Chapter 274 Shocking Snow
The person who came was cautious enough and patient enough.

The method of collecting breath is even more exquisite.

With Jiang Ran's internal strength, after entering the room, he was not able to spot this person right away.

It can be seen.

Therefore, Jiang Ran was very curious, who is this person?
Someone just cast a spell in the yard today and bewitched the people under his control.

And caused great confusion.

This gave this person an opportunity to take advantage of.

Could it be that this person and the person who caused the poison are the same person?
While he was lying here, although he was snoring loudly, he was still thinking about this matter in his mind.

And as the footsteps gradually approached, the faint sound of a sword being unsheathed could be heard.

With a sword?

Jiang Ran was slightly startled.

But at this moment, the extremely sharp sword edge had arrived.

Although Jiang Ran had not opened his eyes, he knew very well that the sword was in front of his face.

What a fast sword!

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a huffing sound was heard.

The entire bedding was shaken by his internal force and flew up, and was plucked directly towards the opponent's head.

The visitor was also surprised.

He had been waiting here for a full hour, and he was sure that Jiang Ran was asleep, but unexpectedly, he was not asleep yet.

Moreover, I have already thought of a way to deal with the situation.

Once there is a commotion, I'm afraid something bad will happen.

Therefore, when he shook the long sword in his hand, he heard a hiss and the sound of cracking silk, and the quilt was immediately cut into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the figure turned around and went straight to the window.

But at this moment, there was nothing in front of the window, and suddenly there was another person.

It's Jiang Ran!

His five fingers turned into claws and he grabbed the void:
"Come on, just stay."

The sound is not loud, but it is pleasant to the ears.

The person who came was wearing black clothes and his face was covered. For a moment, he couldn't see his true appearance. He saw the person's figure turn around, and layers of sword energy wrapped around his body. Then the sword turned around and struck out with a powerful sword.

hum! ! !
Jiang Ran's fingers were full of strength.

The opponent's sword edge is also extraordinary.

As soon as the two touched, energy suddenly swept across them.

But it was carefully controlled by two people at the same time so as not to spread too far.

Obviously they don't want the fight in this room to attract the attention of outsiders.

The visitor was stunned when he saw this, and subconsciously looked up at Jiang Ran.

He didn't want to attract others' attention because he had his own ideas. Jiang Ran had no reason and didn't want to attract attention... After all, he was the one being assassinated.

Unless, he also has some shameful reason?
With this thought in mind, he turned the long sword in his hand, moved the sword's edge horizontally, took half of the sword's strength, and slashed diagonally.

However, the next moment, a dinging sound was heard.

Jiang Ran used his two fingers to make a sword, and lightly tapped the man's sword, which made a sound of gold and iron.

The sound is crisp, but not loud.

It’s enough to scare people!

I just feel that when I see this person's martial arts in the daytime, he is all in a big way, and he is taking the path of defeating ten levels with one force.

But he didn't expect that he could use two fingers to make a knife in such a small area. The knife's power was so strange and exquisite.

For a moment, he felt a little unconvinced.

I saw him taking a step back, the long sword in his hand spinning out three sword flowers one after another, covering the three large acupoints on Jiang Ran's body with one finger from afar.

Jiang Ran frowned slightly and waved lightly.

In the blink of an eye, the two men exchanged three or five moves, one with his sword and the other with his fingers.

Jiang Ran put one hand behind his back, his posture was cool and unrestrained, and he looked like a master.

However, the visitor only felt that every time he fought with Jiang Ran, the vibration of the sword caused pain in the tiger's mouth. After three or five times, the sword seemed like a trapped dragon that was about to escape at any time, trying to escape.

Half of the forearm was numb.

If this continues, I'm afraid I'm going to really suffer... today.

His mind was confused and his swordsmanship lost its order.

Jiang Ran clamped the sword blade between his two fingers, and then stepped forward. He restrained the sword blade with his two fingers and pushed it forward. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the visitor.

The visitor was startled and raised a palm to force Jiang Ran back.

But Jiang Ran swept with one hand, and his palm seemed to hit the wall.

The shock in my heart this time was beyond what I could describe before.

Because of this palm, he had tried his best.

The palm power is powerful, although it is not shown externally, but looking at the world, there are probably not many people who can downplay what comes next.

Now that the strength is tilted, the arm involuntarily bounces outward.

Immediately after Jiang Ran grabbed him, he felt a chill on his face. The mask had been taken away by Jiang Ran:

"It's really you!"

Jiang Ran heard these four words, and the visitor's face darkened. But before he could speak, his throat tightened. Jiang Ran grabbed him from the ground, stepped forward, and pressed him against the wall. :

"Unexpectedly, the real Bai Xichao likes to go into women's boudoirs in the middle of the night to steal fragrance and jade.

"The fake Bai Xichao is obviously a woman, but she likes to go into men's rooms and do whatever she wants... Are you attracted to that piece of meat on my body?"


The person Jiang Ran grabbed by the neck and pressed against the wall was Bai Xichao whom he had seen during the day.

And this person is a woman... Only Jiang Ran and her know this matter.

During the day, when Jiang Ran reached out and grabbed her chest, he really caught something he shouldn't have.

It would be fine if Jiang Ran didn't notice, it would be like being bitten by a dog.

Looking back, we can also settle accounts slowly.

But Jiang Ran actually knew!
How dare you threaten yourself with this matter... It's really hateful.

Therefore, she came here in the middle of the night to avenge this frivolous act.

Unexpectedly, this person's martial arts skills were far more amazing than what he showed.

In this fight, although there was some room left at the beginning, in the last palm, she had tried her best... and the result was still not as good as this person's chance.

Now she knows two things.

Tong Qianjin hides deeply...

The second thing is that I exposed this matter myself. I am afraid that I will die or not live tonight!
As for being teased by Jiang Ran, she didn't take it seriously after hearing the words.

Of course, you still have to scold when you should.

"You said she is a girl?"

Above the bed, a voice suddenly came.

This voice naturally comes from Tang Huayi.

However, this sound almost frightened 'Bai Xichao' to death.

She sneaked in after Jiang Ran left the room. Jiang Ran was conceited and didn't close the door, which gave her a good opportunity.

But from that moment until now, she thought she and Jiang Ran were the only two people in the room.

How could there suddenly be another person?

Who is this guy?
She followed the sound and saw Tang Huayi at a glance.

But she was wearing the clothes of the Qunfeng Sanren whom she had seen during the day.

Why did Qunfeng Sanren suddenly turn into a delicate little girl?
At this moment, 'Bai Xichao' felt that her brain was a little weak.

But when he looked at Jiang Ran again, he became even more angry:

"You're actually still in the room, hidden in the golden house?"

Jiang Ran grabbed her neck with a little more force. He felt that it was probably because he was merciful that the girl could still speak.

But Jiang Ran disagreed with her words:

"You call this coquettish?"

Jiang Ran glanced at Tang Huayi.

Sure enough, Tang Huayi's willow eyebrows stood up:

"What did you say? Can you say it again if you have the ability?"

Jiang Ran laughed and turned to look at 'Bai Xichao':
"You are not Bai Xichao. I knew it from the first time I saw you... But I didn't expect that you were actually a woman...

"Who are you? Tell me a name so I don't kill the wrong person."

"Kill if you want. No matter who I am, what you did to me has already made you and I hell-bent on death."

'Bai Xichao' looked at Jiang Ran with a gloomy expression.

Tang Hua was stunned:

"What did you do to her?"

Jiang Ran frowned slightly and could only explain a little:
"I didn't know whether she was a boy or a girl at the time, so how could I care so much?"

Tang Huayi was furious:
"You still have the nerve to say...

"Why don't you do this to me?"

"More shameless!"

The girl who was being pinched by the neck was a little angry when she heard Tang Huayi say such shameless words.

Jiang Ran felt that this matter seemed to be slipping in a weird direction.

He immediately waved his hand and said, "That's all, don't bother with this. It's okay if you don't tell me. I'll just take care of it myself."

As he said this, he stretched out his hand to rub the side of Bai Xichao's cheek.

'Bai Xichao' wanted to dodge, but couldn't.

It felt like Jiang Ran's fingers were rough and he was doing random things on his face, and his eyes were filled with fierceness for a moment.

Jiang Ran didn't care about this. After a moment, he had already lifted the human skin mask off her face.

With a gentle tug, the entire mask fell into Jiang Ran's hands.

The next moment, the two people standing on the ground and sitting on the bed were dumbfounded.

They stared at the girl who was pressed against the wall by Jiang Ran with a stubborn and angry look on her face. They looked at each other for the last time and said in unison:

"How to do?"

After he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, followed by another sentence:
"You ask me?"

The girl on the wall was also stunned, but her mind was moving very quickly:
"You know me?"

Jiang Ran looked back at her, thought for a long time, finally sighed, let go and let her body fall to the ground.

Before she could say anything else, Jiang Ran tapped several acupoints on her body.

The figure was frozen in place for a moment.

The girl was stunned, and then said with some horror:

"I'm telling you, if you want to kill, just kill... don't act recklessly."

Jiang Ran glanced at her:
"Why are you here?"

"I'm not here... I should... wait, why do you know I'm not Bai Xichao? And why do you know I shouldn't be here..."

When she said this, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Jiang Ran:

"You... are you..."

As he spoke, he wanted to grab Jiang Ran's face, but he forgot that his acupuncture points were tapped and he couldn't move at all. He couldn't help but struggle:
"Let me go. If it were you, why would you tap my acupuncture points?"

Tang Huayi had already gotten off the bed and came to Jiang Ran and the girl.

The girl looked at Tang Huayi and suddenly her face changed drastically:

", since you have such a foxy girl by your side, why do you still show mercy to my sister?"

"Who do you call Hu Meizi?"

Tang Huayi was furious, but he didn't move up to her.

Just because the person disguised as 'Bai Xichao' was no one else, it was Ye Jingxue who was separated from Jinyang Mansion and was supposed to go to Huweiguan with the heroes of the Seven Sects!
Unexpectedly, she obeyed and walked away, turned around, disguised herself as Bai Xichao, and ran directly into the Liuyuan.

And Ye Jingxue is not an idiot.

Just now, out of despair and anger, he lost his usual calmness.

So when I heard Jiang Ran say for the first time, "I knew you were not Bai Xichao as soon as I saw you," I skipped it.

I didn't react until later.

Who can know that he is not Bai Xichao when he sees her for the first time.

Of course he is the one who knows what will happen to Bai Xichao.

Bai Xichao finally died in Jiang Ran's hands. Not many people knew about this.

Combined with this, this person also knows where he should be now.

Except for Jiang Ran, the people who knew about this matter were all in Jinyang Mansion and Huweiguan.

And someone who can know these two things at the same time...

And the only person who reacted like this after seeing himself... was Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran's head hurt at this time.

This was to avoid Tang Huayi, but another Ye Jingxue got in.

She is indeed a sister-in-law, do they all have the same brain circuits?
It's just that Tang Huayi was obedient, but Ye Jingxue didn't listen at all, and he was too good at making his own decisions.

Now that we are in danger...what should we do?
Seeing that these two people were about to quarrel over the words "Hu Meizi" again, Jiang Ran had no choice but to shout in a deep voice:

"Okay, you all don't say a few words!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Jingxue and Tang Huayi snorted at the same time out of habit, and then turned away from looking at each other.

Then Ye Jingxue's expression changed.

She looked at Tang Huayi in astonishment:
"It's you……"

She is too familiar with this scene.

Every time he quarreled with 'Li Tianxin', Jiang Ran would come out to smooth things over in the end, and then the two of them would take a step back, and neither would give in to the other and snort at each other and turn their heads.

Isn't this situation exactly the same as before?
But she couldn't understand how the good-natured Li Tianxin suddenly turned into a charming and charming girl.

But at the same time, I also figured out some things.

If Li Tianxin's true identity is a girl...

Then there was a reason why she and he disliked each other.

"So you are Li Tianxin! I said, how can there be such a graceless man in this world!"

Ye Jingxue looked at Tang Huayi and then at Jiang Ran:

"What the hell are you doing?

"What's going on with Li Tianxin?"

Jiang Ran looked at Ye Jingxue, thought for a moment, then looked at Tang Huayi, and finally sighed:
"How about you first?
"What's the matter with you? How did you know Bai Xichao's face?
"I clearly asked you to go to Huweiguan, why do you still come to Liuyuan?"

Ye Jingxue was silent. After a while, she glanced at Jiang Ran:
"Now...I don't know whether I should believe you or not."

"Me too."

Jiang Ran sighed:

"Your sister and I have an old relationship..."

"Just old?"

Ye Jingxue gave him a cold look.

Tang Huayi also looked at him coldly:
"Don't fool this little girl. Just because you are old, you can sleep in the same room?"

This sudden disruption was unexpected by Jiang Ran.

Ye Jingxue's eyes widened as expected:

" it is my sister doing now? She...she must have had a secret knot, right? So she made an excuse to go back to the school and not join the world with you?"
"It's been so long, so it's time to show off your pregnancy.

" sister treats you so much, but you don't stay with her to take care of her, and you still get involved with this foxy girl. You...are you worthy of my sister?"

Tang Huayi's words made Ye Jingxue's mind play countless movies that were not suitable for children.

Immediately afterwards, I figured out how many subsequent plots there were.

At this moment, I am even thinking about whether, as my aunt, I should make boys’ clothes or girls’ clothes for my child?
Jiang Ran's head was buzzing after hearing this, and he waved his hands quickly:
“Have you all forgotten where this place is?

"Can you please stop talking about these messy things... Although your sister and I rested in the same room, it was just for safety reasons and we didn't do anything deviant!"


Tang Huayi was the first to not believe it.

Ye Jingxue didn’t believe it for the second time:

"You still treated me like that during the day... How my sister treats you has been heard in the world for a long time.

"Can you hold back?"

"Did I do that on purpose?"

Jiang Ran suddenly collapsed: "I didn't know it was you at all, let alone a woman. At that time..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Ran paused.

Ye Jingxue also reacted and glanced at Tang Huayi:
“You were the one who attacked me and pushed me towards him.

"Could it be that you two are...forget it, it's probably not the case.

"I was standing in Bai Xichao's face.

"You thought I was someone pretending to be someone else, so you came here to test me.

"Then you found out that I was a woman... so you asked me to get out?"

Jiang Ran didn't say anything. He suddenly caught something he shouldn't have caught, and even he was a little confused.

But he asked her to get out because the identity of 'Bai Xichao' itself was a trouble and it was inappropriate to stay with her.

It is only proper to let her leave and then send someone to monitor her.

It's just that he didn't plan to tell the people in front of him about these things, but said:

“All in all, your sister and I have an extraordinary relationship.

"I promised before your parents' graves that I would take good care of her for the rest of my life.

"You are her sister, and I should have taken care of you as my own sister.

“It’s just that some of the things that happened afterwards made me doubtful.

"Today we meet in this dangerous situation and in this way.

"I don't have many ways to deal with you...

“Either, let’s be honest and tell the situation as clearly as possible.

"Then we worked together to break through the mystery of Liuyuan.

"Either I will knock you out now, then go out to find a scapegoat, put on this human skin mask, and pretend that Bai Xichao was beaten to death.

“Anyway, no one in Liuyuan will investigate.

"You just stay in my room feeling aggrieved until the incident in Liuyuan is over, and then I let you out.

"When the time comes, we will ignore the past and the aftermath. What do we do and continue to do? What do you think?"

After hearing this, Ye Jingxue was slightly silent:

"You...doubt me because of my martial arts?"

Jiang Ran didn't talk nonsense when he heard this, and said bluntly:
"Yes, your martial arts skills are far superior to Jingshuang. Where did it come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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