Chapter 399 Passing on the Kung Fu

What was placed on the table was not tea cups and snacks, but a few side dishes and a jar of wine.

Jian Wusheng drank the wine in a bowl and felt very happy.

The eldest princess sat opposite him:

"Thank you, Master Sword, for coming to the rescue last night."

"No need to thank me...I'm just returning the favor."

That night Jiang Ran sold Jian Wusheng a favor.

Jian Wusheng promised to help him do three things unconditionally that did not violate the conscience of heaven and earth and the morality of the world.

The first thing Jiang Ran proposed was to let Jian Wusheng teach Shuang Xue the swordsmanship.

But Jian Wusheng believed that Ye Jingshuang and Ye Jingxue were already on their own paths.

The foundation is solid and the future is promising. There is no need for him to point fingers.

So he gave me a book of swordsmanship tips, and also added a book called "Yuxia Swordsmanship", which was in response to Jiang Ran's request.

Jiang Ran readily accepted this.

And Jiang Ran's second condition is to let Jian Wusheng protect the eldest princess while he is away from the capital!

Jiang Ran was indeed well prepared for Xue Chan's plan.

However, even Jiang Ran did not expect that they would threaten the lives of innocent people, and finally use public opinion to force Jiang Ran to leave the capital.

It's not that Jiang Ran can't stay and use these clues to track down the blood cicada.

But in this process, more people will inevitably die.

Although this can leave more clues...but what kind of master is needed to kill a few civilians?

In the end, Jiang Ran found him, and after killing batch after batch, how could he hurt the blood cicadas?

But those innocent people were really harmed.

Therefore, Jiang Ran directly found Jian Wusheng and asked Jian Wusheng to protect the eldest princess while he was away from the capital.

And Jian Wusheng's situation at that time was not good either.

The reason why he wanted to ask for the favor from Jiang Ran that night was because he was thinking of the last bit of kindness from that year.

Jian Wusheng reached an agreement with that person.

As long as he solves the crisis of Bloody Cicada Wings, the good brother Jian Wusheng has met will give him an explanation.

But... after the matter was done, Jian Wusheng arrived at the agreed place.

Except for the killer who had been hiding for a long time, there was no one else.

This fight didn't last long. Jian Wusheng's Seven Wusheng Swords were the best swordsmanship in the world.

Although the killer's martial arts are also very good, trying to kill him is still a bit inferior.

What's more, Mandu, who was named 'Yu Manmang' by Jiang Ran, has always been following Jian Wusheng.

Although he was lazy, it was extremely painful for him to follow someone like this, and he couldn't help but be lazy... He wanted to find a place to sleep before going to find Jian Wusheng.

But in the end he still gritted his teeth and followed.

In the end, although he failed to catch up with the beginning of the assassination, he caught up with the end.

Therefore, the most secret sword of Xue Chan's assassination Jian Wusheng was destroyed.

After Jian Wusheng knew that Yu Manman was sent by Jiang Ran, he ignored him and went to find a place to drink.

When Jiang Ran found him, he was already drunk.

However, they had the same purpose and had already agreed, so Jian Wusheng packed up his things and came to the princess mansion honestly.

Jian Wusheng was born free and easy, and he traveled all over the world with his sword. Even when he was frustrated, he never did anything to him.

Now it’s time to eat and drink, but my mouth is so full that I can’t even speak clearly.

After finally swallowing it hard, he said to the eldest princess:

"Don't worry, since I promised Jiang Ran, I will protect you during this period of time.

“Then we must do it.

"Even if some master comes that I can't resist, then I will at least die in front of the princess."


The eldest princess looked at Jian Wusheng, who had no grace in front of her, and smiled casually:

"Then there's Mr. Lao."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and left.

"your Highness……"

Jian Wusheng suddenly spoke.

The eldest princess paused slightly:

"Sword Master, is there anything else?"

"Can you really get what you want?"

Jian Wusheng raised his eyes and looked at the eldest princess:

"Time is running out."

"I...believe him."

A smile appeared on the corner of the eldest princess's mouth, causing a flash of astonishment in Jian Wusheng's eyes.

Then he laughed:

"It turns out that rumor is true."


The eldest princess was stunned:

"What rumor did Sword Master say?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Jian Wusheng waved his hand:

"Elder Princess, just go and do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, he took another wine jar and poured himself a bowl of wine.

Although the eldest princess was a little confused, she never got to the bottom of it. After all, it was Jian Wusheng in front of her, not Jiang Ran.

Immediately nodded slightly, turned and left.

It wasn't until the eldest princess's back was no longer visible that Jian Wusheng put down the wine bowl and touched his chin.

“Duckweed in rivers and lakes, golden branches and jade leaves.

"Hmm...a good story or a joke? Let's wait and see..."



The horses' hooves trampled on the road, making a tapping sound.

The huge wheels pressed against the official road, stirring up dust and sand all over the sky.

This is a carriage... The carriage is very big, with two floors above and below, and six huge wheels on the left and right.

There are a total of thirteen BMWs in front, otherwise, it would not be enough to pull the car up.

Of course, although this car is large, the space is still a bit cramped when there are many people.

Next to the window on the left, Tang Shiqing and Tang Huayi were playing chess in a serious manner.

Tang Huayi has become more and more arrogant recently, and Tang Shiqing feels that she needs to temper this girl's arrogance. Playing chess is a good way to temper her character.

And close to the two of them were Jingshuang Jingxue on one side of the bed.

Their two palms were touching each other and they were practicing their skills silently.

Yuxia Sword Technique is not only a set of sword techniques, but also a set of mental techniques.

Two people practicing together can make the practitioners connect with each other.

And if these two people are twin brothers and sisters, they can get twice the result with half the effort.

It has been more than half a month since the two of them obtained this sword technique.

Now it is getting better.

With this mental method as the foundation, even if the two people are not performing the Yuxia sword technique, they can still combine the two swords and cooperate seamlessly.

The ground was full of cars running around, sometimes looking at Shuangxue and others, sometimes looking at Tian Miaomiao poetically.

This girl doesn't have much sense of presence recently, and she's almost going crazy in the princess' mansion.

After leaving the capital and getting on the carriage, he was followed by a pair of erha.

There are new worlds everywhere.

Jiang Ran, who was reading a book on one side in confusion, couldn't help but glance at her:

"Can't you just stop for a while?

"Look at Miss Chu, how quiet she is?"

Tian Miaomiao turned to look at Chu Yunniang.

Chu Yunniang was kneeling on the ground mopping the floor. She was probably very accustomed to her role now.

But Tian Miaomiao, who calls herself the 'bed-warming maid', is even more dedicated to her duties.

Try your best to dispel Jiang Ran's doubts about her.

However, the longer she stayed with Jiang Ran, the less she understood Jiang Ran.

He is not as violent and cold-blooded as the people in the Demon Cult. She wonders if he deliberately gave herself the illusion. Chu Yunniang even felt that he was soft-hearted many times.

Although once he identifies an enemy, he will never show mercy when he strikes.

But he would consider the life and death of the people, even if those people wanted to drive him out of the capital because they were instigated.

And as a member of the Demon Cult...

Under such circumstances, shouldn't what he should do be mobilize the Demon Cult members and bloodbath the capital?

There are many similar things.

At the beginning, Chu Yunniang could still comfort herself.

He said that this devil acted it out for him.

But slowly she realized that it didn't look like an act... Because of many things, this person probably forgot that she was still with him.

Everything he does comes from what he thinks.

He is such a person.

This made Chu Yunniang unable to believe that the contemporary young master of the Demon Cult was actually an upright young man with a chivalrous heart!

Go to hell!

How can it be?

Even if there were a thousand evidences in front of her, Chu Yunniang still couldn't completely believe this setting.

Therefore, she decided that no matter whether she could gain Jiang Ran's trust or not, she planned to stay by Jiang Ran's side and take a good look at what kind of person the future Demon Lord was.

If he is truly kind and has chivalry in his heart.

Then do I really want to kill him for the sake of justice in the world?

He has done no harm to the integrity of the world!

His position is no longer tenable.

On the other hand, if everything about him is fake, then naturally there will be nothing to hesitate about. As for leaving Jiang Ran, and then making this identity public.

That's what she thought at first.

But now the idea has disappeared.

Jiang Ran has unparalleled martial arts skills and is now an example of the right path. Before he did anything that would endanger the world, if he rashly did this, besides causing a bloody storm in the world, what else would it do?

Therefore, she had already given up this idea.

At this time, Jiang Ran spoke.

She turned back and glanced at Jiang Ran, her eyes certainly not particularly friendly.

But there was no fear and tit-for-tat as there was at the beginning.

He just looked at him rather complainingly, and then continued to work on his own affairs.

He stood up, walked to Jiang Ran, and gave him a cup of tea.

Seeing this, Tian Miaomiao followed suit and opened a tea cup and poured another cup of tea for Jiang Ran:

"Master, have tea."

After finishing speaking, he opened another one:

"Master, drink tea..."

Then he continued to flip through... A moment later, Jiang Ran had six full teacups placed in front of him.

The vein on Jiang Ran's forehead popped up with a pop:

"Are you going to give me a confession?"

Staring at her angrily, Jiang Ran put down the book in his hand and went upstairs.

There are a group of people upstairs...

Wu Di and Wu Niangzi.

The two of them were staying upstairs.

Zhao Chen lives next door.

Yes, this time Zhao Chen also left the capital with Jiang Ran.

Just because Jiang Ran told him at that time.

If he could achieve success in his studies and gain some understanding before he left Beijing, then Jiang Ran would seriously accept him as his disciple.

What Jiang Ran didn't expect was.

Zhao Chen actually cultivated a ray of true energy.

Although this is far from being an introduction, it is beyond Jiang Ran's imagination.

The Zhengxin Sutra of Creation is known as the most difficult martial arts in the world.

In less than a month, Zhao Chen cultivated an extremely pure internal power... It is hard to say what his talent is at this time. The practice of internal power sometimes depends not only on talent, but also on understanding. A lot of it is just chance.

But this person's concentration is evident.

Therefore, Jiang Ran took this person under the wall and planned to train him carefully.

It's just that he is a bit old, so how far can he go in the future?

Jiang Ran wasn't sure either.

After seeing Jiang Ran, Wu Di and Zhao Chen both stood up and saluted at the same time.

Jiang Ran waved his hand gently, then glanced at Zhao Chen:

"How's your practice going?"

Zhao Chencheng was terrified:

"My disciple is stupid. My teacher taught me the magical skills that are infinitely mysterious. I have tried my best but I haven't made much progress. I still ask my teacher to punish me."

But he was terrified in his heart.

He didn't even know what it was about him that was worthy of Jiang Ran's attention.

I originally thought that I could stay in the capital for ten days and a half, but I learned a little bit about Jiang Ran's abilities.

Returning to Jinyang Mansion means you can honor your ancestors.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ran actually made himself salute before leaving Beijing.

Entered the sword fairy gate wall!

Now I feel very uneasy day and night, fearing that Jiang Ran is temporarily confused.

Turning back, I thought that this apprentice was really worthless. With a wave of his hand, he was driven out of the door... Then his dream was completely shattered.

Maybe because I was too scared, I would even have nightmares at night, and I would be in a cold sweat every time I woke up.

What's more, Jiang Ran taught him the Creation Zhengxin Sutra, although he had already cultivated an internal force.

However, it is extremely difficult to strengthen this inner strength. Gradually, it has lost its original intention of not gaining or losing.

So that it is difficult to make any progress.

Although Jiang Ran had never had an in-depth discussion with him on this matter, he could see what he was thinking.

Just a smile:

"I'm afraid it's not that there isn't much entry, but that it's difficult to move forward, right?"

Zhao Chen's face turned pale and he knelt on the ground with a plop:

"Disciple is stupid... please, please also ask my mentor..."

I wanted to say, 'Please ask my mentor to expel me as a disciple', but I didn't dare to say this, and I was reluctant to say it.

Jiang Ran reached out and pulled him up from the ground:

"Okay, okay, my teacher hasn't said anything yet, why do you keep kneeling down?

"In the future, under my sect, this kind of problem must be corrected..."

As he spoke, he pulled Zhao Chen to sit down and asked Wu Di to sit down as well.

However, Wu Di saw that the master and apprentice had something to say, so he apologized and took Mrs. Wu to the platform on the second floor.

There is another cage over there, and Yi Cangming is locked in the cage.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran did not stop him. After thinking for a moment, he said:

“The inheritance of our sect lies in the Jingshen Jiu Dao.

"There is no special emphasis on internal strength... Your master, Gengjue, has never taught me the inner strength and mental methods.

“The internal strength of my body is all obtained from Ziye Jianghu.

“However, as my disciple, I don’t want you to follow my old path.

"Therefore, my teacher would like to ask you today, I have three internal skills for you to choose from. Which one do you want to learn?"

"It all depends on the teacher!!"

Zhao Chen blurted out without even thinking about it.

Jiang Ran accepted him as his disciple, which was a blessing from heaven.

Now that he is being taught internal skills, how can he dare to be picky?

Jiang Ran glanced at him and chuckled:

"You are worried. What are you worried about?"

Zhao Chen was stunned and gritted his teeth gently:

"Disciple... Disciple is worried that my mentor feels that this disciple is not worthy of training, so he will expel me from his discipleship."

"I guess so."

Jiang Ran smiled dumbly:

"You are too unsure of yourself.

"The reason why I accepted you as a master is by no means a moment of confusion. As long as you don't deceive the master and destroy your ancestors, there is no reason to expel you from the master even if you have learned nothing.

"Just don't worry."

When Zhao Chen heard this, his heart completely fell back into his stomach.

Jiang Ran continued:

“You don’t need to pay too much attention to the martial arts of the Creation Zhengxin Sutra.

"Although this is a magical skill that I majored in as a master.

“However, this martial art is really difficult to master.

“If you look around the world, you won’t be chosen by others.

"Therefore, my master has prepared three exercises for you... One is the Confucian secret [Haoran Zhengqi Book], which cultivates Haoran Zhengqi.

"Use this righteousness to scare away evil spirits.

“This is Qianjun Academy’s unique ability.

“It was a coincidence that I was able to learn this skill as a teacher.

"When I teach it to you later, I have to make some changes. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be trouble when I meet the people from Qianjun Academy.

"The second martial arts is the [Great Brahma Vajra Technique] from the Great Brahma Chan Academy in Qingguo.

“This martial arts gave me a lot of help when I first entered the world as a master.

“The Vajra Dharma in it has endless wonderful uses.

“King Kong has angry eyes and is as motionless as a mountain…all have their own merits.

"There are also methods such as the Brahma Prajna Palm and the Brahma's World-Transmitting Finger, which are extraordinary.

"However, when learning this martial art, you have to pay attention... It's okay in Jinchan territory. If you go to Qing Kingdom and are seen by people from Dafan Zen Temple, be careful that they will arrest you and become a monk.

"Of course, this martial art has undergone many changes through the hands of my master. It is completely different from the past. You don't need to worry too much."

When Zhao Chen heard this, he suddenly felt a bit toothache.

Why is it that my master’s martial arts are all unique skills of other sects?

Could it be that our own creation is the True Heart Sutra?

At least if you learn this martial arts, you don’t have to worry about being beaten when you go out, or being arrested to become a monk...

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Jiang Ran say:

"The third door is [Leng Yue Dafa]. If you learn this martial art, you don't have to worry about being beaten or caught when you go out.

“The last generation of inheritors of this martial arts teamed up with their senior brothers to kill their mentor.

“The inheritance of their martial arts has been discontinued.

“In the end it fell into my hands.

“However, this martial arts is of a cold nature… Although men’s practice will not have a great impact, it is not as unique as women’s.

"Well, that's basically it. You choose one."

As for martial arts such as [God's Will Hanging Immortal Magic Skill], or [Ten Thousand Shadows Invisible Sword] and [Great Freedom Demon Ten Thousand Thoughts Technique], Jiang Ran does not intend to use them at this time.

After Zhao Chen thought about it for a while, he already had the answer:

"This disciple is willing to practice the [Leng Yue Dharma], and I would like to ask my mentor to fulfill my wish."

Jiang Ran was about to nod when he heard Tian Miaomiao rushing upstairs:

"Master, Lao Luo and Lao Li, let me tell you that Buli Village has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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