Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 89 8-eyed attack and healing of the little unicorn (please subscribe and ask for tickets)

Chapter 89 The Eight-Eyed Attack and Healing of the Little Unicorn (Please subscribe and ask for tickets)
"Why do you say that?" Hermione asked curiously.

But Hagrid obviously didn't want to discuss this issue too much, ignored Hermione's question, and looked at Ron and asked, "Why were you beaten?"

Harry said hastily: "At that time Malfoy scolded Hermione, I thought it must be a very vicious word, because everyone was furious, and Ron immediately attacked Malfoy after hearing it."

"It's very vicious," Ron said angrily, but he grinned a little because the words moved the muscles and pulled the wound, which looked very funny.

After a while, Ron continued, "Malfoy called her 'Mudblood', Hagrid..."

"What!" Hagrid's eyes widened, and his beard seemed to stand on end with anger.

"Is it true?" he growled, looking at Hermione.

"Yes..." Hermione didn't know the meaning of that word yet, so she looked very calm, but her eyes were still a little red.

This is because Ron was beaten like that for her, which made her very guilty,

"But I don't know what that means, Malfoy was about to say that word before, but John cut him off, but I can hear it being very rude..."

"That's the most insulting thing!" Ron grinned again, and said angrily, "Mudblood is a slanderous term for people who are Muggle-born, that is, people whose parents don't know magic."

"Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel they are superior to everyone else because they are so-called pure-bloods, when the rest of us know it doesn't matter at all."

"They haven't invented the spell that we Hermione can't do!" Hagrid said proudly, and Hermione blushed brightly.

"It's an ugly title." Ron wiped the tears from his forehead with his trembling hands because of the pain, and continued, "It means dirty, inferior blood, and it's completely crazy for me to say that! Most people now Wizards are all half-bloods! If we hadn't intermarried with Muggles, we would have died out long ago."

"You're right, if I was there, I would have done it to Malfoy!" Hagrid said loudly.

"But if you attack Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy will come to the school aggressively, which will be a big trouble."

At this time John said: "Don't worry, Lucius Malfoy won't know about this matter, or if he knows, he won't come directly to the school to make trouble."

"After all, he was beaten for uttering insulting words. It is no fault of others. Those pure-blooded guys with normal brains would not say that word in public."

Hearing John's words, Harry and the others felt relieved, and they were still convinced by John's words.

"Harry," said Hagrid as if he had suddenly thought of something, "I want to settle accounts with you. I heard that you sent out an autographed photo, why didn't I get it?"

Harry was furious and tried to open his mouth, but Hagrid's syrupy taffy glued his upper and lower teeth together, making it impossible for him to open his mouth to speak normally.

In the end, Hermione couldn't see it, and cast a spell to remove the taffy from Harry's mouth, so that Harry could speak normally.

"I didn't post the signed photo," Harry protested vehemently, "if Lockhart is still spreading rumors like this..."

He stopped protesting slowly because he saw the smile on Hagrid's face.

"I'm kidding," he said, patting Harry on the back affectionately, almost knocking his face against the table.

"I know you haven't. When Lockhart told me about it, I told him that you don't need to do that, even if you're more famous than him without bothering to create fame."

"I daresay he wasn't too pleased." Harry said, sitting up straight, with interest.

"Not very happy, I suppose," Hagrid said with a twinkle in his eye, "and then I told him I'd never read his books, and he decided to go away."

Although Harry's face was full of interest, Hagrid noticed that something seemed wrong with Hermione's face.

So Hagrid immediately changed the subject, smiled and pointed out the window: "Stop talking about that, let's take a look at what I planted."

Hagrid led them out of the hut and into the vegetable patch behind the hut, where they planted twelve huge pumpkins. Harry and the others had never seen such a big pumpkin, each half as tall as a person.

"Not bad looking, isn't it?" said Hagrid gleefully. "It's for the Hallowe'en feast. It'll be big enough then."

"What did you fertilize them with?" Harry asked.

Hagrid looked around to see if anyone was there.

"Hey, I gave them a little... how should I put it... a little help."

Hearing this, John glanced calmly at the small pink umbrella hanging on the back wall of the hut. John had already seen that there was a magic wand hidden in it.

Naturally, he also knew the reason for Hagrid's reaction. He had a plan to help Hagrid clear his name this semester.

John told the notebook that "Young Jerry" was coming to Hogwarts to visit, and the notebook also mentioned the mysterious secret room.

This naturally aroused the curiosity of "Young Jerry", but to know the news, "Young Jerry" needs to kill an innocent life in front of him with a killing curse.

Although John is delaying time temporarily because he needs to find a target, he knows that the remnant soul in the notebook doesn't have that much patience.

Sufficient vitality has made him unwilling to live in the notebook, he wants more, he wants to live in the sun.

The remnant soul thought that he was a squirrel and would eat the praying mantis "Young Jerry", but unfortunately, at that time, he would find that the mantis was not a mantis, and it was not the hunter who arranged all this, but the red dragon.

"Is it the Expansion Curse?" Hermione was somewhat disapproving, but found it very interesting. "Oh, you did it very successfully."

"That's what your little sister said," said Hagrid, nodding at Ron. "Just saw her yesterday." Hagrid glanced at Harry, his beard twitching. "

"She said to just walk around. I think she was hoping to meet someone in my house." He winked at Harry. "If I ask you, she wouldn't refuse an autograph..."

"Oh, don't talk nonsense."

Harry hurriedly interrupted Hagrid, and Ron burst into laughter, but because of the wound involved, the laughter soon turned into a wail.

It was almost lunch time, and Harry had only eaten a little syrupy toffee since early morning, so he was determined to go back to school for dinner.

The three said goodbye to Hagrid and walked back to the castle together, while John stayed behind.

At this moment, Hagrid was fully dressed, took the alchemy gun that John gave him, and then led John into the Forbidden Forest, walking towards the unicorn territory.

Along the way, neither Hagrid nor John spoke.

Hagrid didn't know how to speak, he was afraid that John would say something about dealing with Aragog's children again.

John naturally didn't know Hagrid's thoughts, if he knew, John would also sneer, not to mention anything else, now it's not a soft heart that can solve everything.

And if Hagrid can continue to think like this after what happened next, John can only give Hagrid a thumbs up.

"Hagrid! Ready to fight!"


Before Hagrid could react, John had already taken out the red dragon wand and was chanting the spell aloud.

"The fireball is rolling!"

Twenty fist-sized fireballs condensed above their heads, and then smashed to the ground at different positions with a whistling sound.

In an instant, violent flames rose up, accompanied by a sharp roar, and the burnt smell of scorched protein came from the scorched ground.

It was also because of this attack that the ground trembled, and eight-eyed spiders about the size of a calf emerged from the ground.

There are so many of them that they have already been surrounded.

Not far away, an eight-eyed spider about the size of an adult cow appeared.

"This!" Hagrid was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that Aragog's children would attack him one day.

But Hagrid also knew that now was not the time to worry about this matter, so without hesitation, Hagrid aimed at the attacking spider swarm and pulled the trigger.

Immediately, the magic bullet bombarded the ground heavily, and the violent explosion killed the surrounding eight-eyed spiders and sent their corpses flying.

All of a sudden, the sound of gunfire accompanied by magic light continued in the Forbidden Forest.

Soon, under the joint efforts of John and Hagrid, all those eight-eyed spiders the size of a calf were cleaned up.

As for the eight-eyed spider, which was only the size of an adult cow, it realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape, but was cut in half by John's sharp strike.

"This is really too much. Aragog clearly said that his descendants will not appear in this area!" Hagrid said angrily.

John ignored the angry Hagrid, but took out tools from the ring and began to collect the venom of these eight-eyed spiders. You must know that John needs this precious material for alchemy experiments and brewing potions.

And if this venom was sold, a pint would sell for a hundred galleons, so John would naturally not waste the liquid gold.

Use tools to remove the poison sac in the corpse, and then use a special instrument to completely suck out the venom and store it in a bottle.

During this period, there were naturally eight-eyed spiders pretending to be dead who wanted to attack John. Unfortunately, in the eyes of John, who had magical vision, this kind of pretending to be dead was just a joke.

These eight-eyed spiders also kindly experienced John's power, and their heads were directly twisted off to take away the venom.

After taking out the last bit of venom from the venom sac of the eight-eyed spider the size of an adult cow, John followed Hagrid to the unicorn's territory again. As for those corpses, he naturally had his own way of dealing with them.

Soon, after John they passed through a waterfall and walked into the cave passage behind for a while.

Everything in front of me suddenly became clear. This is a natural shelter, surrounded by mountains, and the passage behind the waterfall is the only entrance.

When John and the others came here, several adult unicorns immediately appeared in front of them, watching them.

Among them, John saw the unicorn he treated at the beginning, and the other party also saw John, and John could see the joy in the other party's eyes.

But it seems that because the leader didn't show up, the unicorn didn't come up to greet John immediately.

Soon, with the sound of grass and trees rubbing against each other, a unicorn that was bigger than the other unicorns stepped out and stopped in front of John and Hagrid.

The other party stared at them with pure eyes, as if they were judging something.

The process didn't take long, and soon when the unicorn leader roared and turned his head to walk back, Hagrid said that he wanted them to follow.

Soon John and Hagrid came to a clearing, and a small unicorn was lying on the ground with an unusually deep gash on its left hind leg.

A female unicorn was lying next to the little unicorn, whining incessantly.

Soon the unicorn leader made a sound, and then John felt something pushing him, and found that it was the unicorn he rescued.

It seems that he needs help.

John took out the Raven Staff and walked forward slowly. Under the gaze of many unicorns, John stretched out his hand and pressed it on the neck of the little unicorn.

As the raven spread its wings and wanted to fly, the ancient and sacred spell was chanted from John's mouth, and the magic power began to be released along John's palm, and the conduction generated by contact formed a bridge connecting John and the unicorn.

"Great life, please erase all pain"

The brilliance representing life and hope bloomed in John's hand again. This brilliance completely attracted the targets of the surrounding unicorns. Soon all the unicorns living here appeared nearby, watching this peaceful light.

In this radiance of life, the wound on the little unicorn's hind leg gradually healed.

 There is one more chapter, don't wait, it's too late
(End of this chapter)

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