The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 731 UC0096 of what if

Chapter 731 UC0096 of what if
In December UC0079, the last month of the One Year War, General Rebil of the Earth Federation Cosmic Army was wounded during the attack on Solomon Fortress, and recuperated in Solomon Fortress.

In the same month, Grand Duke Dekin Zabi of the Principality of Zeon sent a request for talks, and Admiral Monica, the highest-ranking military officer in Fortress Solomon except for the Rebill Prize, led the remaining First and Fourth Fleets to set up the space zone to negotiate with Grand Duke Dekin.

During the talks, more than half of the fleet under Admiral Monica and Grand Duke Dejin was blasted into the sky by the colony lasers of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

The wounded Rebil was ordered to reorganize the remaining fleet, and even pulled up the remaining vehicles of the Region Army in the Solomon Fortress, and put all the remaining combat power into the battle of A Ba Wa Ku.

After paying a heavy price, [-]% of the Zeon army stationed in Abawaku was wiped out, and nearly [-]% of the fleet fled.

Kycilia Zabi led the remnants of Zeon to the hidden reef space to hide and whereabouts are unknown.

Kilian Zabi confirmed dead in battle.

The resident fleet of the Principality of Zeon revolted, overthrew the rule of the Zabi family, and established the Republic of Zeon.

In UC0082, because the flagship aircraft carrier Doros was blown to pieces by a large number of Jim rocket launchers under the protection of Kilen Zabi, the pro-guards of Kiren Zabi launched the Stardust Operation.Two colonies were dropped on Earth.

Due to an intelligence error in colony A, the main force of the federal fleet was led to the other side of the earth, unable to carry out the interception mission.The main body of the colony was destroyed by the hastily formed SOLAR SYSTEM, and more than [-]% of the fragments that would not be burned by the atmosphere were destroyed by surface-to-air missiles and nearby patrol fleets.

Most of the remaining debris fell in the northern hemisphere, and food production plummeted that year, leading to global famine.

Colony B fell 48 hours later than Colony A, but it was escorted by the remnants of Zeon. After a fierce battle, the fleet of the remnants of Zeon was wiped out, but it could not be dealt with by conventional means.

The federal army, intending to scare the chickens and monkeys, launched twelve strategic-level hydrogen bombs, which further stimulated the independence sentiments of the space colonies and the earth.

In this battle, the fortress raider MA Dendrobium, which was urgently produced in Anaheim, and the "Zeon" type MS dedicated to new humans captured in the One Year War played a very powerful role.

The two large-scale MAs and several small-scale high-mobility MAs that put the remnants of Kirenzabi's pro-guards into battle were firmly intercepted outside the fleet's air control circle.

During the battle, the reorganized Earth Federation Space Force fleet lost nearly half of its fleet in the face of the remnants of the Pro-Guards, which was only half the size of the squadron, due to improper command and extremely poor quality of soldiers.

In 0083, a Zeon remnant unit snatched three Gundam mobile suits from the Federal Army at Turlington Base in Australia, one of which was a nuclear-armed strategic mobile suit.

The sixth Trojan-class assault landing ship, the originally scheduled Gundam-type mobile suit ship, Arubion, temporarily replenished several enhanced mobile suits and launched an urgent pursuit operation.

Two weeks later, the Earth Federation Army held a ship review ceremony at the space fortress "Golden Rice Island" (formerly Zeon Solomon Fortress).

In the roar of Colonel Cardo of the old Zeon Army, "Solomon, I'm back!", the strategic MS-GP02 launched four 2000-megaton wide-area lethal space hydrogen bombs against the fleet. The fleet was sunk.

Realizing that the Federation Army has become weak under the intervention of the Earth Federation's bureaucratic system, Rebil angrily established the "elite and pure Federation Army" - the elite military group Titans.

In 0084, under the leadership of the Titans, the "African Sweep Operation" and the "Reef Space Sweep Operation" were launched, and the remnants of the Zeon army in the Earth sphere were wiped out.

The law and order of the earth circle was extremely stable for a while, and at the same time, the reputation of Rebir and Titans was unmatched.

The general federal army is gradually reduced to a vigilante force, but because the enemies in the earth circle have been wiped out, the federal army with nothing to do is even called a salary thief.

In 0086, when Rebier turned his guns on the bureaucracy, the counterattack began.

Some bureaucrats of the Earth Federation established the anti-Titans secret organization "Augu" with the Federation Army, the reclusive Zeon Army, and even pirates as sources of troops.

At the end of 0087, Kycilia Zabi, who was defeated in the One Year War and fled to the remote resource satellite Axis, returned to the earth circle with the newborn Zeon.

General Rebil led the Titans fleet to meet them.

At the most anxious moment of the fight between the two sides, Ogu declared an uprising against the tyranny of the Titans (in fact, it did not).

He stabbed the Titans hard.

This two-on-one war ended when Rebill was killed in battle, the Titans were severely injured, Neo Zeon was half disabled, and Ogu went underground again.

In order to save respect, this half-year-long war was called the Neo Zeon War.

In 0088, Admiral Walken took over the banner of Titans and served as the commander of Titans.

In the same year, Neo Zeon occupied the entire territory of side3, the Principality of Zeon was restored, and Kycilia ascended the throne.

At the end of 0090, with the sinking of the Neo Zeon cargo ship "Endymion" by the Titans as the trigger, the Second Neo Zeon War broke out.

In this war, several new human drivers stood out, such as Jiedo, Camus, and the mysterious girl Larasin adopted by Amuro.

In this war, the Titans encountered Neo Zeon's cloned new human army, which was later found out to be 45 12-year-old cloned girls.

This hit the new humans headed by Amuro deeply.

After the war, the 4 surviving Lolita were adopted by Brad Noah, Amuro, Jedo, and Camus.

However, the Titans, who lost the support of the chaebol, were completely disabled. In the decisive battle, the Titans, who devoted all their troops to the last stand, attacked Neo Zeon recklessly. Kycilia died in battle, the Second Principality of Zeon was overthrown, The Second Republic is established.

The Zabi faction was bloodbathed by the Titans soldiers who broke into side3, and only 11-year-old Minerva Zabi fled under the protection of the Kycilia pro-guards and took refuge in the Martian circle.

Because the Titans were disbanded, the federal army was weak, and the security of the earth circle deteriorated rapidly.

The federal army organized elite soldiers and reorganized Titans survivors, and formed the Earth Federation security maintenance force "Londe Bell" with the star captain Brad Noah and the new human drivers emerging from the war as the core.

With the support of the death merchant Anaheim Electronics Industry and the Roche Chamber of Commerce, the super-large chaebol on Earth, Londo Bell developed rapidly, and the size of the space fleet even reached the level of four integrated fleets.

In 0093, Kaspar Daken (the star soldier of the old Zeon army, Char Aznab) returned to the side3 colony "Oasis", gave a speech, and established a new country "NEO Zeon" in "Oasis" with the support of caring people .

In the same year, the third Neo Zeon War (also known as Char's Rebellion, One Week War) broke out. Char tried to drop the asteroid Axis to the earth, forcing all the inhabitants of the earth to immigrate to the universe.

In this way, the gap between the inhabitants of the earth and the inhabitants of the universe will be bridged in one fell swoop.

The war was quelled within a week. The NEO Zeon fleet was besieged by more than six times the Londebell fleet. After persisting for 30 minutes, he was shot down and died in battle. Axis entered the final stage of falling. Amuro and other new human pilots tried to use MS to push Axis away from the earth.

Due to various reasons, the mental power skeletons of the four new human-specific mobile suits ran away, causing a wonderful luminous phenomenon, and Axis was pushed away from the earth circle and entered a stable orbit.

The whereabouts of Amuro and Larasinji are unknown, Kamyu suffers from mental pollution and goes into a coma, Jedoya Sita retreats, and encounters a mysterious pink-haired new human woman on side0094 in 7, and they get married the following year.

Back then, because of the woman's outstanding new human ability and other talents, she made an exception to join Londo Bell.

Under Lund Bell's intentional or unintentional support of bandits, the remnants of NEO came out to show their presence from time to time, and wiped the butcher's knife on the necks of senior federal officials from time to time. Funding and new airframes.

For example, Camus, who has basically recovered, drove the successor of the Z series, Jiedo drove the successor of the ZZ series, and the thief who claimed to be Mia Yashita drove a combination of Kabini and spiritual power. Gundam, Zeon, Manatee Gundam and other new human special machine technology developed new special machine for new humanity.

And then... Time flickered to June 0096...

About 1300 kilometers around the reef space area, on board the Krapp-class light cruiser La Kesil belonging to the Londo Bell Third Fleet.

"Battle configuration... the conversion is too slow! What are you doing!"

"The main gun deterrent shooting! Forced to stop the high-speed cargo ship in front!"

"The mobile suit team dispatched, outflanked and intercepted the enemy ship, allowed limited fire, and destroyed the enemy ship's engine."

"Major Yashita, just like the information, there is a fake cargo ship coming to this route. Please leave the task of capturing the enemy ship." The captain of the light cruiser looked down at the screen of the private communication.

"The hyena wants to steal away from its owner..." Jiedo Yashita put on the helmet of his driving suit. "Is it Anaheim's fault?"

"Legend has it that the ancestral home of the Bicesters, the owners of Anaheim, moved to this newly developed industrial colony, Industry [-], after the One Year War, but that's all rumor.

Because of the "snail" (colony construction device), that colony has been in a state of construction, and it is difficult to accurately determine. The captain shrugged his shoulders. "But there are a lot of similar rumors, and God knows which one is true." "

"But Neo Zeon is going there to connect and receive an unknown object called the Laplace Box. At least these rumors are not groundless." Jiedo put on the gloves of his driving suit. "Jedoa Sita, ZZ Gundam MK5 leaves the ship."

"Brother Jiedo, is it enough to knock down Neo Zeon's body?" An orange-haired girl got into her body while talking to Jiedo.

"It doesn't matter, that's not the point."

"Understood~" the girl curled her lips.Then, control the body to slowly walk towards the catapult. "Plu 39, the mental power is as high as mk4, leave the ship."

at the same time……

——The neo Zeon disguised cargo ship being pursued——

"The engine is the largest, accelerate urgently, the left rudder is 17, and rush directly into the reef space." The captain got in from the passage, turned over to the captain's seat, and straightened the spacesuit. "Minovsky Particle Walks to Combat Concentration."

"The bombardment is coming!"

"Evade movement, block the isolation gate." The captain pulled over his control panel and began to analyze the situation.

"It is speculated that the enemy ship is a Krapp-class cruiser."

"The high-energy body is ejected, presumed to be MS, the number is 2, not 5."

"Let Maritan dispatch, ignore the mothership, and the speed of the Granciere is enough to get rid of it." The captain ordered subconsciously. "There are quite a few, is it okay?"

"Understood, Master." The young woman with the same orange hair but a more mature look put on the helmet and replied indifferently. "Target capture, the heat source of the two airframes reacted greatly, presumably it is a spy plane."

"Master is fine."

Then, the large hatch on the side of the camouflaged cargo ship opened, and a 25-meter-tall, dark green painted large mobile suit with four large armed pods on its shoulders moved out of the ship with the help of a mechanical arm. A thruster ejected blue-white flames, pushing the body forward, and flew an arc around the mothership, reaching a height of 8 meters. Rather than saying it was a MS, it was more like a large MS flying towards the opposite direction of the mothership. Go to meet the group of Londobell ms in pursuit.

The young female pilot named Maritan calmly controlled the body, felt the light hostility coming from the front, and felt her brows slightly frowned as she felt slighted.

Gently press the button of the multi-function control lever with your fingers, and two of the four multi-function armed propulsion balance wings of the large new human special mobile suit NZ-666 are turned outward, and the 6 floating cannons stored inside the balance wings are fired. , a total of 12 new conical floating cannons were divided into two waves and flew in the direction of the enemy aircraft.

The Kshatriya's airborne radar and optical sensors both captured the MS group in pursuit.

Detecting one's own attack, the enemy's five-aircraft formation disbanded, and the three airframes identified as RGM-89 Jie Gang maintained the three-aircraft team's ascension track. The remaining two airborne computers had no data, and the airframes identified as Unknown left and right. Spread out, start a standard encirclement formation with the Jiegang team and prepare to encircle yourself.

Maritan fixed her eyes on the spy plane with a slightly lower thermal response, and six floating cannons spread out to outflank the machine.

"Don't even think about chasing the mothership..." Maritan's eyes were fixed, and she was about to control the floating cannon to shoot, but...

"Boom~~~~~" A total of five thick beams of Mi's particle beams swept across the void, sweeping across the space where the floating cannons were, and all twelve floating cannons were knocked down.

"What?!" Maritan's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Sister 39, I feel like I've won the lottery." Jiedo smiled, and put down the two high-power dual-light Mijia particle rifles he was holding.

"Indeed, the special machine for new humans, with Neo Zeon's financial resources, must have encountered an ace troop." Pru39 deeply agreed.

"Oh? A large mobile suit of the Kumansha system?" Jiedo controlled the body and captured the Kshatriya with the maximum telephoto.

"It's Sister Twelve." Perceiving the familiar new human brain waves, Pru39 exclaimed.

"Huh? Is it Pru 12?"

"That's right, Brother Jiedo..."

"I know, I know." Jiedo discarded two high-power beam rifles, pulled out a high-power beam saber from his backpack, and then pushed the throttle to the end, ZZ Gundam MK5 turned into a white meteor and rushed towards Kshatriya.

"Funnl!" Seeing the rapidly approaching ZZ Gundam, as a survivor of the cloned new human army that was annihilated by the established ZZ Gundam, Maritan committed PTSD on the spot, screaming and releasing the remaining 12 floating cannons, According to the most conventional deployment method in instinct, the floating cannon was controlled to surround the ZZ Gundam.

ZZ Gundam did not make any evasive actions, but was still rapidly approaching the Kshatriya.

However, from behind the ZZ Gundam, six self-produced cylindrical floating cannons of the Federal Army rushed forward, fired two beams of light in a row, and knocked down all the twelve floating cannons released by the Kshatriya.

"Gundam..." Maritan gritted her teeth tightly, fully opened the thrusters of the body, and began to accelerate backwards with all its strength. "Gundam is... the enemy!"

"Ah, yes, yes..." Sensing Maritan's entangled emotions of fear and hatred, Jiedo only felt dizzy for a while.Slamming on the control pedal, the ZZ Gundam quickly changed its trajectory, dodging the two mega particle cannons hastily fired by the Kshatriya.Afterwards, ZZ Gundam changed its orbit again and charged towards Kshatriya.A dodge came in front of the Kshatriya, lit up the lightsaber, and made a gesture to chop.

Maritan's eyes were fixed, and the "armbands" of both arms were opened, ejecting the lightsaber stored in the forearm, grasping the lightsaber with both hands, and lighting the lightsaber in an instant, the four lightsabers collided together, violently Countless energy lightning strikes.

"It's now!" Jedo smiled.

"What!" Under Maritan's astonished gaze, 8 beams of light criss-crossed around his body, breaking Kshatriya's limbs and the mechanical arms connecting the four balance wings.

"Very good, now you can speak well, Pru 12." Jedo was relieved to see that the Kshatriya, who had no large nozzles on the torso, had fallen into a state of immobility.

Mental Power Gundam MK4 circled around from behind and gently grabbed Kshatriya.

"Sister Twelve, it's me, 39!"

Seeing that she was surrounded by Gundam's face, Maritan could no longer suppress her Gundam ptsd, and went into shock with a scream.

"...Um..." 39 Mei and Jie Duo looked at each other in blank dismay.

"To be honest, I thought that the cloned new human army was already dead except for you." Jiedo suppressed his strange feelings in his heart.

"Obviously, there are survivors." The 39th sister shrugged her shoulders. "But...why is Miss 12's technology similar to that of the Second Neo Zeon War?

Even the machine body is assembled from old parts from the Second Neo Zeon War. "

"The remnants of Neo Zeon are poor..." Jedo showed a funny smile.

"Huh? Didn't the remnants of Neo Zeon just get more than 300 billion in financing last quarter? The fleet can drag half a squadron, right?
As a result, can't even guarantee the new human's flagship machine now? "Sister 39 said in horror.

"NEO Zeon ordered three 150-meter-high stronghold capture MAs from Anaheim." Jiedo's smile became even more comical. "Oh, Neo Zeon."

"What year is it, and you still have a large MA?" The expression of the 39th girl gradually became funny.

After 0093, the Earth Federation Army battleships and MS flagship aircraft were fully equipped with I-Field. At the same time, in order to prevent "hostile forces" from installing I-Field, the combat power of the full-beam main gun fleet established since 0079 has been severely reduced.

Since 0094, the federal army has gradually installed a new type of electromagnetic live ammunition gun. The general Jegan is equipped with a new type of electromagnetic rocket launcher.

Obviously, large MAs don't have battleship-class armor.

Moreover, unless it is a new human-used MA driven by an outstanding new human driver, it is difficult for a MA of the same size to show the combat effectiveness of a warship of the same size.

However, an outstanding new human driver can also achieve the same level of combat results by driving a flagship mobile suit equipped with a spiritual skeleton.

This has led to the fact that, unless it is a specific battlefield, the role of MA for large-scale stronghold raiders in modern warfare, when the driver level is comparable, the effect of MA for a large-scale stronghold raider is less than that of a team's mass-produced high-mobility weight Firepower Medium MA < A squadron of new human ace pilots driving enhanced MS with a squadron of regular MS squadrons.

The cost is ranked in reverse.

Therefore, the Earth Federation, strictly speaking, is the newly established Londe Bell. What I like to do most is to get the next-generation test machine or the current-generation mass-produced flagship machine from Anaheim or the Roche Chamber of Commerce, which is comparable to the general mass-produced machine. Matching, low cost, strong results, high degree of freedom in matching, and ridiculously high cost performance.

Therefore, in fact, the members of Lund Bell gradually looked down on MA for large-scale stronghold raiders. This thing has no effect other than mighty and domineering to boost morale.

"Anyway, let's take 12th sister back to the mothership first..." As soon as 39th sister spoke, the machine popped up a notification that the friendly machine body was shot down. "Shooted down? Just one camouflaged cargo ship can knock down one Jegan and seriously injure two?"

"In other words, the unit where the 12th sister is still has two brushes." Jiedo sighed slightly. Beat or milk or let it go, there is also a considerable force, and the combat effectiveness of the elite squadron composed of veterans is also quite good. In partial battles, it can also fight one-on-one with the all-elite Londo Bell. loss ratio. "In other words, since a unit with such a master has been dispatched, the intelligence is correct."

"There are reasons..." Pru smacked her mouth.

"The mission is over, let's go back." Jiedo glanced at the direction in which the fake cargo ship was heading away.

"Eh? No pursuit?" Plu 39 raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"In this direction, their meeting place can only be on Industrial [-], ha...Mia took a squadron to block people." Jiedo said indifferently.Is there anyone who can't be caught by my wife?

Afterwards, Harman, whose alias was Mia, used the modernized Nahel Argama as his flagship, and took two La Kailam-class battleships and five Krapp-class cruisers to sneak to the newly-built colony "Industrial Corps" through a secret route. No. 3", she personally drove the aircraft to attack, and together with Colonel Camus Cardin, she led a mobile suit brigade with an overwhelming force to surround "Industrial No. [-]", and destroyed the NEO Zeon army guarding outside the colony at the moment of war The three Kira Zulu, then blocked the port, and invested two squadrons of special forces code-named "ECAOS". One squadron suppressed the NEO Zeon camouflage cargo ship "Garencieres" anchored here, and the other squadron Under the cover of the small mobile suits of special warfare, they quickly captured the mansion of the Vist consortium and captured [-] NEO Zeon negotiators.

During the suppression campaign, a teenager named Banerjee Links boarded the next-generation flagship MS secretly manufactured by Anaheim Electronics Industry—the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam.

Inadvertently, the Z Gundam MK3 driven by Camus was hit in the middle, and the Kabeni Curse body driven by Harman was hit by his floating cannon in many places.

However, he suppressed the runaway RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, and imprisoned the boy Banagher Links who accidentally boarded the Gundam MS.

When Harman was walking around the ship, he inadvertently felt the Psychic waves of his acquaintances, and in the reception room of the Nahel Argama, he found several students on the Industry [-] who were kindly taken in by the pilot of his own MS, and One of the princesses of the Zabi family.

Of course, the record of Minerva Zabi’s existence was erased by Harman lightly, and he kept him by his side to teach him until Harman tasked Minerva with the ability to wrestle with the politicians of NEO Zeon. Neva was released to take over the power of the Second Republic of Zeon and NEO Zeon.

A week later, the Londo Bell Squadron headed by the Nahel Agama, with the cooperation of the Londo Bell Air Force and the Army, completed the RX-0 built-in trial program - the Laplace program. The ancestors of the family got the Laplace Box in their hands.

Two years later, in 0098, after several political struggles, the Earth Federation, originally headed by the five permanent members of the old United Nations and the G20 group as the deputy, disintegrated.

In 0099, a new unified government of Earth-Colony-Mars was re-established.

In 0100, the national policy of the coalition government was set as "exploration". While exploring the mysteries of new humans and increasing the proportion of new humans in the total human population, countless projects related to outer space navigation were launched, officially setting their sights on the universe.

In the original universe, it seemed that the fight in 0096 was very happy. The remnants of NEO Zeon-Fur Fronto of the Armband Guy were all wiped out, but the Laplace Rebellion that happened and didn’t seem to happen was pressed He died at the starting point, but the political struggle tool centered on Laplace's Box was fully utilized in the hands of the right people, and finally brought back the Federation that had suffered from internal friction all the way.

Commander Lundbell - the child of Brad Noah, Hathaway Noah still drove the next-generation flagship machine of Anaheim Electronics Industry in 0102 - Penelope Gundam, and has an upright character The innocent and pure test driver Ryan Em and the commander of the Londobell Army, Kenneth, who is very skilled, became friends.

—and without using the alias Mafty to dance around wearing pumpkin hats.

PS: The source of inspiration for this article is just one sentence, ZZ Gundam is probably not the kind of special attack weapon against the Pru series, that is, killing and killing people.

PS2: First write a side story to find out the feeling, and the main text is being written.

(End of this chapter)

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