Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 6 The end of the war and departure

Chapter 6 The end of the war and departure

If you ask gangsters to evaluate the recent underground time, you only need one word to sum it up.


When the Tomahawks fired an almost tragic shot at the Brown Bears, the whole underground world suddenly set off a bloodbath.

Attacks, assassinations, explosions happen all the time.

Every morning, ordinary people can either see the police cleaning the streets on the street, or they can see the violent incidents occupying several large pages in the newspapers.

More and more gangs are involved, and even some strange people are also involved in the chaos.

The think tanks of the gangs can detect that there is a black hand behind this war that is stirring up the wind and rain, and there are very unnatural traces and details in many things that intensify the conflict.

It's a pity that in the current situation, even if this speculation is raised, no one will care.

There is a black hand?Who the hell cares, I just want to kill the bastards who killed my brother right now!
This storm that has swept through the entire underground world has lasted for a week, and the situation has not stabilized, but instead slipped into an even more chaotic abyss.

After all, the current government is no longer able to manage these things, not only because these gangsters have sufficient firepower and a large number of people.

It is also because the violent system such as the police is either completely shut down, or it is close to independence if it listens to the tune and does not listen to the propaganda, and those high-ranking gentlemen are now concerned about how to sell the country for a good price.

Finally, this almost terrifying gang war inevitably affected the wizarding world. After all, there are not only pure-bloods, half-bloods, but also Muggle wizards in this world.

These wizards who were born in the Muggle world, they have family members, friends, close people, or their own families are gangsters.

In such a large-scale war, even with the utmost restraint, it is inevitable that some ordinary people will be accidentally injured, let alone gangsters who died in droves.

Driven by a certain black hand, when the first ray of magic shines in the gang war, more and more wizards ignore the "International Statute of Secrecy" and show their magic in front of Muggles, escalating the situation into a small war wizard wars.

The Ministry of Magic is in!

A large number of Aurors belonging to the Soviet Ministry of Magic began to act, casting the Oblivion Curse on a large scale, and investigating the cause of the whole incident.

In the end, all the answers point to the power of the country far in the west - the 28 pure-blooded British races.

And the more in-depth investigations, the more criminal evidence related to black magic and smuggling will be found. When these criminal evidences were finally presented to the British Minister of Magic Fudge, this matter had already risen to the national level.

A week after the magic world completely quelled the influence of the gang war, the British Ministry of Magic, under pressure from the Soviet Ministry of Magic, took action against the most important families in this investigation.

Among them, John's original family was naturally included.

The British Ministry of Magic not only mobilized a large number of Aurors for this operation, but even elite Aurors who had survived the Second Dark Lord War.

For example, the captain of this operation is the former Auror Mad-Eye who retired after the downfall of Voldemort——Alastor Moody

In fact, it is really helpless for the British Ministry of Magic to be so tough this time. After all, a large part of the Holy 28 is actually the financial master behind the Ministry of Magic.

But the Soviet Ministry of Magic didn't care about this, and directly sent an investigation team composed of 700 wizards to assist the British Ministry of Magic. Among them, there were more than [-] Aurors who had experienced many battles, which was shocking.Such power makes the British Ministry of Magic have to take it seriously.

Just these [-] elite Aurors, not to mention destroying a pure-blood family, is more than enough to attack the entire British Ministry of Magic.

Just when the entire British wizarding community was paying attention to the results of this investigation.

John, who brought about this war with deep merit and fame,
Just like the day when he left, he quietly appeared in front of the orphanage. Under the surprised eyes of everyone in the orphanage, he was wearing decent clothes and carrying an obviously valuable leather case, and returned to his home. In the attic room.

"Sure enough, those street lamp pendants are right, the fastest increase in capital is always chaos!"

Put the box with the permanent traceless stretching spell in his hand on the table, which contained a lot of pounds.

There are also [-] gold Galleons, hundreds of magic books, alchemy props with different functions, and a large number of magical plant materials and magical animal materials.

Take out an alchemy prop in the shape of a dwarf, enter the magic power into it, and throw it in the center of the house.

This is an alchemy item that can release the Muggle Repelling Curse. After inputting magic power, the alchemy item can be used as the center to create an invisible barrier.

Completely wrap his room, and let it disappear from the eyes of everyone in the orphanage in the next three days, until the magic power input into it is completely consumed.

The reason why John did this was naturally to guard against people's hearts. After all, everyone could see that he was very rich now, and being rich in an orphanage was not a good thing.

John wouldn't choose to come back here if it wasn't for the fact that the housing problem hadn't been settled yet.

Taking off the high-end tailored coat, John sat on the chair and shouted: "Tom!"

"Tom bows to the greatest and most merciful little master" came a shrill voice
A certain space in the house was suddenly distorted, and then a house elf in custom-made clothes appeared in front of John, bowing his head respectfully to him.

This house-elf named 'Tom' whom he had a bit of a naughty taste for was rescued from a warehouse storing smuggled goods when he was active in that big red country, just like those gold Galleons, Same as magic material.

Naturally, the other party regarded John who saved his life as his master and devoted his loyalty to him.

For the house elf who is loyal to him, John, who has inherited everything from the soul of the blue planet, will naturally not treat him harshly. For example, the clothes Tom is wearing now are the high-end children's clothes he bought in the store.

At that time, Tom was worried for a long time, fearing that John would not want him. After John explained for a long time, he put on the suit with peace of mind. This also made Tom complete 200% of John's orders seriously.

With the help of Tom's apparition, the efficiency of his plan implementation has been significantly increased, and it has also made it easier for him to collect those magic items.

After all, no one would find out who sent the house-elf to buy illegal magic materials. They would happily accept the Galleon handed over by the other party and complete the transaction.

This is also the case, so he was able to return to the orphanage before the cooldown time for crossing the boundary expired.

However, compared to these foreign objects, what is more important is that John has an estimate of his actual combat effectiveness.

Most of the wizards were unable to react immediately to the magic bullets fired by launching sniper techniques against John at a high altitude, and their lives were easily taken away.

However, in the face of wizards who are gifted with strong perception and carry alchemy props, they will immediately discover the rapidly approaching magic power and make corresponding dodge or protection.

For example, armor body protection, a wizard who is proficient in this spell can block at least ten magic bullets with sniper spells attached.

Even wizards who are not proficient in armor and body protection can block the attack of magic bullets in advance through other spells.

Even with the addition of the Explosive Flame Art, it is possible to leave the range of the explosion through Apparition.

And compared to the endless streams of magic spells in the main world, each with its own effect, the spells that serve war are still too simple. Although some aspects are stronger than magic spells, they still dominate overall.

However, the defensive technique still surprised John.

The defense techniques in Tanya World are divided into active mode and passive mode. The passive mode can operate by itself after being released, and can automatically deploy the magic shield to defend against attacks such as rifle bullets.

In the main world, it may be because this is also a shield built by magic power, which can block the attack of the spell, but basically it is a less powerful spell, such as a thunderbolt explosion that can shatter the shield.

As for the active mode, I don't know if it is because of the need to defend against powerful weapons such as anti-aircraft machine guns and shells on the battlefield. The magic shield deployed in the active mode increases the defense by more than ten times compared to the passive mode.

In this mode, you can basically defend against most spell attacks, but there are exceptions.

For example, the use of the Transformation Curse, which attacks the shield in a purely physical way, exceeds the limit of the shield in a short period of time, and shatters the shield without giving John a chance to repair it.

This is very similar to Tanya World's approach to the magister's troops. A concentrated fire attack prevents the magister from repairing the shield in time, and the exhibition is forced to be smashed to successfully kill the magister.

For example, some powerful spells, the Fiercefire Curse can ignite the shield, and the Killing Curse can even penetrate the shield directly.

John would never forget that touch of green. If he hadn't used optical science to create a phantom to confuse the black wizard, the death curse would have fallen on him.

The optical formula is a technique that distorts light to create a realistic phantom. It can be combined with the voice-changing formula to make it look like the real thing. It is mostly used to lure the enemy or distract attention on the battlefield.

This experience made John, who was complacent because of gaining strength, sober up. If he hadn't been cautious and lucky enough, he would now be a corpse again.

On the road of extraordinaryness, arrogance and complacency are often the beginning of tragedy. Only by respecting all knowledge and being careful and humble enough can we go on smoothly.

"Examine myself three times a day, the words of the sage are indeed true"

I reviewed this operation several times again, summed up and reflected on the mistakes that should not be made.

John asked Tom to deliver dinner, and after a full meal, he fell asleep on the bed with exhaustion...

"Have you really decided? John, I don't want to ask where you got the money, but you are still so young, can you really live alone?"

"Mary Mary, don't worry, I can take care of myself." John said with a smile to the kind and worried Mary in front of him, who was wearing a nun's attire

"Actually, I don't live alone. I just received a message from a relative when I went out this time. She will find someone to take care of my daily life."

Seeing the worry dissipated on Mammy Mary's face, John handed out the envelope in his hand again.

It contained ten thousand pounds, which he gave to help the orphanage and to repay Aunt Mary.

In memory, the original body was unable to adapt to life in the Muggle world for a short period of time because he lived in the wizarding world all year round, and often did things that ordinary people thought were unimaginable or even crazy.

This also caused him to be disliked by other children and staff, and he was more or less treated differently and bullied.

At that time, it was Sister Mary who was the dean who protected him and led him to adapt to life in the Muggle world, for which the original body was also very grateful to Sister Mary.

"It's too much, John, and you need the money more than I do." Sister Mary smiled and reached out to help John cut his hair. "You are a good boy, as long as you are healthy and happy in the future, it will be the greatest help to me." .”

Feeling the kindness and firmness, she silently put the envelope back into her arms. Anyway, there is plenty of time and ways to repay Aunt Mary, so there is really no need to be so anxious.

Embrace this old man who takes love as his creed and carries it out all his life.

"I hope you will be healthy and happy in the future, Mammy, and I will come back to see you"

Sister Mary didn't say much, and patted John's head.

On April 1991, 4, he said goodbye to Sister Mary for the last time, and John left the Williams Orphanage in a real sense.

 Reminder: The setting pictures related to the work have been uploaded in the comment area and are updated in real time. If you are interested, you can check it out.
(End of this chapter)

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