Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 90 Burning the Forbidden Forest and Dreams (please subscribe and ask for tickets)

Chapter 90 Burning the Forbidden Forest and Dreams (please subscribe and ask for tickets)
As the radiance of life faded away, John withdrew his hand from the little unicorn, stood up and took two steps back.

The little unicorn, whose wound had been healed completely, got up from the ground tremblingly and stood still, and uttered two cries to the female unicorn beside him.

Seeing the unicorn mother and child cuddling together, Hagrid was moved and wiped away his tears.

The surrounding unicorns also neighed excitedly, and the unicorn rescued by John even stepped forward and rubbed John gratefully.

As the unicorns calmed down again, the leader of the unicorns slowly walked in front of John.

The fluctuation of magic power came from inside its body, and the leader of the unicorn in the vision of magic power emitted a soft light like a warm sun.

The unicorn above his head shimmered softly, and from its tip holy magic unleashed upon John.

John can feel his consciousness is extremely cool, as if all the complicated thoughts in the past have disappeared, and even his body feels relaxed, as if something that dragged him has been eliminated.

He felt that his mind was extremely peaceful at the moment, and some of the hostility in his heart dissipated.

Only then did John realize that even if he was always paying attention, the study of black magic would inevitably have an impact on him, and at this moment the unicorn leader's magic dispelled this influence
"Thank you very much." John saluted the unicorn leader.

Surrounded by a herd of unicorns, John and Hagrid leave the unicorn hiding place.

On the way back to the hut, Hagrid's face kept changing, and finally it seemed that he had made some important decision.

"John... If you have time, I would like to ask you to help me clean up... the descendants of Aragog..." Hagrid spoke intermittently of his decision.

John patted Hagrid's arm to comfort him. He knew that Hagrid's emotions towards Aragog were actually complicated.

Aragog had been with him since he was expelled from school. After such a long time, it was normal for Hagrid to continue this relationship with Aragog's children.

But now out of responsible thinking, Hagrid will deal with them no matter how reluctant he is.

The little unicorn's injury was obviously caused by the eight-eyed spider.

"Maybe Aragog is old and can't control her children anymore. Recently, they have been very restless. In fact, the centaur came to me a long time ago, hoping that I can deal with Aragog's children. "

Hagrid's eyes were red as he confided to John.

But before this talk was over, Hagrid saw John pull out his wand again and cast the Fire Curse not far away.

In an instant, the powerful flame hit an attacking eight-eyed spider, killing it.

John's shot seemed to be a signal, and he heard rustling sounds densely, and dense eight-eyed spiders rushed out from all directions and attacked them.

Facing such a large number of eight-eyed spiders, Hagrid tightened the alchemy firecracker in his hand, and said in a serious tone: "John, I will clear the way for you later, you hurry to the castle and tell the professors about the situation here!"

But John didn't seem to hear Hagrid's words, but asked an irrelevant question.

"Hagrid, if I burned the Forbidden Forest in self-defense, shouldn't I be punished?"

"What are you talking about at this time!" Hagrid said a little puzzled.

But in the next second, he knew what John meant. John took a deep breath, and the hot magic flowed along his blood vessels, illuminating his skin.

Then a scorching breath emanated from John's body, as if some kind of terrifying flame was accumulating in his body.

The eight-eyed spiders around seemed to have sensed the danger, and their footsteps paused for a while, but soon these eight-eyed spiders sped up and attacked again under the command.

But at the next moment, John suddenly opened his mouth and spit forward, and saw a fiery stream of fire pouring out of John's mouth.

The terrifying high temperature directly ignited the surrounding vegetation, and all the eight-eyed spiders that came into contact with the flame instantly turned into fly ash.

John circled around Hagrid and built a fire ring for protection. The scorching dragon flames isolated any possibility of eight-eyed spider attacks.

At the same time, this powerful magic flame also began to reveal its ferociousness, and began to sweep away towards the surroundings like a raging tide.

Whether it is vegetation, puddles, eight-eyed spiders or rocks along the way, facing this terrifying flame, they are all ignited, burned, and melted, and finally they are indistinguishable from the scorched earth.

A large area of ​​the Forbidden Forest was ignited, and the flames soaring into the sky could be seen even in the castle.

Hagrid stood behind John and stared blankly at everything in front of him, even though he was sweating profusely at the moment, and the terrifying high temperature made his clothes wet with sweat.

In the end, it seemed that the eight-eyed spiders around him had been wiped out. With John's thought, those raging dragon flames gradually extinguished.

With the disappearance of the last flame, a large area of ​​land turned into white land, like an ugly scar that hides on the land of the Forbidden Forest.

The wave of apparition came out, and Professor McGonagall and others appeared at the border of the white field in an instant, and saw John and Hagrid standing in the center of the white field from a distance.In the principal's office, John stood quietly in front of the bird stand and teased Fox.

Hagrid was telling Dumbledore everything that happened in the Forbidden Forest, except John's magic to save the unicorn, and basically told Dumbledore everything else.

Dumbledore nodded, and said to Hagrid with a smile: "Hagrid, John is right, you have indulged Aragog a little too much, and you really need to clean it regularly."

Hagrid scratched his head in embarrassment, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Okay, Hagrid, I hope you can learn a lesson. Sometimes unreasonable spoiling will eventually cause irreparable consequences."

"The lecture is over here, Hagrid." Dumbledore still smiled and said to Hagrid, "You go back first, I think there are still many things in the Forbidden Forest that you need to deal with."

Hagrid opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Dumbledore raising his hand.

"John and I still have some things to say. Don't worry, he is also protecting his safety. I won't punish him."

Hearing this, Hagrid smiled shyly, said goodbye to John, and left the principal's office.

Soon there were only John and Dumbledore left in the office.

"John, I heard Nico said that you have cracked the Philosopher's Stone?" Dumbledore asked gently.

John paused for a moment while stroking Fawkes. After touching Fawkes for the last time, he turned around and walked up to Dumbledore, took out a small piece of pure Philosopher's Stone from his pocket, and handed it to him.

Dumbledore reached out to take the Sorcerer's Stone from John, and pointed it at the sunlight.

The pure Philosopher's Stone shone brightly in the sun, and the portraits of the previous principals hanging on the wall were all attracted by this light.

"It's incredible, John, you are better than I thought." Dumbledore wanted to return the Philosopher's Stone to John with emotion.

John took the Philosopher's Stone, and asked casually, "Principal Dumbledore, did you just feel that there was something wrong with the firecracker in Hagrid's hand?"

When Dumbledore heard John's words, his expression became a little serious, and he asked, "Did you notice something, John?"

"No, Headmaster Dumbledore, I was just asking."

Dumbledore looked at John with a relaxed face and felt suspicious in his heart, but he didn't ask any more questions. He knew that John would not hurt Hagrid. The question just now should be because he left something on the firecracker. See if you can find out.

I have to tell the truth about Dumbledore.

John is now very satisfied with the hidden political law. Even Dumbledore can't find the Philosopher's Stone in the firecracker, so Voldemort can't do it.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it is perceived. If you want to get the Philosopher's Stone, you have to disassemble the handle of the gun. As long as you disassemble it, the internal destruction circle will be activated.

Immediately, the magic stone will turn into a piece of powerful magic "TNT", blowing up everything within 200 meters to the sky.

John also told Hagrid about this point. Of course, he didn't say that there was a Philosopher's Stone inside, nor did he say anything about the explosion. Instead, he said that there was a special magical energy in the handle of the gun, and it needed to be carefully protected, otherwise it would cause the alchemy gun to fail.

So Hagrid specially wrapped the handle of the gun with a piece of dragon skin to protect it.

Dumbledore no longer thought about what John left on the firecracker, but took out a bronzing invitation card from the drawer, with nothing written on it, only a strange symbol.

And with Dumbledore's movements, the symbols on the invitation were still shaking.

"This is what your teacher asked me to give you. This is a portkey. It will be used on the 28th." Dumbledore said.

John immediately understood what kind of invitation this was, and also knew where he would go if he used this Portkey that day.

Raising his hand to take the invitation from Dumbledore, John sighed inwardly as he looked at the invitation.

Although he kept telling himself that this would be a relief for the teacher, when he really had to face these, John was still a little melancholy.

Carefully putting the door key into the ring, John bid farewell to Principal Dumbledore and left the principal's office.

Back in the dormitory in silence, John did not study and research like before after a simple wash, but lay on the bed and looked at the top of the curtain in front of him, gradually letting go of his thoughts and falling asleep.

In the dream, John seemed to return to the orphanage room where he woke up on the first day.

The bright moonlight shone in the room from the window, but John's blue eyes were brighter than the moonlight.

The furnishings in the room seem to have changed, and there are many more things, including staffs, magic tools, and magic stones.

Just when he was about to check the objects in the house, it seemed that something outside the window blocked the moonlight and plunged the room into darkness.

Turning around to look, he in the dream met a pair of huge eyes that occupied the entire window.

Walking slowly to the window, he also saw clearly who the owner of these eyes was.

It was a huge red dragon, with crimson scales tightly attached to its body, and its winding horns pointing backwards towards the sky.

He had a feeling that the red dragon was actually him, but just when he wanted to reach out and touch the red dragon outside the window.

wake up!
After waking up, John recalled the dream. You must know that he has never dreamed again after the awakening of magic power. You must know that if the wizard dreams, it must be what he perceives, and his instinct begins to convey information.

Now that he had such a dream, John knew that after attending the teacher's funeral, a new Animagus ritual must be performed in October.

This may be the blood in his body urging him, after all, he has been exhausting his magic power before going to bed to cast [Awaken the blood].

But I don't know when his physical fitness stopped increasing, and his blood skills didn't optimize, or he awakened new ones.

It seems that all this will be answered when he performs the Animagus ritual.

 The update was completed on the third day, with a total of [-] words
(End of this chapter)

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