The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 395 Chapter 390 Palau Attack and Defense 04

Chapter 395 Chapter 390 Palau Attack and Defense 04
Not long after the MS pilots of the Neo Zeon "Armband Guy" escaped from the asteroid with lingering fears, they merged with the MS troops patrolling the periphery of Palau, formed a battle formation, and began to take over the battlefield according to The command of the two early-warning high-Zaku units rushed towards the federal army's front.

More than a dozen simple MS Gaza C transformed into MA form and the simple MS Diraj produced by the Diraz Fleet rushed towards the surface of Palau. communication waves.

In other words, the enemy has already sneaked in.

Their combat purpose is to find and annihilate these federal infiltrating troops.

Although these mobile suits are simple in structure, they are very high-speed mobile suits cruising around the surface of Palau in a two-machine formation looking for prey.

One of the two aircraft formations found a small coffee-colored mobile suit in a certain crater.


Before the driver of the Gaza C had time to get excited, the body was hit by several 120mm high-speed armor-piercing projectiles, the fuel was detonated, and the body exploded into a fireball.

Gaza C's wingman, a Diraj, found the two Lotts that were crouching behind a huge rock and shooting with their knees based on the heat source.

"Unexpectedly..." Diraj's engine sprayed, changed its trajectory, and prepared to kill the two machines that killed his teammates first.

However, the dense 90mm artillery shells were pulled into a flame whip, and Delaj was torn apart by the dense shells. After a few weeks of burning and rolling, the reactor went out of control and exploded, causing the body to explode into pieces. ball of fire.

Down below, from behind some rock body, Lott, with a huge 4-tube Gatling installed on his shoulders, controls the spraying of nozzles in various positions, and goes to the next hidden location to ambush.

It is impossible for a small mobile suit like Yilot, which is more of an armored vehicle than a mobile suit, to confront a regular mobile suit head-on.You can only keep switching locations for ambushes.


(920 refers to the ECOAS920 squadron led by Lieutenant Colonel Taksa, and 790 is naturally the ECOAS790 unit, commander Lieutenant Colonel Nasiri)
"The communication was cut off. After receiving the contact that "we encountered heavy fire blocking", the communication was cut off, but the passive detection showed that the gunfire has not stopped, and the battle is not over yet."

"We are being ambushed..." Lieutenant Colonel Nasiri's eyes faltered for a while. "No matter, go to the second ambush site and continue fighting."

A Kiradka that slipped out of an unknown cosmic gate discovered the Loto 790-1 that was being transferred.

Lieutenant Colonel Nasiri immediately manipulated the body to accelerate, dodging the first round of beam machine gun strikes.Immediately, the body turned around, using a total of 8 sets of triple multifunctional missiles equipped in the two arms to fight back.

Kiradka dodged left and right, avoiding a total of 24 small missiles, and the driver of Kiradka pulled a grin on his face.

But as soon as Kiradka's driver pressed the fire button, Kiradka's left leg was hit by a shell and pulled away.

That was Lot 790-2 using the 120mm cannon on both shoulders to rescue its commander.

Kiradka's body was hit and pulled upwards, and none of the emitted beams hit Loto 790-1.

Seeing the opportunity, Lieutenant Colonel Nasiri adjusted the posture of the aircraft, and used the 120mm long-barrel low-recoil smoothbore guns on his shoulders to aim and shoot.

Two 120mm shells flew out of the gun barrel with an interval of 1 second. The first shot hit Kiradka's right shoulder. The shell penetrated Kiradka's shoulder armor and exploded inside the shoulder. Deka's right hand was blown off, and at the same time, Kiradka lost his only beam rifle.

Kiradka's driver followed the impact and turned 180 degrees to escape, but the second shell directly hit Kiradka's large propulsion pack.

The detonated fuel sent Kiradka burning and falling to the surface of Palau.

"Huh..." Lieutenant Colonel Nasili heaved a sigh of relief when the crisis was resolved within a short period of time. Just as he was about to find his next target, he found a red shadow flashing in the corner of his eye.

Lieutenant Colonel Nasiri saw the red MS approaching from below, the beam saber made a circle, cut off the 790mm cannon of Lot 2-120, and then stood in front of Lot 790-2, the lightsaber pierced from top to bottom , and then swipe horizontally and pull it out.

The driver of the Loto 790-2 and the 8 team members on it were instantly gasified by the beam saber,

"They shouldn't be in pain..." Lieutenant Colonel Nasili's mind flashed this thought, and his consciousness also disappeared.

"Colonel!" Angelo manipulated the purple Kira Zulu (pro-guard style) to pull out the beam ax from Lot 790-1 below him.

"Angelo, let's retreat, regroup, and attack again after the Gundam appears." Xin'anzhou sideways avoided the operation of the Loto 790-2 pilot before he died, and used the beam cutter to attack Xin'anzhou.Fronto crushed the beam cutter indifferently and took off to Palau's polar orbit.

"Obey!" Kirazulu kicked away the wreckage of Loto 790-1, and followed Xin'anzhou to the polar orbit.

On the other hand, the Neo Zeon mobile suit team that was attacking the Argama carrier-based aircraft unit encountered a head-on attack from the Federation Army mobile suit unit.

Two Assault Jiegangs, three Daggers, five Jiegang D-types equipped with shoulder triple-mounted missile launchers, and six Murasames. Each machine has more than six large anti-MS missiles mounted on it.

The moment the suits locked onto the Neo Zeon suits, they launched all the missiles, and the dense rain of missiles directly knocked down more than one-third of the mobile suits in the attacking force.

"Juliet 11, here is Juliet 31, laser coordinates are now marked, two space gates that can enter and exit MS, blow them up!" EWAC Jiegang, who is conducting tactical command in the rear, marked the target with the laser pointer on the body.

(Juliet, the code name of the federal MS standard, usually refers to the driver of Jie Gang, and 11 is the driver's personal number.)
"Understood, the gift is on the way." The prototype striker Jie just stepped forward, and the four missiles on the backpack that you said were believed to be nuclear bombs were detached from the pylons and flew to the target according to laser guidance.

Those are two cosmic gates with mobile suits flying out.

Four missiles hit the gate one after another, and the blasted rocks buried the two passages. Before being submerged by the rocks, there was even a violent flash of light ejected from one gate, probably as if the fusion furnace of the mobile suit had been detonated.

After the first wave of intensive missile strikes, the quasi-Agama carrier-based aircraft, in addition to the five ECOAS Jegans and the two EWAC Jegons, will be based on Torikis, Delta Plus, Hyakushikai, and Delta Gundam. Instead, the core formed four battle groups, and together with the five Jegans of the ECOAS unit and the remaining two Lotts, the battle line was launched around the No.14 space gate.

(End of this chapter)

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