Chapter 273 Tian Youfang

Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi looked at each other.

Tang Huayi's body swayed and he reached the bed. He stretched out his hand to cover his body with the quilt, curled up into a ball, and after his bones crackled, his figure became inconspicuous.

It seemed like just a pile of bedding on the bed.

The reason why she hid was not to jump out of the window.

It was because the screams outside were now in chaos and everyone was on alert. If she left rashly, if anyone noticed, things would be bad.

The best way now is to hide in Jiang Ran's room.

Wait until things calm down before leaving.

Jiang Ran casually grabbed the big knife standing beside the bed, got up and went out with a curse.

Taking one step forward, there was an angry shout:

"Which bastard stays up so late at night, why are you yelling and screaming?"

As he spoke, he ran out the door and saw Old Dog Chen coming out of the room.

He yawned, rubbed his eyes, looked at Jiang Ran and was about to bow.

Jiang Ran waved his hand:

"You're here just in time, go with me, catch this guy who likes to yell in the middle of the night, and beat him to death."

Chen Laogou laughed dryly, thinking that you probably didn't need to beat him. The man who was screaming so miserably was probably dead.

Following Jiang Ran out, he looked back at Jiang Ran's door:
"Boss, you didn't close the door."

"Come back and talk about it."

Jiang Ran didn't take it seriously and went out with Chen Laogou. With a glance, many people around him rushed out of the room.

There were others coming towards him.

It was the so-called lackeys he had accepted earlier.

Before the visitor could speak, Jiang Ran had already passed him and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

When they arrived, they saw a circle of people surrounding them, pointing at one of them.

Jiang Ran shouted angrily:

"Step aside!!"

With a roar, the crowd immediately separated.

Jiang Ran stepped forward and was about to reach for the man's neck collar when he heard a voice from the side saying:
"Boss, don't touch it."

Jiang Ran paused and glanced at the person who spoke, but it was that sloppy man.

"It's you?"

Jiang Ran frowned:
"What's wrong with this man?"

Looking back, I saw that the man on the ground had a dark purple complexion, and there was no white in his eyes, and they were all pitch black.

Her lips were deep purple, and she could scream just now, but now she can no longer scream.

He lay upright on the ground, his hands and feet twitching from time to time.

It's about to fail.

Jiang Ran glanced at him strangely:

The sloppy man nodded, then shook his head:

"It's not poison, it's poison."


Jiang Ran was taken aback:
"What is that?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment.

I thought in my heart that this boy Qianjin was uneducated and incompetent, but he really was sincere and didn't deceive me. He didn't even know what Gu was.

Seeing that his eyes were confused and didn't seem to be fake, the sloppy man sighed and said:
"The boss doesn't know, the so-called poison is also a kind of poison.

“The most well-known method of raising poisonous insects is to put more than a hundred kinds of poisonous insects in the same container and let them kill each other and feed on each other.

"The one that survives in the end is Gu."


Jiang Ran curled his lips and didn't take it seriously:
"Isn't it just a larger poisonous insect? This kid was bitten by an insect?
"Why is this?"

"Boss, don't underestimate the harm of poison."

The sloppy man came to Jiang Ran, looked at the man on the ground again, and sighed:

“Most of the poison this person was possessed by came from the Flute Clan.

"Speaking of which, I heard some time ago that a young man from the Di tribe appeared outside the city gate of Jinyang Mansion. He could hurt people with his Gu skills...could he have also arrived at Liuyuan?"

When he said this, he reached out and opened the eyes of the man on the ground.

When everyone present saw this, they couldn't help but exhale softly subconsciously.

Just now, everyone was surrounding him, not daring to touch him easily. They thought that this person must have a strange poison in his body, and if he touched him, he would definitely contaminate himself, so they were unwilling to touch him.

Later, when I found out that this person was poisoned, I wanted to retreat even more.

As a result, this sloppy man actually dared to touch her.

Moreover, the moment he opened the man's eyelids, he could vaguely see a tentacle of some kind of insect, but it disappeared under his eyelids with a whoosh.

Where did this go?
When thinking of this, many people feel their scalps go numb.

Could this have gotten into your head?
How can eating brain marrow be any good?
Jiang Ran tilted his head and looked at the sloppy man:
"You know so clearly, could you possibly save him?"

"I'll give it a try."

The sloppy man didn't dare to promise. After smiling, he reached into his pocket and took it out.

When it was taken out again, the onlookers had strange expressions.

Jiang Ran also took two steps back:

"What do you have in your hand?"


The sloppy man's answer was extremely straightforward.

Jiang Ran controlled his face and twitched the muscles on his face:
"Where did it come from?"

After finishing speaking, he turned back and gave instructions:
"From now on, places like latrines should be guarded and don't let him get close."

Everyone nodded, but they felt that the maggots in this man's hands were probably not found in the latrine.

It was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and no matter how hard he dug in the hut, he couldn't find so many live maggots.

The sloppy man also looked awkward:
"Boss, please don't think too much. This is not born from excrement. It doesn't stink at all. If you don't believe me, can you smell it?"

After finishing speaking, he pretended to send it in front of Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran swiped the big knife in his hand and almost sent him home:

"Save people if you can, don't be so disgusting, I!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

The sloppy man snickered, then untied the man's chest, reached out and placed a handful of maggots on his chest.

I don’t know how to cultivate these maggots, but they are not afraid of the cold.

Climbing around on the man's body, wherever he goes, the man's skin and flesh will bulge.

Moving with the maggots.

Seeing this, the sloppy man's fingers suddenly felt like lightning. When he touched the wind with his fingers, the blood flashed, and it had already penetrated under the skin of the man on the ground. When he took out his fingers, a monster was already caught between them. insect.

This bug looks like a corpse turtle, but is smaller and has a soft body that can be squeezed and rounded by the sloppy man.

As the tentacles flew, a trace of black energy appeared on the sloppy man's palm.

Only then did Jiang Ran and others notice that this man was sloppy, but his hands were extremely clean, like white jade, spotless.

At this time, as the tentacles moved, extremely clear black lines appeared.

But also fleeting.

But in the blink of an eye, the black energy dissipated and returned to its original whiteness.

"I see."

The sloppy man rambled softly, and then said:
"Go find a piece of raw meat, preferably with blood... Well, forget it, you go directly to the people in Liuyuan and ask if they raise livestock in the backyard? If so, you can kill a pig right now. Bring me a piece of fresh meat."

Everyone looked at each other.

Then Jiang Ran shouted angrily:

"Why don't you go soon!?"


As soon as Jiang Ran opened his mouth, he turned out to be much better than this sloppy man. Someone among the crowd immediately jumped up and went to find someone from Liuyuan for help.

At this point, Jiang Ran just turned his attention to the sloppy man:

"After such a long time, will this person die?"

"will not."

The sloppy man shook his head and said with a smile:

"Since the other party used such methods, they were probably trying to demonstrate against you, boss, so how could they let this person die so quickly?
“The slower he dies, the more painful it is, and the more painful he is, the more scared our brothers are.

"In this way, they can achieve their goal."

"For what purpose?"

Jiang Ran continued to ask like a fool.

Chen Laogou said quickly from the side:
"Of course the purpose is to disintegrate your power. Now, you are the only one in Liuyuan.

"While they respect you and fear you, they also naturally hate you."

Jiang Ran nodded again and again:

"I see... you are right. This matter seems to be an attack on my lackey, but in fact it is not.

"This is to deal with me.

"Okay, it's really a lamp in the latrine. He's looking for death!!"

The sloppy man nodded at first, but after thinking about it and considering the context, he felt that Jiang Ran's words were hinting at him, so he couldn't help but reiterate:
"This maggot of mine was really not found in the latrine."

"You can look for it wherever you like. I don't care. It's useless to me anyway. But you don't want to eat with us anymore."

Jiang Ran said it didn't matter, but actually looked disgusted, which made the sloppy man a little hurt.Then Jiang Ran asked again:

"Then where did your Gu magic come from? I think you seem to be very capable!
"Speaking of which, what do you want with the flesh and blood of this life?"

"Boss, do you still remember what I said before, that there was a person who used Gu magic outside Jinyang Mansion City?"

"Remember to remember."

Jiang Ran more than remembered that he was at the scene.

Moreover, it was Wu Di who saved people.

The one who was poisoned at that time was the Jin Chan royal family.

The sloppy man laughed and said:

"The poison in that man's body at that time was actually based on centipedes and refined into Ten Thousand Centipedes.

“So, the man got a chicken.

"Centipedes like to eat chicken the most, while poisonous poison likes blood.

"Therefore, if you use chicken blood to draw the Tao and attract the poison to eat the chicken, the poison will naturally be cured.

"Of course, this method is not worth mentioning, but its execution is not that simple.

“If you don’t understand the truth, you will only be self-defeating.

"The poison that this person fell into today doesn't have that many preferences.

"But since they are Gu insects, they naturally still like to devour fresh flesh and blood. After a while, my subordinates will do some tricks on the flesh and blood, and I will make these Gu insects leave my body and run towards the flesh and blood.

"With my subordinates protecting the law, it is not difficult to cure this poison.

"But...boss, you have to prepare early. This matter has one and two consequences. The other party will definitely try their best to attack the people around you.

"We have to find each other's origin as soon as possible. Only then can we fundamentally solve the problem."

Jiang Ran nodded repeatedly when he heard this:

"What you are saying makes sense.

"But how should we find him? This person poisoned him, silently, and then ran away, which is even more unreasonable.

"If you have the ability, you can stay and fight me for [-] rounds! Keep it safe so that he never comes back!"

The sloppy man smiled when he heard this:
"Boss, don't worry. My subordinates may be able to do something about this matter, but we just have to wait a little longer."

Jiang Ran glanced at him and suddenly laughed:

"Okay, okay, you are a capable person. What is your name?"

"My subordinate's surname is Tian, ​​Tian Youfang."

"Tian Youfang..."

Jiang Ran chewed for a while, and secretly cursed Tianshangque in his heart. In what nook and corner did these people find these people?

None of them are on the roster of sword bearers.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this person is using a fake name.

Immediately he patted Tian Youfang on the shoulder and said:

"I will remember you! Work hard and I won't treat you badly in the future."

Tian Youfang twitched the corners of his mouth, and his face immediately showed excitement:
"Thank you boss!"

While the two people were talking, someone had already brought fresh flesh and blood.

As expected, Tian Youfang did what he said and used some tricks on the flesh and blood.

Then he used a small knife to cut open the man's chest.

Jiang Ran took a careful look at the knife.

I found that this knife was almost exactly the same as Wu Di's.

However, compared to that one, Tian Youfang's one was obviously more severely worn.

Jiang Ran's eyes turned, and Tian Youfang's actions were completely different from Wu Di's.

As expected, the Gu insects on the person who fell on the ground were attracted by the flesh and blood, and jumped out of the body one after another, devouring the flesh and blood.

However, after completing this step, Tian Youfang did not destroy these Gu insects.

Instead, he opened his chest, reached out and used a knife to make a cut under his ribs.

Everyone present was taken aback.

I don’t understand why he hurt himself?

While he was at a loss, he saw those Gu insects jumping out of the flesh and blood and heading straight towards Tian Youfang.

Everyone subconsciously exclaimed as they saw those Gu insects worming their way into Tian Youfang's body along the bloody wounds under his ribs.

This scene can be described as sensational!

Even Jiang Ran couldn't help but squint his eyes at this moment.

After Tian Youfang waited for all the Gu insects to get into his body, he suddenly bent over and coughed.

Every time he coughed, blood spurted out from his mouth and nose.

After the blood fell to the ground, it emitted a foul odor, and everyone who smelled it felt dizzy and unsteady on their feet.

Tian Youfang waved his hand:
"Don't worry, it's just a smell. As long as you don't get splashed by the blood, you'll be fine."

After finishing speaking, he turned back to look at Jiang Ran:
"Boss, this man's life has been saved. After a while, the doctors in Liuyuan will take a look at him. They will probably need to prescribe some prescriptions for replenishing qi and blood, and he will be able to recover after some conditioning.

"My subordinate is not feeling well right now, so I will take my leave first."


Jiang Ran waved his hand gently:

"After you recover, come over and see me. I have something to ask you."


Tian Youfang agreed, bowed, turned around and left.

Jiang Ran waved his hand again, and asked people to take the man on the ground away to take care of him. He also sent people to find people from Liuyuan to find doctors.

After all the corresponding things were completed, he returned to the courtyard.

Chen Laogou walked with him and waited until he entered the yard. Then he came to Jiang Ran and whispered:
"Boss, there is a problem with this field."

"What's the problem?"

Jiang Ran rolled his eyes strangely: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Boss, you may not know something. The most skilled people in the world of voodoo are none other than the Flute Clan.

"Those who are masters of Gu skills in the Di clan can defeat thousands of armies by one person, so they must not be underestimated.

"Tian Youfang has obviously studied the art of Gu magic very deeply, but he is willing to work under you, the boss... It's hard to say what his thoughts are."

Chen Laogou is right.

How could Jiang Ran not know?

Moreover, it is more than just this field.Nowadays, including Chen Laogou, I am afraid that all the people under his command have their own thoughts.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some people are really sick and think they can dominate the world by following them.

But most of the people in this world are smart people. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to get along today.

Unless this person has no brains, but his martial arts is really high... so high that the opponent can't bear to kill him and just wants to use him.

Just like today's 'Tong Qianjin'.

However, although I agree with Chen Laogou's words, as 'Tong Qianjin' I cannot agree with it.

He gave Chen Laogou a cold look:
"Old man, do you dare to provoke me?"

Chen Laogou was stunned and quickly knelt on the ground:

"Boss, I...I didn't mean that."

"do not have it?"

Jiang Ran sneered:
"Tian Youfang did not hesitate to harm himself in order to save my people tonight.

“The heart of fist, what can we learn from it.

"But you said he had double-minded intentions. Isn't this provocation?"


Chen Laogou wished he could give himself a slap in the face. Seeing how pitiful this 'Tong Qianjin' was, he couldn't help but remind him. The result... it turned out to be a mistake!
"I'm telling you, this is the first and last time that you dare to instigate someone from behind.

"Be careful I deal with you."

When Jiang Ran said this, he waved his sleeves:
"Why don't you go to bed quickly?"

Behind him, Old Dog Chen was swept away by his sleeve and rolled twice on the spot, arriving just at the door of his room.

Take advantage of the trend and turn inside:
"Yes, yes, my subordinate, go to bed now."

After saying that, he closed the door with a clang.

Jiang Ran glanced at his door and went straight back to his room.

He closed the door and glanced at the bed. He was about to speak, but suddenly he frowned.

The bed was still the same as before.

Tang Huayi was still piled there and did not get up when he closed the door.

This is not normal.

Following Jiang Ran's thoughts, he listened carefully and found that there was another vague sound of breathing in the room.

Just as he was coming and going, there was an extra person in this room?

His mind was spinning slightly, but his face remained calm.

He yawned, put the big knife aside, lay down on the bed, and pulled the quilt over.

Tang Huayi, who was under the quilt, also pounced on Jiang Ran, hugging him like an octopus.

Jiang Ran was speechless, thinking that this damn girl was deliberately taking advantage, right?
He stretched out his hand to explore a little and pinched her cheek.

Then he pretended to sleep.

As a result, I felt a slight pain in my chest. It was Tang Huayi who took revenge on herself and pinched her chest.

soy Mujer!
Jiang Ran was not as knowledgeable as her. He closed his eyes and started snoring for a moment.

However, after another full hour, the sound of footsteps came from behind the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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