Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 71 To The Burrow

Chapter 71 To The Burrow
If someone asks what the hottest news is during this time.

You will most likely get two answers:

At that moment, Gilderoy Lockhart was in Lihen Bookstore, launching a week-long signing event to promote his new book "I Can Be Magical".

The second is a new shop called the Red Dragon Alchemy House that opened opposite Ollivander's Wand Shop.

The shop became famous because, on its opening day, the shop had the Hogwarts caretaker and well-known Squib Filch in the wizarding world.

In front of everyone, Mr. Filch used the alchemy props in the store called Fixed Magic Generator Three to successfully release three kinds of magic, namely the fluorescent spell, the repairing spell, and the cleansing spell.

After this incident was reported by the "Daily Prophet", a large number of squibs came to the store to buy the alchemy props, and all of them successfully released the magic.

At that time, the scene was chaotic, and almost all the Squibs who successfully released the magic all burst into tears on the spot.

At this moment, everyone understood that a great alchemist no less than Nick Flamel had been born.

Whether it is a pure-blood family, an official of the Ministry of Magic, or even other alchemists, they all want to meet this mysterious master alchemist.

It's a pity that everyone now only knows that the works of this master are being sold in the Red Dragon Alchemy House, and there is no clue about other news about this master.

It's not that there are no forces who want to use some shady means to force answers from those shop assistants, but in the end these forces are all warned by coincidence.

Because they can create a master alchemist who can make Squibs cast spells, no one knows what kind of successors will be waiting for them, if there are any serious consequences, the loss outweighs the gain.

While the entire European wizarding community was speculating about who the master alchemist behind the establishment of the Red Dragon Alchemy House was, John, the master alchemist they were talking about, was taking stock of his recent earnings.

Even though John was involved in the Soviet wizarding world and made a lot of war money, the expenses of researching alchemy and magic for so long have gradually reduced John's savings to zero.

Therefore, the initial success of the Red Dragon Alchemy House represents that John's abnormal economic system has finally returned to normal. With the final payment from the Ministry of Magic after the order is delivered, John's net worth will be filled again.

At the same time, John is ready to pursue the victory. Of course, the magic generator has indeed started the reputation of the Red Dragon Alchemy House, letting the world know that behind this shop is a master alchemist who can cast spells on squibs.

But after all, the magic generator's audience is too small, and more people still have to focus on wizards.

John is naturally fully prepared for this, and he is going to release the prepared alchemy props while the heat has not abated.

After all, John, who has inherited all of Nick Flamel's intellectual heritage, can earn a large amount of Galleons even by practicing casually with continuous learning, let alone the alchemy props he specializes in.

After asking Tom to deposit the proceeds in the treasury, according to the schedule, today is the day John and Arthur Weasley agreed to visit.

"Mom, I'm going to visit Mr. Weasley today, and I probably won't be back for dinner tonight." John walked out of the laboratory and shouted to his mother, Miranda, who was sitting on the sofa drinking afternoon tea

Miranda hurriedly put down the teacup in her hand, got up and walked to John.

"Do you know how to be polite when you go to someone's house? Have you prepared the gift for the visit? And you don't know how to do your hair..."

"Mom I know, I have prepared a present..."

While nagging John, Miranda reached out to help John straighten the wrinkles on his clothes and straighten his hair.

John was not bored by this, but kept answering his mother's instructions with a smile.

Finally, amidst Miranda's farewell, John gently wiped the ring he was wearing, and released the Thestral leader whom he named "Night Demon".

Unlike last time, Night Demon had an extra rein on his body.

This rein is an alchemy tool specially refined by John. Not only can it transmit his orders directly to the Night Devil's mind, but it can also release the Muggle Repelling Curse to avoid being seen by Muggles while flying.

At the same time, the reins can also unfold the protective cover to resist the wind pressure caused by high-speed flight. Even though John doesn't care about this wind pressure, it is to ensure his neat appearance.

Turning over and riding the night devil, he lightly pulled the rein, and saw the night devil took John to the sky after a short run-up for a short distance, heading towards the direction of the Weasley family.

According to the address provided by Arthur Weasley, the Burrow where the Weasleys lived was located outside the village of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England.

However, due to the protective spell set by Arthur Weasley and the location is well hidden, even the postman in the wizarding world does not know its exact location. Even if Harry and Voldemort go to war in the future, the location of the Burrow will not be known Discover.

This is why John chose to ride a Thestral to the Weasleys' house instead of using Floo powder and apparating.

Thestrals have an amazing sense of direction, as long as they tell them where they want to go, they will take passengers to their destination.

Floo powder is also not used because John can't explain why he knows the name of the Burrow, and Arthur's address to John does not mention the name of the Burrow.

The reason for not using Apparation is that the distance is too far, and even John will feel physically uncomfortable when using Apparation frequently.

With Night Demon maintaining the highest speed, John arrived at the destination soon.

With vision beyond ordinary people, John clearly saw Ron and Harry standing by a certain mailbox and chatting. It seemed that Arthur Weasley had already told his family about his coming visit.

With a thought, Night Demon obediently brought John down from the sky.

So in the eyes of Ron and Harry, they saw a strange picture, John seemed to be riding something invisible, holding a rein and descending from the sky.

And as John landed, it seemed that the dust was blown up by the airflow generated by the flapping of the wings, which made them squint their eyes subconsciously.

"Long time no see, Harry, Ron" John smiled and got off the back of the night devil.

"Long time no see, John." Harry greeted John with a smile.

And Ron didn't seem to hear John's voice. At this moment, he was staring at the air around John with his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to see the invisible mount.

Seeing Ron's performance like this, Harry actually kept looking at John, but no matter how he looked, he could only see the reins floating in the air.

So Harry finally couldn't hold back and asked, "John, what did you ride here just now, why can't we see anything?"

Hearing Harry's question, John felt rather curious, and asked, "Harry, can't you see?"

Seeing John's reaction like this, Harry also tried to widen his eyes and look hard like Ron, but he still couldn't see anything.

Harry shook his head: "I didn't see anything."

Then Harry saw that John was suddenly lost in thought, and seemed to be whispering something in his mouth.

"So you have to see death and understand death to see it... and simply seeing death...isn't it a trigger?"

"John?" Harry looked at John in confusion.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, I just thought of a problem." John laughed and laughed.

Then Ron and Harry saw John turn the ring on his left hand, and then the reins suspended in the air disappeared before their eyes.

Harry and Ron knew that John was putting away the invisible mount.

Although they were curious about what it was, Harry and Ron saw that John didn't seem to want to discuss it too much, so they finally suppressed their doubts and took John to the Burrow.

Walking through a path among the reeds, John and the others soon drove to the Burrow.

A strange building came into view. This building seemed to be spliced ​​together by various houses. Under the effect of magic, it was crookedly built to the height of several floors.

There are four or five chimneys on the roof of the red house, and a sign that reads "The Burrow" is placed obliquely in front of the house.

There were some high-top boots thrown by the gate, and a rusty cauldron, and some fat brown chickens were pecking in the yard.

At this moment, a plump, benevolent lady was standing in front of the door, as if welcoming them.

Seeing Ron and the others, the lady showed a gentle smile on her face, and walked towards them quickly.

"I think you are Mr. John Williams, you are really young and promising." The lady smiled and looked at John and said, "Arthur has been looking forward to your arrival, but he just left for the time being because of something, so he went into the house Let's eat something."

"It's my pleasure, Mrs. Weasley." John said with a smile
At the same time, he took out the prepared gift box from the ring and handed it to Mrs. Weasley
"The first visit, this is a meeting ceremony, please don't refuse."

"You are so kind!"

Mrs. Weasley smiled, it seemed that because Arthur Weasley had greeted in advance and knew what was in it, she reached out and took the gift box from John.

Then she turned and pushed open the door, welcoming John into the room enthusiastically.

The first thing I saw was the crowded kitchen. In the middle was a clean wooden table and a few chairs. At this moment, desserts and tea were already placed on the table.

The wall clock on the opposite wall has only one needle and no numbers. On the clock face, words such as "make tea", "feed the chicken", "you are going to be late" are written on the clock face.

There are three layers of books stacked on the mantelpiece: "Magic Your Cheese", "The Magic of Baking Bread", "Conjure a Feast", and other household magic books.

"Please sit down."

Mrs. Weasley pulled out a chair, and John thanked him and sat down.

Only then did John notice that there was a book on the table. On the cover of the book was written in gilt cursive letters: Gilderoy Lockhart teaches you how to get rid of household pests.

Under the title was a large photograph of a handsome wizard with wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes.The pictures in the wizarding world are all moving, and the wizard in the picture is blinking at them wantonly.

Mrs. Weasley saw that John's eyes fell on the book, her face flushed a little, she hurriedly took the book off the table, and carefully put it back on the shelf.

At this time, I heard Ron whispering next to him: "My mother admires this man named Gilderoy Lockhart very much, and my father was angry several times about it."

John smiled. If Mrs. Weasley knew that Gilderoy Lockhart, whom she admired, was actually a deceitful villain, she didn't know what expression she would show.

As the owner of the Red Dragon Magic House, John is very clear.

On the third day of opening, a person who covered his head completely and ordered a fixed magic generator capable of firing seven kinds of magic came.

It's just that because of John's rules, only the Disarming Curse, the only offensive spell, can be added to it, and the rest are functional spells.

In the end, it seemed that he was concerned about John’s title as a master alchemist, so he finally calmed down and customized his exclusive fixed magic generator, and asked that it must be made to be the same as a magic wand, and it must be gorgeous.

Since the customer pays, John will naturally not push the business out.

It's just that I don't know if it was negligence, or he was just so stupid. The clothes that this mysterious man was wearing at the time were exactly the same as the clothes that Gilderoy Lockhart wore in the signing meeting that day.

Even Baotou is using the cloak he was wearing at that time. It is really hard to guess the identity of this mysterious man.

 The Burrow was not burned down in the original book
  Harry didn't see the Thestrals until after Cedric's death.

  And the update is late, sorry again, it really hurts my wrist

(End of this chapter)

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