the people in the motorcade.

The old Taoist priest wearing a purple Taoist robe, holding a floating dust in his hand, and dressed in an immortal style is Dao Que Zhenren.

Sitting on the horse, dozing off and yawning loudly from time to time, it was Jian Wusheng.

But apart from these, although the common people have heard the names of other people, most of them have never seen them.

Some people saw their relatives and friends among the accompanying guards.

He waved his hands excitedly.

Naturally, the motorcade would not stop because of this, and just like that, among the people and escorted by civil and military officials, the group left from the city gate.

The ministers who had not been assigned to accompany him went back to their own business.

Only the carriages of the emperor and the eldest princess were left behind, and they rushed all the way towards the village.

Although there was a large number of people, there were guards from the Royal Forest Army, as well as masters from the Shanhaihui and Baizhenhui disguised as followers.

But everyone's actions were not slow.

The thirty-mile journey went by in a blink of an eye.

At noon, we just stopped by the roadside for a while, had something to eat and then continued our journey.

In the blink of an eye, we walked another three or four miles.

Master Dao Que suddenly raised his eyebrows, glanced ahead, and then said to an old eunuch not far away:

"This road is quite lively."

After he said this, he didn't take it seriously at all, but he didn't think the old eunuch could understand what he meant.

As a result, the old eunuch answered smoothly:

"This is what the title says."

After he finished speaking, his steps suddenly turned in the air and he walked straight into the distance.

A mile or two is really not too far.

As everyone looked, they could hear the old eunuch going deep into the bushes, and screams could be heard from within the bushes.

Several corpses were thrown out soon after.

The old eunuch then slowly walked out of the forest.

Dao Que's eyes lit up:

"It's so hidden?"

After finishing the sentence, before I could continue to praise, I heard the sound of "swish", "swish" and "breaking wind" one after another.

Arrows rained from the sky from behind the old eunuch.

At first glance, it looks like the old eunuch ordered an arrow to be fired.

In the motorcade, Emperor Jin Chan was sitting on the carriage, and not far away was the eldest princess.

The eldest princess looked at her royal brother, who didn't care about the outside world at all, and was still looking down at the memorial, and couldn't help but admired:

"At this time, are you still in the mood to review the memorial?

"Aren't you worried about the life of this dog emperor like you?"

"I see that you have been hanging out with Jiang Ran for too long, and you have become a man without a king or a father.

"I am the Dog Emperor, so who are you? The Dog Princess?"

Without even raising his head, Emperor Jin Chan tapped her forehead lightly with his pen:

"If you continue to behave like this, I will punish you."

"The big deal, I won't come back to the capital to hinder your eyes from now on..."


Emperor Jin Chan was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously raised his head to look at his sister.

Before he could speak, he heard the sound of a sword rising into the sky!

The piercing sword light suddenly lit up, and the wind happened to blow by at this time, which opened the curtain on the carriage, causing Emperor Jin Chan to look sideways.

At this moment, he felt as if there were thousands of swords coming towards him.

His spine suddenly straightened up, and a look of majesty appeared on his face.

At this moment, everyone in the convoy looked up and saw a sword energy that was one foot wide and seven or eight feet long rising into the sky!

As soon as the sky turned, the arrow rain in the sky was swept away.

"What a Seven Swordsman without Life!!"

Master Dao Que was like a complimenter, praising loudly again.

The emperor sat in the chariot, frowning:

"After all, he is also the imperial master, why are you making such a fuss... Dao Que, this old man's temper, can't be suppressed again."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the eldest princess:

"What did you just say?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a buzzing sound, as if something flew into the frame.

The eldest princess grabbed it casually, and when she lowered her head, she saw that it was an arrow.

The emperor took a look:

"It's a soul-chasing arrow, with a cross tip and an underhook. It can lock the bones. Even if it is pulled out, it will cost half a life.

"Back then, this was specially allocated to blood cicadas...

"Huh? Girl, you didn't tell me the truth.

"Who did that boy named Jiang offend?

"The person who wants to kill you this time is really from Qingguo?"

The eldest princess did not answer his subsequent questions, but just smiled and said:

"You said that after I solve the problem of Qingguo this time, I will follow Jiang Ran all over the world, okay?"


Emperor Jin Chan's face darkened:

"This is really unreasonable! Do you really have an affair?"

"He's probably a little bit rough on me, he doesn't quite believe me...

"However, I feel... a little different about him."

The eldest princess smiled and said:

"He has been away from the capital for just a few days, and it feels like there is an empty space in my heart.

"I actually wanted to stay with him... Well, but he is a romantic person by nature and has many confidantes around him.

"If they become consorts, I would be willing to tolerate them, but Wang Fa and the Tian family would not be willing to do so either.

"So, why don't I just stop being this princess? Marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. If you marry a wanderer, then follow him all over the world...

"Brother Imperial, do you think it's okay?"

“It’s okay!!

"You are the eldest princess of a dynasty. You can say these things, but can you still save face?"

Emperor Jin Chan was furious:

"Jiang Ran is really hateful. He beat my prince and even dared to abduct my sister!

"Let this guy come to see me!!!"

As soon as I finished saying this, I heard a loud bang!

The whole ground shook violently.

There were even more screams among the crowd.

The chariot shook and was about to be overturned on the spot. Emperor Jin Chan was grabbed by the arm by the eldest princess and jumped out of the carriage.

I saw countless men in black swarming out from all directions.

"Kill the princess and kill the faint king!

"The golden cicada dies, the blood cicada lives!!"

Roars came from all directions, and the sound was overwhelming.

Emperor Jin Chan's face darkened:

"Blood Cicada? Are you planning to rebel!?"

(End of this chapter)

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