Meiman: Get the Pleasant Goat template at the beginning

Chapter 313 Apokolips Invasion War vs. War (please support!)

Chapter 313 Apokolips Invasion—War vs. War (please support!)
  The moment Darkseid walked out of the sonic tunnel, thick dark clouds instantly covered the entire earth, and deep darkness poured out from the billowing clouds, eating away at the earth's space bit by bit.

  Darkseid's power has isolated the contact between the earth and the outer space. Although there is an intense fight in the orbit of the universe, the people on the earth cannot get any news at all.

  The entire earth was shrouded in dark clouds and became panicked.

  Ian finally breathed a sigh of relief, no matter why Darkseid gave up his advantage and stormed into the earth.

  But none of that matters anymore.

  The only thing to do now is to duel with Darkseid.

  Although this was a very risky move, Ian had no choice.

  He took a deep breath and prepared to leave the Hall of Justice to face Darkseid.

  The superheroes of the Justice League followed Ian. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and other superheroes with demigod fighting power followed behind him. Their faces were all full of seriousness, as if they were To go to your own death.

  Even if the members of the Justice League have some kind of indescribable professional protection, if someone with combat power below the demigod level rashly joins the battle, the only result will be a tragic death.

  "finally come!"

  Darkseid ignored the members of the Justice League, staring at Ian closely with a little red light in his dark eyes, as if he was talking to an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

  "It's not what a host should do to keep guests waiting for a long time, but it seems like you didn't even prepare tea for me, so it doesn't seem like anything!"

  Ian made a gesture to Superman and the others to disperse, so that everyone would not be crowded together when the fight broke out.

  At this moment, the heavy firepower of Metropolis and Gotham was fully unleashed. Countless shells exploded in the sky and underground. With the rumbling sound, each demonoid turned into a mutilated skeleton.

  Even though the Justice League set up such a thorough fire network, there were still groups of demonoids who escaped from the area under the cover of dark clouds and took the Mother Box to other parts of the earth.

  Ian's eyes emitted a light that ordinary people could not see directly, and he wanted to shoot lasers to stop these demons.

  But with a buzz, Darkseid also shot a red straight ray from his eyes, which collided with the light shot by Ian, and the two canceled out.

  "I don't like people ignoring my words!"

  Darkseid's brisk tone became deeper, and the dark clouds in the sky became thicker as the emotions in his heart changed, as if they were about to cover the earth.

  Ian also looked unhappy. He hummed twice and replied: "I'm not one of those lackeys crawling under your feet. I don't need to live by licking your toes. What are you thinking about, it has nothing to do with me."

  At the most critical and final step of the plan, Ian no longer needed to suppress his feelings and just scolded Darkseid.

  Darkseid's body that seemed to be carved out of rock stretched out, and the armor on the surface of his body rubbed against each other, making a clanging sound.

  "Very good, I hope your attack is as sharp as the words coming out of your mouth. Otherwise, I will be disappointed!"

  Darkseid's voice spread around, and the nature of a god gave his every word and deed the power to affect the actions of the material world.

  So, when he clenched his fists, Ian felt like a small boat in the stormy waves.

  Everything around him rejected him, yelled at him, and became his enemies. They all became Darkseid forwards and wanted to attack him.

  Ian didn't say another word, and there was no need to say anything more.

  His body shook, and his body quickly became metallized. The mechanical stone replaced the function of the heart. The courage and power everywhere in the universe became the blood flowing in his body, connecting every organ in the body to provide himself with stronger power.

  Ian's legs exerted force, and the charred ground cracked. His whole body shot out like a cannonball, instantly breaking through the speed of sound and accelerating five times over a distance of one thousand meters.


  Ian's fist collided with Darkseid's fist, and with a huge explosion, a layer of tangible waves was created in the air and even space, spreading around.

  Whether they were demons or superheroes, they were all blown away when the two collided for the first time.

  Superman and the others quickly stabilized their bodies, and then rushed towards Darkseid with all their strength, trying to help Ian.

  "Earthlings, stay with us, you are not qualified to participate in this duel!"

  When the superheroes rushed forward, a dozen huge figures rushed out from the shadowy demonoids. They were all women, half of their bodies had turned into machines, and each of them was covered in thick black gas. Holding a huge weapon, he looks like a butcher wielding a butcher knife.

  "Don't be impulsive, Superman!"

  Wonder Woman feels the dark power from these half-human, half-machine life forms.

  "These women are all connected to Darkseid's power. They are not ordinary pawns. Be careful!"

  Wonder Woman was very familiar with the power of these gods, and she immediately saw something was wrong, but her warning did not reach Superman's ears, and Superman had already rushed in front of the newly born Furies.

  The silent goddess of vengeance clenched her arms and swung it down fiercely. The huge weapon silently tore through the air, killing Superman from his neck, abdomen, feet, and legs.


  The weapon attached to the dark divine power, with the property of breaking defenses, directly tore several holes in Superman's body, and the Kryptonian's blood flowed out.

  Superman's eyes widened in an instant, feeling the pain coming from every part of his body, and he didn't know what to say.

  As long as he could remember, he had never been hurt by ordinary weapons.

  Of course, pain is one thing, and injury is another. Although the blood flowing out of his body seems to be a lot, it is only painful at most.

  And the Furies looked at the men flying in the air, who were still alive and kicking after being injured by weapons protected by the power of the Dark Lord, and felt that something was wrong with them.

  They looked at each other, and then took action at the same time again, making sure to kill this man who could ignore the power of the Dark Lord here.

  Doesn't this man have the word "escape" in his head?
  Wonder Woman looked at the beleaguered Superman and felt like her whole body was about to lose its breath.

  The Justice League can deal with all the enemies in the past, and Superman can mess with them at will. Now that there is someone who even Ian can't deal with, can't he be more steady?

  Although Wonder Woman couldn't stop cursing in her heart, she still threw out the golden mantra lasso, grabbed Superman's waist, and pulled him over directly.

  "These Furies share Darkseid's power, and we need to separate them from Darkseid so that we can have a fighting chance."

  Wonder Woman clung to Superman, speaking mainly to him.

  After suffering a loss, Superman stopped acting blindly and listened honestly to the command of Wonder Woman, an expert tactician.

  But I couldn't help but ask: "What should I do with Ian?"

  "We can't help Ian if we don't kill these minions of Darkseid first."

  "Remember, our mission is to distract the power of these vengeances, so hurry up."

  Wonder Woman gave some instructions, pulled out the shining sword, and took the lead in charging towards the Furies. The thunder set off a storm, surrounding her, and tearing apart Darkseid's divine power.

  Superman subconsciously flew high into the sky, his eyes shooting scorching heat vision at Darkseid. Immediately, the super goddess used her body to block such an attack for Darkseid.

  Seeing that Superman's method was effective, others also attacked Darkseid.

  Green Lantern manifested countless weapons and bombarded the goddesses of vengeance.

  Martian Manhunter transforms into a giant alien beast that spits green acid.

  The Flash began running around the demonoid, looking for a chance to help Ian. The superheroes fought with the goddess of revenge and used their special skills.

  On the surface, they are fighting the Nemesis, but in fact they are dealing with Darkseid himself.

  Wonder Woman and the others were all aware of this matter, and finally understood why Ian, who could often bring them miracles, was so wary of Darkseid.

  At this moment, they couldn't help but worry about Ian.

  There was another brutal collision, and Darkseid and Ian were separated for a moment.

  But neither of them stopped. The moment they separated, they started the next attack, tearing the earth apart with huge force.

  The shock wave of the collision once again swept through everything around them, but this time, they did not separate.

  Ian pressed his fists against Darkseid's palms, dug his feet into the ground, and began to wrestle with the Dark Lord.

  The brilliance of courage shines on him and turns into a steady stream of power, allowing him and Darkseid to not fall behind in this competition of pure strength.

  "Very good. After I became the Dark Lord, this is the first time you can stop me in terms of strength."

  Darkseid praised Ian both inside and outside his words without any falsehood.

  He seized the priesthood of the God of Power, which can almost be said to be the pinnacle of cosmic power.

  Ian's mechanized face made a rather human smile and responded: "I can't just block you, watch it!"

  Happy Tekken!
  Ian concentrated all his strength on a pair of fists, then broke free from Darkseid's palms, jumped hard, and swung his right fist directly.


  With a loud noise that shook the entire metropolis, Ian's fist hit Darkseid hard on the face.

  Such a pair of fists that could tear apart the earth's land did not leave any trace on Darkseid's face, but only made him take a few steps back.

  And after taking a few steps back, Darkseid stabilized his body, and the ground under his feet was not harmed.

  This means that Darkseid takes over most of the power.

  Ian frowned and looked at this scene, shouting in his heart that something was wrong.

  Although this punch did not consume any strength from him, it also proved that pure strength could never defeat Darkseid.

  "Yes, you are really good!"

  Darkseid reached out and touched the left side of his face where he had been punched, and said with surprise: "In these many years, you are the first opponent who can punch me in the face."

  "But it's not enough, is it? If this punch really had any effect, you wouldn't be talking to me as leisurely as you are now."

  Ian stared at Darkseid seriously and vigilantly to prevent the dark lord from launching a sudden attack.

  "Don't place too high demands on yourself, Earthlings. Defeating me is an impossible task!"

  Darkseid put his hands behind his back and shouted these words arrogantly, as if it was an established fact.

  The Nemesis who blocked the Justice League for him, as well as the demon-like army that was fighting the Amazons and Atlanteans, their morale increased sharply, like tanks with oil, trying to crush them from the battlefield. Past general.

  "War power!"

  Ian, who had just killed Ares not long ago, was very sensitive to the divine power of war and immediately recognized the power of Darkseid.

  Of course, this is not an old thing like Ares who is like a candle in the wind and can only survive by constantly adding fuel to the human war.

  Darkseid's war power is like a sudden mountain fire in the summer forest. It is extremely aggressive and firmly ties the core of the entire war to himself.

  "If you give up your power, it seems you want me to find a new trick?"

  Ian also loosened his fist, seeing through Darkseid's intentions.

  This arrogant monarch did not take this war seriously, and even to him, Ian was just a tool to be used casually.

  Of course Ian is happy when his enemies despise him.

  "I'm afraid, this is just Darkseid's disguise."

  He did not let down his guard, but said softly: "What do you want to see?"

  Ian scanned the battlefields where the fighting was going on around him, and was very unhappy with Darkseid's attitude of treating war as a game.

  But the power is stronger than the man, and he has no ability to reject Darkseid, so he can only accompany him to continue this cruel game.

  “Anything is fine, but it’s best if it’s something new, something that doesn’t exist in this world.”

  As soon as Darkseid spoke out, Ian knew exactly what he wanted.

  "It seems that you have also sensed the existence of the bright world."


  For Darkseid, language is not a difficult thing, although behind language is often the structure of a society.

  "Then let me see the power of another world!"

  "Don't regret it!"

  Ian deactivated the mechanization and took out the white golden shadow stone.

  Sensing the power of war, this light and shadow stone, which symbolizes the power of the golden element, suddenly shines brightly, piercing the cloud of war released by Darkseid.

  Ian clutched the stone tightly, and all his feelings about the war, along with his hatred of Darkseid and the darkness, turned into raging fire.

  Real gold is not afraid of fire, but under Ian's anger, it turned into drops of gold water, falling on Ian's arm and gradually covering his body.

  "Snow mastiff armor, fit together!"

  Ian's voice quickly disappeared amid the sound of fighting and iron horses, and a pair of heavy white armor covered his body.

  "Gold" is located in the west, white in color, and is responsible for fighting with iron horses.


  Ian took two steps forward, and the armor collided, making a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

  "You use war, and I will fight too. Let's see who can suppress whom?"

  "Okay, I like stubborn people like you!"

  Darkseid pulled out a red double-headed metal hammer out of thin air.

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  (End of this chapter)

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