Chapter 1250 Devour Thousands
A Taiyi Golden Immortal was watching the battle from a distance, and suddenly a huge attraction appeared out of thin air. Before he could react, he felt relaxed all over his body. Attracted by the strange experience, it is turning into clouds and smoke, disappearing without a trace, flying towards the black hole in the distance.

It's not just him, within a radius of thousands of miles, regardless of the immortals, Buddhas and devils, they can all feel this powerful attraction at this moment. It seems that they are devouring the heavens. All creatures are attracted by this force and fly towards the black hole. go.

"Peace!" Pharmacist Liuli Buddha felt that his mana was slowly disappearing, and there was a little more horror between his brows. He was completely flawless, internal and external, and it was very difficult for ordinary supernatural powers to shake his foundation.I didn't expect that the magic power was devouring at this moment. How could he not be shocked? After all, this Wutian is the son of the devil world, and his magic skills are amazing.

One after another Buddha's light illuminates the heavens, and the powerful power of merit turns into a golden wheel to protect the primordial spirit and resist the invasion of evil spirits. Only the relic primordial light has 36 vertical and horizontal lines, surrounded by Buddha's voice, and the golden light is shining, fixing the void and preventing the black hole from being swallowed.

Seeing this, the other Buddhas were horrified, and they also displayed their supernatural powers one after another. In an instant, the Buddha's light shrouded in the dark sky, and the Buddha's voice filled the underworld. Some weak demons converted to my Buddha one after another.

Those powerful masters in the demon world, listening to the Buddha's voice in their ears, their faces flushed red, cold light shot out from their eyes, showing murderous intent, wishing to kill all the Buddhas in front of them.

Over the entire underworld, there seems to be a strange breath, a seemingly invisible force appears out of thin air, devouring everything around, there seems to be a series of thin black lines around the black hole, appearing from the surrounding space, and then entering the black hole , so that the surroundings of the black hole are constantly expanding, and the power of devouring is getting stronger and stronger.

"It's such a powerful devouring power that I can't control the energy and spirit of my whole body, and it seems to be losing." Jiang Ziya Zhou has a golden light shining on his body, which turns into a golden light mantra to protect the primordial spirit and stabilize the inside and outside.

"His black hole power can swallow the starry sky, not to mention a master of Da Luo, even a quasi-sage may not be his opponent, and he may be swallowed by it." Guang Chengzi's face was gloomy.

In the past, he felt that he was very powerful. In the Taoist sect, except for the Great Master Xuandu, no one was his opponent. He was very dissatisfied with Yun Zhongzi, but now he knows that among the three realms , There are still many people who are stronger than him.

For example, Wutian in front of him is one of them. Even if the opponent is only thousands of miles away, the opponent's magical powers still affect him, forcing him to use his magical powers to suppress his energy so as not to be taken away by the opponent.

"I don't know how the Heavenly Emperor is going to deal with this situation." The great mage Xuandu looked a little more worried.

Although he controlled his energy so that the other party's black hole supernatural powers did not affect him, the Great Master Xuandu knew that if he was within a hundred miles of the other party, the powerful devouring power in the black hole would definitely be able to swallow him. His mana and even his primordial spirit were completely devoured.

His eyes fell on Yang Guang in the distance, and he saw that there was no Yang Guang at this moment, Wutian had already merged into the black hole, the black hole was him, he was the black hole, the world was pitch black.

On the other side of him, suddenly, a big sun burst out vigorously, dispelling the darkness between the heaven and the earth, as if dispelling the evil, illuminating the entire dark sky, bringing a bit of warmth to people, as if the sky and the earth had returned to light.

Seeing this, the immortals showed joy on their faces. This magical power was obviously owned by the Heavenly Emperor. For a time, in a round of great sun, countless innate divine patterns appeared, and these divine patterns turned into magical powers, overwhelming, as if someone waved their hands issued the same.

The supernatural power of the Great Sun submerged into the black hole, and the black hole remained the same without any change. The powerful devouring power rushed towards the Great Sun, as if it wanted to absorb the Great Sun into it.

"Master, the great sun transformed by the Emperor of Heaven does not seem to be Wutian's opponent. The great sun is swallowed by the black hole and is heading towards the black hole. What should I do?" Nezha looked at the great sun in the distance, which was burning and turning into Skyfire, but this skyfire seems to be swallowed by a black hole.

"The great sun and the black hole were originally part of the way of heaven, and they belonged to the opposite part. One represented vitality, and the other represented destruction. No one knows who will have the last laugh. The power of black hole devouring is very domineering. The power of the Three Realms, I am afraid that only the Emperor of Heaven can deal with it." Daoist Taiyi has a complex expression on his face.

He and Yang Guang have grudges, Yang Guang ruined his orthodoxy, but at this moment, Daoist Taiyi no longer has such thoughts. The skyless demons are obviously the enemies of the three realms, and the black hole supernatural power seems to swallow the world Similarly, the three worlds are included.

It can be imagined that if Wutian wants to achieve great success, he can only devour everything in the world, and treat the creatures in the world as his fertilizer and integrate them into his supernatural powers. Only in this way can his black hole be perfected .

"Master, the sun has entered the black hole." Nezha exclaimed.

Not only him, but everyone else also saw the great sun sinking into the black hole, and there was darkness between the sky and the earth, only a little bit of crimson light appeared from the black hole, which seemed to be nothing, if there was nothing, all the immortals Only then can it be felt that the Emperor of Heaven is still alive and has not been swallowed by the black hole.

"Heavenly Emperor, since you have my supernatural powers, then stay inside!" Wutian's voice came faintly, is the power in the black hole getting stronger and stronger? , Let the black hole swallow me, I stand still.

Wutian's originally calm face also became gloomy at this moment.He knew that now it was a life-and-death battle, and Yang Guang went deep into the black hole just to destroy his fundamental supernatural power.

Now he is also riding a tiger. Yang Guang's supernatural power is obviously not inferior to him, and his mana is not inferior to his own. No matter how he uses his supernatural powers, the opponent is like a diamond, standing still, and the powerful power in the black hole can't help him.

"Dang!" The bell sounded melodiously, the void vibrated, and a voiceless sound came from within the vast black hole. The black hole that had only leaked a gap had increased a lot.

Seeing this, Wutian remained indifferent, but only activated his supernatural powers to devour all the power in the underworld. With the naked eye, some ghost kings were swallowed by this power, entered the black hole, and became the black hole's fertilizer. The crimson light faded away, only the chaotic bell sounded in the black hole, indicating that the Emperor of Heaven was still alive and well.

At this moment, in the black hole, there is a dead silence, only the sun hangs high, and under the shroud of the sun, in the eyes of the emperor of heaven, one after another, pitch-black planets appear. The planets are as black as ink, and there is no sign of life inside.

This is the black hole. In the black hole, there is no life breath of anyone. The dark planets are all supernatural powers. Under the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, the dark gods can be clearly seen, and there are even some blood-red gods. Outlined, people look fearful.

"Yang Guang, since you have entered the supernatural power of this seat, today is your death day." Wutian's voice sounded in the black hole.

(End of this chapter)

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