Chapter 732 709 Resurrected~
Then 10 minutes later, Li Ping, who was only wearing a suit, and four fully armed starship girls set off from the port of the Guardian Mansion of Destiny, heading for the coordinates where the monster appeared.

At the same time, Holy Britannia Empire, Ninth District, Old Virginia, in a room of the Imperial Intelligence Department headquarters building "Langley".

"That person has already left."

"Start tracking."

"Send instructions to the mole and get ready to move."

"The order has been sent."

"Prepare to drop the bait, and the "test" operation is now beginning. Notify the various units of the United Earth Army that support our operation, prepare for the finishing operation and respond to possible riots."

"Understood, the coded message is sent, and the military is ready to respond."

"But Director... Are we really not going to be liquidated? We just need to change jobs. It's not worthwhile if you don't have insurance at the end of the festival, right?"

"What are you kidding?" The director of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau gave his confidant a blank look. "You think this is our unilateral action?

And even if it is our unilateral behavior, as long as we don't step on his bottom line, as long as we still have the value of existence, he will not destroy us.Mostly transferred from the post. "

"Boss, aren't you afraid of overturning the car?"

"Rollover? Although he has always claimed that he is a soldier, I clearly feel that he is also a good player in politics and intelligence. Then, we can reach a certain degree of tacit understanding in this operation."

"tacit agreement?"

"That's right, UEG has won the full support of several basic fleets of Jetradi, the number of satellite factories it holds has reached double digits, and the productivity is highly affluent. , Jetradi technology, primitive civilization technology, deep sea technology, ship mother technology and many other advanced technologies, UEG's military strength is rapidly expanding.

Moreover, the human-deep sea war has passed the anxious period, and the battle has stabilized. UEG has obtained a large number of individual combat units with battleship-level firepower.

Even the analysis of mythical creatures is progressing smoothly, and the mass-produced Colossus led by UEG will soon be put into mass production.

Under many conditions, many people in UEG have drifted away.

They think it's time to cut back on that person's power and voice and go back to the era when the UEG government dominated everything.

Although even UEG was founded in the shadow of that person. The nearly [-]-year-old director of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau shrugged his shoulders. "Those little devils are their pawns. Instead of letting those little devils and reckless old ghosts make the situation irreversible, it is better for us to lead the plan." .

In addition, I would like to emphasize again that the purpose of this operation is to clear and test.

Detonate the pegs that other departments have buried in the Fortress of Destiny, providing further camouflage with the pegs we've planted.

At the same time, use this to explore the structure of the black box area of ​​the Fortress of Mandate of Heaven, and find out what the real body of the three giant god soldier pilots is.

The remaining action plans and secondary action goals are written in the task book that will burn after reading. I hope that you will achieve enough results in the task. "

"Eh? There's no such sentence this time?" A senior detective raised his eyebrows.

"...What?" The director was silent for a while.

"That's that one, that sentence at the end of the recording every time I receive an assignment. That sentence will always be the director's voice, right?"

"Come on, come on, don't be shy, chief, it's been so many years, we can't get used to it without that sentence."

"...Ahem..." The director cleared his throat, and then said in a hoarse and magnetic voice. "...Your only choice is to accept this mission and use all means at all costs to ensure the success of the mission. If you and your team members are arrested or killed, the authorities will announce actions against you and your team members Unaware."

"Then and then!" Seeing the director stop at the penultimate sentence, many agents looked at their big boss eagerly.

"...this message will self-destruct in five seconds."

"It's comfortable, it's comfortable..." Many senior agents dispersed contentedly.Go to their respective posts and begin to direct the various action groups stationed in the Third New Tokyo City to start operations.

"Now I announce that the Trojan horse operation is launched, and each team will start to operate according to the plan." The old director took off his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, and shook his head with a smile.


Detecting that countless information streams have been transmitted to some equipment in the Third New Tokyo through the relay of the low-orbit ring, the corners of the four starship girls' eyes twitched at the same time, and they all looked at Li Ping who was running ahead.

"Hey boss, don't you care about your house being stolen?" Hyperion (behemoth class) asked with a raised hand.

"I know about Director Henry in Langley. If the operation led by the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, I am afraid that the purpose of the operation is to detonate the nails in the Fortress of Destiny in advance before causing serious consequences.

Emperor Reinhardt is an emperor with lofty aspirations. In recent years, his eyes have been fixed on the stars and the sea, often focusing on the overall interests of mankind, rather than the interests of a country or individual.

As a result, the team of the Britannian Empire is now all of the same virtue.

In the special operation "Ragnarok", Fuso's provincial-level intelligence unit "Yae Sakura", MI[-], Mossad and other intelligence organizations organized special operations against us. "Nus" as the core, cooperate with the nails buried in many key facilities inside the Destiny Fortress, abolish the combat power of the Destiny Fortress and kill me at the same time. "

"Then you don't care, hey!"

"...Although that wooden fork is mysterious enough, theoretically it should be able to send me away if used correctly and in accordance with the corresponding ritual, but no one can stab me with that wooden fork." Li Ping shrugged. "How could a battle master who has fought for decades with a reaction speed far beyond the limit of human beings be stabbed by this kind of thing."

"...That's true." Yamato stared at the distant horizon slightly. "Heat source detected, the Deep Sea Fleet is approaching... already fired, 15 seconds before impact."

"Ignore the first wave of bombardment, the target is only Qi Ji in the middle, don't waste time on the miscellaneous fish, there will be plenty of time for you to have fun when you want to hunt miscellaneous fish later." Li Ping further accelerated his speed of running on the sea.

There was a faint red light flashing in the eyes of the four ship girls, and they switched to the combat state. All the combat equipment in the ship was activated in combat mode. Lights of different shapes flashed across their bodies, activating their own different types of shields.

Fifteen seconds later, countless shells of deep-sea resentment landed in the deep sea of ​​Li Ping and five people. With the increase of the distance and the completion of the calibration, the bombardment of the deep-sea fleet became more and more accurate, and there were even many straddle shots.

"Then, our side will also start shelling." Seeing the deep-sea fleet faintly appearing on the horizon, Li Ping stretched out his right hand to make a grasping gesture, a ball of plasma was charged in the palm of his hand, and then, he swung his right hand forward, and a blue lightning flashed The gun swept across the cone-shaped range directly in front, and sank more than ten deep-sea cruiser-class ships.

The four interstellar ships lined up on both sides of Li Ping's back, ignoring the deep sea that was thrown away, and concentrated on bombarding the deep sea fleet on both sides in the direction of advance, opening the way for the five of them to advance.

 But it’s true that I haven’t written it for a long time. I forgot what I thought before, and my mind is rusty. Let’s force a continuation to continue this part. It is likely that the next chapter can be written comfortably.
(End of this chapter)

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