Meiman: Get the Pleasant Goat template at the beginning

Chapter 314 Apokolips invades Omega rays (please support!)

Chapter 314 Apokolips Invasion—Omega Rays (Please support!)

  Ian turned the knob on his belt, and a white-gold copybook radiated from the Tai Chi diagram. He reached into the copybook.

  "Shocking Thunder Stick!"


  Ian turned his wrist, and the nunchucks connected by an iron chain spun in the air and hit Darkseid head-on.

  The thunder stick looked like a shining silver light, but after it was swung out, it suddenly looked like a silver thunder across the sky: "Eat my stick!"

  The double thunder stick hit Darkseid's head hard, but his rock-like head did not change at all.

  The white-gold thunder snake jumped out from the double-jointed thunder rod, and after a while beating on the surface of Darkseid's rock skin, it disappeared without a trace.

  "I smell the power of the combination of war and thunder. You are much stronger than that old guy Ares!"

  Darkseid stretched his muscles, grasped the long-handled double-headed hammer, turned his wrist, pushed aside the thunder stick, and smashed it towards Ian's head.


  The red-glowing double-headed hammer came down from above and smashed down simply and roughly, making a sound like crying and screaming that echoed throughout the battlefield.

  Ian was the first to be impacted by the sound. A surge of anger arose in his heart for no apparent reason, and he wanted to smash everything around him crazily.

  Whether it was Apokolips or the Earth, it no longer mattered to him at this moment. Only by destroying these things could he feel happy.

  "Just using your voice can turn a person into a lunatic who only knows how to destroy,"

  Ian took a deep breath and said to Darkseid in a deep voice: "But you underestimate me, I am not a child who knows nothing about reality. Just use some random sounds to make me become a human being and dream. Go!"

  Ian and Darkseid were quarreling while they grasped the double-jointed thunder stick. With a turn of his wrist, the nunchucks danced like wind, and white-gold thunder and lightning surrounded his body, forming a terrifying The storm instantly separated the battlefield.

  Darkseid looked at the storm surrounding him, and felt only the joy of hunting in his heart. He also began to wave the double-headed hammer in his hand, just like a demon-like violent tactic. The double-headed hammer was to attack and attack again and again. attack.

  Ian looked at the double-headed hammer that could create a huge storm every time it fell, without any intention of flinching. He swung his nunchucks, brought more thunderstorms, and fought with Darkseid head-on.

  Boom, boom, boom! ! !
  The black-fired double-headed hammers and the thunderstorm-laden nunchucks kept colliding, and the waves emitted flattened everything around them, forcing the Justice League and the demon-like army to retreat outwards.

  "Your strength is too weak!"

  The double-headed hammer that Darkseid clenched in both hands hit the ground hard, and a block instantly turned into ruins under his power, and the two sides fighting inside also turned into pulp along with the ruins.

  The anger in Ian's heart increased to a higher level, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that the duel just now did not make me forget it!"

  With a click, Ian assembled the nunchucks into a long stick, put it under his arm, lifted it up, and used the force of the rebound to lift Darkseid's double-headed hammer.

  When Darkseid was trying to control the double-headed hammer, Ian held the tail end of the thunder stick, exerted all his strength, and hit him hard in the face.


  Thick white-gold electric sparks danced on the thunder stick, like ferocious hounds, pounced on Darkseid and began to bite his body crazily.

  The leaping thunder was like sharp mastiff fangs. The moment the long stick hit Darkseid's body, it tore away his divine power, shattered his armor, and landed on his skin.

  Darkseid's double-headed hammer hit the thunder stick, and divine power surged out of his body, wrapping the hammer head and growing spikes, which swept towards Ian.

  Ian retracted his right hand, and the thunder stick fell and blocked the side. The white-gold light of the armor was bitten by Darkseid's dark power, and the thunder stick also bent into a bow shape.

  Although Darkseid was coming fiercely, the thunder rod did not break in the end.

  When Darkseid's strength reached its limit, Ian used his arm and bounced the warhammer directly back, hitting Darkseid on the chest, causing him to take a step back.

  "You're pretty good with weapons."

  Darkseid lightly patted the non-existent dust on his chest and said with a smile: "Next, let's see how well you understand the power of war. Don't let me down."

  "You are really as thick-skinned as a rock. You have lost two games in a row and you can still say such big words."

  Darkseid said coldly: "So what if you lose the game? Your planet is still in my hands. Unless you can kill me, just keep playing with me."

  Darkseid's body vibrated silently, and a tall curtain rose behind him, which seemed to be woven from the blackest thread in the universe. Strange screams came from the mouth of the demon, with different tones, but they formed a A strange piece of music.

  A figure came out of the dark curtain and fell on the demonoid, turning these biological weapons originally bred for war into more deadly weapons.

  Darkseid put his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice: "I remember that you humans have a skill called playing chess. But playing with wood and stones is really boring, so it is not as interesting as using real people."

  "I'm not interested in playing the life game with you here."

  Ian shook his hand in the air and the thunder stick dispersed. He put his hand on his belt and said in a deep voice:

  "All I care about is the outcome between the two of us."

  He turned the knob, and a white light and shadow appeared in front of him, and the shadow of a huge ax was looming.

  Thunder Axe!
  Ian took out the big ax from the light and shadow post and rounded it. The huge ax blade was like the full moon in the sky, carrying the cold and sharp aura of the power of gold, and smashed it down hard.


  The power of the golden element is like a singular point, instantly absorbing the murderous aura of the entire battlefield, converging on Ian, and becoming countless flowing golden auras, like countless sharp blades, constantly strangling Da in the center of the storm. Xaid.

  "Don't you want to see the true power of the Light and Shadow Stone? I want you to try the power of the Thunder Ax now."

  Ian held the handle of the ax with both hands and began to spin like a big top, attacking Darkseid continuously.

  In a few seconds, after withstanding thousands of attacks, the double-headed hammer handle that Darkseid used to resist broke from the middle, and the hammer handle, which looked like wood and metal, spattered countless fragments.

  Darkseid watched the fragments scratch his body. Small scars immediately appeared on his skin, and golden blood seeped out from the small wounds.

  "You actually made me bleed?"

  Darkseid was surprised. He threw away the broken war hammer and rolled on the spot, avoiding the heart-stopping thunder ax. He looked at the golden blood on the ground and spoke out in surprise.

  "It's nothing to bleed. I have to chop off your head today."

  Ian held the thunder ax on his shoulder, made a gesture of spitting, then held the handle of the ax and struck Darkseid.

  "Very well, this is the power I want to see."

  Darkseid got up from the ground, looked at his own blood, and said solemnly: "If this power cannot even hurt me, then I will re-evaluate your value."

  "Don't worry, I have the power. Once I show it, you won't care about things like the Anti-Life Equation." Ian held the thunder ax tightly and ran towards Darkseid. The armors collided with each other, making a clanging sound. sound.

  Darkseid once again raised his most reliable weapon, his hands, clenched into fists and aimed at Ian.


  Ian's eyes were fixed on Darkseid, and he turned his belt. The copybook appeared in front of him and was passed through by him. All the white-gold light gathered on the blade of the thunder axe.

  Shock Thunder Cut!

  The sound of thunder came from the battlefield for no reason, like the sound of drums before the war, like the ringing of bells during a ring competition, like all the symbols of war gathered together.

  Dazzling white light burst out from the Thunder Axe, and the huge ax fell diagonally from top to bottom. The huge ax light flew directly out and flew towards Darkseid.

  Wherever the ax light passed, everything was split into two. Even the strongest defenses of Apokolips, none of them could survive the thunder for a second, and they turned into corpses or trash.

  In the blink of an eye, the ax light had arrived in front of Darkseid and flew towards his chest.

  Darkseid was also very surprised, because he saw a certain concept attached to this thunder-shaking move, which was similar to sharpness.

  As a result, all the things blocking the path of Zhen Lei Ke were cut in two and broken into two sections.

  "But I am not one of those weak little bastards. No matter what my concept, I have to crawl at the feet of Darkseid."

  Darkseid grabbed the lightning of the thunder-cut ax with one hand, grabbed the pure energy with his bare hands, and smashed it to the ground.


  The ax light composed of pure energy actually took on a material form in Darkseid's hands, fell to the ground, and shattered like glass.

  "Not enough, not enough!"

  Darkseid shouted fervently, his voice full of desire for battle, and his eyes dimly lit up with red light, full of destructive wildness.

  Darkseid clenched his fist and smashed it hard on the ground. The huge force shattered the ground, causing the ground to break like a broken frozen river surface in winter. Pieces of it lifted up and pushed towards Ian.


  Ian swung the thunder axe, and a white copybook appeared. As the ax fell to the ground, invisible waves spread out, shattering everything in front of him and turning it into pieces of debris.

  When the thunder ax landed, Darkseid waved his fists and charged towards Ian. Countless figures surrounded him, becoming the pawns of his attack.

  Ian glanced around. Wonder Woman and the others were also wrapped in the battlefield, entangled by the Nemesis and demons after the mutation. They could not separate themselves from the gods and came to help Ian.

  "Unexpectedly, I was left to deal with Darkseid alone in the end."

  Ian took a deep breath and immersed himself in the enthusiasm for battle. The golden shadow stone shined brightly, dragging the heavy ax and killing Darkseid.


  One copy after another followed Ian's actions, appearing next to the Thunder Axe. With its incomparable solidity and sharpness that could cut everything, it struck at Darkseid from all directions, just like a woodcutter cutting down a giant tree. .

  Darkseid, who was surrounded by the light and shadow of the thunder ax, firmly rooted his legs to the ground and used his new god's body to resist Ian's falling axe.

  The Dark Lord's simple-looking but very durable armor turned into dregs in the white light and fell on the battlefield, mixed in the ruins, mixed with ordinary stones, without any difference.

  Even Darkseid, after seeing the power of Thunder Cut, did not dare to use his body to resist the armor's weapons.

  Therefore, during Ian's sudden and violent attack, the shadows captured by Darkseid with the priesthood of war used their bodies to block all attacks for the Dark Lord.

  Ian looked at the disappearing shadows and felt nothing. He still mocked Darkseid and said, "It seems that your fists are not as powerful as your mouth."

  He twisted the giant ax in his hand and switched from chopping to chopping, directly disintegrating the surrounding shadows and hitting Darkseid, knocking him away.

  The moment Darkseid flew out, the thick thunder ax suddenly separated and turned into a meteor hammer connected by an iron chain.

  The front end of the bolas with an ax blade wrapped around Darkseid's waist. Ian used both arms to pull back violently, pulling the dark monarch up. After a few laps, he threw him directly into the sky.


  The moment Darkseid was thrown high into the air, Ian turned the knob on his belt again.

  The golden shadow horse flew out of the void, and after a burst of transformation, it turned into a huge snow-white mastiff.

  The slightly confused armored beast shook its head, then picked up Ian, threw him above his head, and jumped into the sky.

  'cut! ’

  The huge copybook appeared and froze Darkseid, who had just stabilized his figure, as if he had turned into a huge bronze statue that could not be moved.

  Shock Thunder Cut!
  Ian held the handle of the ax with both hands, and the killing power of the entire battlefield was absorbed by the mastiff armored beast under him and passed to Ian, allowing the thunder ax to gather more power.

  As the light on the thunder ax blade grew stronger and stronger, the temperature of the battlefield became lower and lower. Everyone seemed to be in a world of ice and snow. Even the superhero Dream felt a cold that penetrated into his bones.


  When the mastiff armor carried Ian through the huge cut copybook, the thunder ax struck out, and amidst the rumbling thunder, a dazzling light lit up that temporarily blinded everyone.

  The whole world fell silent at this moment.

  Both the Justice League and Apokolips' army subconsciously stopped fighting.

  They could hear their own breathing, they could hear each other's breathing.

  Both sides know that the other side is waiting, waiting for the battle in the sky to decide the winner, and then the winner of this war can be decided.


  The harsh sound tore apart the silence of the battlefield, and the red light symbolizing destruction and death swallowed up the cold white light.

  Everyone opened their eyes and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

  There, a hole was pierced through the thick clouds, half of Darkseid's shoulder was cut off, golden divine blood fell to the ground, but straight omega rays shot out of his eyes.

  Ian's heart was penetrated by omega rays and he was hung in the sky, like a martyred martyr.

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  (End of this chapter)

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