Chapter 1249 Black Hole
Not only Maitreya Buddha, but other quasi-sage masters were also shocked when they saw this. To become a quasi-sage, no matter in terms of roots, chances, and practice methods, they are all top-notch. Everyone's practice speed is basically the same, but It is obviously abnormal for a person to practice suddenly faster than everyone else.


The bell of chaos rang, and the Emperor of Heaven radiated light all over his body. The purple light in his hand was shrouded in a mysterious trajectory. The primordial spirit in the sea didn't resist either, and was wiped out by the purple light before he could escape.

Seeing this, all the demons showed horror on their faces. Although everyone knew that the Emperor of Heaven was brave, but like this, they and others are not his all-in-one enemies. No matter how they fight, they will die.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud noise from the side of the Emperor of Heaven, and a jade-like fist appeared from the void, hitting Yang Guang fiercely, and the Chaos Clock vibrated, blocking the deadly one strike.

A tall and stalwart figure was knocked into the air, and flew a hundred miles away, appearing in the form of a Heavenly Emperor, his expression unchanged, and even his clothes showed no signs of being messed up.

"Wutian, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The Emperor of Heaven seemed to have a premonition, with a calm face, looking at the dark void, and sure enough, he saw a handsome young man with long hair coming out, his black robe fluttering with the wind, it was indescribably weird.

"Emperor Tian, ​​your progress really surprised me." Wutian looked at the Chaos Clock on Yang Guang's head and said, "I've also heard that the mystery of the Chaos Clock controls time and space. Ability makes one's cultivation skyrocket. Donghuang Taiyi is like this, Haotian is like this, I didn't expect you to be like this too. Are you not afraid of appearing in the footsteps of the two of them?"

Wutian's voice was calm, and it spread far away. Only then did the immortals understand why Yang Guang's mana and supernatural powers increased so fast. Turning time and space, I am afraid that one day in the heavenly court will be in the clock for a thousand years. This is the only way. Countless years, still able to return in a short time.

Yang Guang sneered in his heart. If he really took this path, he would naturally be similar to Donghuang Taiyi and others. Unfortunately, he was not like this. He relied on golden fingers, and he didn't know how much mana he got every day.

"The great catastrophe is coming. If I don't do this, how can I destroy the demon? I will talk about it after the demon is destroyed. If I become a saint, these side effects will become my nourishment." Yang Guang said indifferently: "Wutian, since Come, let's fight!"

Yang Guang's figure swayed, and he punched out like an antelope's horns, which looked very mysterious. In front of Yang Guang, the land of thousands of miles seemed to be in front of his eyes. The ancestor witch back then was almost the same.

"Boom!" Wutian was horrified, and in a hurry, he blocked his face with jade-like palms, fists and palms intertwined, and within a thousand miles, it instantly turned into chaos, and the earth, water, fire, and wind gushed out, evolving into a grand atmosphere.

Above Yang Guang's head, the Chaos Bell rang leisurely, with layers of ripples, suppressing the void, and black lotuses appeared under Wutian's feet, and black lotus flowers spread all over Wutian's directions. The aura of chaos was instantly eliminated, and there was no movement at all .

After one blow, Wutian's complexion changed, his eyes showed suspicion, and he stared at Yang Guang firmly, because Yang Guang's magic power exceeded his estimation.

"In the middle stage of quasi-sage, you have already cut off the two corpses, how could it be possible." Wutian exclaimed in surprise.

Only in this way can Wutian break the defense, not only him, but other gods also showed horror on their faces after hearing this, those quasi-sage masters all looked at Yang Guang, as if they saw a monster .

The Heavenly Emperor beheaded the two corpses, but the immortals of the three realms didn't get any news. In the end, they got such news from the enemy, which was enough to shock the world.

It's a pity that Yang Guang didn't pay attention to these things. The transformation of the spirit of Hetu Luoshu into a golden finger is really unimaginable. It is impossible for Yang Guang to say it. Someone will come to you, even the saints want such benefits.

He is still turning his hands into fists and palms, waving both palms, rolling up the power of heaven and earth, and with the body of a quasi-sage, he controls the supernatural powers of the three realms. Whether it is Buddha, demon, mystery, or witch, all kinds of supernatural powers appear one by one in his hands. Almost at the fingertips, visions are generated one after another.

There is a bright moon rising from the sea, and mana enters the river and sea, surging and unstoppable; there is a golden lotus born from the primordial, and thousands of magical powers are born from the primordial, overwhelming and overwhelming.

Later, Yang Guang cast a supernatural power and turned it into a golden mountain. On the golden mountain, there are thousands of Buddhas chanting sutras, blessing the golden mountain to be indestructible, and to repel Wutian.

Wutian's face was serious, he was also a master at beheading two corpses, at the beginning, he didn't take Yang Guang seriously, thinking that he could kill him, but now the other party has threatened him, and he made himself sad with just one blow .

If I had known earlier, I should have sacrificed some price and sent my body in instead of sending my good and evil corpses into the prehistoric world. Otherwise, I would have killed Yang Guang long ago at this time, and what happened today would not have happened.

In the final analysis, this guy is really too weird, his magic power increases too fast, it can almost be described as a thousand miles a day, which is simply beyond his expectations.

He is still rejoicing now, if it wasn't for this dispatch, I am afraid that he would not know that the opponent's Taoism has increased so fast, and he will even wait until it is a last resort to attack the Heavenly Court, and he will face even greater casualties.

"People in the world say you are cunning. I saw you today, and it's true." Wutian slapped out a huge black hole, devouring the surrounding wind, and then struck back, the energy in it was actually similar to Yang Guang's. .

"What a black hole." Yang Guang's eyes lit up. This was the first time he spoke when he was fighting, but he was shocked by Wutian's black hole supernatural power.Being able to devour other people's supernatural powers, and to use other people's supernatural powers to fight back against them, is there any difference between this and the star shifting.

He decided to find an opportunity to steal Wutian's supernatural power.After all, there are infinite possibilities in a black hole. In theory, as long as the black hole is strong enough, the entire universe can be included.

When cultivating to the extreme, even saints cannot escape the devouring of the black hole.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you are strong enough.

It is very rare to be able to reach the point where there is no sky. Under the quasi-sage, there will be no chance to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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