The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 394 Chapter 389 Palau Attack and Defense 03

Chapter 394 Chapter 389 Palau Attack and Defense 03
————At the same time as the offensive and defensive battle of Palau started, the capital of the Earth Federation, Dhaka——

"Unicorn Gundam No. [-] unit was captured by Zeon, No. [-] unit was suspected to be captured by Shattered Specter, and No. [-] unit's whereabouts are unknown. Now the UC plan may no longer be able to continue."

"The UC plan must not be lost. Now that the situation of the box is unknown, we can't just sit here and worry about it."

"What kind of UC plan can't be missed? In the final analysis, the UC plan is a random plan made by you old people. The problem is not with Zeon but with the new humans! The NTD system you developed has not proved the new humans in reverse. Does it exist?
Is this the New Human Destruction System or the New Human Discovery System? "

"In the end, it's still a matter of fighting. Whether it's Zeon's remnants or the Shattered Ghosts, no matter how fierce the battle of public opinion is, they simply can't stand their positions without corresponding force."

"Ask Anaheim to fully open the information of Unicorn Gundam, and our federal army will get it back and mass-produce it ourselves."

"Open the authority of ManHunter, let them enter the universe, let them take back the colony's public opinion position, if it doesn't work, let their actions go, and finally shape them into the Titans of the new era, and then our federal government will save the fallen Oppress the space colonists!"

"What does the Space Immigration Affairs Committee say?"

In theory, the Space Immigration Affairs Committee should be the most aggressive affairs department in the federation. In order to allow human beings to continue to survive and the human population to continue, in the middle of the 21st century, humans began the construction of space colonies.

At that time, the population of the earth had just exceeded [-] billion, and the El Niño phenomenon and the greenhouse effect of the earth had reached the highest point in history. Either they stayed on the earth and died together, or they broke the boat and looked for a new way out. Human beings chose the latter.

They raised their heads, looked up at the starry sky, and then established the Earth Federation Government, which ended the disputes and games on the earth as quickly as possible, gathered the power of all mankind, and began to build colonies in the universe.

In order to reduce the casualties of workers, the initial and most painful colony construction operations are people who are excluded by human society, that is, criminals, losers in political struggles, exiles, speculators who want money but not life, and so on.

This group of people paid a huge price and started the cosmic century of mankind.

UC Era, January 0001, 1, on the day when the Earth Federation Government announced that the Era was changed to the Cosmic Century, the first Prime Minister was not on the Earth, but sailed in a low-Earth orbit at a height of 1 kilometers in a 24-hour period Mansion Laplace explodes.

Since then, the Space Immigration Affairs Committee has gradually become the most conservative department in the Federation, suppressing space residents, abandoning citizens, and sucking blood from space colonies to feed back the earth.

The earth has become a paradise for the privileged class, while the universe is the doghouse for the exiles.

The result was the One Year War.

Seventeen years have passed, the Federation has become more and more arrogant, and the political circle has gradually become a family politics that resembles the feudal era.

A statesman's son will be a statesman, a soldier's son will be a soldier...

Just like the current federal prime minister Matheras, his family has produced three federal prime ministers, and his family's dignity in South America was even passed down from the Matheras family a hundred years ago.

Its power is so great that during the One Year War, the Zeon occupation army chose to give up occupying the territory of the Matheras family.

"The Space Migration Affairs Committee is willing to bear the cost of related equipment." A confidential secretary returned from outside the meeting room. After receiving the instruction to inquire, he went outside the door to make a phone call with an encrypted line.

"Then let's vote, get rid of the consortium, the real UC plan led by our federal government." Prime Minister Massenas raised his hand first, since the Space Immigration Affairs Committee has also reached an internal agreement with this side, that is, in If the UC plan to simultaneously liquidate Anaheim and Zeon is launched at this time, the resistance inside the earth will be much smaller.

After all, most of the current federal congressmen expect to maintain "a certain threat to peace", and only a few are supporters of Zeon or military supplies who hope that the war will become more and more ambitious.

The federal congressmen in the secret meeting room looked at each other and slowly raised their right hands.

"The number of people who agree, the majority. Then I announce that the UC plan is now fully launched. You will put pressure on the Vist Foundation as scheduled to obtain the production materials of RX-0, restart Augusta's New Human Research Institute, and use past research The data is used as the blueprint, and artificial new humans are mass-produced.

All functional departments are operating in a quasi-wartime state. Three years, that is, before 0099, solve the problems of Zeon and Shattered Specter. When necessary, the consortium can be allowed to unseal the box.Anyway, the final interpretation of the new human beings is in our hands, isn't it? "

Prime Minister Ronan Matheras smiled with satisfaction when he saw everyone raised their hands.Then he began to explain the next actions, and at the end, the corner of his mouth raised a sinister arc.

The strength of the Federation in the Earth sphere is invincible, and the right to speak is also the greatest. The remnants of Zeon and the like are just the result of the self-respect of some small groups within the Federation.

Once the federation really gets serious, neither the Republic of Zeon nor the Republic of Zeon, nor the Republic of Zeon are all enemies.

Even, as long as the Federation is unwilling, they can't even prove the existence of new humans.

Listening to Prime Minister Matheras' tough speech, many congressmen laughed. Obviously, these congressmen also thought so.

———Looking back to Palau——

As a beam of light tens of meters thick finally fell, Palau's resource asteroid "Kalora A" was irradiated by the particle beam of the super mega particle cannon and burned.

Corolla A fell faster and faster, and finally, 30 seconds after the 187-second irradiation ended, it hit Palau's main asteroids "Calix" and "Corolla B" one after another like a billiard ball. and "Carola C".

Only a dozen mobile suits that made an emergency attack rushed out of the military port facility before the asteroid hit, and the asteroid rock plate blocked all the entrances and exits of the military port under the impact. Being crushed alive by an asteroid for being one step too slow.

The explosion couldn't even leak out from the colliding rock plates, only a little bit of explosion light leaked out at the moment of crushing.

And in the military port—I don’t know if it’s because the armband guy is too poor or because of some other reasons, there are only old antiques like the Musai class and the Qibei class left in the One Year War. Most of them are MS such as Damo, Dreyson, Kiradka, Warrior, and Gaza C whose performance cannot keep up with the times.

Not to mention Kira Zulu, Kira Deka is very rare.

A Musai-class cruiser that completed the emergency departure procedure, or ignored the departure procedure, under the command of the captain, the thrusters at the rear of the hull sprayed light with full force, trying to rush out before the huge rock blocked the military port.

However, in the despairing eyes of the captain, Corolla A slowly pressed towards the military port built in a huge crater with a depth of 2 kilometers and a diameter of 5 kilometers, as if the sky had collapsed.

At the moment of impact, countless rocks collapsed and peeled off from Corolla A.

In the end, the captain didn't even bother to yell, he just took it out of his pocket and took a look at the photos that were sealed with transparent materials.

"I'm going to accompany you..."

The helmsman desperately turned the steering rudder to the end, and the engine was pushed to the maximum. The deputy chief shouted and told the crew to abandon the ship and escape.

However, in front of the huge rock stripped from the Corolla A that is hundreds of meters long, the Musai class is not much stronger than the beetle.

(End of this chapter)

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