Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 70 The transaction is completed

Chapter 70 The transaction is completed
Leading the way by Mr. Arthur Weasley, they met the head of the Magic Auror Office-Rufus Scrimgeour.

John looked at him secretly. He looked like an old lion, with wisps of gray in his tawny hair and bushy eyebrows, and piercing eyes behind gold-rimmed spectacles.

Despite his limp, he walked with a striding grace that immediately made one feel that he was a sharp, tough guy.

And when John was looking at Rufus Scrimgeour, the other party was actually looking at John.

After the Selwyn family suffered such a disaster, the remaining materials of the Selwyn family descendants were immediately placed on Rufus Scrimgeour's desk.

Among them, John's excellent performance and his performance different from ordinary people's magic power awakening naturally attracted his attention.

So when he saw John who came with Arthur Weasley, he immediately recognized John's identity.

"Rufus is a resolute person, and most of his energy after joining the work is devoted to dealing with dark wizards." Arthur lowered his voice and said in John's ear, "So he hates muddled narratives, what will you say later, John? Be direct."

When John heard what Arthur said, he nodded slightly to show that he understood.

And Rufus Scrimgeour naturally noticed Arthur's small movements, but he didn't care. Instead, he looked at John with his sharp eyes, and he wanted to see if John was as good as the information said.

Generally speaking, he is in a high position all the year round and never relents when he only kills black wizards. He is the director of the Auror office.

People who look at him will feel flustered subconsciously, or will involuntarily look away and choose to avoid his eyes.

But this time it was different from what Rufus Scrimgeour had expected, John did not avoid his gaze at all, and looked at the old lion calmly.

In the end, Rufus Scrimgeour was the first to lose in the face of John's dark blue eyes.

Facing such a pair of eyes, Rufus Scrimgeour always had the illusion that standing in front of him in a trance was not a little wizard who was about to enter the second year, but a huge figure that almost blocked the sky. dragon.

Concentrating the complicated thoughts in his mind, Rufus Scrimgeour smiled and stretched out his hand to John.

"Welcome, I'm Rufus Scrimgeour, and I assume you're Mr. John Williams, aren't you?"

Although the tone was a rhetorical question, anyone could hear the certainty in his tone.

John reached out to hold the other's hand, shook it and said, "Yes, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour."

After a few simple greetings, the three of them, led by the secretary, came to the reception room, sat on the sofa, and drank a sip of tea.

Rufus Scrimgeour asked directly, "I wonder what Mr. Williams is here for today?"

John naturally replied directly: "I'm here to discuss a business with you."

"what business?"

Hearing Rufus Scrimgeour's question, John snapped his fingers, and with the wave of apparition, Tom appeared next to John holding a cowhide case.

John took the cowhide box from Tom, opened it and took out the first alchemy item to be sold.

It was a pair of handcuffs of the same style as the Muggle handcuffs. The difference was that the handcuffs were completely black and densely engraved with runic characters. The matching keys of the same pair of handcuffs were also of the same style.

"Look, Mr. Scrimgeour, this is the first product I recommend to you - the magic handcuffs"

"As long as the prisoner wears this pair of handcuffs, the magic power of the other party's body will be sealed, even if the other party gets the staff, he will not be able to cast magic."

"And this pair of handcuffs can only be opened with the corresponding key, otherwise it cannot be opened with magic."

Hearing John's description, Rufus Scrimgeour showed an interested look on his face. This is indeed a very practical alchemy prop for Aurors.

"Of course, I also have the forbidden magic shackles and the forbidden magic chain, which can only be opened with the corresponding key."

While talking, John took out the corresponding alchemy props from the leather case and put them on the coffee table.

Rufus Scrimgeour didn't say much, and stretched out his hand to pick up the enchanted handcuffs and looked at them carefully. Although the head of the Auror's office devoted most of his energy to dealing with dark wizards, he was trained in various incidents. His eyes are very vicious.

He could naturally see that the pair of handcuffs were well-made, and the alchemy knowledge involved was quite advanced.

"Can you experiment?" Rufus Scrimgeour said, looking at John.

"Please" John nodded
I saw Rufus Scrimgeour beckoning to the secretary standing aside, asking her to handcuff her with a wand and cast a spell.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

"Fluorescent flickering!!"

No matter how the secretary waved the wand or how loudly she recited spells, the wand in her hand was really like a wooden stick at this moment, completely useless.

Seeing such a result, Rufus Scrimgeour was very satisfied with the enchanted handcuffs, but his face remained calm.

He picked up the key to open the handcuffs and let the secretary cast a spell again, this time the other party successfully cast the Luminescent Curse.

"Very good, Mr. Williams, what an exquisite alchemy creation, how much are these prices?"

"Handcuffs and shackles are sold as a set. A set costs ten Galleons. Chains are sold according to length. A one-meter-long chain costs twenty Galleons."

Rufus Scrimgeour had a look of surprise on his face, not because it was too expensive, but because it was too cheap.

So he said directly: "Mr. Williams, are you sure your price is so much?"

John nodded and said seriously: "Yes."

Hearing John's words, Rufus Scrimgeour fell silent for a moment.

It took him a long time before he said: "In this case, we need a thousand sets of handcuffs and ankle shackles, fifty one-meter-long chains, twenty three-meter-long ones, and ten five-meter-long ones. How long will it take?" Complete?"

"According to the current production capacity of my alchemy workshop, it will take about two months to complete." John thought for a while and said.

Rufus Scrimgeour nodded, and was about to ask the secretary to get the magic contract, but at this moment John stopped him.

"Wait, Mr. Scrimgeour, I haven't finished recommending it yet!"

Speaking of which, John took out a set of alchemy props from the cowhide case again. This set of alchemy props were a pair of earrings and a tie clip.

"This is the second product I recommend to you - the autonomous defense amulet"

"This set of amulets has a built-in energy source. As long as the amulet is worn, when the wearer is attacked by magic, the amulet can automatically deploy a magic shield to resist magic attacks."

"Of course, this magic shield is not omnipotent. For example, powerful black magic such as the Killing Curse and Fiercefire Curse cannot be resisted."

"But I think such a talisman is enough to guarantee the safety of the Auror's life in the mission to a certain extent, isn't it?"

Rufus Scrimgeour nodded in agreement, and then, as before, asked the secretary to put on the pair of earrings again to test its effect.

Rufus Scrimgeour's eyes lit up a little after seeing the light blue shield unfolded by the amulet blocked the stun spell, explosion spell, fire spell, and other spells he released.

Without even asking the price, Rufus Scrimgeour said directly: "We need two thousand sets of this suit, how long will it take to complete it?"

"It will take about four months, but if you are in a hurry, I can temporarily stop the production of other alchemy props and focus on making amulets, so that a thousand pieces can be distributed in a month, and all in two months."

"No problem, do as you say," Rufus Scrimgeour nodded in agreement.

"Forbidden series props can only be shipped in four months, is that okay?" John asked.

Rufus Scrimgeour nodded. Compared with alchemy props that can restrict prisoners, amulets that can ensure the safety of Aurors are more important. The sooner they are prepared, the sooner they can be guaranteed.

"That's all the alchemy items I want to sell for the time being. At that time, you can send someone to pick up the items from the Red Dragon Alchemy House in Diagon Alley, or I can send an elf to deliver them to your door. It depends on your choice."

"Moreover, I guarantee that the alchemy props of the forbidden magic series provided to you will not be sold in the store, you can rest assured."

Hearing John take the initiative to say this sentence, Rufus Scrimgeour's rating for John rose a lot again.

"It seems that you can't underestimate each other just because of their age," Rufus Scrimgeour said inwardly.
"I'll send someone to pick it up."

John and Rufus Skrein then signed the magic contract together in the presence of Arthur Weasley.

The moment the magic contract came into effect, Rufus Scrimgeour shook hands with John again, and hinted that he would help John resist some troubles in the future.

For the kindness offered by the Auror office director, John naturally has no need to refuse, this was originally one of the goals he planned to achieve.

John knows how big a cake will be involved in his alchemy house in the future, and there must be many jealous people in the future.

Plan in advance, before he grows up, even if someone wants to pick peaches, someone will naturally help him cut off those people's claws.

When he is completely invincible to the entire wizarding world, there is no need to worry about someone taking action at that time, and they will be the ones to worry about.

Leaving the Magic Auror office, Arthur Weasley sent John all the way to the gate of the Ministry of Magic.

Just when John was about to leave, Arthur hesitated for a long time and finally stopped John.

"John, although it is very abrupt to say so, I would like to buy a few sets of alchemy amulets from you. You know, I have a lot of children in my family, and I am worried that they will be hurt..."

John raised his hand to stop what Arthur was going to say next, and said directly: "Needless to say, I know what you mean, Mr. Weasley, in fact Ron is my friend, I can give you some custom-made amulets .”


Arthur really wanted to refuse John's gift, but considering the family's financial conditions, the father finally didn't say that.

John also saw Arthur's embarrassment, thought for a while and said again: "Actually, I am very interested in the speeding car you mentioned. If you want, the amulet can also be used as a tuition fee for me to learn about alchemy from you. You see How about it?"

"Of course, as long as you want, I welcome you to study anytime." Arthur said with a smile.

After setting a time for his visit, John bid farewell to Arthur Weasley, walked into the fireplace, sprinkled Floo powder and left the Ministry of Magic.

 I'm still not used to voice input, I'm still used to typing, it's a bit late, I'm very sorry.

  Also, because I read the comments before, I was a little anxious to write.

  The part about saving the mother was indeed not very well written, which disappointed everyone.

  But I've tried my best to fix it.

  Just like the previous ones that everyone thinks are not good, I have also modified them.

  Like Dumbledore asking John to remind Harry that they

  And Dumbledore let go of Tom's main spirit
  I have revised all of these, and I would like to thank all readers for their revision comments, thank you very much.

  I will try my best to write this book well.

(End of this chapter)

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