Chapter 725 703 Apostles
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Godzilla turned around and pulled the water angel twice with his tail, and found that the water angel did not move anymore. When he didn't know whether he was pretending to be dead or really dead, Godzilla spat out two mouthfuls angrily. Bai Qi jumped back into the sea without looking back, not knowing where he went.

"Tracking failed." This is the report from the naval fleet tracking Godzilla's departure 25 minutes later. "The target disappeared in the trench at the bottom of Sagami Bay, and its whereabouts are unknown."

"Huh?" Many people in the central command post made embarrassing voices.

If it is said that when Godzilla appeared, it was because the bottom of the sea was filled with the reverberation of the explosion, making the sonar system unable to operate normally. Now that the explosion sound in the water has calmed down, tell me about a modern underwater mobile suit and The fleet of submarines can't keep up with a big monster?

"There is a problem with that trench, record it. It will be explored after the incident is over." Katsuragi Misato decided to ignore this thing for the time being, and then let the scientific research team investigate. "Then how do the apostles deal with it?"

"Li, apostle, what do you want to do with it?"

"They are the pursuit force, so..." Machine No. 2 stepped forward with the imitation version of the Longinus gun, and directly stabbed the S[-] mechanism in the chest of the water angel.

"Ah, is that right..." Li Ping silently watched the water angel lay on the ground and exploded into a big ball of LCL. "Thunder Angel is quite beautiful, and I plan to keep Thunder Angel in the Third New Tokyo City as a scenic spot if it can not be wiped out."

"It's not impossible to keep it." Machine No. [-] took back the Longinus gun (imitation). "You just need to do it yourself."

"Oh?" Li Ping raised his eyebrows.

"Just like I don't make trouble now, Adams doesn't make trouble, we are just the apostles of existence after all, as long as you make it your apostle."


"Hit to server."

"That's it."

"Is this really a conversation between father and daughter?"

" actually recognize me as your father?"

"You don't want to recognize my daughter?"

"Lilith, if you have something to say, just f..." Li Ping hesitated for a while.

"Didi..." Li Ping's phone rang suddenly, and the monitor next to it showed that it was a confidential return line from the No. [-] phone.

"Speak." Li Ping picked up the phone.

"Give us freedom, and in return, we will be your sword." Ayanami Rei... no, it should be called Lilith now, said in a deep voice.

"You sixteen apostles differ greatly in form and ability, and looking at it now, your role in a regular war is not as good as a conventional battleship that can be produced in only 150 man-hours." This is about to start bargaining Well. "If the apostles hadn't appeared on the ground and attacked the Third New Tokyo City, you wouldn't even be able to resist the salvo of a space battleship's guns."

"According to the classification of the army, ADAMS should be regarded as scouts. They move fast in the universe and have many skills. The combat power and defense power are the same. Although we are created by the gods, we are the ultimate creatures that can exist alone, but The four of them should not be able to withstand the bombardment of large-yield nuclear weapons.

I devoured the fruit of wisdom and obtained an independent and complete soul, but the power of the fragments of the fruit of power I once had was also canceled.In terms of pure strength, it is not even comparable to the corpse of the ADAM I was driving. "Well, this is to increase the bargaining chip for myself. First, I belittle the strength of the five apostles who have communicated with Li Ping, so as to highlight the strength of the apostles in the future.

Li Ping rolled his eyes vaguely.

"Actually, there should be fifteen chasing apostles, including eight combat-type apostles, two scout-type apostles, and five logistics-type apostles. Plus four ADAM-type apostles, this is the standard pursuit configuration, and it is also the minimum. The pursuit configuration." Lilith continued.

"Water Angel, that is, the No. 4 apostles besides the ADAM type, me, and the unlucky one who was sent to the Siberian permafrost for some reason.

It is usually deployed in the pursuit of troops to maintain the White Moon.Slender limbs, various means of movement, reasonable defense, excellent self-repair ability, and a multi-purpose maintenance melta gun are all the characteristics of it as an apostle for maintenance.

Therefore, as long as the pursuit is launched, it will always be the first to be sent out to die.

Because, after the spaceship was disintegrated as the material for the apostles to build their bodies, and the chasing apostles were sent to the corresponding "Styx" space on the earth, the water angels with the lowest level were completely useless. "

"Compared to this, I'm actually more curious about one thing." Li Ping did not accept the new setting released by Lilith. "When I invaded Adams' soul, I discovered that your god once left me a greeting.

If you have committed an unforgivable crime, then you must be pursued by a team that can actually kill you.After all, your god has seen me.

However, why is there only one team after you have been asleep for 40 billion years, even if this human being does not have me, it only needs to pay a certain price to wake you up and continue to chase after you on the ground? "

"that is because……"

"Thinking about it now, the fact that you successfully devoured the fruit of wisdom that the apostles are strictly forbidden to approach is also full of confusing inside information. Moreover, you have always insisted that only this team is chasing you, which is obviously an unforgivable crime Why? " Li Ping asked with a smile, resting his index finger on his chin. "What happened to your mother civilization? It was obviously created by God..."

"Yes, you only need a minimum number of troops to chase you, and time is not important. Or, although it is so serious that it is absolutely unforgivable, can you still send this small team?" Li Ping was puzzled by this question for a long time. No, the dwarf planet-class spacecraft of Adams and Lilith even "hit" the earth before landing.

And whether it is Adams or Lilith, their memories are fragmented, and a large number of memories have been deleted artificially, or "divinely".But another invisible force connected their memories together. Not only did their personalities remain unaffected, they were even completely unaware of the fact that their memories had been deleted into briquettes.

Could it be that Lilith really thought that Li Ping hadn't scanned her memory in the past few years in the Third New Tokyo? In addition to going to the outer solar system to deal with something and not noticing it, even ordinary researchers can coax her around with her wisdom of locking the door.

But why was she able to eat the fruit of wisdom and run away, chasing after her an unreasonable pursuit team.Also, the instant message in ADAMS's mind was too ambiguous, a little bit of pretending to be a ghost.

After all, even though the greeting was directed at Li Ping, if it were someone else, there wouldn't be any sense of disobedience.

(End of this chapter)

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