The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 724 702 The Beaten Little Water

Chapter 724 702 The Beaten Little Water

Seeing the water angel flying into the sky, Godzilla, who could not fly, spit out two puffs of white air from his nostrils, staring at the water angel flying in the sky.

The screen just stood still for a full minute.

Just as Godzilla opened his mouth, the dorsal fin behind him glowed from the intersection of the tail to the back of the neck.

Then, Godzilla blasted the water angel with a mouthful of atomic breath.

The water angel just changed its flight trajectory slightly, and avoided the full-power atomic breath's strafing fire.

The angry Godzilla sprayed another small mouthful of atomic breath towards the water angel, but the insufficient water angel didn't bother to hide, and directly used the AT position to block the thick... atomic breath.

"Flying in the sky is no fun." Li Ping looked at the two giant beasts confronting each other with his face propped up. "Captain Katsuragi, use the combat satellite, fill it with tungsten alloy ground-penetrating bombs, and shoot down the apostle for me."

"Understood, activate the combat satellite, output 75%, load tungsten alloy ground penetrating bombs, target, the fourth apostle." Seeing his subordinates go down to activate the combat satellite, Katsuragi Misato turned to look at Li Ping. "Then what?"

"Watch them fight." Li Ping smiled and blinked. "Watching giant monsters fight is one of the romances of men, isn't it?"

During the conversation between the two, the combat satellite was activated. After a brief charge, the electromagnetic accelerator was activated, and a ten-ton tungsten alloy rod was shot out, dropping from a 40-kilometer orbit at a super-speed 230 times the speed of sound.

Shui Angel's heart was chilled, and he suddenly looked up, and saw a red meteor rushing towards him.

Hastily unfolded the AT stand, and the apostle was directly hit by the super huge kinetic energy. The apostle couldn't even release the force in time, and was directly smashed to the ground from 500 meters in the air.

Seeing that the apostle is still a little far away from Godzilla, Katsuragi Misato estimated the effect of the AATIS attack just now.

"AATIS reloads, full power, and shoots at the same time, targeting the center of the apostle's back. Shoot when the charge is complete."

As soon as the apostle got up from the hole he smashed, the AATIS was fully charged. Three armor-piercing bullets hit the apostle's back in a daze, and the AT stand covered by the body surface was faintly broken.

The huge impact made the apostle roll forward several times, and it didn't stop until it fell into the mud in front of Godzilla.

Godzilla: (ω)?

water angel

Machine number two cleaned up please and then leaned against a building to continue watching the show.


An almost full-power atomic breath plowed across the front of the Water Angel, not only smashing the AT stand on its front, but also leaving a huge burning wound on its body.

Afterwards, Godzilla trotted for two steps, his short legs more than 30 meters long jumped, and fell heavily, stepping on the body of the water angel who fell on his back, bowed his body, and gave the water angel a set of bows with two strong forelimbs. I punched, stood up straight and let out a mouthful of turbid air, and then took a sharp breath, Godzilla's dorsal fin lit up again, and almost zero distance directed at the mask of the water angel and sent out an atomic breath.

As soon as the water angel raised his head, his eyes widened, and he fired a cross beam cannon.

"Positron cannon? Is this something that can be shot out by living things?" A CIC blurted out after seeing the iconic energy level.

"...Godzilla fired atomic breath and didn't see you sigh."

"So that big dinosaur is called Godzilla? That high-energy particle cannon is called Atomic Breath?" the first CIC wondered. "have you seen?"

Then the cold sweat on the forehead of the second CIC came out all of a sudden.

Li Ping's eyes silently fell on Wang Liumei, who had been poached to be the new head of the intelligence department. The latter's forehead was also sweating visibly.

The Emperor Organization did monitor these titan beasts for more than six centuries, naming these giant beasts and their special skills, but... this information is limited to the Emperor Organization and the top government and military.You, a CIC with the rank of second-level non-commissioned officer, know by your life?

After a while, the glib CIC was taken away by the gendarmerie and the Ministry of Intelligence.

"Did the imperial organization put spies in our central command post, or did that little brother just have more experience." Li Ping raised his eyebrows when he saw the slobbering child being taken away.

"No matter who it is, judging by his expression, he has concealed a lot from the personnel department, and what he concealed is enough for the intelligence department to intervene." A young voice came from behind Li Ping.

"Ah, long time no see, Leonard. I heard that your blind date failed and you want to become an admiral?"

"...It can't be regarded as a blind date failure. After all, they are not the same type of people. Even if they make do, they can't get together. It's just a simple two-way choice that didn't make it together." Leonard shook his head. "In addition, I have given up on the matter of the admiral."

"I heard it was introduced by your sister? It should be someone from our circle, right? Why did you give up?"

"Chidori Kaname, the Whisperer Girl Adjutant who has been with Teresa for several years."

Li Ping recalled it.

"Ah, that lady... Indeed, it seems that the mobility is a bit too much."

"It's not a question of mobility... It's that the rhythm of doing things is completely different from mine. You know, I like to make decisions before acting, and it's okay to gamble on the probability occasionally. But that lady is a beast. Her way of doing things The strategy is to fight first and then talk, and because of her amazing intuition, she can find the key factors to solve the incident every time, this is the greatest contempt for what I have learned in my life."

"...Ah? How did I hear that you were the bitch who didn't say it, and you were beaten in anger?"

"who said it!"

"Your sister."

"……whispering sound."

"Then why not be an admiral?"

"The ship girl who likes the powerful admiral despises my poor driving and fighting skills, and the ship girl who likes intelligence thinks that my command lacks spiritual adaptability."

"One thing to say, your command is indeed full of dogma and cold blood." Li Ping shrugged his shoulders. "You are suitable for commanding an army composed of robots, not an army composed of humans. Although the sacrifice tactic is easy to use, you use it too decisively. No army likes a commander like you."

"...I know, so I'll get back and be my researcher."

During the chatting time between the two, following the principle of losing to the wave on the left, the positron beam emitted by the water angel on the left side of the main screen failed to pierce Godzilla's atomic breath, but was gradually pushed back. The thick atomic breath plowed through the water angel's body again.

Another huge scar was left.

Afterwards, regardless of Godzilla's presence, Water Angel went into a state of shutting down and self-repairing.The strength of the AT position on the body surface has reached the maximum value observed so far.

Then it just lay there motionless.

Seeing that the water angel was no longer moving, Godzilla took two breaths of hot air, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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