Chapter 5 War!war!
Okom Popov stands on a Moscow road in the early morning with a cigarette in his mouth.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, the new girl in the club last night made him want to stop, so he didn't notice that it was too late to play.

After all, these girls who were cheated to make a living are all students of higher universities, and that kind of innocence is worth savoring carefully.

If it weren't for the gang's sense of mission to remind him that there is still something to do, he would actually like to start another fierce battle with the beautiful girl last night on this bright morning.

A cloud of lead gray smoke spewed out from Ockham's mouth, and drifted towards the sky that was also lead gray. The billowing smoke from the factory chimneys in the distance seemed to be connected with the cloud.

Just when Ocomm took out his second cigarette and was about to light it, he saw a dark Cadillac Eldorado driving slowly towards this side from a distance.

Seeing the familiar model and the license plate number that must be remembered, Ocombe immediately threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and walked to the side of the road respectfully.

As the car slowly stopped in front of him, the driver's window was slowly lowered.

A man wearing a military leather jacket and sunglasses looked at Ocom with a blank expression.


The other party's tone was colder and tougher than the frozen soil in the suburbs, but Ockham had long been used to the other party's attitude.

Saluting respectfully to the back seat, Ockham trotted to the side of the co-pilot, took out a handkerchief and put it in his palm, and gently and carefully opened the door.

Holding his breath, he carefully sat on the co-pilot, and closed the door again with an almost humble force.Okom breathed a sigh of relief and began to breathe carefully.

After all, the one sitting in the back seat is Yegor Toktahonov, the younger brother of his gang Tomahawk, the boss Alimjian Toktahonov.

It can be seen from the series of actions of Ocombe just now that this Mr. Yegor is not an easy person to get along with.

Just as Ockham was sitting in the car, taking out his notebook from his pocket to confirm today's itinerary, he heard an emotionless voice behind him reaching his ears. "Ocomb, how many years have you been in the gang?"

Although startled by the voice, Ockham immediately adjusted his mood, lowered his head and said in a humble and respectful voice, even flattering.

"It's been nine years, Mr. Toktakhonov"

"It's been nine years, how time flies." The other party's voice was full of emotion, "I still remember your mother's pies, they taste really good."

Ockham lowered his head firmly, he was full of apprehension now, he didn't know if the other party was really sighing with him, or beating himself secretly.

But then the other party's voice returned to its previous indifference.

"Can I trust you, Okom Popov"

The uneasiness in his heart was magnified in an instant, and the unspeakable fear completely swallowed Ockham's heart, and he could clearly feel two eyes falling on him.

One belonged to Yegor Toktakhonov's husband, and the other belonged to the driver next to him.

And he just noticed that at some point, the car that was driving had already stopped by the side of the road. From the corner of his eye, he could clearly see the driver turned sideways to face him, revealing the cold light on his waist.

He instantly recognized what the cold light was.

It was a standard Makarov pistol, fully loaded, with the safety on.

he knows he should answer the question

He opened his mouth.

"Mr. Toktahonov, my loyalty to you is higher than that of Franklin. If this is a lie, then I will be taken away by the KGB in my sleep!"

After he rang with a trembling voice, there was a brief silence in the car, and then Ocomm clearly heard a low laugh from the back seat.

In an instant, the fear in his heart receded, the shadow of death dissipated, and he knew that he had passed the test.

"Very well, remember what you said, Ocombe!"

"Next, you will follow me to carry out a special transaction. No matter what incredible things you see at that time, you are not allowed to make any noise, just listen to Kosovich's orders, understand?"


Soon the dark Cadillac Eldorado restarted and headed for the outskirts far away from Moscow.

As time goes by, they are farther and farther away from civilization and closer to the wilderness.

Except for the tough aspen outside the window, there is a stretch of white. At this moment, Ocomb even feels that only they are left in the world, and this Cadillac Eldorak

At this moment, he suddenly felt some kind of uneasiness that went deep into his bones, and this uneasiness made his body tremble slightly subconsciously.

The more he tried to calm himself down, the stronger the uneasiness in his heart became.

Finally, at the height of the emotion, the car stopped and the uneasiness dissipated.

"get off!"

Still using simple words, still opening the door carefully and respectfully to get out of the car, Okom followed the driver, that is, Kosovich, and got out of the car.

The place where they are now is a camp in the forest. Apart from the cars, they and the tree stumps buried under the wind and snow, there is only a simple wooden house left.

Carefully took the other person out of the trunk, handed him the cowhide case, and he hugged it in his arms.


Okom hugged the cowhide box tightly, followed Kosovich step by step, and walked towards the simple wooden house.

But just when they were about to approach the wooden house, Kosovich suddenly stopped, and just when Okom wondered why the other party stopped, the answer came to him by himself.

Red, deep red!

I couldn't see clearly from a long distance before, and with the turbulent cold wind around, and the slightly dim environment of the woods, I couldn't see clearly at the first time.The smell of blood has long since dissipated.

It was only when they got closer that they could clearly see that there were seven or eight corpses lying crookedly in the hut at this moment, and the dark red blood spattered all over the room.

They have been licking blood with the tip of their knives all the year round, and they can tell at a glance that all the people in the house are killed by one blow. It is difficult for them to think of other than the KGB to do this.

And in the end it's...

Most of them are Tomahawks!
Realizing this, the faces of the two changed drastically, because this was obviously a trap, and the real target of the other party must be Yegor Toktahonov.

The two immediately turned around and looked at the Cadillac behind Yegor Toktahonov. Unfortunately, it was too late at this moment.

In the next second, a flash of fire fell from the sky and landed on the Cadillac.

boom! ! !
In an instant, in the flames soaring into the sky, the impact of the violent explosion directly lifted them out and smashed them heavily on the ground.

Okom felt as if all his internal organs had been displaced, his brain was full of buzzing sounds, and his eyes were filled with darkness.

But even so, he still held the suitcase in his arms tightly, even the shock just now couldn't make him let go.

But at this moment, Ocomm clearly heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, the footsteps were getting closer and closer to him.

Finally, the sound of footsteps stood beside him, and then he felt a strong force coming from the suitcase in his arms, and the suitcase was snatched from his arms like this.

Okom originally subconsciously wanted to resist, to prevent the other party from taking the box, but the hard punch to the face made him completely lose the ability to resist.

"This is a gift from the brown bears, you dregs of the tomahawk!"


Then everything fell silent again...

At 8:30 that night, Ocombe woke up in the cold ward with bandages on his chest and head.

Just when Ockham was in pain and wanted to call the doctor or nurse, a voice that sounded calm and elegant, but to him it was almost a nightmare sounded in the room.

"You're awake, Ockham"

The first time Okom heard the voice, he seemed to stand up and salute the owner of the voice.

Because this voice is none other than the leader of their Tomahawk gang, the uncrowned king of the underground gangsters, the great and brutal Mr. Arimjan Toktahonov.

It's a pity that in the next second, a big hand firmly pressed on his shoulder, its strength not only interrupted his movements, but also firmly fixed him on the bed.

With a pleading, almost urgent, Okom's hoarse voice sounded: "Mr. Toktahonov...I..."

But in the next second, the voice of Alimjian Toktahonov sounded again, interrupting what Okom was about to say.

"Well, Ockham, let them go to hell with trivial etiquette, there are more important things now."

"Now tell me what happened today, who killed my beloved brother, Yegor Toktakhonov"

"It's the Brown Bear Gang! Mr. Toktakhonov" Okom endured the pain of his throat being cut like a knife, and uttered the clearest voice in his life, "The last thing I heard"

"He said 'this is a gift from the brown bear'"

As Okem's voice fell, Alimjian Toktahonov burst out laughing abruptly, but gradually the laughter faded away, and the room fell into an almost oppressive silence.

For a long time, Alimjian Toktahonov whispered in the room, but now there was no calm in the other party's voice, but suppressed madness.

"Looks like someone wants war!"

"Since you want war, then I will give you war!"

Then the hand on Ockham's shoulder was withdrawn, and the door of the ward opened and closed with a crisp sound, leaving only Ockom in the room.

Alimjian Toktahonov did not doubt Okom's words. After all, he went to see the scene at that time, and the other party obviously spared Okom's life on purpose, so that the other party could convey that sentence.

Just like what he said just now, someone used his brother's life and the survivors just to convey a message to the other party!
That is, the other party wants to fight, wants to challenge him as the king, and become the only one who sets the rules of the underground world!

"Then watch carefully, Fury from the Tomahawk!"

"Proceed with the order and start a full-scale war!!!!"


 Already come to the station short!Please rest assured to invest

  The signing process has been completed and the contract has been signed
(End of this chapter)

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